
My accidental isekai life as a Plunderer

A 19-year-old boy was caught in an accident and got a chance to travel into anime worlds. So, what changes will he bring into the story?

RoneGreninja · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 6: The dumb hero

"Mc pov"

Rihito was sitting on his desk and observing the happening around the class. A few girls were laughing at their friends' jokes, some boys were grumbling about why is Hajime talking with the two goddesses of our school and even some of the girls were displeased. [Do they not have something better to do than to criticise Hajime all day?]

Rihito was watching with a lazy look. Then I heard Kouki asking why is Hajime taking advantage of Kaori, hearing it I was amused again.

[Taking advantage of Kaori? Hajime doesn't even want to get close to her, but Kaori won't let him get away. If only this guy turned off his filter of righteousness, then he might be able to see, who is taking advantage of whom.]

But, instead of Hajime, Kaori answered "I am talking to him because I want to." [Hearing those words Kouki was baffled but some kind of understanding came to him. Here we go again, the filter of righteousness working again.]

Watching me sitting alone Shizuku came towards me and asked. What are you thinking about, I looked with a deadpan at Shizuku and said, "I am watching a dumb ass who needs a beating to get his head straight". Seeing my expression, she sighed, Shizuku knew that Kouki's righteousness blinds him from making a proper judgement of a situation.

After all, she was also once a victim of his righteousness. Just then the school bell rang and everyone got to their seats, then teacher Aiko entered the class and started to take attendance. just when I was waiting for my name to come, I sensed something, it was similar to ki but different, I had never sensed this kind of energy before. Then it suddenly clicked in my head that this was mana, and just as I thought a big magic circle covered the whole floor of the class. At that moment I only had one thought, [So, it was finally here. Just as he thought that all of them disappeared.]


On that day, a class full of people disappeared without a trace, and it became a hot topic for media outlets.


"World Tortus"

"Third pov"

Inside a Cathedral, around 30 people are praying in a hall in front of a mural. In this mural a blond man with a halo on his back was spreading his hands all over the mural, in the background there were forests, seas, and some cities. It was a beautiful mural.

Then suddenly in the hall, on top of a pedestal, a big magic circle appeared. After seeing this magic circle an old man around the age of 70 with the most luxurious clothing said, "Keep praying our god has answered our call." Hearing those words, all the priests looked at the mural in a zealous manner. Then the magic circle shone dazzlingly, slowly the magic circle started to disappear, and on a pedestal instead of the magic circle, there were some teens in there. "As expected of our god, not just one, he sent us many heroes", thought the old man zealously.


"Mc pov"

As the magic circle did its work. I started to observe my surroundings we were in a majestic hall, floor made of white tile, a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and there were a bunch of people in priest robes, In the middle of that priest there was an old man who wore the most luxurious robes of all the priest. I thought that might be the pope of this church.

Then, I looked around to see if we were missing someone or not. After making sure everyone was present, I focused my attention on Hajime he was staring somewhere, I followed his gaze and found a mural. A blond man spreading his hand around the world it's almost like he is trying to take it all. That mural gave me an ominous feeling.

At that time that old man smacked the bottom of his staff on the ground making a loud sound, the old man spoke with a clear and calming voice that was fitting of his appearance.

"Welcome to Tortus, Heroes. We were expecting you. I am the currently appointed Pope of the Saint's Church; you may address me as Ishtar Lombard. Let's get along from now on, no need to exchange conventional greetings."

After he introduced himself, the old man called Ishtar revealed a smile that was often associated with nice elderly people.

After that, we moved toward a few ten-meter-long dining tables lined up side by side. We passed several halls that also had the same kind of dining tables. This hall was just as gorgeous as the rest, even an amateur could understand, the furniture, the decorative paintings, the murals, and everything here was the artistical masterpiece. Perhaps, this place was used to take a meal or hold a meeting. In the seats of honour were Hatakeyama Aiko and Kouki's group of four. After that, the other students took their seats in sequence, and Hajime and I sat at the end.

Nobody caused much disturbance as they were guided here, perhaps they were still unable to keep up with reality. The pope Ishtar started to explain the situation, perhaps it was due to Kouki's existence that everyone was able to remain calm. Being surrounded by the students who looked more like the teacher, teacher Aiko was getting teary-eyed.

When everyone was seated, with precise timing, many maids entered with pushing carts. That's right, real maids! These were the genuine maids in every man's dream, the beautiful maids! Under this kind of circumstance, most of the male students were tempted by their burning desires, and most of them fixed their gaze on the maids. But the girls were sending cold glares at them.

Even I am having a hard time looking away from the maids. It's not that their beauty caught me. In terms of beauty Shizuku and Kaori are far ahead of any of the maids present. It's the simple fact that they were real maids like anime.

[Damn, I also want a maid of my own, having a maid is every man's dream.] just as I thought that I felt a piercing gaze coming this way, I discretely searched for the gaze, then saw Kaori and Shizuku looking at me and Hajime disapprovingly. I was a little confused i understand why Kaori is looking this way, what about Shizuku is she also looking at Hajime? Is my friend's harem already starting to form, Damn I am jealous.

Ishtar started his explanation after confirming that everyone had received their drinks.

Ishtar started to speak "I'm sure you are all confused. I will explain the situation first, I only ask everyone to listen to everything I have to say until the end."

So, Ishtar started to explain how this is a different world from our own, "This world its name is Tortus. This world is divided into three factions humans, Demons, and Demi humans. The Humans ruled over the northern area, The Demons ruled over the southern area, and The Demi-humans lived quietly in the wilderness to the east."

"Among these factions, the war between the Humans and Demons has been ongoing for several centuries. The Demons were inferior in numbers compared to the Humans, but each demon possessed formidable strength, we only managed to fend them away because of the large quantity of Humans. Both sides have not been engaged in a large-scale war over the past few decades, but something abnormal has been taking place recently. It was the deployment of Magic Beasts by the Demons. You might be thinking what are magic beasts, they are normal animals who have taken in huge amounts of magic and mutated themselves into, what we call magic beasts. A magic beast loses its reason after its transformation, and it attacks anything that gets near them."

"For some reason, demons were able to control this magic beast destroying our common sense, and with this, we have lost our advantage in the number."

Just when they were talking about their god. Rihito's body felt strange, he felt something flowing in his body, something new, something that was not there. Rihito panicked but it only lasted for a second. His father had taught him in situations like this panicking is not the answer, so calm yourself, and calm your heart. He took control of his breathing and tried to observe his body. [So, my powers were finally here, I waited 6 years for this, and he was very excited.] With the power of <Archmage >, he controlled his magic and acted like normal again. Unknown to anyone his eyes were glowing in crimson until he took control of his power.

After calming down from his excitement. He started to listen to the talk, they were currently talking about how we can't go back anymore. This talk is going the same as stated in the anime. [It should be about the time that dumb ass will start spouting nonsense.]

Kouki smacks the table with his right hand. Hearing the loud sound 'Bang' every panicking student looked at Kouki reflexively. When he confirmed that he had everyone's attention, Kouki began to talk.

"Everyone, it is meaningless to make so much ruckus in front of Ishtar. He also had no other choice... What I mean is, let's fight. It is a fact that the humans of this world are facing a crisis. Ignoring their pleas for help after knowing all this, I cannot do it. Moreover, since we were summoned here to save mankind, we may be able to return after this is all over... Ishtar-san, isn't that right?"

"That's right. Lord Ehit will answer the wishes of the Saviors."

"We all have special powers, right? I've indeed felt an unfathomable power surging up within me since coming to this world."

"Yes, that's right. Roughly, each of you should possess powers that are several times to a few dozen times more powerful than the people of this world."

"Yes, in that case, I'll fight. I'll save the people, and then we can all go home. Regardless of the world or everyone here, I will save them all!"

Kouki clenched his fist tightly as he made this kind of declaration, while pointlessly exposing shiny teeth. Just as he ended his speech, his charismatic leadership finally took effect. The students who had given up all hope earlier gradually regained their calmness and vigour. They were looking at Kouki with sparkling eyes, that was the expression one would reveal when they found hope in despair. Half of the female students sent feverish glances at him.

Rihito looked at all this with an empathetic look on his face.

[Have they forgotten to use their damn head? Did they not hear Ishtar asking us to participate in a war, do they not understand what war is?]

Then Kouki's best friend also spoke up. "Ah damn, once you put it like that. It would be worrisome to let you go alone... I'll also fight."

[Wow, dumb-ass and muscle head a match made in heaven. Will Shizuku also join in, if she does I will be very disappointed.]

But contrary to my expectation she didn't, she just sat there thinking something. 

Seeing this I raised an eyebrow, and because Shizuku didn't join Kaori also didn't join in, all the other students were swayed by Kouki's charisma and approved his decision. Teacher Aiko tried to stop them but no one listened to her, in front of Kouki's charisma her words didn't hold any weight.

Hajime called out to me "Hey what do you think of all this".

I replied, "That's the stupidest thing I heard in my whole life, and we don't even know if what they are saying is the truth or not."

Hearing my reasoning Hajime sighed in relief and said, "We should be vigilant."

"Yeah, for now, let's keep our heads down and watch."

"Chapter end"

(a/n: "Please don't forget to bring the power stone. It will greatly motivate me.")