

Awakening in an unfamiliar room with a throbbing headache, a 18-year-old discovers he's trapped in an alternate world as Hisashi Igou. Suddenly, a holographic screen springs to life, revealing the mysterious Lust System. ┝┿┿┿┿┥ Worlds: 1. Highschool of the Dead 2. High School DxD or Naruto ┝┿┿┿┿┥ For advance chapter or support me: https://www.patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 7: Health Potion

After the sex session, after talking to him for almost an hour, Rei fell asleep.

She seemed to be having beautiful dreams, as she had a smile on her face while she slept.

Kissing her forehead, Hisashi looked away to the Little Fairy who appeared as soon as Rei fell asleep.

"By the way, Fairy, I wanted to ask this before, but I didn't get a chance..." He asked: "Why does she have two stars, but her second star is off?"

[That's simple.] The Little Fairy replied: [It's because she hasn't reached her maximum potential. That is, only when she reaches level 15+ will her unlit star light up.]

"So that's it." He nodded: "Basically, even if someone is 3 stars, it's only their potential, it doesn't mean they're stronger if they're at the same level, right?"

[Not necessarily true.] The Little Fairy shook her head in denial: [Although it can be seen that way, a person with two-star potential at level 3, for example, can be stronger than a person with one star at level 3.]

Hisashi analyzed: "Is that because a person with higher potential can level up in a purer way? I mean, something like an evolution without much impurity?"

[As expected of you, master!] She clapped: [Yes, you are right, if a person with one-star talent levels up, it's like filling a cup with gravel. Although full, it's hard to handle and use. Whereas someone with more star talent can reach the point of filling a cup with fine sand. And, even if it's something like beans or rice grains, it will still be superior, right?]

"Yes, you're right." He nodded, understanding what she meant.

[Hehee~ Of course I am!] She said proudly.

"So, in my case, even though I'm one star now, I believe I shouldn't be analyzed in the same way, right?" He asked.

[Again, you are right, master.] She smiled as she proudly said: [Even someone with five-star potential cannot rival in purity when leveling up with you, master.]

Hisashi nodded. He expected this, but still wanted to confirm to be sure.

When the subject died down, the Little Fairy said: [Leaving all that aside, master. Would you like to see how many points you earned?]

"Yes, of course." He agreed.


[Congratulations! You earned a total of 3,300 points!

50 points earned for kissing and groping! 200 points for fucking her mouth! 200 points for cumming in her throat! 400 points earned for fucking her pussy! 400 points for ejaculating inside her! 400 points for taking her virginity! Multiplier x2 for taking the virginity of the heroine, Rei Miyamoto!

[You earned 1,000 points throughout your life. You leveled up! Please check the Store for new items available!]

[You earned 2,000 points throughout your life. You leveled up! Please check the Store for new items available!]

[You earned 3,000 points throughout your life. You leveled up! Please check the Store for new items available!]


"Not bad." He murmured: "Also, I assume this multiplier rarely appears, right?"

[Not bad? That was amazing for your first time doing this, master!] The Little Fairy said enthusiastically: [And yes, master is right, the multiplier will only appear for the first time with each of the heroines whose virginity the master takes. Of course, this is not the only way; there is another way to trigger the multiplier, but I can't tell you, as the master needs to discover it on his own. I'm sorry.]

"You don't need to apologize, I understand your side," he said casually and then added: "Fairy, open the shop."

[Right away!] She said with a cute smile: [And, thank you for understanding.]



Current Points: 3,450


Time Stop (Weak Version) [★★] - Stops time for 30 seconds. (can only be used twice a day) 1000 Points

『NEW』Child Creation Mode [★★] – Can be turned on/off for birth control. 1000 Points

Weakness Reader [★] – Read someone's mind to discover their weaknesses. (can only be used twice a day) 500 Points

『NEW』Magic Voice (Weak Version) [★★] – People will feel comfortable listening to your voice, slowly making them open up to you. 2,000 Points

『NEW』Sexual Aura (Weak Version) [★★] – Makes a target person sexually aroused. The longer they are targeted, the stronger the effects. Physical contact doubles the effect. 2,500 Points


Facial Mask [★] – You can change your face to look like someone else for 1 hour. (one use) 200 Points

Aphrodisiac Powder [★] – Can be placed in food or drinks to make a girl horny for 1 hour. 200 Points

Sleeping Serum [★] – Makes a girl fall into a deep sleep for 1 hour after drinking. 100 Points

『NEW』Health Potion [★] – Cleanses your body of any impurities, making you look better and healthier. 200 Points

『NEW』Memory Potion [★] – Permanently learn everything you see in 1 minute. 300 Points

『NEW』Invisibility Potion [★] – Makes your body invisible for 10 minutes. 500 Points

[Lottery Spin] 100 Points


Now that he stopped to think, he hadn't considered the possibility of Rei getting pregnant at that moment, and since she didn't try to stop him at any point, maybe she was in a safe period?

Well, it wasn't like he knew her menstrual cycle, so he wasn't sure if she was in a risky period or not. But, if it happens that she gets pregnant... Well, somehow the possibility of her getting pregnant by him excites him a bit, but preferably, he doesn't want to have a child right now.

Precisely because he thought that way, he didn't hesitate to want to buy the ability that gives him complete control over impregnating a girl when ejaculating inside her or not. Another thing that caught his attention was the Health Potion.

"Fairy, do this for me," he said to her.

[Right away!] Hearing his request, the Little Fairy bought it and warned: [Master, a friendly warning, after drinking the Health Potion, you will feel pain in your body! Only drink it if you're ready!]

Hearing what she said, Hisashi nodded and thanked her for the warning.

Carefully, he got out of bed completely naked, leaving Rei sleeping while he walked towards the bathroom after grabbing a change of clothes.

In the bathroom, turning on the shower, Hisashi said: "Fairy, I want the potion now."

In an instant, the small potion bottle appeared in his left hand.

Opening the cap, he drank it all in one gulp.


As the shower water fell on his body, second after second, he waited for the pain the fairy warned about, but it never came, and when he was about to question her, overwhelming pain suddenly hit him.


Groaning in pain, muffling his scream with his hand, he didn't expect it to hurt this much.

Biting just above his thumb, he groaned in pain while doing his best to stifle his scream.

It was an even worse sensation than the time, in his previous life, when some friends trolled him by making him drink pure alcohol mixed with pepper.

His legs went weak, almost forcing him to collapse to his knees from the pain.

[Master...] The Little Fairy looked at him worriedly, but there was nothing she could do for him in this situation. This was something he had to go through by himself.

Suddenly, his arms extended forward, making his body pull away from the wall as he felt his muscles stretch forcefully.

But what he didn't know was that it was just beginning.


Hisashi muffled the scream by turning his face towards his arm and biting down hard. He didn't think this would happen; he just drank the Health Potion and felt a terrible sensation of pain all over his body.

He thought he could endure the pain. He didn't expect it to cause him so much pain, much more than he could bear.

In the following minutes, Hisashi experienced the worst pain he had ever felt in his life. He began to feel his muscles stretching on their own, then felt intense and sharp pain in his organs, and finally, he felt his skin dry out, peeling off his body.

Then, black fluids oozed from his body through his pores.


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