
My Beloved Mythica

A tragic love story between a vampire and a human girl. The vampire, Blake Frost, lived for so long that his mind was breaking piece by piece. But he found her and made her his, for eternity.

Ema232001 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

I- I found her... I found her!

Since we are in the same group chat I can see her number. I save it. Under the name My Beloved. My laugh echoes in the locker room. School has ended for today.

I text Kyle a private message to find out more about my soulmate.

Me: ' Kyle, who's the new person you added on the group chat?'

Kyle: [Oh that's my twin sister. She usually hangs out with us, she'll be here tomorrow.]

Yes! She'll be here tomorrow!

And twins? That's new. She's had siblings but never a twin before.

I remember he said she caught a flu or something? That makes me frown. I've always hated seeing her get sick. I should be by her side. I shake my head, no, I need to wait.

Soon. I'll have her in my arms soon.

The grin on my face lasted even after I got home. I couldn't sleep, so I stayed up the whole night. I never needed to sleep, unless injured, but I usually did so to numb my mind and to forget about the hole in my heart.

I stared at my bedroom ceiling until six in the morning, remembering the information I asked Jackson to gather for me a couple hours ago. I saw Kyle taking the bus yesterday, and then I followed him home. There was only one car, for their mother. She works as a nurse, with long shifts and usually doesn't have time to drive them to and from school.

The most important thing here is that they don't have a car. I do.

I text Kyle at 6:30. [Hey, you awake? I wanna get coffee, do you know a nice café around here? I'll come get you, treats on me.]

Respond quickly, I hold my phone hold as I wait. Come on, answer.

Kyle responds 5 minutes later, [Dude! It's too early! Let me fucking sleep! and come pick me up in 30 min.]

[Got it] Now, be a good brother and ask if your sister can come.

[Oh, can my sis come too?]

[Sure] YES! I jump up, fist punching the air laughing. That's step one.

I take my time getting ready, as to make the time pass more quickly. By the time 25 minutes passed I was out of my apartment building and in my car racing to my beloved house. It took less than 15 to get to their house.

When I pull up their empty driveway, I spot Kyle in the kitchen through a clear window. My beloved seems to still be getting ready, as I hear noise on the second floor.

Kyle looks through the window, after hearing my car's engine. He playfully salutes with his right hand in greeting. His other hand was busy stuffing a sandwich in his already full mouth. He then grabs his backpack and shouts up the stairs, " Let's go, Myth!"

I can hear the patter of her steps down the stairs. She's coming. I clench my fist around the steering wheel.

She- She's an angel, as adorable as all the past hers were. No, even more so. She's a redhead this time. Her hairs in a low ponytail, with long bangs out on both sides framing her face. She has chubby cheeks and a pointy chin. Red rose colored full lips. Thinly curved eyebrows above as her long eyelashes frame those eyes, an electrifying swirl of green and gold. My own usual blue eyes pale in comparison.

She's trying to hide a full, curvy body under a baggy hoodie, yet fails. She seems to pull the hem of the hoodie every now and then, showing she's uncomfortable in her body.

But why? She's so beautiful. I can only imagine, right now, how beautifully her wide hips reach her waist that dips in, and she seems to have a bountiful chest this time. Her legs are hugged by skin tight leggings, too bad her ass is covered by the hoodie. I'd love a look. No wait it's good that it's covered, or else I'd have to gouge out all the leaching eyes, other than mine.

I step out the car grinning, just as Kyle and Mythica walk out their house.

Kyle walks towards me preppy in the early morning, " Yo, bro!" He then shoulder hugs Mythica, "This is my sister Mythica. Mythica, this is Blake, a new bro."

"Hey, nice to meet you." I say gently, as I notice she seems uncomfortable and her eyes are darting around.

"Hi." She meets my eyes for a second, before they start dancing around again. I can see her blushing. She just gets more and more adorable. So she can't make eye contact but can straight forwardly speak. What a contradiction. Hesitant to trust others and fearful to a degree, yet confident and outspoken in her thoughts.

" Shotgun!" Kyle yells and runs off to the passenger seat, leaving Mythica and I behind. I shake my head, I'm getting used to how eccentric Kyle is by now.

" Let's go." I say smiling as I open the back door on the drivers side.

" Thank you." She mutters ducking her head, and gets in my car. I take a deep breath, trying to catch as much of her scent as I can. That sourly sweet smell of cherries. It's her.

" You wanted coffee right? Let's go!" Kyle says as I enter the car.

I drove to where he directed me to, a cafe with a drive thru.

" Black medium roast coffee. No cream or sugar." I say to the speaker on my left. I turn to ask them, " What do you guys want?" I glance at Kyle but keep my eyes on Mythica through the rearview mirror.

" Iced Americano!" Kyle shouts loud enough for the lady on the speaker to hear.

" Anything else, sir?"

" Give me a minute." I say then turn my body to look at Mythica. " Mythica, is there anything you want to drink or snack on?"

But she only shakes her head. I started to frown, I wanted her to have something for breakfast at least. " Do you like strawberries?"

She looked confused, but nodded obediently to show her answer. Same as always, she loved fruit and didn't like coffee, or anything bitter. Her personality was the same every time with only a few variations in her personality traits. She seemed really shy this lifetime.

I smile at her cuteness. I turn towards the speaker, " One medium strawberry smoothie and three chocolate chip cookies. That's all."

I drive forward to pay and pick up our orders. I put my coffee in my car's cup holder and gave them their drinks. I turn to Mythica, "Here, breakfast on me."

She stares hesitantly at my hands before making eye contact with me. We look in each other's eyes for a few seconds, before she gives in and takes the drink and cookies from me. " Thank you."

Her index finger glides past mine, causing sparks to erupt. She feels it too, but to a lesser degree than me as she isn't 18 yet.

She looks into the cookie bag, only to see two for her. She looks up to me confused as I stare back amused. " Dessert." I say then drive us to school.

We reach the school parking lot ten minutes before the bell for the first hour. I get down before them and pull open Mythica's door. She shyly gets down, with a light pink blush across her cheeks.

" Wow, what a gentleman. You hitting on my sister?" Kyle asks slurping his drink, narrowing his eyes at me as he watches us. This made Mythica's blush deepen, allowing me to appreciate the sight as she's standing close in front of me.

" Chivalry isn't dead." I answer grinning. I didn't give a direct answer, I didn't want to scare her when we just met. Kyle started to grumble as he realized I didn't give an answer to his question.

We walk in the building and go our respective ways. I stayed by Mythica, who kept glancing my way in curiosity.

No, I wasn't openly stalking her now.

We have the first two periods, English and Math, together. I asked Jackson for a favor last night, to change my class periods to match Mythica, but only the first two hours were changeable. At least I can avoid that bitch squad.

I sat beside Mythica in both classes. At the end, I was finally able to get her to pay attention to me.

At the end of math, I leaned toward her ear to whisper, " I'll see you at lunch, angel." I watched for a few seconds as she stilled and turned beet red from our close proximity. I chuckled as I stood up, I grabbed my black backpack and walked off to chemistry.

One hour, then I can see my beloved angel at lunch.