
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Line Up

"system, how much is wood clone jutsu?" Driving in his car, Alex spoke to himself while heading towards Smooth Sea restaurant.

 "That would be 1 million SP. You know, Wood Clone jutsu creates a near-perfect clone of yourself. it would make a clone that would have a link to yourself and be nearly impossible to see through. unlike normal Clone Jutsu, the Wood Clone Jutsu doesn't disappear after taking a said amount of damage. Also, buying this would allow you to use it without the need for having Wood Release" Nami said to which I sighed softly,



"Also know that if you simply get wood release, you would not gain the techniques, you would have to create the technique. you have perfect control of energy, but even you would need to know the ways needed to control that energy to bring out effects." Nami said making me fall into deep thought for a moment, in the end, I had her use $1 billion and convert it into 1 million SP and had her use it to buy the technique.



After a moment, the technique appeared in my head, after which, I created clones that shot out from my palm that were held out of the window before shooting off. I created a total of 20 clones.



Abel, Coilin, Abdi, Hope, and Hope's two siblings, Emma, on top of their parents. I didn't want to leave a chance for anyone to bother me. If they used them as a hostage or something, it would get in my way,



It didn't take long for me to arrive at Smooth Sea Restaurant, where I went on to step out. I looked at the 2 story building for a moment, before entering. As I entered, I looked around for a moment, before going on to tell a worker I had come here for a meeting with someone. The worker, a young man was stunned for a second but nodded.



But just as he was about to leave to tell her boss, the door opened as a fat man entered the restaurant, causing him to grow uneasy seeing this man.



"Where is Mia? I heard she was going to have a meeting with the new boss of this place, I want to see the fool who dared to buy this place." the fat man said while snapping his finger, rushing the young man.



"Jeff, what are you doing back here?" from upstairs, a woman stepped out, glaring at the fat man with hatred. Mia seemed to be an Indian woman, she was beautiful with a perfect figure. she had on glasses which only added to her beauty, and adding the work suit she had on... made one eyes undress her.



"Mia, you know I worry about this place. For days, I have been trying to help you with your restaurant trouble." Jeff said with a kind and sweet smile. Mia's face was dark for some time, but at that moment I spoke.



"I seem to have gotten a good idea of what's happening. is he the reason for this business going under?" I asked calmly, leading everyone's eyes to land on me. Mia was confused, not understanding who I could be for a moment



"I'm Alex, the new owner... Mr. Jeff, please leave my restaurant, staying here any longer and I will have to call the police. this is considered trace passing." I said calmly, making Jeff's face turn dark seeing how young I was, and was so handsome. Mia was around the same age as Alex, which made him uneasy.



"Just who do you think you are? do you think the police would..." Before Jeff could go on, I called the police, and after telling them what was happening. I ignored Jeff and went on to speak with Mia.



"Just how is he causing you to run out of business?" I asked calmly while looking at Mia. Mia was blank for a moment, but she spoke to explain.



"He is the new owner of my food providers, so he had been increasing the price of the food, forcing me to look elsewhere. but this led to the quality of the food dropping and many lost interest here. he is also having those I try to do business with go out of their way to make things harder for me." Mia said with a helpless look, making me rub my face for a moment before I nodded slightly.



"Alright... this is mostly a fish, crab, and other such things place right?" I asked while looking at the menu, to which Mia nodded slightly.



"... I will go look around, this might take a month," I said calmly while turning to head upstairs where I went on to take a seat in Mia's office, where she went on to give me a bunch of papers to go through.



While I was doing this, a clone of mine appeared above the sea. holding out its palm, the clone used blue, pulling out a fish from the sea. The clone took a deep breath while sitting on top of the water before he sent chakra into the fish.



"What are you doing?" Nami asked in confusion



"Genetic editing, if I could use chakra to improve the fish genetics, I could increase the quality of them," I said making Nami go quiet as she guessed what I was planning on doing. if could learn to affect one's bloodline, I could rewrite my bloodline, allowing me to remove the side effect of one bloodline and even improve it.



"buy the Sharingan or byakugan. these two eyes could allow you to see down to the cellular level, adding the 6 eyes. you should be able to see how you're effecting the bloodline. adding The End, you would easily learn and master this after a few tries and attempts... although you would need to learn to use the 3 eyes at the same time." Nami said making me go quiet slightly before I sighed once more as she was telling the truth.



Luckily, the Sharingan and Byakugan are going to be cheap. It wasn't like I was going to buy their bloodline, just the eyes. it was going to be 150k per eye. So, I had Nami use more of my money to convert into SP before I bought the two eyes.



I felt warmth swallowing my eyes, and after a moment I opened my eyes. I tried to use the Sharingan, and my 6 eyes were replaced, instead, my pupil took the form of blood-red with 3 tomoes within, spinning around.



This was the Sharingan, something which only those of the Uchiha clan could hope for. the eyes had many abilities. it allows one the power to see chakra and gives the user an incredible clarity of perception, enabling them to read lips or mimic something like pencil movements. One Sharingan was even able to see on a cellular level. It allowed them to copy any techniques that were not limited to bloodline-based abilities



Among them is the Genjutsu: Sharingan. which gave them pretty much the power to control minds. they could control your mind, use your body as a puppet, have you spill your deepest secrets, and so on.



I looked around for a moment, before realizing my 6 eyes were suppressed since I was using these eyes now. sighing, I switch to the byakugan. the Byakugan gave one the power to see everything, from 360-degree vision, a vision that could penetrate objects, to pressure points, among many other things.



"..." Standing on top of the sea, I tried to use the two eyes at the same time. since I had already instantly mastered the 3 eyes, it wasn't hard for me to fuse the eyes. soon, my eyes transformed. taking on a purple color.



I looked around and was shocked at how clear the world was, be it in front or behind me, I saw it all. the Byakugan had a weak spot in the back of the neck where they couldn't see a thing. that was their blind spot I of course had it, it's not like fusing the eyes removed the weakness of each eye.



"such power..." I said softly, the power these 3 eyes brought me after their fusion was huge. my power had improved greatly. letting out a deep breath, I sat down and went on to work with the fish, closely studying the fish's genetics while using my chakra to try and rewrite them...



time passed, and Alex left the restaurant after going through everything Mia had to show him. Alex hopped in his car and drove off, lost in thought of what he was going to do. soon he went on to drop by a store where he went to buy a PS4, along with a few other stuff such as games and extra controllers. he also bought the Xbox and Nintendo, in total he spent over 5k before he returned to his mansion where he surprised Hope siblings.



So, the rest of the day he hung out with the kids, playing games with them, or joining Hope to watch some Anime. After a few hours of this, he got up and went to go check up on Rin, before returning to college where he to bed for the night.



In the middle of the night, powers from all over the world were gathering in New York. a scene never seen before, a scene of the powerhouses that secretly controlled the world gathered, but they were not gathering to talk, instead, they were watching in the shadows at Alex who was currently sleeping in his dorms.



"Why are we not making a move?" a young man asked with an annoyed look while looking at the college a few Km away. From England, this young man was a level 2 body tempering cultivator, a step away from reaching level 3. With him were other levels 2 body tempering cultivators and level 3 cultivators.



"We are not alone, there are hundreds of people awaiting someone to make the first move... oh, he is a wake." a middle-aged man said while his eyes glowed, allowing him to see the aura of Alex. Alex stepped up, got into his car, and drove off. At this scene, everyone follows Alex, confused as to where Alex could be heading in the middle of the night.



but soon, Alex headed towards an empty area warehouse, where he went on to get out of his car, with a tired yawn, Alex to lazily stretch before speaking.



"Now, go on and come out... keep spying on me and I will take you all as my enemy," I said calmly, with crossed arms, I waited for a whole minute, but seeing as no one popped up, I held my palm towards the sky.



all of those who were watching were suddenly pulled towards the orb, they tried to fight back but realized that it was a pointless struggle. but the pull all disappeared when they all near sending them falling to the ground.



"Now, go on and line up. Too night, I shall slap your cultivation mindset right out of you all." I said calmly, causing all of their faces to darken. among them, RIn's father made the first move, disappearing and appearing towards me.



He reached out to grab me, aiming to take me and disappear. but before he could touch me, I backhanded him away, sending him rocketing away into some trash.



"I gave you all an order, line the fuck up," I said coldly while my aura spread, causing the air to grow heavy. the ground cracked, the warehouse began to turn to dust before such a mighty aura. everyone fell to their knees, they held their neck, trying their best to try and breathe. but they found it extremely hard to do so.



"I didn't say kneel? I said line up." I said causing the air to grow heavier, with those at level 2 body tempering going blank, their eyes losing all color. they died from the pressure. the other's eyes going blank, slowly losing the color in their eyes.



"fools," Shaking my head, I pulled back the aura, before I went on to reach out. RIn's Father came flying over. I caught him by the neck, before sending energy into his body, forcing Rin's father's body to go on all for. I went on to sit on his back while looking at everyone who was breathing heavily, looking at me with horror.



"Do I need to repeat myself or what?" I asked, causing a beautiful woman amongst them to quickly crawl over before standing to her feet before me. she was beautiful, she was like a goddess. one would think she embodies the concept of beauty. she was also young, in her 20s. it was understandable that someone so young would have stepped over, her mindset wasn't as strong as the others.



"Smart," I said while swinging my hand back, it hurt my heart to know I was going to slap such a beauty, but my hands didn't stop. the next heartbeat, hundreds of slaps landed on the beautiful face. she fell to the ground, holding her head in pain, her beautiful face quickly turning into a pig head.



"Next," I said coldly, but no one made a move. Seeing this, I nodded slightly before reaching out and pulling a random man towards me.



"When I say next, it means you're to come over," I said while using blue, to pull the air right out of the man's lungs. the man suddenly fell to the ground, madly kicking the air while holding his chest, trying his best to take a breath. I did the same to everyone who didn't come, causing them all to roll around,



'interesting, they could go so long without a drop of air in their lungs.' I thought while getting up, heading to my car to grab a drink, before returning to my seat, where I watched them all rolling around. when they were about to faint, I snapped my finger, allowing them all to catch their breath.



"Now, you all going to be dogs. when I snap my finger, I expect you all to crawl over here." I said calmly,



"go to hell." a middle-aged man said with hatred seeing his son was dead, shaking my head, I looked at everyone only to see they were also hatefully looking at me.



"Sigh... i'm not good with torture, so let's begin." I said while pulling out my phone, and went on to search for a way to get to work. I nodded slightly as I found a simple and easy way to torture them.



"Water torture? will be fun." I said with a sigh, causing their faces to drop at my word. I had my clones go all over the world to collect the items needed for all of this, and soon, the cultivators were on a chair. above them, my clones began to put water within a container, while making sure the cultivators couldn't move their heads. for this, over 3 clones were standing over them, pinning them down on the chair.



"oh... Rin's father, you want to join them or do you know how to be a good bitch?" I asked. Rin's father fearfully tried to speak. but he couldn't say a thing, I patted his face slightly,



"You will die. I will have Riki replace you... but for now, sit there, unable to do anything but use your senses, and breathe. await your death." I said calmly, ignoring Rin's father who was badly trying to say something, his eyes turning panic as they circled all over the place.



"Sir Alex, please. Let's speak. Do you want money? cultivation art? I can give you anything you want." a Chinese man said, at his words, the others also tried to speak, but I ignored them while looking at my nails.



"I read enough cultivation novels to know how much of a snake you all are. So, let me first drive you all crazy, this girl with the pig face was the only smart one among you all." I said with a shake of my head, I looked towards the woman whose head I had turned into a pig head, she was still on the ground, her head going through unimaginable pain.



"W-wait, sir Alex. I didn't come here to be our enemy, I came here as you charmed me." Another stunning beauty said, causing me to touch my heart slightly.



"I'm touched... and offended you think such a lie would work before me," I said while waving my head, allowing the water to start dripping onto their heads...