
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Such A Fool

At 10 pm in Lisa's dorm, Lisa was currently getting ready to head for bed. tomorrow was Saturday, and she would be heading back home to visit her parents. She sat on her bed before pulling out her phone to watch Vines on YouTube. Vines were extremely popular, they were short funny videos that opened the way for many people to rise to fame.

"Lisa, turn that down. i'm watching this new makeup tutorial." Annoyed by Lisa, Emily said with an annoyed tone. Lisa turned down the volume, nowadays she found herself speaking less and less. sighing softly, she turned off her phone and put it on charge, before turning around and going to bed. but at that moment, her phone suddenly began to start ringing, which annoyed Emily.

"Omg Lisa," She said with a deep breath, Lisa was also slightly annoyed but froze when she turned to get her phone, only to see it was Alex calling. She froze, unable to pick up right away. Emily seeing this was more annoyed, but when she saw the name on Lisa's phone, her interest was caught.

"hurry up and pick up, thats Alex right?" Emily said pausing her video, at her words the other 2 females who were doing their own thing gathered around Lisa. Just because Lisa wasn't as rich as them, didn't mean they would just pick on her. That stuff was highly unrealistic, since they were dormmates they tried to get along before they knew each other background,

"Hurry up and pick up... put on speaker," Emily said, to which Lisa sighed for a moment before picking up. she couldn't ignore the call, she just was uneasy about what this call could mean.

"Hello." She said trying her best to keep a straight and calm voice, but it came out weak and soft. On the other side, no replies came for some time, but soon Alex's voice sounded through.

"Are you able to meet me outside the college dorms? there is something I wish to speak to you about." Alex said calmly, Lisa's heart dropped slightly. but she nodded.

"I will be there in 10 minutes," Alex said before ending the call, causing Lisa to quickly rush to put on something good to wear.

"Is he going to try and take you back?" Emily asked to which Lisa could say nothing she didn't know. that would be for the best, but something told her it wasn't.

"You have 10 minutes to get ready, we're coming. who knows if he came and tried and attack you or something? broke boys are crazy." Emily said. Lisa tried to shake her head, Alex wouldn't hurt her... but then a game, a few months back she would have said she would have never hurt Alex and she did. could Alex want revenge? if so, she couldn't blame him. She would deserve it 100 times over.

"..." Emily said nothing seeing Lisa crying, it was a quiet cry, which made Emily roll her eyes. She honestly couldn't understand these poor people. but she was hungry for some juicy drama, and she and the others quickly tagged around with Lisa to go watch. they went to hide, while Lisa went to stand at the entrance to the dorms where she soon saw a BMW pulling up.

A scene that left her stunned followed, with Alex going on to step out of the car. Lisa looked at Alex with widened eyes, not understanding what was happening.

"..." Alex looked at Lisa for a moment, before closing his eyes for a moment before taking a deep breath. He opened his eyes and was about to speak, but Lisa spoke.

"I'm sorry... I know my actions were unforgivable, and I shouldn't be asking for forgiveness, but I am really sorry." Lisa said softly, 

"Why? Was money the only reason?" I asked softly, Lisa wasn't the type of girl to be so interested in money, after all, she had been dating him for a whole year.

"If I had to say... I guess seeing the rich girl's life affected me, I wanted a taste of it. I wanted to know what it meant to not worry about money." She said, making me go quiet... I too had wondered what such a life was like.

"but that's not a good reason, I threw you away for selfish reasons... reasons I didn't even care for all that much. I told myself it was for the best, l was worth more. but it was just lies, every moment hurt. I was stupid." She said while tears ran down her face, her nose even seemed to be crying at this moment.

"... I'm used to pain. growing up, I thought I got used to the pain. but this was the first time I felt a pain I could never get used to. something I would not wish upon my worst enemy. I called you here to get closure, I could never trust you or love you the same way as before. but I owe you so much for making me the man I am today." I said while turning towards the car, avoiding looking at her face.

"I give you 3 favors, once I pay them off, You will be someone I used to know. nothing more, and nothing less." I said making Lisa step forward, but she stopped herself. I opened the door and was about to enter, but a call sounded.

"Wait a minute, just where did you get the money to buy that car?" Emily said while walking towards me, sizing up the BMW. Sitting in the car, I calmly looked back at her.

"It's simple, I saved Rin from being assassinated. Her father made me a millionaire." I said before driving off, leaving Emily stunned. She turned to look towards Lisa for a moment, before shaking her head. this girl lost a huge opportunity.

but knowing Lisa, she couldn't care less for the money. She had truly loved Alex. if it wasn't for them getting in her head about how much better she could be doing... well, Lisa wouldn't be so down right now.

"where are you going?" Nami asked seeing how I was just driving the car at high speed, as if venting something.

"I don't know..." I said while pushing the car to over 100mph, shooting past countless cars with my perfect driving skills. I didn't know when I got on a high road, but it seemed like I had left New York. sighing while looking at the gas which was running low, I went on to leave the highway and headed towards a gas station.

While pumping my gas, I just stood there, lost in thought. why did I give her 3 favors when at first I planned to give her only 1 favor? I could tell she wasn't lying, the fact she took upon all of the responsibility for her actions and told the complete truth moved me. but there was no way I could trust her... fuck, I didn't know if I could ever open my heart to anyone else. for now, I should pick up the pieces of my heart.

"So, you're the guy who had the nerve to go ahead and cut us off like that." a car pupped up, while a group of thugs stepped out, walking towards me with cold looks. but with how they threw looks towards the car, it was clear that was their real target. in their eyes, I was mostly a rich kid taking daddy's car for a rared

I ignored them and looked towards the forest, this annoyed them, but seeing me open, they stepped in and punched my jaw... sadly, his fist could never touch me.

"you should all run," I said lazily while putting the pump back, before going on to pick up my car and step away from the pump. this scene made the thugs' hearts drop, they were horrified, but since I didn't attack them, they didn't run right away. which was a huge mistake. from the forest, a dark figure shot out, hitting a gas pump and causing it to explode, killing them instantly.

Placing my car down, I lazily leaned on it while looking at an old man stepping out of the flames. He sized me up for a moment, before looking around me at the other dark figure who had appeared, surrounding me. these people were all American.

"hand over the treasures you found at the beach," He said calmly while walking towards me, at his words, I nodded slightly in understanding but shook my head.

"So, is Apple my enemy?" I asked calmly, to which the middle-aged man sneered. Apple worked for them, that's how they could get the information. Since I had sent the picture to Collin who had an Apple phone.

with a wave, the old man had the people surrounding me attack, but I simply waved my hands, and suddenly the ground began to break apart. the group flew into the air, the trees, the road, and many other things, forming a huge spear in the sky.

those who were about to attack me were also lifted into the air, crushed under the powerful pull above them, all but the old man who stood frozen, horror written on his face.

"You caught me in a stage where my emotions are... well, thats not important. what you to know for now is that, in my eyes, you're no different from an ant. I'm the strongest," I said while walking up to him, and grabbed his neck before he could jump back.

"You will return and report all of this, and you will stay out of my hair," I said calmly while holding out my palm. the huge boldder in the sky was suddenly crushed, compressed by a red glow which made it go from mansion size bolder, into a normal size sword that fell into my hands.

"Now... i'm really annoyed with you just popping up so rudely, so I will teach you something." I said coldly, the old man looked at me in horror, not understanding what I was planning on doing with the sword in my hands. but the next moment, a pained scream filled the night...

within an unknown location in the United States, a middle-aged man looked at a picture of treasures. this picture was the same one which Alex had sent to Collin, he ignored many treasures within that picture, his eyes focused on a spear.

"the Lance of Longinus..." He said with bright eyes, this mighty weapon absorbed the blood of a powerful cultivator it stabbed. it went from a normal spear to the most wanted spear in the cultivation world, a spear that could rewrite the rules of reality, allowing it to ignore defense and space.

"how come such a powerful spear has never been written in stories?" behind him, the middle-aged son asked with a confused look.

"it has. Odin once used this spear, it had been passed down by many hands, and it would soon be us. in the past, we luckily got in the way of the church when they were bringing the spear back, but the battle was chaotic, leading to this spear being lost in the endless sea... with how cultivation was dropping back then, they couldn't reach it." He said with a smile while looking at his son, who had amazement in his eyes. 

"There is a reason no powers or huge company is trying to explore the sea. thats because thats where our treasures are lost. those who dare to go would be secretly killed by us." He said calmly,

at that moment, a young man entered the room with a panicked look, causing the middle-aged man to frown slightly. but before he could speak, the young man quickly spoke while handing him a phone.

"My lord, the men sent to get the spear have been killed with the old man being the only one surviving. here is the video." the young man said, while the middle-aged man took the phone and watched the scene of Alex picking up his car, and walking away from the gas station just in time as it exploded.

He went on to watch as Alex was surrounded, just to easily kill everyone with an unknown technique he had never seen. what left him shocked was how Alex could compress such a huge amount of mass into a normal sword.

"Old man John is on his way back, and he had reported this Alex should be above a level 10 in strength." the young man said, making the middle-aged man's heart drop. a level 10 body tempering realm cultivator should have the power to do everything Alex just did, all but compressing such a huge amount of mass into a small sword.

The middle-aged man sat down and fell into deep thought. the Lance of Longinus was one of the best treasures this world had. Among them were Excalibur, Hou Yi Bow, Lightning Bolt, The Monkey King Staff, Drums Of Destruction, and many others. they were all-powerful.

For Example, Hou Yi Bow was capable of killing those that shouldn't normally be killed, that bow allowed Hou Yi to kill the phoenix, even though they should have gone through rebirth, it ignored such things. if the arrow shot from the bow would have killed a normal person, then you would die no question asked.

the Drums Of Destruction when played would unleash a sound wave that destroyed anything. Once used by Shiva, when he began to play, he was considered a god of destruction.

the Lightning Bolt was lightning that took the form of a lightning bolt. it was once Zeus' weapon, but it was shattered and lost. this lightning increased Zeus' senses to the point he could cover the earth, allowing him to smith anyone from anywhere. it allowed him to even find beauties to sleep with. Adding the nearly unlimited power to call upon the storms, and how arrogant Zeus was, it was understandable why he was ganged up on and killed along with his brothers.

"... I will go and speak with the Minamoto." He said after some time of thinking to himself, he needed information and also wanted to see if this powerful guy was working alongside the Japanese or what. it would be foolish to rush into this blindly right now when he knew nothing about his enemy's full capability. he wasn't foolish enough to ignore the words of old man John. he was a true level 2 body tempering expert. yet he couldn't even fight back before Alex.

Anyways, Alex returned to college and went on to return to his dorm room, where he went on to hit the bed.

Saturday quickly came around, Alex, Abdi, and the others all got up and headed to the mansion after picking up Emma. on the ride to the mansion, we talked about our plans, there were many paper words we would have to go through, plus had to spread our names. I also told them about Hope and her role in the future.

Collin's father was going to help our business take off, he even gave off 10k, which we were going to use to hire people. even if we wanted to rush things, it would be a few months before our plans to truly take off. For now, all we could do was start planning, while seeing other things we could do.

So, the day passed with us going through everything would could. Collin's father even sent an assistant to help us with our planning. it took a few hours, after which I got up and headed towards RIn's house, she had asked me to come over when I was free.

"what's up?" I asked with a smile while taking a seat, looking at Rin who had a complex look while looking towards me.

"My father wishes to speak with you," Rin said softly, I raised an eyebrow for a moment before shaking my head slightly. nodding slightly, I was taken to a room where a TV screen was mounted. I took a seat, on a chair and after a moment the TV was turned on showing a middle-aged man.

"Greetings Sir Alexander. It's a pleasure to finally me you." RIn's father was a handsome middle-aged man, his looks were beyond simple human understanding. even I was charmed slightly, honestly, how could someone be so handsome?

"You're too nice... so what's up," I asked with a smile, RIn Father sighed softly, he had already expected me to be so straightforward so he got to the point.

"Last night, your actions have alerted the world. now the world knows of the treasure in your hands, this would bring you great trouble." He said calmly to which I tilted my head to the side for a moment,

"So, are you saying I should give you the treasures I have?" I asked with a cold smile, to which RIn's father nodded. Rin frowned slightly hearing this. She looked at her father and back at Rin, not knowing how he would react to this.

"If I don't?" I asked lazily while looking at the time, it's almost time for my meeting with the owner of Smooth Sea restaurant. 

"I will have to take it off your hands." He said seriously, making me smile slightly.

"Cultivators are greedy... was the show of power I showed last night not enough?" I said calmly, to which RIn's father smiled slightly at my words.

"Please understand, I can't allow those treasures to fall into other hands. I fully believe your strength is beyond mine. but even so, I have ways to kill you. we, cultivators, are standing upon thousands of years worth of a foundation, some having millions of years, going back to the age of the dinosaurs, and some going beyond that to the time of the dragons," He said while standing up,

"I don't care if it's in your hands, what I care about is about it falling into my enemy's hands. I know your character well from the information I have gotten. you have so much power, yet remain so lowkey." He said while walking up to the camera, 

"Rin... I will kill your father if he tries something." I said while getting up to leave, but at that moment, Rin's father was about to speak when RIn spoke up.

"Father, please. listen to Uncle judgment." Rin said, to which her father ignored, I shook my head at this and looked at Rin

"Gain a cultivator mindset and you can get up and leave myside, I took you in under my wings because I liked your spirit. lose that, and you're nothing to me." I said calmly, making RIn lower her head slightly. that night when I saved her, she pushed herself even at her limits to block an attack that was aimed towards me. I went on to take her as my student for that reason.

"... if my clan gets too annoying?" Rin asked, to which I smiled slightly for a moment before looking at her for a second.

"I will kill those bugging me and ignore those who ignore me. you're my student, so long as thats true, you are under my protection." I said, making RIn's father's eyes turn chillingly cold, after all, I just called him a bug. As I left, he glared at his daughter.

"You would not have my support... It's foolish to aim your teeth at something you know nothing about." Rin said to which RIn's father snorted while ending the call. he looked at his TV for a moment, while shaking his head in disappointment at his daughter.

Sure Alex was strong, but in his eyes, Alex was born with a unique physique, indeed rare but it was most likely some push-and-pull type of physique. it was simple to see through this, since Alex had no cultivation, how could he ever hope to stand before the might of cultivators?

there would always be a limit to the power of such physique, one being the amount of power they could unleash without cultivation. there was also a limit to how long they could show such power before they ran out of mental or physical energy. Sure, Alex had shown power rivaling those at level 10 or even above... but how long could he keep that level of power up?

"Kill him and bring me that spear... no, I will go personally. we shall go on a personal jet." He said calmly while sighing softly. why must both of his children be such fools? his son had lost all chances of becoming the clan head, and this left Rin... but she is such a fool.