
Murder at a Café

Beautiful scenery - check! Family - check! Sanity - double check Best friend - triple check Camera - check! Dead man in the river in front of the Café... wait what? You heard that right! Its a beautiful and quite Café in an equally quite town, what could possibly go wrong, right? WRONG! When Rachael and Carl, her brother come home for Summer vacation,they had a lot planned. But a dead man in the river in front of their dad's Café,and their dad getting arrested for murder,was definitely not on the list! Join Rachael,her brother Carl ad their friends Cami and Zee as the make comedy, emotional and bounding filled journeys to discover the truth before it's too late.

Olive_Otamz · Urban
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22 Chs

Miss Fix It

"What's up with you!"

I demanded and crossed my arms, staring at Cami straight in the face.

"Wha...what... what do you mean?!"

Oh my gosh...Did Cami just stutter?!

"You've been totally bitching around ever since we got into the car! What do you mean by 'what do you mean?!"

She avoided my burning gaze and leaned over the balcony rail, burying her face in her hands.

"I'm so sorry ok...I don't know why...I...I tried not too. But ...I... could not."

My eyes widened at her statement.

Wait a minute...sudden burst of emotions,anger,sadness...

Oh No!!

"Cami...are you off your meds!!?"

Her silence was enough answer for me.

"Holy shit!"

I ran my fingers through my hair in confusion. Cami just stayed there crying out her eyes.

Cami was bipolar. Her meds worked to repress her mood swings.

Without them,she was like a freaking baby,and it was really heart breaking to watch.

"Why'd you stop taking them."

I asked softly.

She took a big sniff and raised her teary puffy eyes at me.

"I... I... was ti...tired of living...living off meds. I wanted to be...I wanted to be...nor...normal! When everything happened, I wanted to prove that...that I could help.

That I wasn't some stoned junkie!"

This was not something I was used to.

Cami had always worn a strong front. Sometimes I knew she was faking,but I chose to ignore it because it felt easier that way.

But now... now she was vulnerable,open and empty.

I didn't know what to do.

I pulled her close to me.

"Shh... don't you ever say that!"

The taller girl broke down into a fresh round of tears.

"You're a lot of seriously annoying things, Cami. You're bitchy,you're rude,you have golden sprayed hair and your ' I-dont-give-two-fucks' attitude can be a pain sometimes."

She gave a throaty and tired chuckle.

"But you're also smart, caring, beautiful,weird,selfless and all. A stoned junkie is the last thing in earth you'd ever be and that's saying something in a world where we have people that eat roaches."

There was silence for a while.

"Thank you, Rachael."

She whispered into my hair.

I felt the tears begin to brew.

"Damn you Cami,making me go through so much emotional rollercoasters lately!"

I sniffed and used a free hand to wipe my eyes.

Cami didn't make any attempt to move away from my body.

Great..she's asleep!

It would have been absolutely sweet if she didn't weigh as much as a whale, and my body didn't feel like it was stashed into a mail box.

I dragged her into the room, almost landing on my butt a few hundred times, before finally succeeding in getting her into one of the empty beds.

I heaved a tired sigh.

Now's time to find Zee. Jeez,so much for a good night's rest.


"Heeey...Zee! How is it going?"

I was seated on the roof of the SUV, playing a game on my phone.

Zee rolled his eyes,I guess and walked past me.

"It's rude to ignore your friends,you know?"

He scoffed.

"Friends my ass."

I jumped down from the car and walked towards him.


I reached out and touched his shoulder.

I felt him stiffen a bit before he relaxed and turned towards me.

I noticed in the dimness of the night that his eyes were red and puffy,like he had been crying them out.

I wrapped my arms around him.

Oh goodness,I'm the worst person at making people feel better.

"I'm sorry Zee...I...I uh...know how it...it uh...it feels to lose someone."

I felt a drop of liquid on my back.

"It feels shitty,it feels like your whole world just collaspes when their gone...it's like...it's like you forget how to live,how to breath,how to...to be..."

I heard him sniff a bit.

It was getting harder to hug him because of the enormous height difference between us.

But I was ready to stay like that all night if it meant he felt better.

"But that's the thing. That's the god damned thing I'm angry at!"

He exclaimed bitterly.

"I hated him! I hated him so much that I...I wished I had killed him myself!"

I didn't know what to say. I just held him tighter, offering him as much warmth as I could.

"Why do I feel so...so shitty now he's finally gone!!"

I smiled softly,even though I knew he could not see me.

"Because you're a good person,Zee."

I released him from my hold and placed my two hands on his shoulders.

"You're a good person. You are not filled with hate. Because... Because deep inside, you are wishing that maybe,he could have changed before he died."

He gulped and shook his head.

"I've done terrible things, Rachael. Terrible, horrible, disgusting things that...that I hate myself every day for it! I have hurt people. My mom,my friends...hell EVEN MY DAD!"

"We've all done terrible things, Zee. That's what makes us human. But as my mom always says, Doing terrible things make us human, but making efforts to rise above those mistakes,is what makes us divine."

Zee thought about it for a while before letting out a small smirk.

"You should open a church!"

And ladies and gentlemen,the cute ass is back!

I rolled my eyes and decided to taunt him some more.

"So...you and my brother eh?"

I saw him turn a bright shade of red.

My eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my gosh...I just made a wild guess! Holy crackers! There's actually a thing?!"

He began to walk into the motel in long fast strides.

Curse my short legs.

"But...but you guys have known each other for like...two days? Jesus!! Tell me all about it!!"

He walked in and ran up the stairs, without answering me.


"Hi friend,is that the other guy?"

The weird receptionist lady asked?


I climbed up the stairs as fast as I could.

"Oh come on Zee...you can't run forever!"


The receptionist screamed after me.

Wait what?

Was she allowed to do that?

Pfft...not my problem!

"Zee...wait for me you hot headed idiot!"


***Carl's Pov***

"So...you and Zee are now like best friends?"

I asked my drama queen sister who was pigging on an extra large size pepperoni pizza,while drinking a can of coke.

"Yuh.. worloikgooodddfrondsnow..."

I raised an unamused brow.

"You look like an actual goat right now."

She narrowed her eyes at me and forced down the food down her throat.

"Aww...look at you telling me nice things."

She batted her eyes at me in a "cute" manner.


She drawled.

"You and Zee huh?"

I let out a cough before standing up from my bed to dress it.

Apparently, Zee had slept on the bed with me after he got back last night,while Cami and Rachael stayed on the other bed.

"Oh come on Carl...tell me pleaaasseeeee. You know I live for the drama and gossip!"

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Me and Zee, nothing! He's cool and I'm cool and we have some things in common. That's it!

That's it my ass!

You like him!

I don't.!

You do!

I don't!

You do!

I don't

You d...

"Earth to Carl!!"

Rachael screamed in my ears.

"What the fu..."

"Oh this is so crazy! It's like the cliche 'we went on a mission together and fell in love scenario!'!"


"Oh my gosh I can't wait for you guys to get married!

There'll be a pool, lots of flowers and definitely... definitely...A SIX FOOT CAKE!

Cami and I would be the maids of honor...oh jeez there'll be literal wedding bells and..."

I slapped my palms over her mouth as Zee and Cami walked in with groceries, looking confused.


"Who's getting married?"

Zee asked, staring at me in confusion.

Rachael's eyes sparked in mischief.


Before anyone could say anything,Zee's phone rang.


He said after motioning us to keep quiet.

After a long moment, he stared at us,shock prominent in his face.

"They've got something! They've found the owner of the key!"

1..2..3..let's go!!

***Author's note***

So hey guys,this is like a filler chapter.

Plus,I wanted to show Rachael's relationship with all of them and how they are working together.

So,anyone shipping Carl and Zee?

Or....you all probably saw it coming?

Or you just don't think it's a good idea?

I'm writing this book for fun guys so,if you feel it's too cringey and all,it's cool.

You don't have to read it.

But let me tell you, I love my book!

Have fun y'all!!