
Murder at a Café

Beautiful scenery - check! Family - check! Sanity - double check Best friend - triple check Camera - check! Dead man in the river in front of the Café... wait what? You heard that right! Its a beautiful and quite Café in an equally quite town, what could possibly go wrong, right? WRONG! When Rachael and Carl, her brother come home for Summer vacation,they had a lot planned. But a dead man in the river in front of their dad's Café,and their dad getting arrested for murder,was definitely not on the list! Join Rachael,her brother Carl ad their friends Cami and Zee as the make comedy, emotional and bounding filled journeys to discover the truth before it's too late.

Olive_Otamz · Urban
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22 Chs

People You May Know

I walked downstairs casually to the cafe after making sure that Carl would smell like underwear for the whole day. I had settled for a jean jumpsuit with a pure white long sleeve.

The cafe was busy that morning.

People here and there.

It was summer, people were travelling around so it was normal.

I smiled widely as I went to the counter to meet Ms Mabel.

She was a cook in the cafe for as long as I could remember and she was also Cami's mom.

She weirded me out, although that would be a tale for another day.

"Ms Mabel!!"I smiled and leaned on the counter.

"Oh dear." She leaned over and gave me a kiss.

"I have really missed you."

Her strong British accent was almost difficult to hear.

To be honest,I only heard what she said half the time.

I smiled at her.

She was almost like a mother to me and ever since mom died,she had always stood by us like a mother would.

"I swear I missed you more than...."

"Mom...table five needs an extra toast".

I turned to the direction of the voice. There stood my best, best friend (after Carl).


I screamed,gaining so many weird stares.

"Babe." She smirked at me and gave me a big hug.

Cami was the tallest girl I knew.

She was almost the same height as Carl.

Her black hair,now dyed gold for god-knows-why, was cut  a little bit above her neck.

She was a thin girl with a small face and pointed nose.

She was a footballer back in her school,and also an hip hop dancer.

In general, she was a tom boy.

I knew most girls who had crushes on her back in town.

She rolled with the guys like pals,hung out with them, changed with them in the locker room...ok maybe she didn't do that last part.

Cami had a carefree character,and hardly thought things through,or took things seriously.

She was super cool and I loved her for it

You might be wondering how I met Cami. Well it's a long story that ends with me saying.

"...and that's how I met Cami."

Just kidding.

Cami practically grew up here.

Her mom started to work here as a cook while she was pregnant for Cami.

Her husband died a few days before she discovered she was pregnant.

She had Cami in South Jivenson's clinic. So technically,Cami is a native of S.J.

I was born  four months later.

"...and that's how I met Cami."

I had to stand on my toes to get to hold up her neck.

"I missed you so so much my Boobae."

She whispered into my hair.

I let her go and playfully smacked her on her head.

"Seriously babe..stop calling me Boobae! The name doesn't even make any darn sense!"

She pinched my nose playfully.

"Ohh...Boobae...I'm sorry Boobae... please forgive me Boobae..I really..."


Everyone looked surprised.

What was wrong with this dude?!

I turned and glared at the customer. Then an idea popped.

"Ms Mabel.. please give me his toast."

Her face fell.

"Please Rachael...don't...don't  do anything."

I blinked my eyes innocently as Cami smirked.

"Oh Ma'am...nothing is going to go wrong.I pr..oo..mi..se."

I took the toast and walked down to the man.

"Hey! I'm sorry,did we keep you waiting?"

He just glared at me.

"Just give me my toast."

His voice was gruff and not nice.

I checked him out.

He was a big man in a really big suit,with a big bald head and a...oh gosh! Ok I'mma stop saying big, now.

His face was squeezed into a permanent frown and in general, I DID NOT LIKE THIS GUY AT ALL!"

I dropped his toast on the table and "mistakenly" spilled his juice on him.

Key word being "Mistakenly".

Oops! Everyone turned to stare in shock.

As if on cue,a smaller woman ran in, followed closely by a really tall cute guy.

"What the fvck?!!!"

The lady brought out a handkerchief, trying hopelessly to clean the stain off.

I could see everyone try to stifle their laughter.

I just offered a meek smile and met Cami's eyes. She looked like she was going to explode from laughter.

"I'm so sorry Sir...I didn't mean to..."

"Shut up! Now where have you been woman?!!"

I was caught off balance before I realized he wasn't talking to me.

I turned to see the startled woman.

"I'm sorry Tommy,I went to take a walk around. The trees here are awesome and the mountain...it's..."


It was now the boy's turn to be startled. But I could not help but notice that he seemed kind of used to the situation.

I noticed that people were staring.

Maybe this was a really bad idea.

"Uh. .sir.."

Dad walked in.

Oh thank goodness! God bless this man!

"What's the matter here?"

Dad asked softly.

He had been in this business ever since he was a child and handling customers,was his specialty.

The man glared at dad and stormed off to the restroom,with fumes literally pouring out of his head.

I stood still while Dad gave me a questioning look. I just shrugged and walked back to the counter to meet a reddened Cami and Ms Mabel's scolding look.

Oh please...mistakes happen and it was not my fault! The man was being a jerk!

The woman sat down and stared at dad for a while.

Dad looked back at her and had an unreadable expression.

"Uh...you look really familiar."

He said calmly.

She smiled at him,the guy next to her looked lost in his own world of what ever he was doing on his phone.

"Well...sir,I don't think you may know me at all. It's my first time here."

Dad nodded.

"Sorry about the commotion."

He apologized.

He turned to the customers and smiled a bit before walking back to his little office after giving me a scolding frown.

I noticed the woman and the cutie seated quietly. The woman had a pained expression on her face. I felt really bad for her.


Cami gave me a playful slap and threw her arm around me.

"Come help me do the dishes then I wanna show you something."

I gave a pout and poked her.

"You always make me go on errands".

She just shrugged and walked into the kitchen.

I turned again but the family was gone.

And what was that look on dad's face earlier,did he know that lady?

I waved it off. It's none of my business

"Wait for me Cami!"!!