
My Beloved Mythica

A tragic love story between a vampire and a human girl. The vampire, Blake Frost, lived for so long that his mind was breaking piece by piece. But he found her and made her his, for eternity.

Ema232001 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

The second chemistry ended, I was up and heading to the class door.

Kyle caught up to me in the hallway. " Hey, you that hungry? More than me?" He had an expression of disbelief, as if I stole his position of being the foodie in the group.

"Yeah, something like that." Well, it's true I am hungry. Just not for human food.

We head to the food line in the cafeteria and get our food. I then look around for her. I spot her sitting at a long rectangle table with the usual crew, but there was a new guy and girl sitting next to her. I start to walk towards her, before I pause.


That new girl and guy have that disgusting smell of dogs around them.

I continue to walk at a slower pace. They still haven't sensed me, so they must be low level. But there's a faint smell of power on the guy, third in command, maybe? How weak.

When I get within a few steps of them, they notice me. Alarmed, they stiffen up and look at me.

I just ignore them and find an empty seat, in front of Sophia and Mythica.

Kyle comes to sit next to me. "Oh, hey Brian, Lilly. How was the family trip?"

Lilly was frozen, so Brain answered. " Good, tons of fun." His lips were twitching as he forced himself to smile. His jaw clenched as he looked at me.

I only smiled and continued to eat my pizza. I haven't even fully released my aura, yet they feel so scared.

I lean back in my chair as I watch them. How fun, I found some pups to play with. I cross my legs and wait for the show. Is it just them or are all the pups of their pack in this school?

" Who's this, Kyle?" Brian grits out, trying to control himself. I bet he's already mind linked his alpha, ah what fun. I wonder if they'll put up a good fight. I should probably avoid killing them, though.

" Oh, he's a new student, Blake. Just started football too."

" I see. Well, we have something in a bit. I'll see you later, guys." Brian says as he gets up. Lilly follows his trail, after saying bye quietly to Sophia and Mythica.

The seat left of Mythica was now empty. Of course, I get up and sit there. Kyle squints his eyes at me and stops chewing. Sophia raises an eyebrow. The other two boys, Kris and Thomas were debating on American football vs. soccer. And Mythica, my dear beloved stared like a deer caught on headlights, blush seeping in her cheeks.

" It's too sunny." I shrug, grinning innocently at them. We sat near a wall of windows, where the sun really was bright, giving me a perfect excuse.

Kyle glares a bit longer before food and the sport debate took his full attention. Sophia was on her phone while eating.

I stealthy leaned towards Mythica, who was nibbling at a fruit salad. "Hey, angel."

She glances at but doesn't lean away. " That's not my name." She whispers back.

" I know. If you don't like it choose another nick name for yourself."

" Call me Mythica or just Myth."

" Alright. Myth." I lower my voice, making it huskier. She blinks flustered.

The bell rang, interrupting our moment. She packed up and scurries out. How cute.

Sophia turned towards me, "Don't tease her too much."

" Can't. She's too adorable." I grin back before walking away.

The rest of the day was boring without my beloved to tease and feast my eyes upon.

After school, Mythica ran off the minute she saw me heading towards her. She rushed to the bus before I could even offer her a ride. It seems I've been too straight forward. I was in too much of a rush. I need to go slower from now on.

Well, I should take care of my other business first.

I'm currently in the territory of the werewolf pack belonging to Brian and Lily, Crescent hound. Just a little warning to keep the mutts in their place, in case of any ideas popping up in their water filled brains.

Other packs I've come across tried to hunt me down, like other vampires they've come across. The vampires and werewolves are long time enemies. They're constantly at each others throats.

Just like us, the higher deities fight between themselves. The Moon Goddess vs. Queen of Darkness, werewolves vs. vampires.

Right now, the elders and leaders of that werewolf pack were kneeling in front of me. Why? Well, that's because my aura is crushing them. I didn't fully release it, that would kill them. My aura at full power could stand toe to toe with the higher beings.

" ...Why... are you here... sir?" An old man grunts out as the air pressure was making it hard to breathe, weak for a typical alpha.

" Hmm? Oh, I was just curious if any mutts lived near me. This city is my territory for now." I look around their house. They seem quite rich, but why are they weak? Or is it that I can no longer gauge the difference of millimeters in strength?

" D- does that include these grounds?" The werewolf grounds are far from the city, within privately owned land in a forest.

" No, I'm talking about the city, not here. Just don't piss me off, and I won't have a reason to kill you all. Pass this warning on to the pups that go to Lockwards high school." I warn them before I walk out their pack mansion.

" ... Yes, sir."