
My 100 cheat codes system

What happens when a teenage boy gets transmigrated into another world like his videogame?, he earns the cheat codes system! This is it! The story of a young boy named Moto Kudasaki who got transmigrated into another world like his videogame called Adventurers Conquest. Once a cheat, always a cheat, he earns his cheat codes system where his past life cheat codes can be used to give him power. This is his goal as always, to defeat the demon Lord. Let's see if he can survive this twisted and confusing world. Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. Note: I do not own the cover photo. Thank you for reading, also read my other novel named My mutation system.

OJE_Novels · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: Reincarnated?

After some sleep, I open my eyes to see where I am. Wait, isn't this adventurers conquest, isn't that Josh, Kyle and Wolford, and looking around, this is the tempo guild!. When did I log into the game, did I headbutt my laptop?, no, I remember laying on my bed and even if I did headbutt my laptop and log in by mistake, I didn't put on my VR goggles and even if I miraculously did, I should be able to feel the real world and remove them . . . . . this is real. Does that mean I reincarnated into the game, no I'm supposed to reincarnate to another world, does that mean that the game is another world?

No, It can't be possible, this must be a dream, a veeerry realistic dream, dammit, you can't find a dream this realistic. Maybe I should go talk to my 'past' friends, maybe they'll know what's going on.

"Hey guys, do you know what's going on?"

I said waving at them

"Huh?, if it isn't Satou. Good thing you're here, we were just about to continue the quest"

Josh said with a smile while Wolford smirked and spoke

"You know we are in the lead, Satou so don't hold us back"

"We're continuing into Oni cave so everyone carry your strongest of equipment including you, Satou"

". . . em, whose Satou?"

I asked

"Huuuuuuuuuuh!!!!!! "

They exclaimed.

"What the hell do you mean by that?!"

Wolford asked while pushing forward

"Slow down, Wolford"

I spoke

"Whose Wolford, The names Danga!"

He pointed at himself


I said confused by the strange name.

"What is your name?"

Kyle asked me

"Moto Ku..."

Wait, they have different names including me and even talk differently, are they trying to prank me or did I truly reincarnate, no I should have restarted as a baby so I must have transmigrated.

"Huh, what's the stop?"

Wolford said then it's better to keep it as this.

"I don't remember"

I answered

"Then you have amnesia"

Josh concluded


I exclaimed slightly confused

"Yeah, amnesia not being able to remember your memories, it must have happened when you went ill"

Josh continued

"I went ill?"

I asked still confused.

"You almost died from the sickness, actually we thought you died from it"

Kyle added while closing his eyes in thought.

"But you woke up even after your heart beat stopped for a long time"

Kyle continued after his initial silence.

"We thought you were resurrected by a priest but there was none near by so we deemed it that you were revived by god"

Danga said this but I believe this guy actually died, wait does that mean that I switched bodies. If i transmigrated into his body then he should too.

Yeah, this is bad. Another person's controlling my past world body, what bad things will he do with my body, what bad things will I do with this body.

Oh well, there is also a chance I just took over his body and the past owner reincarnated to my world. There is also a chance that the past owner soul is still in this body even after death and I just took over so his soul would be in a dormant state, I think.

"I know everything seems confusing but don't worry, we are ready to help you so first with the introductions, my name is Link"

Josh said hence starting the the rain of weird names.

"My name is Teri"

Kyle said

"Mi names Danga and yours Satou"


Intermission: Whose Satou?

"Let's go get some fried centilupe!"

I am Satou Asgard, the noble son of the king of Asgard and an adventurer from the tempo guild and I am on a fun, exciting quest to defeat the demon lord with my friends Link, Teri and Danga, we will encounter many troubles but we shall overcome.

My dad, the king wants me to rule this kingdom of Asgard after him but I don't want that, I want to have a fun, trilling and exciting adventure with my good friends and nothing's going to stop me.

"Hey, Satou!, which centilupe do you want, red or purple, I advise you take the red, man because the purple tastes like shit!"

Danga said

"Whose Satou, I'm Moto Ku...."


"Satou, are you sure you want to continue even with your condition?"

"Yeah, don't worry Link, I'll be fine"

Currently, I'm walking in a dark cave with my friends, drops of limestone fall from above and is starting to get annoying. Yes, we are in Oni cavern, the home of monsters, this is one of the places that must be passed in order to defeat the demon lord.

The levels or trials as they call are separated into many segments consisting of valleys, caves, tunnels, mountains, etc which are shown on the map given to me by Link. We are currently in the 5th level and are advancing to a higher tiers, the tiers mainly consists of 5 levels each which as I said before are split into several segments.

That is the system or adventure to reach the demon lord's castle and defeat him or her. Me and my friends have made it this far, fighting monsters together and now we advance!.


Well, this is embarrassing, the cheat master has been saved from death 10! Times! and now this is the 11th!!

"Can't you be careful, Satou?!"

Link scolded me while slashing at a dog monster, killing it instantly. It seems I'm the weakest in the team and have only been getting in the way. Well, I can't use cheat codes so I'm practically useless.

"Useless Satou, can you go get their cores, please?"

Can you please not ask politely and still call me useless, Danga.

"Sure idiot Danga"

I replied as we exchanged daggers with our eyes. Walking over to the monster corpes, blade in hand, I could not but ponder at the fact that I am in another world like Adventurers conquest and that everyone was different.

These were no longer my past gaming friends as before but real people and we could die anytime without anything like a second life or respawn. It sent chills down my spine at the thought of dieing a second time even though I'm not sure I did.

"Humph, the life of an adventurer"

Reaching the dog monster's corpse, I dug into its chest and extracted the blue circular crystal core. Cores are the heart of a monster, their life force, so without it, a monster is as good as dead. Monster cores are valuable varying in size and quality which is dependant on the grade of the monster.

The cores are located in various parts of a monster depending on its type. The cores are the reward for killing monsters as they are used as an energy resource for day to day activities and for mages who use them to cast stronger spells but killing demons doesn't come with such rewards as they don't have cores but immediately turn to ashes, going back to hell they came from.

This is information I got from Link and why adventurers tend to run away from demons on sight, only those who aim to defeat the demon lord fight back.

Extracting cores is a little hard as I have to find where the core is in its body, cutting multiple times, taking alot of time and energy. Sometimes I even had to extract a poison type monster core so I had to be careful.

The monsters are classified into different types which determines their nullifications, resistances, weaknesses and colour of core and overall grades which determines their strength, abilities, size of core, shape of core and amount of mana in core.

Types include poison type; null to poison, resistant to fire and weak to ice, it's core colour is purple, fire type; null to fire, resistant to wind and weak to water and ice, its core colour is red, etc. There are five grades of monsters which include basic, intermediate, advanced, legendary and god.

I had tried fighting the monsters, I really tried and i conquered, being able to kill one slime, my bad friends laughed their butt off at the sight of me raising my fist in the air as if I just did a very heroic and great act no one had ever done before and to me, it really was a great achievement because it was the first time I have ever relied on my strength and agility alone without the use of cheat codes.

Rather than congratulating me, my BAD friends assigned me once again the task of collecting the monsters cores which I accepted as I was tired after defeating the slime as I didn't know I'm supposed to cut or tear out it's visible core from its body.

Throughout this trip, I have learnt from Link. From mapping, fighting, dismantling to learning about monster cores, types, strengths, weaknesses and bestiary.

The bestiary is a magic item book of records created by mages to write down information of defeated monsters, well without writing it, it automatically writes down the information on its own like the name, type, grade, skills, attitude and so on.

For example, the dog monster Josh killed, this is it's bestiary information. Name: Cerberus (Three headed dog), Type: ice, Grade: intermediate, Skills: Bite - 50% chance to stun target with bite attacks, Ice ball - condensed ice fires out of mouth, slowing down whatever it touches. Attitude: violent etc.