
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Others
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56 Chs

Rooks Acquired

"Fia-chan!" Arakan yelled as he ran through the hallway to meet Grayfia. Stopping right in front of her he excitedly looked toward her.

"The human world!" He demanded as he circled around her.

"I keep my promise Arakan-sama here I even prepared some food and essentials we might even stay in the overworld for a couple of days," Grayfia said with a slight smile as she patted Arakan's head.

"Let's goo!" Arakan exclaimed excitedly, he was enthusiastic to see what his previous world looked like.

"Indeed Arakan-sama honestly you need to be more careful," Grayfia said as both of them stood close to each other.

"Ah also please stick close to me in the human world the word of Barbatos holds little to no power," Grayfia said as a magic circle was formed under her feet.

A white glow surrounded them as they both disappeared from the mansion. Both of them landed inside another room although it looked like a small flat.

"This is a rather small flat" Arankar commented as he looked around the place a little.

"This is around the space a normal person uses to live in Tokyo we can buy a bigger one if you wish," Grayfia said after all the money of the Barbatos family belonged to Arakan, not her.

"I see we should buy a traditional Japanese mansion to live in. Perhaps the size of the one in the Underworld." Arakan said as he stretched his arms a little.

"Ho?" Arakan muttered as he looked out of his window. Snow was falling from the sky as it painted the entire ground white.

'This looks so much better than I remember' Arakan thought as he looked out with an excited smile.

"Fia-chan can we have a walk in the snow?" Arakan asked.

"As you wish Arakan-sama," Grayfia said as started to prepare a small bag.

"You know in private you can refer to me however you wish," Arakan said while still looking out of the window.

"That would be rude of me as the Head Maid I must diligently fulfill my duties," Grayfia said.

"I see, then as your Young Master you are now ordered to refer to me as Arakan or Arakan-kun when we are alone," Arakan said as he continued to observe the falling snow.

"Besides you have done more than just raise me," Arakan said as he continued to observe the snowy streets for some reason it seemed quite entertaining to him.

"Arakan-sama" Grayfia muttered as she looked towards Arakan in a slight trance.

"Let's go the snow might stop before we set put," Arakan said as he hopped towards the gate while Grayfia silently followed him.

'Being beside him for all those years...I sometimes forget he is not some immature child, he is a clan head' Grayfia thought to herself as she pulled out an umbrella to shield both of them against the snow.

"Amazing this world is so full of life, even during such a weather people are still out and roaming," Arakan said as he observed the still very much alive city of Tokyo.

"Compared to the underworld and the devils, Humans like to enjoy their freedom and even exploit it for their gain," Grayfia said as she too looked around the parameter.

"ne, Grayfia what is that place with a lot of children around it? I suppose that is what is called a Kindergarten?" Arakan asked as he noticed a lot of children roaming around a short building.

"It is not young master, it is an orphanage this is where Humans leave their unwanted children or just children left alone due to the deaths of their loved ones" Grayfia replied.

"That is rather cruel" Arakan responded as he continued to stare at the children pouring out playing with each other.

"Despite their circumstances, they seem rather happy" Arakan commented.

"Most children of the orphanage are there from a young age to them the orphanage is their family," Grayfia responded.

"Hey, Grayfia let's go over there as far as I remember humans can hold sacred gears I wonder if anyone there got it," Arakan said as both of them approached the children playing near the park.

"While it is alright to scout a few children I would suggest that you don't overdo it, this territory belongs to the Shinto faction" Grayfia reminded.

"I know, I know that much at the least," Arakan responded as they both reached the entrance of the park.

"We can get one or two...I hope" Arakan said as both he and Grayfia started to walk around the park.

"You think a piece of shit like you could have taken us!!"

"You can go crying to your mommy now! oh, wait you don't have one!!"


"Ho?" Arakan said slightly amused seeing five grown men trying to pick on some kids.

"You will regret it!" The boy with white hair and dark skin yelled as he got up and tried to punch one of the men. Using his superior body weight and strength he punched the child on the ground.

"Stop it you bastard" The one with a scar across his eyes yelled as he tried to defend the other kid but was smashed on the ground as well.

"You see Arakan-sama humans are impulsive creatures this is why it would be better to have other races as peerage members," Grayfia said as she turned to look towards Arakan to find him missing.

"Oi Flat nose!" Arakan yelled as he charged towards the men who were beating the two kids. One of them still had the scar-faced kid in his hands dropped him when he saw Arakan charging towards him.

"Huh? another one of the brats I will kill you!" The man yelled with a grin on his face. Before he could make it any moment he was shocked to see Arakan leap in the air with his foot ready to kick the man's face.


A noise of a nasty crack resounded as the man who took the kick head-on fell to the ground with a flat bleeding nose.

"I am 5 years old, Arakan Barbatos" Arakan introduced himself as he grinned towards the other men who were shocked to see their leader getting beaten up in a second.

"You know you two are quite cool why are you hanging with these scrubs," Arakan asked ignoring the rest of the men, enraged by Arakan's behavior all of them charged towards him.

Arakan's grin grew larger as he positioned his palms in a stance. 'Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist' Arakan thought as with a flurry of rapid punches he struck the men.

Despite being an adult a normal human cannot match a devil who has trained, and against a monster, with gifted abilities like Arakan, even world-class athletes would struggle.

"amazing," The scarred kid said in awe.

"What strength," The kid with white air said in a slight trance.

"Well, you both already know my name what are your names?" Arakan asked.

"Kakucho" The scar-faced replied.

"Izana" The white-haired replied.

"Kocho and Izana huh? from now on you are my friends" Arakan declared with a huge smile.

"So what are we doing," Arakan asked.

"Will you really play with us?" Kakucho asked.

"Of course, you are my friends aren't you?" Arakan responded with a smile. Hearing Arakan's words both Kocho and Izana's eyes lit up.

'Fia-chan I will spend the rest of the time playing with my new friends do not worry I will return home on time' Arakan telepathically said to Grayfia as he followed Izana and Kakucho.

'Stay safe young master' Grayfia replied as she headed home. Arakan, Izana, and Kakucho spent the rest of the day playing in the snow throwing snowballs at each other and building snow castles.

Due to the heavy snow, the three of them managed to make a small igloo. Although it was quite small the three of them could fit the upper half of their bodies in it.

'Despite their injuries they can still play both of them have great resistance.' Arakan thought as the three of them snuggled their upper half in the igloo they made.

All three had a big grin on their faces as they finally rested after running around and playing for so long.

"You know Izana, Kakucho this is the most fun I ever had," Arakan said with a huge grin.

"It was the most for me as well" Izana replied with a similar grin.

"It was amazing I have never been able to run around so much!" Kakucho said as the three of them just smiled and laid there for a while.

"As much as I would like to spend more time it is time for me to return home," Arakan said with a heavy heart.

"Don't worry we can meet here tomorrow as well!" Kakucho exclaimed.

"After all we are friends," Izana said with a grin.

Arakan's eye widened a little. He looked towards the ground for a second before looking at them with a huge grin.

"See you tomorrow!" Arakan yelled as he walked away from his new friends as the both of them waved him goodbye.

Arakan spent the next three days purely just playing with Izana and Kakucho the three of them had the time of their life. Despite meeting just three days ago the bond between them became rather inseparable.

The next day Arakan arrived in the snow-filled park where he and Izana would usually play. Not seeing Izana and Kakucho in the park, Arakan decided to wait for a while.

'This is not normal, Izana and Kakucho would have been here before me' Arakan thought as the two of them lived in the orphanage across the street the both of them would have been here by this time.

'Where are they' Arakan thought as he finally decided to look for the two of them. Using the wind magic to enhance his hearing Arakan concentrated deeply to sense the changes in his surroundings.


"haa!" A man yelled loudly as he stomped on Izana's back.

"Where did your strength go brat!? You thought you were at the top of the world after your little friend beat us?" The man roared as he continued to stomp Izana.

"Damn you all! It was him who prevented this I will make you all regret this! You will regret touching us!" Izana yelled while still bleeding.

"You know you are quite a punching bag for someone who is only eight!" A man wearing a tuxedo said as he sat on a chair in front of Izana and Kakucho.

Kakucho's situation was not far too different from Izana's as he too had taken quite a beating. His nose was bleeding badly and his face was pushed to the ground.

"Brats these days...you think you can mess with Ourobas gang and just get away with it," The man said as he glared at Izana and Kakucho.

"If the both of you get me the address of the boy who beat up my men I will let you both go," The man said as he looked towards the kids on the ground.

"We told you before we have no idea where he lives!" Izana yelled.

'No matter how strong he is Arakan cannot take on 100 of these people' Izana and Kakucho thought. Both of them have been to Arakan's house before and they had met with Grayfia although it was just a brief meeting.


A loud noise similar to an explosion resounded in the warehouse where the Orobas had taken Izana and Kakucho to. The door of the warehouse was destroyed as a bloody Arakan entered the warehouse.

"You are the one who took my friends?" Arakan said as he walked in with his clothes stained in blood.

"So you are the brat who beat the ass out of my men..."The man stated as he stared towards Arakan.

"yeah, I am the one who took out that trash," Arakan said with a grin.

"How did you even enter there were 60 men guarding the gate" The man questioned.

"How tf do you think you Michale Jackson wanna be I am covered in blood and still walking" Arakan answered.

"I see you are more of a practical kind of guy...no matter I will demonstrate it to you!" Arakan yelled as all the members who were present got chills in their spines.

In a burst of speed unseen by them Arakan punched the face of the man in the chair. Without giving it a second he picked up the chair effortlessly and smashed the men restraining Izana and Kakucho.

"Arakan..." Izana and Kakucho mumbled.

"Rest my friends...*crack**crack* I got this" Arakan said as he cracked his knuckles with a huge grin.

Displaying his speed again Arakan smashed the head of another two members who were frozen in shock. Using his superior strength Speed and Techniques, Arakan started to dwindle the number of Orobas members.

"You all don't go at him one at a time you dumbasses! Just go rush him at once!" The boss yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Ho!?" Arakan just smiled as a wave of twenty men rushing him. Arakan got his all fours like a wild beast and punched over the members. With no regard to if he was getting hit or not he continued to pummel the members of Orobas to the ground.

"Who's Next!" Arakan yelled his fists were drenched in blood and he had a large grin on his face.

"Hey, brat look here!" The man yelled as he pointed a gun towards Arakan.

"You have officially pushed me too far! Die for me!" The man yelled as he got ready to shoot Arakan but before he could do it Izana and Kakucho kicked the knees which made him shoot to the ground.

"You said something, you coward!" Izana yelled as he punched the already down Gang Leader on the head.

"I told you bad things would happen" Izana yelled at the down Gang Leader.

"Thanks for not outing me," Arakan said as he approached the two.

"Heh, friends don't thank each other dumbass" Kakucho said with a smile as Izana nodded in agreement.

Arakan got a big smile on his after hearing their answer as he helped both of them walk out of the warehouse. The three of them walked out of the warehouse as Arakan took them to the hospital.


"Arakan! What are you carrying?" Izana asked as he and Kakucho were waiting for him. It has been about a week since Izana and Kakucho had been discharged from the hospital.

"I got something special today" Arakan replied with a smile while carrying a bag.

"hmm?" Kakucho and Izana were very interested in what Arakan has brought to the ground today.

"We can't open it here, follow me Iza-chin, and Kaku-chan," Arakan said with a grin.

"Oi stop calling me like that it sounds like a girl's name!" Izana complained but it fell on deaf ears as Arakan had already started walking while carrying the bag like it was his kid.

"Listen to me once in a while!" Izana complained as he pulled on Arakan's cheek.

"Anyways where are we going?" Kakucho asked all three of them had been walking for a while.

"Almost there we are almost under the bridge," Arakan said as he started to speed with Izana and Kakucho in tow. All three of them arrived under the bridge where a small table was seated.

"A tea party?" Izana questioned quite confused.

"I didn't take you as the one who enjoys a tea party," Kakucho said as the both of them seated themselves near the table.

"It's not for tea" Arakan responded as he pulled out three choko cups and a bottle.

"These are?" Both Izana in Kakucho questioned as they looked at the cups with confusion.

"I heard that when you share a cup of sake between men you become brothers," Arakan said with a smile as he poured Sake into each of the three cups.

"From on...we are Brothers!" Arakan exclaimed as he raised his cup. Izana and Kakucho were rather surprised for a minute but then raised their cups as well.

"We are Brothers from now!" They both exclaimed as well as all three of them drowned the cup of Sake in a single gulp.

"Izana...Kakucho there is one more thing I wish to discuss with you" Arakan said in a heavy mood.

"What is with the tone? we will listen to it" Izana said as Kakucho nodded in tow. Over this period the three were now brothers and they had a firm belief in this bond.

"Follow me," Arakan said both of them followed him to the flat he was living in with Grayfia. Both of them entered Arakan's room as all three of them sat on the ground.

"So what is it that you wanted to discuss?" Izana asked quite curiously.

"Well you see I am not exactly a human," Arakan said.

Izana and Kakucho just gave a confused look at the statement.

"You see I am actually a pure-blooded Devil and the heir of the Barbatos family," Arakan said quite nervously. Izana and Kakucho were his first friends, and they did not belong in the supernatural society.

"Oh I see" Kakucho responded as a look of realization dawned on him.

"So you are what they call Chuunibyou?" Izana asked.

"Not like that you idiot!" Arakan said rather offended before the two could question further Arakan displayed two sets of wings from his back.

The sudden appearance of the wings shocked Izana and Kakucho as they both stared at the wings in awe.

"You see Izana...Kakucho I want the two of you to become devil under my house!" Arakan declared.

"We accept!" Both Izana and Kakucho stated immediately.

"So fast?" Arakan was rather startled by the prompt decision of the two of them

"Arakan! You are our friend, no our brother of course we will follow you even if it kills us" Izana declared.

"Really!?" Arakan asked a little overwhelmed.

"Of course," Kakucho said.

"In that case, I should explain to you the process."

"There are these pieces that every high-class noble is given these are called the evil pieces, each piece contains the signature of the king that would be me in this case"

"Despite their appearance as normal chess pieces these have the ability to resurrect a human into a devil. There are a total of 16 pieces, King, Queen, Two Knights, Two Bishops, Two Rooks, and finally Eight Pawns"

"Knights are granted a boost in speed, Rooks are granted a boost in strength, Bishops grant a boost in magic aptitudes, and the Queen grants a boost in all said abilities except speed," Arakan explained.

"Amazing so we can become strong by just absorbing a piece? Amazing" Izana said as he looked towards the pieces.

"Izana, Kakucho, I want both of you to be my Rooks in battle," Arakan said as he presented the pieces to both of them.

"Very well at your service 'King'" Izana said as he mockingly bowed and took the piece.


[3.2K+ Words don't expect another chapter today]

[Is the new fanfic better or would you still prefer Path of Nothingness?]

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