
My accidental isekai life as a Plunderer

A 19-year-old boy was caught in an accident and got a chance to travel into anime worlds. So, what changes will he bring into the story?

RoneGreninja · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 7: Status

"Mc pov"

I watched them with a dull look on my face, while most of my classmates cheered about how they will save humans from crisis. Well, it doesn't matter what they want to do, I have my reason for coming here.

From the moment Rihito got the chance to travel to this world his only goal was to get all the Age of God magic. Everything will come after that.

For now, I will wait until Hajime fall into the abyss.

For some reason, Hajime got a chill down his spine.

After everyone had made their decision, Ishtar led us outside. We found ourselves on top of a mountain, which, according to Ishtar, was almost as large as Mount Everest. "This is quite the view," I said admiringly. Then, Ishtar took us towards a pedestal. The pedestal looked similar to the one we saw inside; maybe it also had magic ingrained into it.

I concealingly used my archmage to analyse. I was astonished, it was floating magic with a simple command system to go up or to go down but that's not what made me shocked, I was shocked because floating magic is a degenerated form of gravity magic. Then I remembered 'the Liberators' one of their members had gravity magic, [Maybe she was the one who made this. It's good for me I got the floating magic, I will try this out later.]

The pedestal started to float down toward the Heiligh kingdom. [Wow, what an advertisement at its finest, making us look like God's apostle has come from the sky to help, what an easy way to make their church look good in people's eyes.]

We finally stepped down from the pedestal, and then Ishtar started to lead us to the king's castle. I just followed everyone from Behind, and Hajime also joined me.

While we walked, everyone we came across just bowed in reverence, and I just ignored them, then we came across giant doors, on each side there a guards standing beside them, and without any delay, they opened the door. There we are introduced to the king, queen, prince, and princess.

Prince's name was Lundel Heiligh who was 10 years old and Princess's name was Liliana Heiligh who was 14 years. As they talked, Prince Lundel tried to gain Kaori's attention, but I found the situation amusing. Despite his attempts to woo her in front of everyone, it was obvious to me that his tactics would not work on Kaori. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him as it was clear that he would have had better luck with any other girl. After that, they discussed, how this kingdom would take care of us and train us from today onwards. After we had dinner we were shown our room to take a rest for today onwards.

The room I got was very luxurious. Damn, I meant a spacious room with a king-size bed with golden decorations with a small artistic-looking table beside it, the whole room was extravagantly decorated, hell it even has a balcony. After going through my whole room I sat down in my bed.

"I have noticed that the Archmage seems to be overpowered. It not only enhances my memory and improves my cognitive abilities, but also grants me the ability to use any type of magic, including race-specific ones. Additionally, it provides me with a magic reactor that supplies me with an infinite amount of energy, be it mana, ki or any other type of magic."

As I was contemplating everything, I found myself slumping in my bed. Suddenly, I heard a knock at my door. 'Knock knock'. The sound immediately jolted me out of my laziness, and I felt ready for anything. I permitted the person outside to enter, saying "Come in".

The door opened and she entered. I didn't expect it to be her. "Oh, Shizuku! What brings you here?", I relaxed a little bit upon seeing that it was her but remained cautious.

Shizuku seeing my lazy face, just sighed. "Tell me Rihito what do you think about all this?"

"Hum…, depends on what you are asking about, be more specific", Rihito replied.

"Then what do you think of our decision to go to war?", Shizuku asked.

"First of all, I never said I would go to war, you guys did. Second I don't give a fuck about others who don't give a damn about me", Hearing my reply she Sighed.

"So, what will you do for now", Shizuku asked.

"For now, I will go with the flow and master my new powers, everything comes after", I replied.

"By the way, I also have a question for you. Why you didn't agree with Kouki's decision, I was about 70% sure you would agree with him", I asked.

She looked at me deadpan "Do you think that little of me", she inquired with narrowed eyes.

"Now now, don't go all angry at me. I have been watching you know. You've been going around cleaning his mess for about 2 years and you might be doing this for even longer, so it was an obvious question to ask", I replied. "You acted more like a mother than a friend to him."

Hearing that I had been watching her all this time she blushed and said in panic "It's getting late I should get going", Shizuku said.

As I heard her voice, I looked outside and noticed that it was getting dark. "It's getting dark, good night then,".

"Good night", saying that she left.


The next day after breakfast.

In training ground

Hello, heroes from another world I am Captain Commander Meld Loggins. I will be the head instructor for all of you. I and my colleague will be training you in martial arts and weapon techniques. For now, we will be handing down this artefact, It is called the status plate. It will show all the status of its bearer, you only have to prick your finger drop a little blood, and then say Status open, it will show you your status. It also works as your identification in this world so do not lose it.

"Excuse me Sir Meld I have a question", Kuoki asked.

"No need to call me so respectively, we will be comrades in the future. So, you can call me by my name Meld", Meld told us with a sunny smile.

"So, Meld what is an Artefact? You guys don't know about it, right, let me explain. The artifact is a powerful tool that cannot be reproduced with modern means. It is said that they were created when God still roamed this land. The status plate is one of the artefacts he left behind that is the only artefact that can be reproduced. It is usually called a national treasure rather than an artefact, but it is distributed to the general public."

"First, there is level, your level will increase when your other status increases, training will help increase those statuses, and artefacts will also increase status, but that will be given to you later. By the way level 100 is the maximum for humans, no one up till now has reached that point. You can take the level as the person's potential."

"The second is class. Classes can be very powerful and some might be not much, there are common classes and unique classes. Your status increase will depend on what class you have."

After hearing what Meld said, I looked at the plate which was 12cm wide and 7 cm in length then poked my finger without reservation and dropped my blood on the plate, saying the word "Status Open". The status plate shines in crimson red.

Seeing that my mana colour is crimson red I chuckled. Then I noticed that other than me almost everyone was looking at the needle with an ugly face. [Let's think about them later.]

<Status >

Name: Sakai Rihito

Age: 17 years

Gender: Male

Level: 1

Class: Flash Baron

Strength: 100

Vitality: 100

Resistance: 100

Agility: ???

Magic: ???

Magic resistance: 100


Flashing Strike, Flashing Slash, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Leap, Speed Strike, Speed throwing, Light Slash, Bloodlust, Shockwave Manipulation, Slashing Aura, Superhuman Reflexes, Weapon mastery, Combat Mastery, Meditation, Super Adaptable Body, , , Language Comprehension.


Floating Magic.

<End >

While observing my status plate, I raised an eyebrow. The skills were all original Rihito's, but the Weapon and Combat mastery were the fruits of gruelling training.


I nearly shed a tear when I thought about those dark days. But these other two, if I'm not mistaken, are Archmage and Blank.

It looks like this Status plate is not strong enough to scan them, thinking about this I have a devious smile on my face.

I heard everyone bragging about their skills and status, I ignored them and went towards Hajime. He was looking at his Status plate with distress.

"Hey Hajime are you alright, you look distressed", I asked.

Seeing me Hajime came towards in hurriedly and asked: "Show me your Status Plate".

"Calm down and hear" I handed him my status plate to see, and after watching my status plate he became even more distressed.

"Oaa are you ok"' I asked with a little worry. [well, I knew why he was distressed but I can't tell him about it. So, will act like the worried friend.]

"All right people. By now you should all have activated your status plate, we inspect your status plate to see what kind of training you guys will need, so be ready", Hearing Meld Kouki was the first one to show his status.

<Status >

 Name: Amanogawa Kouki

Age: 17 Years

Gender: Male

Class: Hero

Level: 1

Strength: 100

Vitality: 100

Resistance: 100

Agility: 100

Magic Power: 100

Magic Resistance: 100


All Elemental Aptitude, All Elemental Resistance, Physical Resistance, Complex Magic, Swordplay, Herculean Strength, Ground Shrink, Foresight, High-Speed Magic Recovery, Presence Perception, Magic Perception, Limit Break, Language Comprehension.


Light magic.

<End >

After looking at Kuoki's status Meld looked at Kouki with excitement. Wow, a real hero, your status is all in 3 digits and you also have a large number of skills, we will depend on you in future. Meld said this with admiration.

Hearing this Kuoki Fealt Shy. After that Meld started checking everyone's status with a smile, seeing that everyone had a Combat-related class he was happy.

Then, Hajime brought him his status board.

<Status >

 Name: Nagumo Hajime

Age: 17 Years

Gender: Male

Class: Synergist

Level: 1

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Resistance: 10

Agility: 10

Magic Power: 10

Magic Resistance: 10


Transmutation, Language Comprehension


<End >

"Eh...?" Meld gave a confused groan and then he slapped the status board a few times. Maybe he thought it was defective. After realizing that the plate wasn't broken, Meld said.

"Ah...as I should say, Sinergist represents a crafting profession... Err, plus it's very convenient for forging weapons and armour."

Hearing that Hajime has a noncombat job Hayama and his 3 goons started to mock Hajime.

Upon seeing them, I gave them a cold look, while Shizuku and Kaori glared at them.

Meld suddenly said you are the last one right. "yes", I answered and handed my status plate to him.

After looking at my status plate Meld was silent.

Meld after looking at this status didn't know what to do any more. At first, this status was similar to Kouki but the Agility and magic were showing nothing, and he had a class that he never heard before, it might be a unique class. He then tried to check by smacking the artefact and see in the light that this was broken, after making sure it was not, he handed it back.

"Kid, I don't know what to tell you about your class. It might be a unique class that had never appeared before, but looking at your skills I can say it's a combat class and about your magic and agility. I don't know what happened. As for your magic, it is called Floating Magic. You can use it to make objects and people, including yourself, float.

Hearing Meld's words, everyone was curious to see Rihito's status, but nobody dared to approach him. According to their impression, Rihito was not a good guy, so everybody avoided him.

Rihito noticed that Shizuku and Kaori started to walk towards him and Hajime.

Shizuku asked, "Let me see your status". Rihito then gave her his status plate. While Kaori consoled Hajime.

Shizuku wasn't surprised to see Rihito's high status. If Kouki could have a high status, then Rihito should as well, or even higher, or so she thought. But, why is magic and agility like this, maybe it's some kind of bug.

Before Shizuku could ask, Rihito told her not to worry about it. He then glanced at a disgruntled Hajime who was being comforted by Kaori and Aiko.


"Chapter end"