
My 100 cheat codes system

What happens when a teenage boy gets transmigrated into another world like his videogame?, he earns the cheat codes system! This is it! The story of a young boy named Moto Kudasaki who got transmigrated into another world like his videogame called Adventurers Conquest. Once a cheat, always a cheat, he earns his cheat codes system where his past life cheat codes can be used to give him power. This is his goal as always, to defeat the demon Lord. Let's see if he can survive this twisted and confusing world. Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. Note: I do not own the cover photo. Thank you for reading, also read my other novel named My mutation system.

OJE_Novels · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Home alone

Aahhh home alone is fun. It is holiday and mum and dad went out on a date!. My name is Moto Kudasaki and i am a third year student. Most people call me a shut in type but actually i just like playing video games, a particular one at that, the one and the only game i live for, ADVENTURERS CONQUEST!

This is an online 4 multi-player visual reality RPG game where adventurers must complete the quest to defeat the demon lord terrorizing the people of Asgard and the world. It has a very good story with a lot of twists but it's incredibly long and i am yet to finish it even though i play it ten hours a day.

It is really a fun game, starting from level 1, fighting monsters and slowly getting stronger, even though that doesn't apply to me, its still fun watching my friends struggle.

Yes! I am the cheat master!, I have acquired one hundred cheats codes which my other three team player friends Josh, Kyle and Wolford always go crazzzy about, maybe because they are almost impossible to get but i have my ways. I also like the destruction my cheats cause to my foes, its really flashy.

Today i'm playing once again and i'm not really sure what cheat codes to use, i look at my list and at the top are my strongest cheat codes.

The top three, infinite health, infinite mana and infinite strength. These are the ones i easily memorized in my head and are basically the strongest of the 50 on the list. I couldn't read the whole list due to laziness so there are pretty much 50 more i don't know.

Okay, lets start fresh and easy, not too powerful, not too weak, lets go with holy sword Garlion! Wow its still has that pretty blue glow. Garlion is a long holy sword with a refreshing blue glow that slices through demons and monsters, no one stands a chance against my holy sword! hahahaha!

Next, I input the cursed sword Zetsubo! cheat code and it announces itself with its evil red glow hahahaha!. I place Zetsubo on my left hand and Garlion, on my right hand. It seems their powers are on pair with each other because half of my body is engulfed in blue and the other half in red so my character really looks cool now.

Next, i'm customizing my character appearance having a dark and sulky hair even though in real life, my hair is brown and curly. I put on a black assassins outfit with a wavy robe on top, reaching to under my knee but in real life, i'm in my pyjamas, how ironic.

Taking off the VR goggles, it is night as expected and its time to log in, my friends would be waiting for me so I'll log in. Logging in, logging in, logged in. Just as before, i'm in the adventurers guild but there are strangely more players now. On my mini map, there are more than 1000 players from my local area which is expected considering the dungeon raid event that's going to go down tonight.

Adventurer's conquest is a really popular game with players worldwide so adventurer guilds are created, depending on your location in the world you spawn to these guilds. The guild i am in is the Tempo guild, i look around for my friends and find them having a drink.

On my way to my friends, i bumped into someone and it just had to be him.

"Oh, if it isn't the cheat master"

He said smirking like a buffoon. His name is Shoto Minneta, the leader of a group called the Jackals but i think they should be called the jackasses because they're a big pain in the ass to handle.

A group consist of players who join forces to become stronger in order to defeat the demon lord, there are hundreds of groups with various names like the name of my group is the cheaters, as the name suggests, we didn't choose the name, it was hacked and changed, our original name were the heroes!!! which now I think about it out loud, it's still quite a stupid name.

Well, i'm the cause of it though, ever since i got my cheat codes, we were hated by the whole guild not because it was cheating but because they don't have cheat codes like mine.

Almost every player has cheat codes worldwide but mine are the overpowered ones. Even this dude in my front got lots of cheat codes but he discriminates me the most just because I've got more cheats than him and now I've had it!

"So what's that at your back?"

He asked while smirking like an idiot. I angrily draw out my swords from my shelt which illuminates the room with half of my body glowing blue and the other half red.

"What? you looking for a fight."

Minneta's smile widen as if he just got a trophy.


He replied drawing out a spear from his palm while his blue long hair waved in reaction to his swift movement. Gripping his spear, a blue blinding light glowed from it.

"Ahhhhhhhh!, what the!, mi eyessss!!!"

Everyone in the room screamed because of the light but i quickly protected my eyes, using zetsubo to block the holy light. Soon the light dimmed and everyone could now see.


Someone couldn't not but react in the crowd, amazed by the view of the glowing ice holy spear.


An uproar resounded as the players shouted with shock.

"First there was a double use of Garlion and Zetsubo, now a Rivernet! Cool!!"

I can't believe it, Its almost like i'm looking at him..... in awe. What is an holy spear?, how did he get an holy spear?, isn't it a cheat? but my old man never gave me a cheat like that or maybe he did but I haven't seen it but where did he get it from?, why don't I have this cheat?, I want Rivernet!, i want Rivernet!!

"Ha! you must be going crazy in that small brain of yours on how i got my ice Rivernet"

Ice Rivernet?

"That's because i'm better than you, hahaha!"

Yeah yeah, my god blade would probably defeat you with one attack.

"This holy spear is called a Rivernet but in my case an ice Rivernet"

Oh Minneta's explaining now.

"This is because I have an attribute of ice"

An attribute is the embodiment of ones strength, personality or mind as Minneta explained. It is ones bodily form in adventurers conquest and in Minneta's case, an ice attribute so the ice isn't a cheat code.

Other players also showed off their attributes, some were fire and some water, even plant but it seems no one wants to tell me how to use an attribute even though i ask but it doesn't matter, my cheat codes surpasses any attribute! hahahaha!, I also asked Minneta about how he got his holy spear Rivernet but he doesn't tell me, a jerk as always. We didn't even get to fight anymore! I guess he just wanted to show off his new toy since fighting in the guild is prohibited anyway so i walked over to my friends.


Intermission: My old man.

Flash back

"Grandpa! Grandpa!, how are you so good at this game?!"

Yeah, that's me, Moto Kudasaki when i was little, i always watched my grandpa play adventurers conquest on PS(PlayStation). At that time, the VR (Visual Reality) hadn't been made so i could watch grandpa and his badass gaming skills. I was always intrigued by it, how is grandpa so good? and then one day, he told me.

"I'm the cheat master"


was my reply. i couldn't believe it, I was heartbroken that the legendary gamer is a cheater

"What's the surprise for? no one can do what i did without cheat codes so i believe that we are meant to use cheats especially since we are not being stopped from doing it so i want to give you this"

Yes! the 100 cheat codes list.


When i got to my friends table, my scrutinizing eyes passed over them, Josh with his red spiky hair and his hot-blooded temperate, Kyle with his fringe hairstyle and glasses which screamed 'smart guy over here' and Wolford the silent and odd blonde, these were my friends, my only friends but for some reason my heart ached because none of them even looked at me, they just continued drinking as if i aren't there. Are they afraid of me or are they angry at me. To think of it, they never came to stop the fight, maybe they knew I'll surely win or we wouldn't fight in the first place. Well this is hopeless thinking about it, I should ask them what's wrong.

"What's wrong, guys?"

I asked awkwardly and Josh, our blonde-haired leader is the first to speak up.

"Moto, please sit down"

Oh me God, Sadly saying sit down never means something good! but i reluctantly sat down. He continued

"We have reasoned with each other and have come to an agreement that . . . . no Kyle you tell him"

"You can no longer be part of our group"

"What! Kyle how can you say that so bluntly?!"

"I am sorry"

"You don't sound sorry, Kyle!!"

"Hey! . . . . don't panic"

"That's easy for you to say Wolford! and I'm already panicking!!!"

Damn!!! i knew it was something bad but not this bad, if i don't have a group then i can't play adventurers conquest and if i can't play adventurers conquest then what's there to live for, curse that stupid producer who made it like this. ^sigh^ if it was anybody else, it wouldn't be so bad but i am the cheat master! hated by all, how would i ever find a group that would accept me?

"You guys want me to stop gaming, don't you?"

Yeah i said it and that must be it, they know no one would accept me and still, they tell me to leave so I'll ask


"I'm sorry but we can't take it anymore"

Josh said acting like the victim.

"Take what anymore?"

I inquired quite annoyed

"The hatred, the death-defying glares, the discrimination and the attacks!, we have been attacked so many times and even once, the whole guild!"

Josh yelled desperately but i answered casually.

"But i was always there to put them in check"

"You don't get it, do you? ^sigh^ we can't be friends anymore, we can't be friends with a cheater".

I looked Josh in the eye with an award winning poker face.

So its all because i'm using Cheat Codes.

"Josh, i know you have two cheat codes"


"I don't know if you were forced to do this or not but i promise you that if you weren't, i'll destroy you!!!"

Yeah, i'm pissed and I feel like destroying this whole guild and everyone in it. ^sigh^ everyone's looking at me some in fear and some in disgust.

i should just go, i'll feel helpless destroying everything here just for it to appear back. I logged out and disappeared from before them. Its 12pm, mum and dad aren't home, i should go to sleep, its been a long day.





Huh, Where am i? is this a dream? but it feels so real, my body is getting cold, am i dying? No! my soul is just separating from my body, that isn't so bad, is it?....wait, that's the same as dying. Where is my soul going? how did i die? wait, did i sleep and die.... then am i reincarnating?... Well, this is getting confusing, maybe I should go to sleep for a while and let the reincarnation process complete, i feel a tingling sensation, goodbye normal life, hello fantasy!