
Murder On The Crossroads

After years apart, four friends meet up to party and choose wives. However, a string of murders causes one of the frineds to be labled a killer and sentenced to death. With no alibi the friends must now find the true muderer before one of thier own is killed instead.

Lady_Azzura · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Girls

Azzura Bellmont

I walked toward the punch bowl. The smells and sights of the party were a constant remembrance of my upbringing, of my mother's dreams. I had avoided this place for so long, that now I could see my mother's hopes in every girls' face. My mind raced. Was this the one that will make her happy? Would that one meet her standards? Which would turn my life in the direction she had hoped. I see now why Orian detested the thought of even coming. With all of these people, I was not having fun. I doubt I would. I filled my glass and turned to stare into the void. Never had I ever been so upheaved. Outside I was stoic, keeping my cool as I always have. Inside I was searching for a way to excuse myself from the party. Lost in thought, I was brought back to reality as I heard a voice.

"Excuse me." It was stern. Not a weak or timid voice. One of indifference and confidence. I flung my head shocked as I pierced into those dark brown eyes. She had an intense look. Her arms were crossed, and she bared all her weight on her right hip. In a second, I had taken her completely in. One second more I could see she had not done the same. "I said excuse me." She repeated in a not so gentle tone.

"Oh…pardon" I moved out of the way and she grabbed the punch bowl. Her profile was almost as amazing. She ignored me and grabbed her drink. Her dark black hair laid delicately on her pale shoulder. I had wondered how we should find a girl we liked while wearing costumes, but one glance and I knew whom I wanted. She turned and left. There I stood. An ass who had watched her walk. I had to get out of my head and know her name. Walked up to her. In a moment I had forgotten all about my breeding and manners. I walked hurriedly behind her and grabbed her arm. "Apologies" I said "Might I ask your name.

She turned toward me. Her eyes wide and in shock. She looked like an angel, then she turned into a devil. "Unhand me" she said sharply. She pulled her arm away and stared at me with daggers for eyes. I realized what it must have looked like on her end. As our eyes met again, I could feel something boiling in me. A new passion, a desire consumed me. I wanted her. I was sure of it.

"I apologize again, miss." I lowered my head and for the first time saw her costume. A femme fatale. She wore it well. As I lifted my head once more, I was captured again by those eyes. I saw a fire behind them. She had me in her gaze. I felt like a mouse waiting for this lioness to decide my fate. Though I tried to match her intensity, inwardly I felt my heart racing. I watched her puff her chest. Her arms crossed and her hip shot out. A stance that looked like her body had memorized after years of use.

"What part of 'Excuse me' made you feel like I wanted you to grab my arm?" Her tone was ready to fight. I smiled and began again.

"Again, apologies. I must have overstepped my boundaries. But one can't help themselves when seeing an…"

"If you are trying to sweet talk me, you must be out of your mind." Her head held high; she swung her hair to remove it from her shoulder. An act made to seem intimidating, but coincidently exposed more of her shoulders. Her porcelain skin making her look statuesque. It was like watching Aphrodite herself walk from the museum. I always did love that piece. I continued my quest for her name.

"Apologies, I…"

"Stop saying 'apologies'." I stayed silent but smiled at her.

"Well you have me at a disadvantage." She raised an eyebrow. "See, the only response to your statement would be to apologize." She smiled pleased with herself then gave a small shrug. In honesty, her smile made her look even better.

"So your best response is to remain silent." She claimed and then waited for me to react. I said nothing but smiled back in a way that meant 'your move.' She was about to say something when someone yelled from the sidelines. It was a friend I can only assume. She ran up hugging her from behind.

"Azzura," the new girl said. Me and Azzura met eyes once more. "Azzura, come on, I want to talk to you!" Azzura put her hand on her friend's arm. With that she turned and said.

"Lead the way." They walked off leaving me standing alone. I saw her move quietly into the crowd. I knew she could tell I was still watching, and I knew I would not be the same after meeting my little Azzura. I slinked back to the table where Lagaraus was sitting. However, Lagarus was gone. Swept up into the night I suppose. Honestly, I didn't care where he went. For me, tonight was not long enough. I would have to find her again to give my information. I would need to take hers. I wanted tonight to not end.

Rai Morningstar

I sat at the table. Then night already seemed boring, but duty made me decide to leave only after a considerable amount of time. I surveyed the room taking in all exits and vantage points. No threat was nearby, but one couldn't be too careful. The noise of people talking began to get louder as time flew by. After only a few minutes I watched as Orian snuck off to the back. I thought about going with him, the back was an open garden where I could light a cigarette.

The talking would not stop. Voices began to mesh into a one loud orchestra of noise. I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out my medicine. I took a water glass from the table and swallowed it down, cocking my head toward the ceiling while leaning back in my chair. I closed my eyes trying to clear myself of this affliction. Then a single conversation stood out of the vocal patchwork.

"It's THAT one." The emphasis was not something I was not used to. All throughout my childhood I would often get called 'THAT one'. "have you heard the rumors" they continued. I was indifferent to the conversation, yet my focus was on them. In a way it was helping. Focusing on one conversation in the sea of voices was helping with the throbbing in my skull. "They say she is a lost woman." Her? My eyes opened. Intrigued for the first time since I arrived.

I looked over to see a young woman. She had long reddish hair and an olive complexion. I guess, by some standards she may be considered beautiful. She wore mourning clothes as if going to a funeral. Not the best look for someone hoping to be a bride. Her hair was pulled back and her hat donned a veil. She looked uncomfortable. About as uncomfortable as I felt at this party. Now I was able to see the voices I had been listening to. It was two women. One, a slightly more portly girl. The other, a bit more on the older side. They continued "Lost as in…"

"Yes!" her chubby friend interrupted. "They say she is a scarlet letter, already ruined and just waiting her days for an unsuspecting man." I had no reason to be on anyone's side, but I remember how it felt to be talked about. From the slight movement she made I could tell the young lady was also able to hear the conversation. I don't like to get in the middle of girl talk, it is quite bothersome. However, as a soldier I knew not to let someone get ambushed.

I got up and made my way to her. As I got closer, I was shocked by how thin she was. She seemed thinner than most girls. This is something my friends may not have picked up on, but it's something I have always been good at catching. The tiny details. Her arms were covered in the long sleeves of her gown. However, the way she had placed her left had on her right forearm seemed a natural sort of action. As if she had done this often. It gave me the impression of concealed pain. Taking her fully in, a funeral seemed to fit her. It was if she was mourning her own existence.

She looked up at me and her green eyes teetered on suspicion and disbelief. "Can I help you?" she asked as she lowered her gaze to the floor.

"I see you were alone." I said, still looking her over. Her hands had disappeared under the table and stiffly pressed to her thighs. She seemed tense.

"Y..yes." She didn't tremble or seem nervous. She just sat tense staring at the floor.

"should I go?" I asked plainly. Her whole body seemed to relax. But, it wasn't cause of comfort or relief. Her sigh that accompanied the relaxation looked more like defeat. The same type of defeat that I had seen in Jefferey's eyes as he gave up on trying to 'reach' me. He used to try so hard to 'fix' my issues but eventually gave that same sigh of resignation when he would try.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked to break the silence. She didn't move but I decided to grab one anyway. I walked toward the punch bowl. I could see Armand talking to a raven-haired woman. She seemed upset with her hip cocked and her eyes narrowed on him. Still I was painfully aware of the two gossips meandering closer toward me. Like snakes they slithered over thinking I had not noticed. I turned to them which seemed to startle. They looked at me with their mouths finally closed. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Oh…well…my friend here," said the portly one, "has pointed out that you are sitting with Rai."

"and?" I interjected.

"and?" she said with a breath of disbelief. A small chuckle escaped the older one as she said.

"You must be new, so I don't blame you dear." She reached her hand to touch my arm. I followed her movement then tensed at the touch. I looked her in the eye with fire that begged to try to go any further. She seemed slightly uncomfortable as she pulled her hand away rather hastily. "and…well…she is, as some may say, almost an old maid." They both chuckled again at their joke.

"That's surprising." I responded.

"Not if you knew wh…"

"That's not what I meant," I said threateningly. The girls' laughs died down.

"Well then what did you mean?" The older man said sternly. I looked her dead in the eye.

"If she is almost an old maid, then why are you here, you seem like you have gone past your prime twice over." The silence and shock that was on their face I would calculate was a kind of appalled wounded ego. I then walked past them again looking up and no longer seeing Armand. I grabbed the drinks and began my walk back. I could see the portly friend wanting to say something. As the moment almost died down she finally gained the courage to run up and speak with me. Her older friend sat seething in anger and tears at the table.

"You are not very nice"

"You are not very thin," I retorted. She gasped.


"easily" I responded.

"You are just a horrible human being" I looked at her and how she raised her voice. But that began to be drowned out. It was her eyes. The look of shock. How bulged they were. Her pupils just dots as they shrank to pinpricks. I had seen them before. I heard a voice behind me. It was the platoon sergeant. He was yelling at me to run in. yelling at me to kill the enemy. Wasn't I just holding drinks? I looked down, it was a gun. I was holding a gun.

There were shrieks around me. Is it laughter? No, it's screams. I begin to feel dizzy. There is wetness on my head. I touch it, Its blood. Someone is screaming. My eyes begin to narrow. I have to make the screaming stop. I need to follow commands. A gentle hand touches my shoulder. I turn and see a nurse mouthing words to me. She is wiping my head. Was I shot? I feel a headache begin to brew. What is she saying? I'm…Sorry…? Why is she saying I'm sorry. I keep watching her mouth move the same words over and over as she wipes my head. I'm sorry I'm sorry. Soon the sounds of the party hit me again. It's Rai standing next to me. She is saying I'm sorry as she is wiping my head. Is that blood? I think. No. its punch.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"what happened?"

"she was mad, and you had stopped responding so she poured the drink on your head." I was in a daze. Who poured a drink on my head? Why? I looked over at the women, the portly one looking proud as she sat arms crossed. "I'm so sorry."

"why?" I asked, half annoyed. She had said sorry and it was not her that needed to apologize.

"You…you were defending me, it's my fault"

I didn't respond but watched as she seemed to internalize the guilt. I decided to take her outside to the back. I knew she needed air.


I was embarrassed and humiliated by the costume my family had procured. Surely Gertrude should have realized the ostracization she would cause by providing me with this disgrace of an outfit. I watched as that poor boy Dimitri was talking with the women. He must have still been sore with me and I was sure he would try to gain a laugh at my expense. I decided the best course was to slip outside into the night for the time being. I hastily walked into an archway which gave way to a lush garden. In the dark light of the moon and low torches it became hard to discern my unusual appearance.

I sat on a nearby bench which overlooked a fountain. I stared into the pouring water. It was quieter out here. No one seemed to have come into this area and so I let go a sigh of relaxation. The rest of the boys had come as a simple jest. They had no intention of meeting women who would be their wives. Neither had I, but my father's glare came back to me. "know that I am doing this for your own good, and our family's best interest." Those last words he spoke played in my mind. He had a pain in his eyes. A pain that spoke volumes. Why was it imperative that I marry? Why now? I sat back in my chair and looked up at the night sky. I closed my eyes and imagined that look on my father's face again. Why did he seem so intent?

Then I heard a noise. It was like an odd splash of water. Like a fish or hand had broken its almost still surface. "Hello?" I stood up looking around the rim of the fountain. There I saw a spot darker than the other shadows.

"H-hello," a tiny and delicate voice responded. From what I could tell, she had pulled her hand back and close to her chest. She sat on the edge of the water, her silhouette being the only thing I could discern. "May I help you sir." She said quietly.

"oh, sorry. No." In silence I looked away awkwardly.

"Why aren't you at the party?" she asked.

"I cannot lie to a woman; I would rather not show my costume." She giggled slightly and I felt hot annoyance flood my face.

"And what about you, woman?" I snapped back.

"Me? I also did not want to show my costume. I'm sorry that I laughed." Her silhouette turned its head toward the water's surface. There was something defeated in the way she apologized, and this time shame had flushed my face. She was, after all, a weaker creature.

"I apologize if I offended you in any way."

"I am not offended…simply, disappointed."

"I do not understand?" she sighed and I watched the silhouette turn its gaze skyward.

"What is your opinion of the moon?"

"…the moon?"

"Yes, what is your opinion of it?"

"It's the moon, it shines bright and gives us something to look at in the night sky."

"But that is just it, the moon does not shine. It reflects, like the water." I stayed silent looking up as well. The moon was indeed shining, but I understood what she meant. The moon reflected the sun's rays.

"I'm sorry my lady, what does any of this have to do with your disappointment?"

"There are many stories of the moon." I looked back down at her awaiting her to continue and preemptively thought of stories I may have heard. "they say there is a man on the moon, that there are rabbits making rice cakes up there as well…"

"That's absurd."

"Is it…tell me, what stories have you heard regarding the moon?" No thought nor story had come across my mind. I stared at the moon then back at the silhouetted woman and I was shocked to see her head was facing me not the moon. Or perhaps she was looking the other way, it was hard to tell in the shadows.

"I have none." I commented. She made no movement but seemed to be contemplating the words which were said. Why does she care so much about the moon? "my lady, you have yet to tell me what the moon has to do with your disappointment." She looked down at the water, into the reflection of the moon and stars.

"There is a legend that says werewolves are transformed in the light of a full moon. That a person is turned into a horrible monster unable to recognize their friends or family." She lightly touched the water's surface and caused ripples along its glassy surface. "The tale says there is, however, one person in the whole world whom the wolf would recognize. One person who could bring the werewolf back from the deepest depths and turn them back into a human."

She had a way of beating around the bush. A way of dancing around a question. I almost spoke outwardly but she continued on. "See I think, following the story, that the moon then isn't actually transforming a person into a werewolf. I think the moon reflects. It reflects what we don't want to see in ourselves. We see the evil and anger that dwells in our deepest parts. That person who changes the werewolf back into a person, doesn't change them. They are the person who sees them in their worst of times and still embraces them. The person who loves them for who they truly are, rather than the person they pretend to be."

How profound. For a woman she had a way with words and I could really understand what she meant. Many times, I had wondered that myself. My status and my family name, would women still want me if I had none. These were dark hidden thoughts I had told to no one else and here she stated it so plainly. So eloquently. I was about to speak when she unknowingly interrupted.

"You asked why I am disappointed. It is because in the night, under this full moon, behind the guise of masks…I had hoped I would find my one person…Yet…none have been able to talk to me plainly. Talk to me as a person."

"you do make it difficult." Her head cocked toward me and I could feel its gaze.

"I'm sorry?" she asked, taken aback.

"twice I tried to say something and twice I was cut across." She did not move and I could only imagine she was digesting the words again.

"I apologize, I…"

"don't." I said. With this I sat on the opposite side of the fountain. "let me introduce myself. In hopes to see you for you and you see me for me, my name is Orion. No titles. No last names. Just Orion. And yours my lady?" She responded and her voice had a definite smile in its tone.


Claudia Bellmont

"Hello ladies" I say walking into the gaggle of girls. There was a fair raven-haired girl, a brunette and a blonde. It was like the quickest smorgasbord this party could offer. You can tell a lot about a woman simply by their response to a simple hello. The raven-haired one quickly raised an eyebrow and cocked a hip to the side. She would be the most difficult, but I knew how to navigate a rigid profile. The brunette looked slightly excited but quickly gained her composure. She was obviously wanting a guy to talk to her but knew her status would frown upon it, basically she got money. The blonde looked slightly confused, do not blondes usually though. She looked around as if she did not realize I was talking to her at first. Obviously, she has low self-esteem. As expected, the raven-haired answered first.

"Can we help you?" she said in an already annoyed tone.

"Yes," I said with a grin. "I was wondering if one or more of you would have interest in a dance." The raven scoffed, the brunette's eyes seemed to brighten though she tried to hold it back, the blonde smiled and giggled nervously.

"No." said the raven in her uninterested gaze. I liked a challenge but I had better prospects still in front of me. I turned to the blonde (I did like blondes) and sighed,

"Well, would this beauty care to dance." She looked shocked for a moment then turned a bit pink.

"she is shy" said the brunette and I knew I had my way in already, though the raven girl still seemed sour.

"well then," I said grabbing the blonde's hand and giving it a kiss. "let's start with names, I am Dimitri D'Moon." She smiled despite her pink hue of embarrassment.

"I'm Mari Palisai."

"Palisai," I responded, that was a name I knew well, "surely not the daughter of Madam Teresa Palisai, the amazing opera diva?" She seemed to melt away the shyness and embarrassment. She smiled brightly.

"Yes, my mother!" she exclaimed.

"Then you must have the voice of an angel." She shrunk back down. Oops, but that told me a lot more about her.

"no, not really. But I love to dance."

"art, is art. Whether you sing or dance it must come from the heavens." I said covering my previous blow. She smiled to herself obviously drinking the wine from my compliments. "and it makes sense that an angel would hang out with others of her kind." I said looking back on the other girls. The brunette was taken completely by my words, the raven still scowled at my presence.

"Thank you, now leave so we can…" she began but was interrupted by the brunette.

"Azzura, can you get me some punch?" requested the brunette.

"what?" Azzura responded.

"some punch, please?" begged the brunette. I had to hold back myself as I was ecstatic that she was trying to help me which means she was also interested. Azzura gave her a face and then turned and walked away. I could get Azzura if I wanted but how could I turn up two willing women for one prude. I turned to the brunette again.

"So, I'm at a disadvantage, you know my name but I've yet to learn yours." She smiled and I saw a small glimmer in her eye.

"My name is Claudia, Claudia Bellmont." Bellmont, I knew she had a high status. The Bellmont are directly related to the royal family. Based on her eagerness, I knew she didn't want me to linger on her family name. So I took her hand and kissed it light.

"Nice to meet you, Claudia." She smiled and looked over at the blonde who seemed to still be smiling but I could sense the sadness behind it. She probably thinks I would want to be with Claudia due to her name, but little does she know I am a generous man, and I would take them both if they'd let me. I took the duo's hands.

"Would you both like to dance, I'd hate to leave one of you alone. Look at these men" I gestured to the room, "they are like sharks." Claudia smiled and laughed but ultimately declined.

"no, I'm no good at dancing." She exclaimed. I nodded and took Mari to be whisked away.

"shall we then, my dancing little muse?" The blonde smiled and nodded. We danced and talked about her mother. Apparently, her mother had recently removed herself from the stage. She opened a rather large musical agency where she could work contracts for people who want to make it in the industry. Well, it just so happens that I had been working trying to find my way in. Playing at John's bar wasn't really cutting it.

"I can get you in touch with my mother if you like." Mari stated. A hot chick and a business proposal, how could I go wrong.

"I would appreciate that." I said giving a reassuring grin. The song came to an end. I walked over to Claudia hugging unto Azzura's arm. They were whispering something back and forth. Azzura looking as sour as before and Claudia beaming excitedly.

"Hello, Ms. Azzura." I said with a sly grin in my voice. She looked at me sternly as before. She opened her mouth to say something but was promptly cut off by Claudia.

"His name is Dimitri!" She blurted. Assura gave her a sharp glare and Claudia reacted by apologizing and explaining herself. "Sorry, it would just be rude to not address someone by their name." Azzura shot me a disapproving look before beginning again.

"What exactly are your intentions here Mr…. Dimitri" she said my name as if it were beneath her to even utter the word.

"My intentions are entirely pure. In fact, Ms. Mari and I were simply discussing possible work arrangements regarding me possibly meeting her mother."

"Her mother?" interjected Claudia. "You are a musician?!"

"Yes I am"

"What do you play?!" she continued excitedly.

"I am a singer and I have a trusty guitar." I could see Claudia tipping with excitement. Azzura rolled her eyes then said to Claudia.

"Music is a hard thing to get into. Not everyone is good enough to make money from it. What could his prospects really be?!" I almost said something to defend myself but there was no need. Claudia for the first time seemed to be defending the art.

"You are friends with Mari and several others who make funds from it. Music is a growing industry Azzy. It's got plenty of opportunities."

"your father would never approve." My thoughts began to fly. Father approves? This conversation is already going that direction, I may want to leave and find a better prospect for the night.

"My father doesn't need to know just yet!" and now I loved how Claudia thought. What he doesn't know won't kill him.

"Your father has already forbidden it!" So daddy doesn't want her with a musician. Seems like a nice fellow.

"My father can't control my life." Claudia seems a bit too excited for this. Could be a clinger.

"Claudia, you are a woman of note."

"Stop it Azzura. I am a woman at the end of the day. A human being. It should be my choice." The way she said that made me feel a bit bad though. It seemed so desperate, as if she had this argument many times.

"You don't get a choice in this matter." I couldn't help but interject. Claudia was looking more desperate and I can't help but defend a girl who needed it.

"Look, Azzura, she is a grown woman. She can make her own choice…." Azzura snapped at me and her whole pretense of a stern woman turned into a ready to strike snake.

"You are not a part of this family and have no say in what she can and cannot be."

"she can choo….wait what? What do you mean be?" If Azzura's eyes could talk they would be screaming 'Off with his head'. Nevertheless, I realized this conversation was much more than me and marriage prospects. Mari grabbed my arm and whispered.

"Claudia wants to be a musician, but her father has forbidden it." Those words cut for some reason. I remembered how many people told me no. How many called me crazy. I was good at defending myself, but Claudia looked as if she was about to cry. I could see the years of pain that she had. I knew that pain. Like a dancer who lost her legs. Trapped in her body never able to express her true self. Or an artist who has vast amazing images in his head but unable to draw, unable to share himself.

Music is like a language of its own. When one wants to speak in their birth tongue. In the hidden language of timed sound and silence. That kind of pain doesn't go away. I could see it now, in Claudia's eyes. The pain of hiding who she really was while the visions of it played in her mind over and over again. A consistent reminder of what swayed her very soul. A tease, just out of grasp. I looked Azzura in the eyes.

"You can't forbid music." I said laughing. Azzura rooted herself. Her feet locking to the ground and her hip shooting out and I swear her eyes darkened.

"You have no right to…"She began but I interrupted. I've dealt with women like this before and it's best to get them off guard.

"Neither do you, last I checked you weren't dear old daddy were you." Azzura's mouth fell open and her eyes widened. It's almost like I had slapped her right in the pride. Then her face contorted in that familiar way.

"How dare you!" she said

"Easily" I didn't look at Claudia or Mari but their silence spoke volumes. No one talked to Azzura that way before. If you ask me, it's long overdue.

"Well this just goes to show that I overestimated you in the end." She grabbed Claudia's hand and said "Come along Claudia, we can…" she paused as I took Claudia's other hand and it caused her to stop."

"Will you please come to dance?" I said the words but my eyes were telling her I wanted to help.

"she will not…" Azzura began, but again I cut her off.

"She makes this choice not you, you are not daddy." Claudia looked flustered. Should she follow Dimitri or Azzura.

"Your father would be furious, Claudia." Said Azzura looking Claudia in the eyes, trying to bypass me all together.

"That's true, but only if Azzura tells." Azzura looked like I had threatened her.

"That's not true, I won't tell but…"

"Then there is no need to worry daddy won't know." Azzura looked panicked.

"Others will, this is a big party many people will see."

"They also see you getting far too worked up for a lady." Azzura dropped Claudia's arm and tried to straighten herself up. Some nearby were looking over curiously as we did make a tiny scene in the otherwise prim party. With this momentary lapse in Azzura I pulled Claudia closer and said.

"It would be less conspicuous to just dance now." Claudia was shocked but began dancing. She actually was really good. It dawned on me that she claimed not to dance as a way to suppress her desire for music. I gave her a half smile. The music she was dancing to, meant she needed to pay attention to it. Listen to others do what she longed to do.

"You know, if you wanted to do music you could still do it. Regardless of Azzura or your dad." Claudia gave a small, pained smile.

"I don't think I'm that good anyway."

"Bullshit" I said. Claudia's eyes widened. I doubt she had ever heard anyone curse before. "What I mean is, no one has this kind of passion and just doesn't sound good." She softened her expression and closed her eyes to drink in the music. I looked at her soaking it in and something inside my heart twinged. "sing for me."

"what?" she said, opening her eyes looking at me curiously. I had honestly blurted it out and it sounded like a cheesy thing to have said. But I have to own it now.

"Sing, right now. You don't have to say a word just hum to the music." She looked down and obviously doubted herself.

"no…no I…I cant" she said looking away not able to meet my gaze. We quietly swayed on the spot and then I began to hum for her. Humming the song. She turned her face my way again and shock was creeping across her eyes. Before the shock could fully hit her eyes though, she smiled and giggled again. Her giggle was kind of cute. Far better than her almost crying. She closed her eyes and hummed with me. The sound of just her hum was amazing. Her voice is so clear and heavenly. I don't believe in god, but I bet this is what an angel would have sounded like.

Then the pain hit me. It was a crime against music that she shouldn't be allowed to sing. It made me not believe in god all over again. Cause what kind of god would fill her with such passion, give her the voice to pursue it, then curse her with a family that would not allow it to happen. Her voice was one that belonged on stage in a fancy place filled with furs and diamonds. My music was not like hers. In contrast, I would sing and play from my soul. Dark and deep. Filled with anger and rage. I knew I didn't belong in a fancy opera house for sure.

We danced for only a bit longer. When we finished she let me know she needed to check on Azzura. Off she went. Mari walked over and well, I couldn't help feeling that I wanted to talk with Claudia some more about her music. But I shrugged it off and wrapped an arm around Mari's shoulder. After all, nothing has ever stopped me from talking to a woman before and the party was not over.