
My battleship can be Upgraded

This is an interstellar era of giant ships and galaxies. Special fire warships can regularly enter different spaces, harvest source points, and strengthen themselves. Wang Dong carried an auxiliary system and traveled here. The "scan" function can clearly see the growth qualifications of a warship and select the most perfect ship! The "source point acquisition doubling" function allows the warship to obtain three, five or even a hundred times the source points of others! The "module feature selection" function can make the features that appear randomly become arbitrary! See how Wang Dong uses the auxiliary system to swim in this interstellar era. Control the most powerful battleship and overcome all dissatisfactions! Explore the endless universe and challenge the infinite unknown!

Havocado · Sci-fi
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97 Chs

Space Battlefield

It's definitely not the Tomahawk; Wang Dong is staring at it.

Through the quantum entanglement brainwave manipulation system, Wang Dong always has a grasp of the specific situation of the Tomahawk.

Like ordinary miners, Wang Dong stepped forward and listened to the news.

No miners set out to mine, and even Lao Shi seemed to have come to his senses with a little fear.

Encountering a battleship in the mining area is not a good thing.

In the mining area, people often die without being able to find the reason.

Even if the warships don't take action, if they pass by each other at close range, they may still have an impact on the miners' mining spaceships.

Wang Dong was not in a hurry to set off.

Until the mine owner, Lao Qin, came after hearing the news.

"What nonsense are you worrying about?

A warship from a big nobleman will care about you, poor fools?

The mining area is so big; you just met it if you said you would meet it?

Even if you really meet it, you should be wise and hide away, and if you are still afraid of the nobles, Master, do you know the same thing?

Don't mess around, and go to the mines as soon as possible. This month's purchase price will increase by 5%!"

This guy, Lao Qin, doesn't speak well, but he is fairly well-informed. Without any skills or connections, I can't contract for a mining area. The miners could still listen to what he said.

Most people think it makes sense.

Even if a few people still murmur in their hearts, they are reluctant to give up the 5% increase in return rate. So not long after, the miners began to select spaceships and prepare to go to the mines. Wang Dong was also among them, just like a drop of water mixed into the river, showing no abnormality at all.

Stardate: June 22, 10105, 13:00.

Somewhere within the asteroid belt mining area. After a day of mining operations and after estimating that the harvest was sufficient, Wang Dong drove the mining spacecraft and successfully rendezvoused with the Tomahawk.

Dock the mining spacecraft into the Tomahawk's cargo hold and unload some minerals onto the Tomahawk. Some of these minerals were specially mined by Wang Dong to be used as auxiliary materials for the upgrade of the shipboard modules on the Tomahawk.

There are no precious minerals, but there is no shortage of common minerals in this asteroid belt mining area. Wang Dong stepped into the command cabin with ease. The command cabin, with only the captain alone, seemed a bit empty and lonely.

"Welcome aboard, Your Excellency, Commander."

The ship's optical brain greeted him in a timely manner.

Wang Dong smiled slightly.

How could one feel lonely aboard the Tomahawk?

Learn about men's romance.

Sitting on the commander's chair, Wang Dong first entered the "high-speed human-computer data interaction" state.

Only in this state can the battleship auxiliary system fully exert its functions.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Dong opened the system's optional function 1, different space signal capture.

As a unit of low-level energy crystal slowly disappeared in Wang Dong's palm, the shipboard fire on the Tomahawk began to react.

The flame that had always remained stable began to rise slightly, as if following a certain pattern and resonating.

Tilt slightly, and as the low-level energy crystals completely disappeared, the shipboard fire stabilized.

"Hey, this ship's fire has received the signal from another space and can open the battlefield in another space. Please confirm, captain."

The shipboard intelligent brain sounded.

Wang Dong clenched his fist fiercely, and the auxiliary system worked smoothly!

It allows the shipboard fire on the Tomahawk to successfully receive signals from different spaces in the asteroid belt with complex celestial links!

There is no need to rush to the distant cosmic void area, and there is no need to wander around in the cold and dead cosmic void zone like luck.

Relying on the system, Wang Dong can easily enter the "different space battlefield" anywhere in the universe!

There was no rush to get in right away.

The first thing Wang Dong did was activate the mirage system and put the Tomahawk into hiding.

This is important.

Next, Wang Dong once again released a dozen micro-detectors, which were distributed in the surrounding airspace.

"Enter the battlefield in another space!"

In the end, Wang Dong resolutely gave the order without any hesitation.

The next moment, the Tomahawk's engine was running at full speed, and the ship's fire was rising violently, with blazing flames and full power.

Then, with a mysterious wave that enveloped the ship, the Tomahawk's ship shadow disappeared from the universe and was teleported to another time and space in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, a strong feeling of dizziness came over me.

Just a moment later, the dizziness receded like a tide, as if it had never appeared.

Wang Dong quickly regained consciousness.

Unlike the first time, when I almost vomited all over the floor.

Before I had time to reflect on the feeling of entering the "different space battlefield" again, the prompt message from the ship's optical brain had already sounded.

"Survey radar has discovered enemy traces. The search results are as follows: first-level interstellar civilization, planet-level fortress, number 2, medium threat; battleship units, number 2386, medium threat; habitable planets, number 10, low threat."

The survey radar quickly feeds back the detection results.

This is a galaxy with twelve planets.

Three of them are habitable; there are two planets that are inhabited by military fortresses; and there are a large number of warships cruising around the galaxy.

The most important thing is a first-class interstellar civilization!

An interstellar civilization that initially has the ability to leave the surface of a planet and colonize alien planets.

Usually, they cannot leave the home galaxy, so it is also called a "galaxy-level civilization."

What a big piece of fat!