
Musical Magician

"music, a magic beyond all we do here" -dumbledore this is the story of john who at all times can hear music while in the world of harry potter

justsquidding · Book&Literature
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Chapter 4 Magic!

"well done! straight A's, you've done so well!" John's mum says

John had just finished his 6th year of school and was feeling happy that he'd done so well. He normally get's B's and C's with his improvement attributed to his recon ability, though it helps that with his improved memory he wished to test how good his memory , and did a bunch of reading to test himself. he primarily studied music, or more specifically J. S. Bach, though he did study other things.

John was about to ask his parents about high school when the doorbell chimed and his dad answered the door to a tall, older woman with a slight smile tugging her lips.

"Hello sir, I am Professor McGonagall, I would like to talk to you and your son about inviting your son to our school" she said as an ice cream truck passes playing Teddy bears' picnic

Johns P.O.V.

"what do you want to talk about, darling?"

"I'll wait until after dad answers the door"

I was about to ask who mum thought it might be at the but was distracted by the music. 'what's a crowd of people doing outside our house?' I thought because the music had picked up like never before, 'it's almost as if I'm in a stadium that's full of people'. deciding to investigate I move to the sitting room to get closer to the door.

"and my sons being invited to this school?"

"correct, here's your invitation. May I come inside and explain further?"

"I think that may be for the best"

once they turn into the living room both sets of eyes go to me

"john this is professor McGonagall. she's here to talk to you about joining her school." dad says

though I'm too distracted to hear him. usually in this scenario the music becomes jumpy as I'm nervous to meet a new adult, but something else entirely is happening. an actual piece of music is playing, the instrument's are actually complimenting each other instead of playing their own thing, like a mini orchestra right Infront of me with the addition of a celesta, which is a bit weird.

"ahem, John, you're meant to say hello." dad says

"uh, sorry, yes hello Mrs McGonagall its nice to meet you..." I say staring

its funny its like the music is actually Infront of me before it was just in my head but now if I turn my head from side to side the music follows, its a very weird feeling.

"....Ahem. john are you paying attention?" McGonagall asks

I keep shaking my head side to side hearing the music move about, its a lot of fun. McGonagall frowns at what at my mistaken honesty even if it is true.

"John, That is incredibly rude! She is offering you a place in her prestigious school and you admit to blatantly ignoring her to her face."

ignoring the disapproval of my dad I Riskily ask

"can you hear the music too?"

McGonagall frowns and says

"child, the ice cream truck left long ago. however we have more important things to talk about. Are you feeling alright?"

"Yep! I'm fine! so lets talk about your school then." I ask, hoping to move subject, McGonagall takes the chance to explain. properly this time.

"yes... so the special thing about our school is that its a school for wizards, such as yourself."

"...Wizards and not magicians?" I question

"Indeed" she says curtly

"May I see a show or something as proof?"

"...yes I will show you proof of magic, but it will not be a show" she says as she gets a wand from under her sleeve, slowly as to not surprise anyone. and points it at the footstool, a short lick is played and the footstool has turned into a kitten, meowing and purring, its walks up to and jumps onto Johns Lap snuggling up to him.

"Amazing" dad whispers.

"it is pretty cool" john says quietly " and its possible to learn this?"

"it is for you John, but not all people are blessed with magic, those who are not are called muggles and those that are, are called witches and wizards." McGonagall says

"how many people are blessed with magic then?"

"we don't don't have a truly accurate number but roughly 100,000 people are wizards and more are in the know."

"in the know? why the secrecy?" Dad asks suspiciously

"the witch trials in the 1600's are actually real, and in fear of the muggles hunting them wizards banned together and hid ever since. You'll get to learn more detail in the history of magic class."

"I agree!" I say not really caring about learning the magic and more about hearing more music from this lady and possibly others.

"John! you cant just decide that quickly. when's the deadline for acceptation?" mum says

"as I will need to guide you and others through Diagon Alley, I would like the letter back, by the Latest, July 10th" professor Mcgonagall reply's

"why would we need to walk diagonally?" I ask

"its an alley called Diagon, which is full of shops you will need for your school equipment, and a bank to convert pounds to galleons."

"and how would we contact you to let you know our answer?"

"all the details are in the Invitation documentation, however the invitation form is magical and can let us know when its signed."

"right. Well thank you very much, I believe we have much to talk about" mum says eyeing me.

as McGonagall leaves I decide to list to her music more carefully and learn to find out that the melody is usually woodwind while the harmony is mostly strings, there's no brass and very little percussion, because of this it has a very thin and light texture. the melody is very sleek and sneaky yet a dramatic undertone like a cat ready to pounce but it never does. The celesta comes and goes, sometimes sharing and sometimes taking over the melody completely.

"So John. What was it you wanted to talk about again?" dad says with a smirk.

'this is going to be a very long night'

a celesta is the instrument that plays the harry potter theme. its a piano-like instrument that works with sheets of metal (instead of strings, Like in a piano) these sheets of metal operate similar to a bell and gets you that wonderful timbre you hear in the music.

Thank you very much for reading. i hope you enjoyed.

P.S. i have also edited chapter 1 and 2 to include the want and ability to play the cello, feel free to re-read them though not a lot changed as its only a couple sentences. Thanks to WhiskeredCat for pointing this out, as i had planned to but forgot to include it in the story

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