
My Best Dream of the Worst Love

...I stood there admiring his face. He grew out to be handsome. His jawline was impeccably defined, his dark brown hair cascading slightly over his forehead. His eyes, a captivating shade of gray, seemed to glimmer in the light. His height is probably a bit over 180 cm, and that fair complexion... .---. I always remember my dreams after I wake up, and every time they end up good, but this time around things changed. It was the worst dream I've ever had! It was a nightmare! My greatest love of mine rejected me! And it's gonna become true!... If it's gonna happen, then I'm gonna have to change it my way!! In my dreams I saw my hubby cheat on me with another woman, my best friend! This happened because of a trivial argument between me and him about a family trip! Perhaps, though he married me, his feeling might've always been for her! But that is a dream. Even if half- no- quarter of it came true, I'll change it! I'll avoid a fate where it involves him and me! This is the first dream I had about me and my lover, because usually I only see about other people, so its a must that I find my true lover and change this fate! Too bad I didn't get to see the rest of my dream because of my ALARM!...

C_A_Gunawardhana · Teen
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14 Chs

Karaoke : 1

Over the past few days, I gathered various information about Ayumi. I felt bad for her and relieved to know she isn't exactly the benevolent type, not in a malicious sense. I'm glad to know that I realized sooner; Ayumi's true personality, or else I would've gotten hurt and become hopeless. My sister did mention that everything won't mirror reality. It's possible worse could happen. When that time comes I need to be ready.

And what's more, during these recent days, it's been Kimura who's been spending time with Ayumi. It's the opposite of what I expected – quite the twist! Could this be some kind of strategy to demonstrate that Ayumi isn't the one fixated on Kimura, but rather, it's Kimura who's fixated on Ayumi? Not to mention Jin has been hanging around us lately.

Fun facts: Turns out Jin plays football and his practice ends at the same time as ours.

Ahhh...It has only been a week since Kimura transferred and there is already so much going on. Like how Ayumi has been deliberately ignoring me ever since our conversation.

Should I be dumb to say that I don't want to be separated from Ayumi even though she could be my arch-enemy? Haruhi and Ayano are alright; Ayano is like a supportive big sister, and Haruhi is like my dotting mother. As for Ayumi... Ayumi's my friend. Best.

. . .

Ah, it's the weekend today, so I'm free from any... *ding ding* Oh, a message from Ayumi!

'Hey! Wanna go to Karaoke at 3.00? Jiro and Takashima are coming!'

Huh...?! Ji-ji-jiro?! When...close...? At least she isn't close to Jin! I feel relief...WAIT! RELIEF? WHY? More importantly...how do I reply? Obviously YES! *ting* Sent! Oh! I sent 'yes' and not 'okay', and in CAPITAL?! Have I sent messages like that before? Nooo!! I haven't! What would she think? Happy because Kimura is coming?! or Jin...? *Pat pat* No, Don't freak out! Be confident! It's ok! I can't cower!!

. . .

*Squeak...* I perched on my bed, eyes locked on my phone's screen, and I jerked my gaze up when the door creaked open...

My sister sure knows how to make people get heart attacks. Hah! This time I feel calm! My sister stands there at the door with her long black uncombed hair freely cascading in front of her fully powdered face with red lipstick drawn to the edges of her chin, eyes shadowed with a black marker, her white dress as long as her height, and a smile etching on with her yellow teeth in the display.

"What are you doing?" I calmly inquire. Her smile only broadens.

"What are you doing?" I ask again.

Red liquid, resembling blood, appears to trickle from her eyes, nose, and forehead. Simultaneously, my left eye starts to well up. I fix a stern gaze on her.

She approaches me with steady steps. *Lup-Dub, Lup-Dub, Lup-Dub* The rhythm of my Cardiac Systole and Intervening functions remains steady. She draws nearer, halts, kneels down, and now she's kneeling towards me (if that's even possible to say). My face is calm, normal breathing, double circulation circulates and I'm trembling. What are the symptoms of a heart attack? My brain can't process it!

"Stop!!" I yell as my sister puts her hand to my face.

"Awww...You should've endured more..." my sister whined.

I checked my phone and it was already 1.45!

"Move aside!" I nudged my sister, and she tumbled onto my bed. I dashed to the closet and swung its doors open.

"What's the rush?" she asked.

I rummaged through my clothes searching for something to wear.

"Got a date?" She teased, leaping off my bed and hopping over to me.

"Karaoke with Ayumi, Kimura and Jin... Your appearance in that eerie outfit of yours might give Grandma a one-way ticket to heaven," I muttered, still rummaging through my clothes.

My sister did something behind my back, and soon she tapped my shoulder, I slowly turned around guessing what spooks she has for me now and *psh* she shoved a cloth on my face.

"Wear this. Light blue jeans and a black tank top with a shirt as a coat," she said.

She encouraged me to go change and stepped out of my room. When I came out and opened the door, she pulled me towards the mirror table. She applied some light makeup on me and fashioned a ponytail with two side-swept bangs.

"Voila, all set!" she finally declared.

II glanced at the time, and it was already 2.45! Did it really take us a whole hour to get me ready?! I grabbed my black side bag, swiftly packed my phone, headset, and wallet, and dashed out of the house with my sneakers only half on. Our meeting spot was in front of the 'Bell's Café'. I barely made it there with a minute to spare. When I arrived, Jin and Kimura were already there. This is Ayumi's neighborhood, so why isn't she the first one here?

"Hey!" Kimura greeted as I approached.

*Pants* "H-Hi!" I greeted back.

Jin offered me a smile but remained silent.

"Where's Ayumi?" I asked.

"She said she'll be late." Kimura instantly answered.

So she told him and not me? Ayumi arrived fifteen minutes late. During that time, none of us exchanged a word. I couldn't help but think, if Ayano and Haruhi were here, they'd pursue me to speak with Jin. We talked with each other a lot the last few days. I guess since Kimura is here, Jin won't speak.

"Sorry, I'm late even though I invited you guys...I had a sudden errand to run," Ayumi explained, still catching her breath.

"No prob! As long as it's not canceled!" Kimura gave a thumbs up.

"Yeah..." I awkwardly agreed with his statement. Did she invite you? She did? She never invited me before! It was always me. It's definitely interesting to see her changing, but is it a positive change? Moreover, Kimura's presence is one thing, but Jin as well? I've never once seen her speak to him before.