
Multiverse Travels of a Lost Soul

A fifteen-year-old boy was walking across the street in his hometown however his walk was interrupted by a truck speeding his way. The body sadly didn't manage to survive however find a blessing in this disguised curse the boy met one of the first Primordials and is now on his new Journey!

Tobi_or_Not_to_be · Others
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56 Chs

Hold on a Date!?

'Where is this?' Arakan questioned as he found himself in an unfamiliar place. All that surrounded him was destruction and rubble with traces of blood everywhere around.

'This place...this place feels.....nostalgic?' Arakan questioned himself as he checked on some of the ruins to find their design and architect looked familiar.

'This style...this architect this is definitely hell but why is everything so monochromatic?' Arakan questioned as his surroundings were covered in a red hue.

'Even the sky is crimson...what is going on??' Arakan questioned himself as he carefully walked through the destruction trying to hide as much as possible while making the least amount of voice he could make.

'What in the world happened? was the underworld hit with some sort of a catastrophe?' He questioned as eyes wandered around but then fixated on a line of blood.

'Blood? why did I not notice it before? I should have smelled from a mile away!' Arakan thought as he realized that his senses were not working properly in this place.

'System!' Arakan commanded however there were no changes as even the system screen that he was quite familiar with did not make an appearance.

'Whatever caused this could be still around...however if I don't have the system I would have to rely on my demonic magic and my raw power without the monster cells.' Arakan thought as he followed the trail of blood more carefully than ever within pin drop silence.

'Iza-chin, Kaku-chan, Grayfia, Sara, Kasumi, Hanma, Taiju...please be safe' Arakan hoped that his peerage and his closest friends were still alive and in hiding.

'devil wings!' Arakan exclaimed as he saw the ground now littered with thicker and more fresh blood than before. Random pieces of flash and Devil Wings were scattered around as they seemed to be ripped off without a concern in the world.

'It is not some sort of calamity! A living breathing being must be behind it!' Arakan concluded as softly followed the trail as more body parts could be recognized with a thicker stream of blood flowing.

"You have to be kidding...this must be a joke," Arakan said to himself in a shaky voice as saw a mountain of corpses of Devils from which was the stream of blood was leaking along with random body parts of the devils.

However, what caused Arakan fear was not the mountain of bodies but the being that sat on the top of it. It had six horns, four small ones pointed at the sky above while the two thick curved ones looked like sheep horns.

The being was also covered in a thick black exoskeleton with a muscular build and two large wings behind it. The being was hues of red covering all over it giving it a menacing look.

The being slowly turned towards Arakan as he was finally able to see the beast's full form. It stood at over ten feet and had every strong-looking body.

Both of its hands were occupied one held purple flames in the shape of a brain while the other held a rock in the shape of a heart. Despite it being made of stone the heart seemed alive as it had some cracks that had flesh peeking from it.

"HAA!!" Arakan exclaimed in extreme distress as he found himself within familiar walls and a familiar bed. He held his forehead it was burning hot as he sweated profusely.

'A dream?' Arakan questioned as the door to his room opened as his peerage entered the room. Grayfia was the fist to come to his side as she gently held his hands.

"Arakan-sama! What happened?" Grayfia asked as she had never seen Arakan in such a confused and distressed state. He looked like a guy who had witnessed death and survived with an inch.

"ah- It was just a nightmare it seems..." Arakan said softly still a little shaken.

'Fear? am I really feeling fear?' Arakan thought to himself as he looked at his palm and flexed it a couple of times and finally released a breath of relief.

It was the first time in this life for Arakan to fear something, whenever he faced a situation he had always tried to find a way out by just punching through it, but against that being all he could do was shake in fear.

"What the hell did you even dream about?" Izana asked a little curious.

"Just to confirm the monster under your bed is not really" Hanma responded with a snicker.

"Asshats will always be asshats" Arakan responded with a smile as he slammed himself back on the bed.

"I will be returning to sleep nothing much to concern yourself with," Arakan said as he released another sigh and closed his eyes.

Arakan's peerage looked at him in slight doubt as they all waited for a moment before they decided to return to their own rooms and discuss regarding it in the morning.

"Hmm?" Arakan muttered as he felt something move within his bed sheets however he decided to ignore it as he went back to sleep.


Arakan's eyes twitched as the rays of the Sun lightened his room. Feeling a little discomfort Arakan hugged whatever his hands were holding even tighter as tried to return to his sleep.

"mhhh~" As soon as Arakan tightened his hug a soft moan was heard as Arakan opened his eyes to see Grayfia still asleep and hugging him tightly.

"Grayfia?" Arakan muttered as he saw a very much naked Grayfia sleeping beside him.

'She feels so soft...and warm to touch...' Arakan thought to himself as he brought her closed to himself and returned back to his peaceful sleep. The one that was not having a peaceful sleep was of course Grayfia.

'Arakan-sama is hugging me while I am naked!!' Grayfia squealed to herself as she opened her eyes slightly to see Arakan's neck.

'Young Master's skin is so soft and glossy~' Grayfia thought to herself with a heavy blush as her arm went under Arakan's clothes and scaled his back.

'His muscles are hard yet it feels so smooth' Grayfia thought as she hugged Arakan tighter.

'This is all for Arakan-sama's sake'

'All for Arakan-sama'

'I have no ulterior motive!'


"Are you sure you want to visit the fair in the maid costume?" Arakan asked as he saw Grayfia still wearing a maid costume.

"I planned this outing so you can be relieved from your duties and relax for some time" Arakan pointed out.

"Whatever the cause maybe I will always be Arakan-sama's maid it is what I choose for myself" Grayfia responded with a slight bow.

"You are being too strict on yourself wearing a maid costume would only make you stand out, consider it an Incognito mission" Arakan suggested.

"ummm, I actually don't have another pair of clothes..." Grayfia confessed as she looked down in shame.

"How about we take a shopping trip before the fair?" Arakan suggested as he pulled out his bike from the garage a BMW R 1250 RT. It had a black body with writings over it spelling Tokyo Tenjiku on both sides.

"We are going to get you some proper clothes and then go to the fair" Arakan stated as he started the bike.

"But- it would get very late by the time we reach there," Grayfia said.

"We will get there before closing plus we can always just enjoy our time shopping" Arakan responded with a smile as Grayfia sat behind him with pink cheeks as she held him tightly.

"Well hang tight" Arakan stated as he left with Grayfia to a shopping center. They spent the rest of the daylight shopping for Grayfia's clothes as Arakan enthusiastically pulled her from shop to shop making her try on different sets of clothes.

"Arakan-sama because of me we might miss the fair" Grayfia stated as sat behind Arakan with a slight dejected face. She was now wearing a pink shirt with a brown coat and black jeans.

"No need to worry there, we can still get most of the stalls if we are not late," Arakan stated with a smile.

"In addition, I had a ton of fun did you?" Arakan asked as he drove through the still busy streets of Japan in hopes of not missing the fair.

"I did" Grayfia responded softly as she pressed her body against Arakan as they both enjoyed the rest of the ride with a smile on their faces for different reasons.

"See! not all stalls are closed!" Arakan exclaimed as he and Grayfia finally reached the fair. The number of people and stalls had dwindled however not all were closed for the day.

"We can still get some rides! even the coaster is still available" Arakan said enthusiastically as he grabbed Grayfia's hand and pulled her towards the rides.

"Arakan-sama!" Grayfia exclaimed on being suddenly pulled again as they went on to enjoy some rides and played a couple of mini-games that were still open.

"It was pretty fun eh?" Arakan asked as he snacked on some ice cream with Grayfia by his side.

"I...had a lot of fun as well" Grayfia responded while she snacked on hers as well.

"We can go to more amazing places in our free time, next time we can have the whole peerage with us," Arakan said with a grin as Grayfia merely nodded at the idea.

Suddenly a wave of people started to run back from the direction Arakan and Grayfia were walking to. The wave completely ignored both of them as they all went past them in panic.

Arakan used his hands to grab one of the men who were running away shouting. The man struggled in Arakan's grip but was unable to free himself.

"What is going on?" Arakan asked as he got a better grip on the man.

"There are two gangs fighting there! Let me go!!" The man shrieked as Arakan dropped him on the ground as the man ran away from there as well.

"Arakan-sama should we leave as well?" Grayfia asked.

"No...let's go greet them" Arakan responded with a grin as along with Grayfia started to walk towards the conflict between two gangs.


"We just arrived on time, didn't we!! To Draken's Requiem!!!" South yelled loudly with a grin as members of Rokuhara Tandai gathered.

"Let's start! The armageddon!!" South announced with a huge grin and madness imbued in his eyes.

"Bring it on!!" Takeomi accepted the challenge of war from South as the two gangs Brahman and Rokuhara Tandai began the war between two deities of the delinquent world.

Suddenly a sound of a motorcycle created South, Takeomi, and Senju as they all turned towards the source to see Manjiro Sano riding his bike as he approached the battle.

Behind Manjiro was the rest of the Kantou Manji gang following him they too approached the battleground.

"All three gangs are here" Senju stated as she stared at Manjiro.

"Interesting" South stated with a grin at the turn of events.

"This fight begins now!!" Takeomi was announced as Brahman members stomped their feet and got ready to charge.

"Let the war of the three deities begin!!" South announced loudly as Rokuhara got charged up as well.

"Kill them all!!" Sanzu yelled with a grin as Kanto too charged at the battle.

"I will have fun breaking their bone~" Rindou commented wearing Rokuhara's uniform.

"I will bash their heads for ya~" Rin stated with a grin as too dawned the Rokuhara's uniform.

"You bastards!! You killed Draken!!" Inui yelled as he wore Brahman's uniform.

"Fuck off Kanto!! You all abandoned Draken!!" Takeomi yelled as he charged alongside Brahman.

"Look at the situation Coco" Manjiro stated as he stood beside Kokonoi.

"You are not going to make any moves?" Kokonoi asked.

"Yeah, I am going to leave it to Sanzu and Shion they can handle it themselves," Manjiro responded coldly.

"You don't really care about it?" Kokonoi asked.

"Care about what?" Manjiro responded as he stared at Kokonoi with a blank stare.

"Vivo!" South commented as he saw Takeomi taking on hoards of men while charging towards him.

"My former Tanjiku boy~ Let's forget about Kanto, shall we? I have never seen Akashi so fired up let's take care of him first" South stated as the Haitani brothers merely nodded in response.

"The Fuck are you laughing about!!" Takeomi yelled as he charged towards South.

Rindou immediately went to work as soon as Takeomi got close enough to them. With him training under Arakan for at least a year the core of Tenjiku had grown stronger than ever along with its members. At his current level Rindou alone was strong enough to hold back Takeomi himself.

"Let me go!!" Takeomi yelled in fury as he struggled in Rindou's grip.

"This is war" South stated as he approached the locked Takeomi.

"Fortissimo!!!" South yelled as he went in to punch Takeomi however his fist was blocked by none other than Benkei. As South acknowledged Benkei's presence Wakasa jumped over him and kicked South in the face and sent him back a couple of steps.

"First Generation of Black Dragon! Compassionate~" South commented as he got ready to face the two living legends.

"This looks fun~" A voice yelled as the fighting slowed to look at the new challenger.

Arakan approached the battlefield with Grayfia walking behind him. Seeing him the battle paused entirely as the members of three gangs stood there shocked.

"It can't be"

"Matches the description perfectly"


"Is that..." South asked he looked at Rindou and Ran who too were shocked at Arakan's entrance.

"Hai...the one and only, The leader of Tenjiku, the one who managed to conqueror the whole Kanto! Untouched Arakan!" Rindou stated as South got a huge grin.


[Next chapter will be released soon as well! ]

[The current distribution of named previous Tenjiku members:

Brahman: Inui: Former Tenjiku Executive

Rokuhara: Haitani Rindou: Former Tenjiku Heavenly King

Rokuhara: Haitani Ran: Former Tenjiku Heavenly King

Kantou Manji: Kokonoi: Former Tenjiku Treasurer

Kantou Manji: Shion: Former Tenjiku member]

[Hope you enjoyed it so far the next chapter would be the end of Tokyo Revenger's side of thing!]

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