
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Others
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56 Chs

Meeting the Sun Goddess

"New year is also coming around...let's celebrate it with the boys" Arakan suggested as he sat behind Izana.

"Celebrating with the gang already huh? you trust them a lot" Izana pointed out as he started the bike with Arakan on the back.

"I guess so...I find them likable, they are after all my new subordinates" Arakan responded with a smile as Izana took them to the streets.

"Say, Arakan have you heard about Toman?" Izana asked as he continued to drive through the streets of Tokyo.

"The one lead by Manjiro Sano? I have heard great things about it...what you want to strike that one down first?" Arakan asked.

"Manjiro...is actually my brother," Izana said in a slightly sad voice.

"Wait what? then why were you in the orphanage?" Arakan questioned rather confused.

"I left it...after I realized I never had a place there" Izana said as he started to speed up.

"I see...well I will not question you about it any longer but how do you want to deal with Toman?" Arakan asked.

"Leave them alone for now...I wish to challenge it after we have taken over all the other gangs in Tokyo" Izana replied with determination as they both quietly enjoyed the rest of the ride.

"A warehouse?" Izana questioned as he saw the rest of the Tenjiku heads present there as well.

"You guys like it? I got the one that is the most isolated with the least amount of patrol around." Arakan said as he approached the rest of them.

"The area is large enough to host a baseball game, where did you even get the money to buy it?" Kokonoi said surpised.

"It was the deal with the devil" Arakan responded with a grin.

"Alright then keep your secrets" Kokonoi responded as he presented a bunch of paper to Arakan.

"papers?" Arakan asked slightly confused.

"Since you defeated the Black Ogre and Black Dragons their dealers are not naturally interested in you and want the protection of Tenjiku" Kokonoi responded.

"Well, then we will go over them and set up meetings accordingly, in any case, it is time to reorganize our base," Arakan said as he headed towards the warehouse.

"The area within the fence also belongs to us as well, Taiju you can use it to train the members as you always do," Arakan said as he approached to door to the warehouse.

"Sounds good~ I will make sure that broke a bone while at it!" Taiju exclaimed as he bumped his fists with a grin.

'I can already feel the pain coming' Inupi thought to himself with a sigh.

"Regardless the Warehouse has two floors with a balcony from the upper floor to view the lower one," Arakan said as he kicked open the gates of the warehouse.

While the warehouse itself was lightly dusted it was still a mess filled with old containers of various products.

"you know...this ain't as bad as I expected" Ran said as his eyes scanned the warehouse.

"I expected a dust cloud" Kakucho commented as he too entered the warehouse.

"With this much space we can even hold underworld fights for extra cash," Kokonoi said as he looked around.

"We can do it as a training regiment for the newer members," Taiju said as he too scanned the place.

"and besides who knows what treasures are lying out here" Rindou commented as he opened one of the cargo boxes only to find rotten plants.

"I heard this place belonged to a company that used to ship items from China it was closed and brought down after an incident in the headquarters and they were unable to clear out this warehouse, " Arakan said as he dusted one of the barrels and sat on top of it.

"There should be two to three rooms on the top with one or two bathrooms," Arakan said as they all explored inside the warehouse.

"The upper floor is messier than I imagined, it's going to take a lot to renovate it," Kokonoi said as he roamed and took a few notes.

"With the contracts, Black Dragon was handling we should have enough to renovate this place in less than a year" Taiju estimated.

"That reminds me where is Black Dragons old place? we can use that for time being" Rindou asked.

"Well...we would just go to random bars for deals and just beat up whenever we saw someone who was from the contract" Inupi admitted.

"And here I thought we had professionals with us~" Hanma said casually.

"Ask the Haitani they had a name for themselves as well," Taiju said diverting the statement.

"Eh~ the Monster Taiju giving up? now that is front-page news" Ran said as he joined with Hanma.

"I don't think the newspaper is going sell for a lot with his face on the front" Izana commented.


"You came rather early today Arakan-sama," Gray said as she welcomed Arakan.

"So they came?" Arakan asked as he entered.

"Indeed, I have guided them to the meeting room, only the Goddess of sun Amaterasu has appeared," Grayfia said as she guided him towards the room.

"I hope I didn't make you wait for long, Sun Goddess Amaterasu-sama" Arakan said as he entered the room.

"You did not, I, myself merely arrived a few moments ago" Amaterasu replied as she calmly sipped her tea.

"I see, in that case, what would be your cause of arrival," Arakan asked as he sat in front of her. His amber eyes matched with her fiery red ones as they both stared at each other.

"uff" Amaterasu exhaled as her eyes averted from Arakan's.

"You are more stubborn than Satan himself," Amaterasu said as she sighed again.

"So, youngers duke of hell, I am here to ask you about your presence within 'my' territory" Amaterasu asked with a serious face.

"What do you mean by yours? don't you mean 'ours' " Arakan said with a huge grin on his face.

"Just because I am talking to you lightly doesn't mean we are acquainted already Barbatos!" Amaterasu exclaimed as flares erupted from her eyes and her divine aura shined within the room.

"You are the one underestimating me!" Arakan yelled as he released his conqueror's haki that clashed with Amaterasu's divine aura. The whole mansion shook from the sheer aura they both emitted.

'I didn't think that my Haki will be able to clash with divinity, but I won't ask about it again' Arakan thought to himself as he grinned and the pressure of his haki increased as well.

"Grayfia-san! what is happening the whole house is trembling!" Rias exclaimed as she came outside the meeting room along with the others.

"Arakan-sama is having a meeting with one of the Shindo Deities do not interrupt" Grayfia warned as she looked towards the devils gathered in front of her.

"Grayfia-san! please allow us to see what is going on!" Rias pleaded.

"I have no business with your wishes, I only listen to Arakan-sama's commands, now disperse!" Grayfia said rather harshly.

'In the end, she is Arakan-sama's queen' Sono thought as she signaled her peerage to back off for the moment. Seeing Sona's sign Grayfia too relaxed her guard.

"You are too relaxed!" Saji yelled as used his sacred gear to create a slight purplish sticky string and yanked the door open. However, that was one of the biggest mistakes Saji had made in his life.

Gates of the Meeting room were created with a special type of wood and were covered in seals to prevent any sort of Aura or attacks to go out of the room. This is why from the clash of Amaterasu and Arakan the house merely shook.

As soon as the door opened the seals used were broken instantly as Arakan's haki and Amaterasu's Divine Aura clashed more freely. Saji, Kiba, Koneko, and Reya fainted instantly from the clash. Rias, Akeno, Sona, and Tsubaki were on their knees as they were unable to even lift their heads. Grayfia was barely able to stand straight as she too was exposed to the clash.

Due to the clash, the weather started to fluctuate badly as well. Amaterasu was the Goddess of Sun her Divinity makes the sun rays stronger and hotter however by nature Conqueror's haki brews storm their clash affected the whole of Japan.

Wheather fluctuated specifically in the area surrounded by Tokyo as firewhirls and tornados started appearing and causing destruction. The Earth started to crack as a massive earthquake hit Yokohama.

"Arakan-sama!" Grayfia yelled out loud successfully distracting them and the clash of Haki and Divinity ended. Arakan and Amaterasu still stared at each other before mutually deciding on a draw.

"I am not going to ask for much, within Japan there is a small place called Kuoh, I want just that part of your territory in return the Barbatos will hold the Shinto faction a favor," Arakan said as he casually sat back on his seat.

"I see, in that case, there is no conflict towards the devils from the Shinto faction within the Kuoh, however, you will still have to make sure it stays clear of strays" Amaterasu answered still standing.

"In that case, the contract is thus set" Arakan claimed as a magic circle glowed near their palms. The knocked-out members of Rias and Sona's peerage gained consciousness only to witness the exit of Amaterasu.

"Which one of you assholes had the bright idea to open the door!" Arakan yelled angrily as he glared at the devils present before him. The devils were shocked by the sudden change of behavior from Arakan.

"My apologies Arakan-sama! It was I who was incompetent enough to protect the gate despite your orders." Grayfia said as she bowed in front of Arakan.

"Relax Grayfia, despite their looks they are devils to the core" Arakan exclaimed as his eyes landed on Saji who was averting his gaze. Arakan approached him as she bent to his eye level.

"Were you the one who opened the door?" Arakan asked while looking Saji dead in eyes.

"I...I..." Saji hesitated as fear dwelled inside him. The previously soft and harmless-looking Arakan was now staring him dead center in the eye and asking him.

'What do I do...'

'What to...do...'

Saiji thought to himself as he could his fear materialize in front of him.

'I should have known!'

'He is a Duke for a reason!'

Saji thought to himself. He wanted to lie and tell him it wasn't him but felt that it would be a more painful route.

"Arakan-sama! It was me who commanded him to do it!" Sona yelled in desperation as Arakan in front of them was no longer Arakan he was one of the 5 dukes of hell.

"Yes...yes it was the captain who told me" Saji too jumped on the gun in pure reflex to fear he wanted to avert the blame to someone else.

"even when someone is taking the blame from you..." Arakan muttered as he stood up. Saji too took the support of the wall to stand up thinking that he averted the crisis.

"You are lame" Arakan commented as soon as the words came from his mouth he punched Saji into the wall.

"You all have ruined my mood already, I am heading out Grayfia send them to their rooms, and let them think about it themselves. It is about time they get proper parenting" Arakan said as he started to walk away.

"You eight are all now grounded," Arakan said as he left them all to think about it.


[Hope you liked the chapter it is getting harder to write chapters constantly]

[Anyways the past arc is about to conclude so hope that you are enjoying it so far. ]

[Word Count: 2k+]