
Murder at a Café

Beautiful scenery - check! Family - check! Sanity - double check Best friend - triple check Camera - check! Dead man in the river in front of the Café... wait what? You heard that right! Its a beautiful and quite Café in an equally quite town, what could possibly go wrong, right? WRONG! When Rachael and Carl, her brother come home for Summer vacation,they had a lot planned. But a dead man in the river in front of their dad's Café,and their dad getting arrested for murder,was definitely not on the list! Join Rachael,her brother Carl ad their friends Cami and Zee as the make comedy, emotional and bounding filled journeys to discover the truth before it's too late.

Olive_Otamz · Urban
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22 Chs

Playing Pretend

Carl and I immediately rushed down the stairs to the first floor where the hostels were.

We marched smartly to the room where the weird family stayed.

Carl and I listened carefully as we stood behind the door, before knocking.

The noise stopped abruptly and the door knob turned after some time.

The big bald headed mass of a man stepped out, adjusting his belt. He was not smiling.

"Sorry sir,we thought we heard some noise down here,so we came to see if everything was ok."

Carl said in the most pleasant tone he could muster.

I took the opportunity to peer through the half closed door and gasped at what I saw.


He practically yelled before shutting the door completely and walking out.

We watched as he stormed down the stairs and I could not help but feel pity for the poor stairs which were bearing the weight of that gorilla.

Was that pretty lady really his wife?

"What was that all about?"

Carl asked no one in particular.

I dragged him to the side, completely freaked out.


"Breath Rachy... what's up?"

I was hyperventilating at this point.

"Oh my gosh...he..he...he beat his wife."

Right then,I didn't know if I could even hear myself.


"I..I..I..saw her,sh..she was bleeding from her head and there...there was this chair...he beat her Carl."

Carl dragged me to the side.

"You sure"?

I couldn't mutter any word so I just nodded.

No wonder she had so many bruises that day.

Despite how she tried to cover it up...I had seen them!!

God!! What was I thinking?

"Ok calm down Rachael...we don't know..."

"We need to tell someone...the police...dad?"

Carl shook his head.

"No...no..we won't do that! We aren't sure if it's abuse and believe me Rachael,I did a study on things like this and more than half the time,the women never agree to testify! We'd just be getting ourselves into loads of bull shit ok?"

I stared at my brother and for a split second,I felt what I had never felt for him before.


"Are you saying we keep quiet?"

I asked him,still shaken from what I had witnessed.

He shook his head.

"I'm saying we don't know what happened!

Listen Rachael,we could call the cops tomorrow and she says it was an accident! We have no proof!

By the way,cops coming around the Cafe isn't ideal for business.

These people however,are stinky rich. You saw the dude's SUV right? If...if...anything goes south,they could shut the cafe off with a flick of the finger.

Dad would be devastated...mom...mom won't want that."

It began to sink in.

Carl was actually right.

Maybe it was an accident.

If it was abuse, the woman would report it right?

Even if she could not,the teen guy that looked like her son would do it... right?

Don't sweat it Rachael..it's probably nothing.

That was when I made the biggest mistake of my life.

The mistake that would cost us a lot in the future.

"Ok Carl...you're right."

He nodded his head and squeezed my shoulder.

"I'mma go have my bath 'k?

I stood at the corridor for a while,still thinking about the decision I made.

"Hey Rachael."

I snapped out of my thoughts.

It was Ms Mabel, Cami's mom.

Remember when I told you she creeped me out?

Well...Mabel saw visions or prophecies and whenever she did, something terrible happened, including mom's death.

It was like she could see it before it happened.

She creeped me out so,I intentionally avoided her.

The last thing I wanted was someone seeing stuff about me.

If I was gonna die, good! But no premonitions!!

"Hello Mabel.Good morning."

She smiled warmly at me and gave me a hug with her free hand,since she was holding some items with the other.

She placed the items on the ground.

"Do you have time?"

She asked calmly.

Hell no! This is not a 'time day'. Even if I had absolutely nothing to do that morning,I'll definitely have to make stuff up.

Anything to avoid her!

"Uh..n.. nope.."

I scratched my neck awkwardly.

"I..I...uh... there's...I mean...I..uh...I .. have something to do with Carl ASAP."

Jeez Rachael... real smooth.

"Oh...that's too bad."

I forced a smile and turned to leave.

"There's something happening in the Cafe and you know it  right"?

I turned to look at her.

Now,I heard her clearly.

Today,her British accent was not really thick anymore.

I hated that! I hated the fact that I heard her clearly and that now, I'd have to lie.

"I..I...don't kn...know what you mean."

She smiled.

"Stop lying and pretending."

Aren't they the same thing?

"No Rachael...they aren't. You lie,to pretend."

Huh.. how'd she...

"That's not important. Be wise Rachael. Whatever decision one makes can make or mar the future."


A light voice called.

It was Sarah. She was walking with her husband Bong.

They were both workers here.

Moved here right after their honeymoon,five years ago.

Sarah was a small white woman in her early 30's.

She had a calm aura and so many freckles.

Bong was an average heighted South Korean who moved with his family from Korea when he was a teenager.

"Hey Sarah...hey Bong."

I greeted with a tired smile.

"How did it go"? Mabel asked Sarah.

I immediately knew what it meant.

Sarah and Bong had been trying to have a child for over five years now. They've done everything,met every doctor,but nothing!

Sarah's face fell.

"The gynaecologist we met said I have an ovarian cyst...I may not be able to carry a child."

She broke down and began to sob.

It sucked!

You know how when you were growing up,you dreamt of getting through high school,then college,you get a job and get married,have a baby and all.

You dream of your baby shower,you plan names with your date, you have dreams.

But the time had come,highschool-check... college-check...job-check, baby.... baby??

Then some words ring in your head. "You can't have a baby... you have an ovarian cyst."

"God's in control Sarah, don't lose hope."

Mabel was just like mom.

They both believed God for everything and anything.

"No Mabel... God's dead."

She began to sob.

"He's so dead! He doesn't even care about us! I didn't have sex before marriage,I swear!"


"He doesn't care!"

She began to cry hysterically.

"Don't say that! God's not dead,He has His reasons for everything!"

Bong held her closer to his chest as she cried.

The corridor was silent.

"Was God really dead"?

If I thought today would get any better,I was kidding.

It was going to be a long day!

***Author's Note***

Carl and Rachael were stupid and misinformed. This is something that would give rise to a whole load of problems.

Please, domestic violence is a serious issue. Report any case of domestic violence you see,and save a life.



He's by us, watching us and guarding his children.