
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Others
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56 Chs

Shitty Story

"This is a rather beautiful place..." Arakan muttered as he looked at the view of the forest he was in.

Tall trees and lush bushes covered the ground as far as one could see.

"Right? it is an amazing view" A voice started Arakan as he looked behind him to see a man with a muscular build wearing some sort of loose robes.

"You are..." Arakan questioned as he looked at the man curiously.

"me? hmmm...you can call me Buddha!" The man exclaimed with a satisfied grin on his face.

"Buddha? I see...so what brought you here?" Arakan questioned.

"Nothing you looked like you had a story to tell" Buddha responded casually as he approached Arakan and sat on the cliff beside him.

"A story you say? I guess I do have one" Arakan responded as he sat down as well.

"Long ago there was a kingdom where lived a duke"

"Despite being a child he was given the responsibilities of the duke since the last one passed away."

"The child was a prodigy he learned how to fight at the age of three and by the age of five even the strongest humans would struggle against him"

"Time went on as the child started to learn of his responsibilities as the duke, however, his mind was still too immature and he left his work for his subordinates to accomplish"

"He trained day and night until his body broke and then he was recognized as the strongest, people respected his might and followed him to live under his shadow"

"Among his followers, there were only a few recognized, his two sworn brothers and his personal maid that had looked after him since his birth"

"Eventually the king acknowledged him and decided to give him small last he had to send some help to subjugate a group of bandits"

"The Duke did not pay mind to it as he casually assigned his sworn brothers the task"

"A day later the news arrived...the Prince's sworn brothers had died in the battle"

"The prince blamed his irresponsible behavior and decided to use his strength for good and for once in his life decided to take responsibility"

"He started a revolution and fought for the throne, he didn't know how to please the crowd so his way to the top was to simple...make the ones in higher position bend a knee"

"He fought relentlessly as his followers started to leave his shadow one by one in fear of what rule would he bring at the end even his personal maid betrayed his side as he alone ruled the empire"

"So...what do you say?" Arakan questioned as he stared at the sunset with Buddha by his side.

"That was a shitty story right there" Buddha responded as he stretched out his hands.

"The prince was too foolish...but what about now? isn't the prince just sulking?" Buddha stated as he looked towards Arakan.

"..." Arakan didn't respond.

"I guess...you are right..." Arakan muttered under his breath as he released a sigh.

"Ya know I can't just leave a brat like you in the woods," Buddha said as he stood up.

Arakan looked away from the sunset as his eyes matched with Buddhas'.

"Hora, let me teach you a few things about adulthood" Buddha stated as he offered his hand to Arakan.

Both of them looked at each other for a while wind blew as they both were at a standstill.

" Staying like this won't do me any better" Arakan responded as he grabbed the hand.

Unbeknown to them as they both etched their names in the history of the world, shaking the Heavens and Earth together.


A sudden gust of wind ignited the flare for the fight as the two charged at each other.

Bodhisattva's eyes showed a crimson glow while Buddha's eyes showed a unique lotus-like pattern.

Bodhisattva twirled his spear in his hands and released strong slashes of wind.

Buddha smirked seeing the oncoming wind slashes, he dodged them effortlessly as he pointed his staff at Bodhisattva.

"Turn about Six Realms!" Buddha commanded as the staff's head started to rotate and released scrips around it.

The scripts disappeared as the appearance of the six realms staff changed completely.

First Realm: Divine Realm, Wish-Granting Wheel Kannon - Loka Pala (Twelve Deva Axe)

The Six Realms staff had changed and turned into a long golden halberd.

"Come on brat I know you can dis out better!" Buddha yelled out loud as he swung the halberd at Arakan.

Seeing the oncoming strikes Arakan easily dodged them and then back away creating some distance between them yet again.

"Again with this..." Buddha said as he held his face like a disappointed father.

"Oi don't like I just failed three exams in a row!" Bodhisattva yelled as he noticed Buddha's facepalm.

"You clearly have yet to completely embrace yourself, while your conduct was enough to get the position of a God you still lack pride" Buddha stated bluntly as he pointed the halberd at Bodhisattva.

"While you may have turned into a God you still lack the resolve to be a known one!" Buddha stated confidently as the halberd turned back into the Six Realms Staff.

"what..." Bodhisattva muttered in confusion as Buddha sat down in the middle of the arena.

"You bore me" Buddha stated as he glared at Arakan.

"HA!! Take that, you foolish humans! your so-called hope is not even worth Buddha's attention!!"

"Hahhaha!! As expected you are not even worth ants in his eyes!!"

The Gods cheered as they saw Buddha completely disregard Bodhisattva as some sort of threat.

"It is to be expected how can a student be considered a threat to the master?"

"He is the one who brought martial arts into the world...I thought he would be more capable than this"

Even the Humans sided a little with Buddha as they reluctantly accepted this round's defeat.

"This is so like him...playing to please the crowd and having unmovable will...this is the true Buddha" Brunhilde stated as she observed the reaction from the crowd.

"Eh!? Should we not encourage Bodhisattva? Didn't you say he was the only man who can match up against him!?" Göll asked confused and worried about the results.

"Arakan!!" Buddha called out loudly snapping Arakan from his state of confusion.

"If this is what you desire!!" Arakan yelled as he twirled his spear and took a stance.

At a blinding speed he rushed at Buddha with his spear aimed, in response Buddha let out a small smirk.

The battle of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva continues!

What would be the outcome of the battle deciding the fate of Humanity?


[Hey fellow reader another new chapter hope you enjoy it]

[Sorry for the short releases but due to delays in Exams and what not Tobi's timetable is messed up and the fanfic is being written at 3 am in the morning]

[Also what do you think of Tobi's grammar? is it good? is it perfect? is it readable? feel free to comment on it]