
Murder On The Crossroads

After years apart, four friends meet up to party and choose wives. However, a string of murders causes one of the frineds to be labled a killer and sentenced to death. With no alibi the friends must now find the true muderer before one of thier own is killed instead.

Lady_Azzura · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Bar and the Ball

Dimitri was the first to arrive. With a spring in his step he walked into the almost empty establishment. He smoothly sat down in a chair at the bar waiting for the bartender to speak with him. John was his name. He was a thick man sporting a collared shirt and fat hands. As he eyed Dimitri, he exhaled a defeated breath and walked over.

Dimitri smiled that coy smile John had seen many times. John puffed up his chest and said gruffly, "I ain't got no drink for Dimitri." Dimitri gave an appalled face.

"I am not asking for charity." John closed his eyes and shook his head in a manner that read 'Not this again'.

"Then how are you going to pay?" he leaned against the bar, as if waiting to hear one of Dimitri's elaborate stories where he would often try to swindle a free drink.

"I intend on paying with my services." John's face twisted in a way of annoyance and displeasure.


"Come on"

"No. Dam it Dimitri, no."

"Alright alright…." Said Dimitri. "Just add it to my tab then."

"Your tab is full Dimitri."

"Fine, add it to Orian's tab." John shook his head and just walked away. "Come on John. Just add it to Orian. He's good for it."

"Fine, whatever" he said defeated as he grabbed a cup and filled it with beer. He walked over and placed it in front of Dimitri a little harder than he had expected it to. Dimitri took hold of the cup then said,

"So, what are the chances of me getting on stage?"


"John…we both know you're going to let me go on stage….so can we just cut the back and forth?" John looked upward slightly, as if he were staring off into the distance for a shred of help.

"Fine…but play something everyone will like." Dimitri smiled a toothy grin as he took a mouthful beer and made his way to the small stage. He went behind it and pulled out his guitar which he often left hidden it's many back compartments. He got on stage and sat down as he turned his instrument. He was about to play when he saw Armand walk in.

"Hey fucker!" he said over the mic. It made everyone look at Armand. Armand felt odd for a second and gave a small wave to the crowd. Dimitri said, "sorry folks we are going to have an intermission" and jumped off stage as someone screamed 'Fuck you' in the distance.

"What happened to you, Armand? You look Like death." It wasn't an understatement. Armand was still grappling in his mind the harshness of what happened just a few moments ago. His life flashing before his eyes as a gun was held to him.

"I need a drink." Armand said. He called John. "Hey John, one tall one". John nodded and proceeded to finish with the order he was already on.

"So, what's going on?" said Dimitri as he drank heartily from his own cup. Armand began to scan his mind to determine where to start. He went over the Lawn in a bottle and the demonstration. He skimmed over Brutus and the small fortune he had earned himself. He was, however, particularly detailed in the events that followed everything. He described the crying boy and the Cop. He described the young man and the gun.

"Here ya go." John had placed the drink in front of Armand as he encouraged him. "drink drink. You look like you need it." Armand downed half the cup. "There ya go." John said, then stretched his hand in a way that suggested payment. Armand had a twinge of remembrance on the last part of his story. All of his money was in his coat…the coat he had put on the little boy. The little boy that the young man had taken…with, of course, his coat.

"Put it on Orian's tab" Armand said and John, visibly annoyed, walked away muttering inaudible words under his breath. Dimirti let out a small chuckle as he finished the last bits of his cup. The door swung open as Orian made his way in. Upon seeing his friends at the bar, he nodded toward an empty table. They all walked over and sat down.

"Armand, are you ok?" asked Orian. Armand would have responded but Dimitri answered first simply saying.

"He got mugged." Orian's brows furrowed as he tried to discern the severity of the mugging while also sending a judgmental eye on Dimitri. "What's that look for?" said Dimitri, catching the glare.

"You're a lowlife yourself." Orian started.

"You can't be trying to say that I.." Orian interrupted him.

"I'm saying you probably know the guy who robbed him." Dimitri, not actually offended, stated in a mocking tone.

"Well, now I'm offended." Orian shook his head in disbelief and turned his attention back to Armand.

"It's not a shame to be weak." Dimitri broke into laughter as Armand finally met Orian's eyes.

"I'm not weak." Armand said in annoyance.

"Yes, you are, otherwise you wouldn't have been mugged." Orian rebutted.

"You know," said Dimitri, bringing a hand to his chin. "Orian has a point. We only go for the weak ones."

"Shut up." Armand muttered under his breath. "It wasn't like that anyway." He began to spin the tale once more for Orian. Dimitri, who had already heard the story, decided to instead go on stage and perform for the rest of the bar, however, he was removed before ever reaching it. He then promptly sat down and laid his head in his arms on the table until Armand had finished catching Orian up. Orian ordered himself a drink as he contemplated when would be a good time to bring up the Ball.

After a bit of joking and casual talk the group had hit a plateau in the conversation. The bar was getting fuller which meant it was getting later and time was running out to mention the Ball. Orian cleared his throat and spoke. "Well, my father wants me to settle down."

"What!?" said Armand and Dimitri in unison perking up from their chairs. Orian seemed annoyed but continued on.

"He got me an invitation to the coming of age party tonight." Dimitri opened his mouth slightly as he pondered the fun Orian would have.

"Girls." Dirmitri said as he stared off into the distance. "Girls everywhere…all unescorted and wanting you to hit on them." He laid backwards on his chair drinking in the slight jealousy he had for Orian at this very moment. "You're so lucky."

"I don't see it that way." Said Orian. "I am being told to go find a wife. I am not ready to settle down…nor did I realize you were ready Dimitri."

"Dude, no." said Dimitri, getting up from his quick fantasy with a foul taste in his mouth. "No. You just get to flirt and play the game. You're a guy only girls have time limits. Just have fun and don't pick if you don't want to." Armand thought about it for a minute and said.

"You know, he is right…You don't have to pick tonight. Just go and have fun." Dimitri hugged unto Armand placing himself Cheek to cheek.

"Our little Orian all grown up." He began a pretend cry. "Now we will have to excommunicate him from the kids table." Annoyed, Orian placed the letter with Dimitri's name on it in front of him.

"Well I guess you're being brought down with me." Dimitri took the letter and began to read it. Orian continued, "My dad made sure I brought you too." Orian had expected this news to affect Dimitri the same way. Dimitri would be the one loathing the idea today. Dimitri put the paper down quietly as he threw a dirty look towards Orian. "What?" Orian said, waiting for Dimitri now to lament on how he did not want to settle down.

"You had this the whole time and You didn't tell me?" he looked positively angry.

"It's not like you need to get ready. What would you wear? You'll embarrass yourself." Dimitri slammed his hands on the table as he stood.

"I barely have any time and most clothes shops would be closed by now."

"Ok, so wear what you are wearing. At least then we can be sure the good nobles wont sully themselves with the likes of a lowlife." Orian stood at his full height. He was almost 2 heads taller than Dimitri who did not look intimidated in the slightest. John yelled,

"Hey, don't mess up my bar again." This would not have been the first time they got into a squabble and of all those quarrels Dimitri had won 0. They appeared to be ready to fight when Armand shouted.

"Guys it's Lagarus!" distracted they turned, sure enough to see their old friend at the door. In a second the squabble seemed to have been a distant memory and they invited him to the table. Orian ordered a round for them all as they sat down. Lagarus looked at the 3 old faces and said in a very dry tone.

"I've been discharged."

"Honorably or dishonorably?" Asked Dimitri.

"HONORABLY of course" said Orian who's temper seemed to have borrowed from their last disagreement just moments before. Lagarus stared at each of them one by one reassessing their features.

"Honorably" he said in his bored way.

"Then that settles it." Said Dimitri in a matter of fact tone.

"Settles what?" responded Armand.

"That he is now fucked in the head." Orian stood back up as he readied himself to fight once more.

"How dare you speak about someone of a noble family in such a way!" Dimitri crossed his arms and refuted.

"They only let you go honorably if you lost something." He leaned back in his chair. "From what I can tell he's got all 10 fingers and toes. So the problem has to be in his head." Orian almost said something when Lagarus responded.

"Flashback they called them." Everyone got quiet and listened. He told them all about his time at war and how he had experienced his first flashbacks. As the time grew later and the Ball drawing closer, they boys decided to end their conversations.

"Orian will need to go now." Said Dimirti. "He needs to get ready for the ball." Orian let out an annoyed grunt and began to get up. "oh Orian," Dimitri played on "What is your fairy godmother making you wear anyway?" Orian looked at Dimitri confused.

"What kind of a question is that? I'll wear whatever looks good." Dimitri began to smile that sly smile that said he felt Orian didn't know something. Orian looked at Armand and said "Right?" Armand responded with,

"Well it is a costume party this year."

"What!" shouted Orian in disbelief as he opened his letter once more. At the very bottom it did in fact state a Costume party. "My dad never mentioned this!"

"Why do you think I was annoyed? I had no time to go to the shop. Looks like I won't have to go if I don't want to, but you do. If I'm not mistaken, you would look so prude to come to a costume party not even dressed up." Dimitri laughed then said, "Hang on, how did you know Armand." He put his hand to his chest and said in a fake offended tone "Did you read my letter?! How preposterous." Armand didn't laugh with him but said.

"No, I have one at home."

"What?" said Dimitri and Orian in unison.

"My mom thought If I settled down, I would give up on a stupid dream of being an inventor. So, she signed me up years ago. I get an invite every year." Orian smiled but Dimitri said in an actual offended tone.

"You've never told me that before." Armand let out a smirk

"Because you would have tried to encourage me to go or beg for my ticket in order for you to go." Dimitri opened his mouth about to say something but stopped himself as he realized, yea he would have.

"Come with me," Orian said "then I won't have to go alone, and I won't be the only one not in costume."

"Hey, didn't your old man want me to go with you?" Said Dimitri back in his mocking tone.

"Shut up." Orian barked. "Come on Armand, I'm asking as a friend" Armand rolled his eyes then agreed.

"Fine," he made a grab for his coat out of habit then shook his head when he remembered he didn't have it. "But I do have a costume. My mother bought me one this year in hopes I would go."

"So…ill still look like an ass." said Orian annoyed.

"Actually, I was invited." Said Lagarus. They all looked at him in shock then a small smile broke over them all.

"that's great!" said Armand, we can keep catching up." Dimitri pursed his lips as he now also wanted to go. He had the invite but no costume. Nor a noble's outfit to at the very least fit in. No one would talk to him at that kind of party, not while dressed like a commoner. Orian looked relieved as he finally had someone he would walk around with who was not dressed for the occasion.

"Alright so me and Lagarus will be in normal clothes then."

"Yes." Said Lagarus. "I plan on wearing my military uniform." He had said it in a way that made it seem like his clothes would be normal everyday attire. However, Dimitri laughed at Orian when the rest knew his uniform would look very much like a costume regardless. The group continued to grab their things and get ready to leave. Orian left to pay his bill. Armand stopped Dimitri before he fully left the table.

"Dimitri." He said quietly.

"Yea?" said Dimitri, matching Armand's quiet tone.

"Do you….do you know the person who mugged me?"


"The boy I spoke of…Did you recognize him from the story?"

"I actually did." Dimitri was not sure where the conversation was going as Armand knew Demitri was not a snitch.

"Can you possibly get my coat back?"

"Now Armand, I doubt the money would be…"

"No, I just want the coat." Dimitri looked confused. "The money is one thing," Armand continued, "But I really like that coat." Dimitri couldn't believe his ears.

"Yea, I'll see if I can get it for you."

"Thanks." Armand looked over at Orian then back to Dimitri, "I have a spare costume I will let you wear."

"Seriously?" said Dimitri in a genuinely grateful tone.

"Yeah, I mean, we are about the same size. So, It should fit you nicely." Dimitri did a tiny quiet happy dance as he grabbed his letter off the table. Orian came back looking slightly annoyed.

"What's wrong?" said Armand.

"Damn place is getting more expensive every time I come here. I swear he has me paying for extra drinks." Dimitri tried to keep a very serious face before he turned away to calm the laugh which was forcing its way up this throat. Armand also kept an unusually straight face at this comment as he simply did a little nod in its acknowledgement.

Armand and Dimitri left to get ready leaving Lagarus and Orian alone at the pub.

"You should get changed if you plan to be in military wear." Said Orian. They walked out the door and Lagarus stopped walking, staring into the darkness of the fading sky. "Something wrong?" asked Orian.

"I'm not sure where to go." Lagarus replied.

"What do you mean? Surely you haven't forgotten the way home." Lagarus looked at him.

"My family is dead." He said coldly. Orian turned to look at Lagarus. A small amount of pity struck him as he looked at Lagarus' hardened face.

"You can get ready at my house for the night." Lagarus didn't say anything but followed as Orian walked.

Armand and Dimitri walked to the Lioncourt house. The quaint house of moderate size stood at the very end of their street. Armand walked up the familiar path as Dimitri gazed upon it for the first time. The house was like a cookie cutter house for most lords. It was wider than it was tall and had a lovely iron wrought fence. The lawn, which was immaculately trimmed, wrapped around the house. The green was a contrast to the red and white brick which formed on it.

Dimitri whistled a bit as he looked at the flowers and bushes. "Nice place." Armand let out a small note of appreciation. He put his key in the door and walked in. Before he could let out a word his mother rounded on him. By the sheer quickness of it all Armand could only guess she had been waiting for him to come home.

"ARMAND LIONCOURT!" Dimitri jumped as he simply was not expecting this, but Armand made no motion to this sudden change in volume giving off the appearance it was routine. "IT IS ALMOST TIME FOR THE BALL! YOU WILL BE GOING THIS YEAR WHETHER OR NOT YOU LIKE IT OR NOT"

"I am going this year." His mother swelled angrily.


"I'm not. I am going this year." He replied.

"I ALREADY GO…" She paused as she saw Dimitri's shocked and puzzled face. "oh" she said, fixing her hair and restraining herself. "You brought a friend."

"Yes, mom, can I introduce you to Dimitri D'Moon. Dimitri, this is my mother, Emily Lioncourt." She smiled weakly as embarrassment panged in the back of her mind.

"Hello Mr. D'Moon. I hope you can forgive my shrillness earlier." Dimitri finally back in his element as the initial shock wore off smiled his cheeky smile as he grabbed her hand, bowed, and kissed it while saying,

"Madam, I would rather be shot than deny you your forgiveness. Regardless, It would be wrong to stay cross with a vision such as yourself." Mrs. Lioncourt smiled as she fixed her hair a second time and Armand rolled his eyes before saying,

"My mother Dimitri." Dimitri smiled again and asked Mrs. Lioncourt.

"May I come in?" She agreed politely and moved aside. Dimitri walked in and Armand followed. Mrs. Lioncourt waved for a servant to get snacks for the company.

"I want to apologize for the state of the house, Armand has never brought a friend over." She turned to Armand with an eye that read 'we will speak later'. "So, he has obviously brought you in hope to avoid the Ball this year too."

"On the contrary." Said Dimitri, "I convinced him to go." Armand gave a side glance that read 'no it was Orian.' However, the news came as such a shock to Mrs. Lioncourt that she simply froze on the spot with hand on her chest. She looked at Armand for confirmation. He nodded and she threw her hands in the air as urgency set in.

"We don't have much time!" she said excitedly. The servant walked in with the requested snack and Mrs. Lioncourt waved at her again, "forget the snacks!" the servant stopped in shock. "Get his outfit! Now! Hurry!" The servant, confused, hesitated for a moment before turning and leaving them once again. "and you" she said turning to Dimitri, "You don't have much time either to get dressed."

"Madam, it's completely fine. I'm sure I will make it in time" She rounded on Armand.

"How dare you bring him here without his outfit?"

"Well," Armand started.

"No," his mom interrupted. "You were just hoping you'd waste his time and he would not be able to go, and you would be out of it."

"Actually, I"

"Oh I know how you think Armand, I'm your mom after all." She turned to Dimitri "Dimitri dear, we have extra clothes here if you need. We would be happy to lend you a few if you don't mind wearing something not exactly bought for you." Dimitri smiled and said,

"Madam, you are far too accommodating."

"Nonsense, Armand wont mind, DO YOU ARMAND?" Armand not wanting to fight simply shrugged and said,

"As you wish mother." She nodded at his acceptance and then left the room calling for a second outfit to be ready.

Orian had only reached his house when Gertrude came outside with her old tired eyes. "Orian," she called as he walked up the path, "you took so long, young master, we were worried that you may not have time to get a costume." Orian smirked, all worry now leaving his body. Of course his family would think ahead to get him an outfit for the Ball. Why had he not thought of this before. They were his servants and loved him and would do anything to make sure he had everything he needed.

"Yes, Gertrude. I assume you went ahead and grabbed one for me then."

"Oh yes, young master." She said smiling in her loving way. "and you brought a friend." She began fixing her glasses "Lord Lagarus, is that you?"

"Yes." Lagarus said already bored of the conversation.

"Then welcome back from the war and thank you for your bravery and service." She turned and opened the door, "come on in then." She said keeping space for them both to walk in first. She made her way to the back and brought out a small box. "Here you go master Dragnil. All that you need is in here." Orian took the box and went off to his room while Gertrude took Lagarus to a separate one to change in.

Orian walked past his dad's office door and saw the light was still on inside. It wasn't uncommon for his dad to be in his office for all hours through the night. However, deep down, he had slightly hoped his father would at least see him off tonight. Tonight, was the night he would be considered a man after all. He walked into his room and opened the box. After unpacking the costume fear and embarrassment hit him once again.

The time had come, and 2 carriages parked. Armand was first to come out sporting an all-white mask with a single red streak from its lips. His high collar and his red and back robes made the perfect Vampire costume. Lagarus came out wearing his Military outfit. His hair combed out of his face and was already sporting his cigarette. Dimitri confidently strode out in a purple suit. His mask sporting a cat face complimented him well, giving off the perfect Cheshire cat look.

Orian hesitated but eventually stepped out. His black and white outfit looked as if it were made as a slight joke. The coat tails were longer and exaggerated in its white stripe. The mask actually had fur on it. The outfit looked like it may have worked if someone was confident enough to sport it. But, as a Skunk, Orian felt less than confident and very awkward as his tall frame made him stand out even in a crowded room.

"Well," Dimitri said, breaking the silence that had occurred when he and Armand caught sight of Orian's clothes. "well, you won't have to worry about finding a wife today." Orian almost lashed at Dimitri but Lagarus stopped him in what looked like a reflex. In a second Lagarus had grabbed Orian's unsuspecting arm and twisted it behind his back. Orian shocked simply said,

"Let me go." Lagarus released his arm. Orian almost went to hit Lagarus but saw women looking unto the scene. "let's just go in." They all walked into the entrance. The Ball this year was held at a huge theater. It was an elegant place. It housed many balls and operas. It was the establishment of Madam Teresa Palisai. She was the only woman in town who had power. She was once a Diva on the opera stage, she secured herself lots of funds and bought the most extravagant place in her hometown. She revolutionized modern opera as she was always searching for talent.

The place was lit very brightly as music already flooded the crowded street. The doors were open, and people slowly made their way to the front showing invitations and open hearts. As the group of guys neared, they all had a rush of excitement, all except Lagarus, who looked annoyed at the constant noise. When they reached the front, they each showed their letters and walked in. Lagarus took longer as he did not want to turn off his cigarette.

Once he finished, he threw away the small remainder and joined his friends once more. The smells hit them all at once. Braised pork, mashed potatoes, steaks, chicken, rice, puddings, cakes, ale, tea, and all other sorts of foods caressed them. Even Orian was impressed. They would have been happy with this alone, however once fully inside they were greeted by the sights of women chattering amongst themselves. Beauties, each lovelier than the next.

They could see some women were already speaking with ambitious men while others seemed to shy away in the corners of the room. Dimitri let out a small sigh of happiness before hugging his friends in a sort of huddle as he said "I love you guys!"

"Let go," said Orian, pulling away. "I don't want to be associated with the likes of you. You are a lowlife." Dimitri thought about saying something in rebuttal, but after once again reviewing Orian's clothes settled on,

"You know what, I agree, it's best we don't associate." He then lifted his head and walked away toward a gathering of women.

"Surely he doesn't expect to win them over by walking so brashly to them." Said Orian in disbelief. Armand simply gave him a glance then went to grab a drink. Lagarus decided to find a table where he could sit himself down and watch the party unfold.