
Murder at a Café

Beautiful scenery - check! Family - check! Sanity - double check Best friend - triple check Camera - check! Dead man in the river in front of the Café... wait what? You heard that right! Its a beautiful and quite Café in an equally quite town, what could possibly go wrong, right? WRONG! When Rachael and Carl, her brother come home for Summer vacation,they had a lot planned. But a dead man in the river in front of their dad's Café,and their dad getting arrested for murder,was definitely not on the list! Join Rachael,her brother Carl ad their friends Cami and Zee as the make comedy, emotional and bounding filled journeys to discover the truth before it's too late.

Olive_Otamz · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


"Mom"!! I screamed as I ran towards her. She smiled brightly at me and muttered some words but im I couldn't hear.

She looked so beautiful in the bright Yellow cardigan I got her the Christmas before. I tried to hug her but an invisible veil kept me from going through.

"Mom"!! I began to cry and scream. But she didn't answer and she slowly began to fade...

"Get up Rachael! What the hell are you doing on the ground?"

I kept my eyes shut, knowing that I had rolled off the bed. Surprise!

"Loovemeohone Arl"!(leave me alone Carl).

He ignored my "desperate cries" and gave me a slight kick at the back of my head.

I immediately switched to defence mode and sat up.

"Carl cut it...OUCH!"

I had banged my head at the bathroom door.

How the hell did I get here?

Carl chuckled and walked back to his bed.

As weird as it sounded,Carl and I had shared this room ever since we were kids.

There were two moderately-sized beds in the room.

It was a multi-colored room as Carl and I never settled for even as little as the same toothpaste!

His corner had bright orange paints with white stripes on it while his drawers were next to his bed.

He was a big time tennis player back in school,so he had another drawer for tennis magazines and stuff alongside a big poster of Novak pasted directly over his bed.

He had a small sofa at the other end which was close to his TV. It was where he sat to play video games and fortunately, having a video game addict as a brother,means you should have some skills yourself.

My corner of the room however,was a complete mess!.

Carl was a neat freak and I was a...whatever the opposite of neat freak is.

My bed had a forest green bedsheet,my walls and drawers were sea green and royal green. In fact, almost everything I had was either completely green,or had a touch of green.

My bed faced the really, really large window we had in the room. I had a really big table next to it where I had already scattered most of my books on. Of course not educational books,but novels, plays, classics and my own writings.

I loved writing.It was something that mom loved as well,so after she died,I felt it was one of the only things keeping me from tearing apart.

My phone and laptop lay idle on the table facing close to the big window.

I loved the forest.I remember when I was little,Carl and I had a really big fight about who got to stay close to the window. I won of course!

On the wall in front of my bed,I had so many pictures of the forest I had taken with the camera dad bought for me last Christmas, which by the way is soooo cool!

I knew it was still in my luggage which I hadn't bothered unpacking the previous night.

I got up slowly from the floor, wondering how I managed to roll all the way to the door of the bathroom.

I was a redhead.

I wasn't short for a girl.

I was 5'5. I wasn't going to consider my self thin or cheerleader-shaped in any way,as I had quite the curves.

My skin was a bit darker than Carl's.

I had light brown eyes and pink lips. My nose wasn't really pointed but it was the best suiting for my round face and plump cheeks. Generally,I was darn attractive, looking almost exactly like mom.

Carl on the other hand was really model-like. Although he did this South Jivenson's junior pageant stuff back in 3rd grade which I don't think counts. He was a 6'3 with really dark hair and contrasting green eyes.

His figure was kill for,as he worked out alot to develop his 6 pack which he wouldn't let me breath about.

He kept going on and on about how he's looks were "killing girls" with his looks.

Of course I rolled my eyes!

"Who did you see in your dreams today huh?" He teased.

" One of those BTS guys?"

I rolled my eyes till it hurt. I had suddenly developed love for K-drama and K-pop all thanks to my roomie Madison...and Carl, obviously won't give me a break!

I ignored him and stumbled into the bathroom, glancing at the wall clock above the door - 8:46.

Great! Couldn't Carl just let me live! Waking up that early a day after school was over for SUMMER VACATION!?

Really Smooth

I pushed my sticky hair from my face and splashed water on it. I looked... terrible! I pulled out my tooth brush from the holder and put my toothpaste on and began to brush really slowly.

This was gonna be a long day.

Walking in,I went straight to the window and peered through the blinds which were shut to see if I'd see dad.

"Where's dad!?" I asked unattentively. Carl pulled out he's sweaty old jersey he had work for his morning workout and threw it on my bed.

"Who are those people?" I asked again.Carl just sat on his bed, ignoring me completely and typing frantically on his laptop.

"Carl why are you not..."

My brows knotted in fury.

"Carl!!!!! Why's your shirt on my bed!!"

He smirked and lay in his bed.  "Oh Chill Rach. Its not like it made your corner worse than it is."

"What do you..."

I paused. "You're not insinuating that my corner is disorganized, are you?"

I was definitely taking offense in that statement.

He shrugged a bit and leaned over to pick up his phone.

"Just wash it..the washing machine is under maintenance servicing.Dad says it would be back tomorrow and I ..."

Of course he didn't have to finish.

I picked up the rag and flung it at him, playful fury burning in my eyes.

"You must be kidding!" I gritted between my teeth.

This definitely wasn't how I wanted to begin my day.

He got up and grabbed more clothes "You're calling for this" He teased. I laughed a bit and opened my box. It was game we liked to play, until recently, Carl decided we should name it 'the destroyer' for some reason.

It was just like your regular food fight or pillow fight but with clothes.He threw some clothes at me which landed me squarely in the face.

"Ha..it looked like someone's getting.. dressed".

I laughed humourlessly."Why don't you quit tennis and girls and become a comedian Carl?"

I picked up one of my dirty bras and hit him squarely in the face! "Bullseye!!!" I screamed.

His face crunched up in disgust,it took a lot to keep me from laughing my ass out.

He hated when I threw dirty clothes.. especially underwears... especially bras!

I knew those archery lessons would definitely come in handy.

He mad a cute pout and burst out in laughter which I followed suit.

We were really close. Not want to sound cheesy but Carl was my best friend.

Of course there were others like Madison,Cami,Kell, Grant, Roman and all but Carl was,is and will always be here.

Although he's going to college soon and I hate to admit,I'll miss him like crazy.

We had a good laugh until I finally pulled myself up.

Urgh..I smiled.Siblings!