
Talk with the God and Reincarnation

"So, you are the one that I got informed about."

Max without a change in expression replied with a simple yes.

"Let's take a closer look at the abnormality with your situation."

Without waiting for a proper response from Max the presumed god simply looked into the very core of Max soul and figured out the situation. Meanwhile Max was experiencing a little discomfort, as if someone violated his personal space, which was not far from the truth.

After a while Max asked, "So, what in my previous life caused the change in my current life?"

"Well it seems in your previous life you were the top assassin, deadly for the world you lived in. It seems that cautious nature of your previous life was so great that even with the memory erasure, the cautious nature got deeply embedded into your very soul as such because of your unexpected cautious nature there was a deviant in your current life."

Hearing that Max went into his inner musing, 'So, is that the reason why I never truly befriended anyone too deeply, because of my nature? Is that also the reason why I never shared my project even with my own parent and later destroyed it to prevent anyone to find about it? Why I was reluctant to attend big event? That explains most thing on things that are different from other normal people. It seems my cautious was so embedded into my very nature I would subconsciously act the way I do.'

The God just waited there silently for Max to finish his inner thought.

"So, if you are the God then you must know what happened, is happening, and will happen correct?"

"Yes, if I wish to know anything then there is nothing stopping me but since knowing everything would be boring, so I don't look too into things like currently reading your mind, and abnormality like you which happens quite rarely is a surprise and form of excitement for me."

"I guess that is true, so what will happen to me now that my case is solved?"

"You have 2 option, one is to go join the river of soul and continue to your next life, another is to let you reincarnate with, let say 5 wish into your new life"

"Well of course I will choose reincarnation option, but why with 5 wishes can't you make it unlimited time since you have unlimited power."

"Of course, I can but where is the fun in that and seeing those few past mortal soul choose their wish and reincarnate was interesting."

"Hahah, so the reason you decided to reincarnate me is to have make your life somewhat interesting. Not like I care too much though as I will benefit for it too. Can I write down wishes, it helps me think better."

The God without saying anything waved him hand a bit and a normal paper and pen appeared in front of Max.

Max after having everything prepared, started thinking deeply into what his wishes should be.

'Hmmm, since I only have 5 whishes, I should make them somewhat powerful but not too restricting for my future'

Wish 1- Keep all his memory of this current life and the memory not be tampered.

Wish 2- Have eternal youth.

2.1 I can grow stronger, meaning my muscle or other part of my physical, spiritual, mind or other part of my being which I am unaware of can still grow stronger and not be locked into when I reach the age.

2.2 My outer appearance can change as in if I have a fat body when I gain eternal youth, I can change that to be a physically fit being. But the physical appearance would not look older than 25 years old and not look like an old man.

Wish 3- Having infinite amount of origin energy

3.1 Origin energy being the energy which can take form of all other energy in existence.

Wish 4- Sleep creation magic

4.1 Through the action of sleeping I can use origin magic to perform any and all change to my physical, spiritual, mind and other part of my being in unlimited amount of ways.

4.2 I can use it to sleep for any amount of time and mentally command on what to change.

4.3 I can use it to create skills.

Wish 5- Mutated Kaleidoscope

5.1 I can use it to travel unlimited amount of times to other universe of my choice through the use of my origin energy.

5.2 If there is no such exact universe, I will travel to the most similar universe.

5.3 I can use it to view the multiverse.

Looking thoroughly at his written wish, Max presented it to God. As God looking through it, he formed an amused face and commented, "Hahaha, it seems your cautious is truly powerful. All the other souls I have granted wish to made simple wish and none thought of having to keep their memory."

"Then they truly are a fool, because the memory and experience of life make the person and not having any memory is no different than being a new person."

"I agree, and your first wish is granted although I am a little disappointed that you thought I would tamper with your memory. Although seeing your cautious nature I guess that's reasonable."

"For your second wish you really known how to word your wishes to get your wish."

"Of course, if I just said eternal youth and you made me just freeze just when I turn the age, then I will just be like very well-preserved mummy. Although don't take it the wrong way, it's not I trust you I just like being safe."

"No offense takes, although you also know you don't trust me. But no need to worry your cautious nature is undeniable. Your second wish is also granted; although I am curious as to why you didn't ask for immortality, like few previous souls?"

"Asking for immortality will make things too easy for me. Although it is true I like to live, as the reason I asked for eternal youth if there is nothing pressuring me I'm afraid I won't progress and my nature won't change which, in my opinion is a very bad thing as the adapting nature of humans are the greatest tool."

"Hahaha, well said. It seems you are so afraid of no progress that you do not seem to fear death. Is it your cautious nature of not being able to adapt and progress so great to not fear death? You truly are an interesting soul."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Moving into your third wish there is no such thing as unlimited, everything has a limit, even me, although my limit is far greater than you can think of. So for your third wish I allow you to connect with my energy source. It has the same effect you have asked for and for you it is pretty much same as unlimited, I doubt you can even use up 1% of my energy source."

"That's fine with me."

"Now your fourth wish is also doable but why did you not just those same things but without the limit of having to sleep?" God said with an interested expression.

"Well I want to challenge myself, and if I didn't have those restriction then it will not be challenging. My life till now has been pretty boring and quite predictable so I want to change that."

"Well that's fine, now your fifth wish is also fine so those are also accepted. Hahaha, you are the first one of all the soul I granted wish to be so interesting. For making things so interesting I will allow you to choose how and where you will be reborn."

Max pondered on it for a while. He thought he would be randomly sent to another so he didn't truly think where he would like to go. 'Well since I can travel to other multiverse, I can take thing pretty easily. Let's choose a world where I can train my power to strong level, but also where there is a gradual increase in power so I can take things slowly.' Max thought of few world where things are interesting and came to decide between 2 worlds, one piece and My hero academia, which he thought the world was interesting due to their use of power.

"I have decided I want to go to the world of one piece around 850 years back before the main plot starts. I also want to be reborn in a strong family of that time period."

The god suddenly frowned and said, "As I do not keep my omnipresent power on for all time, I have no idea what you mean. Let me look into your memory."

Without waiting for Max's response, the God once again dived into Max memory, but it did not cause discomfort as he didn't have to dive too deeply into Max memory. After short while the God commented, "Hmmm, it seems that in few millennia that I detached from mortal world, it seem they thought of few fictional world that seems interesting; and since I haven't created any universe in a while lets make all these fictional universe into a real one, it seems things will be quite interesting in future for me." Thinking so the God chucked on how many interesting things happened because of this unusual soul.

"Alright then everything is ready, have a fun life." After than the soul of Max disappeared.

Next chapter will be up in couple hours. Comment your thoughts.

Immortal_foxcreators' thoughts