

Awakening in an unfamiliar room with a throbbing headache, a 18-year-old discovers he's trapped in an alternate world as Hisashi Igou. Suddenly, a holographic screen springs to life, revealing the mysterious Lust System. ┝┿┿┿┿┥ Worlds: 1. Highschool of the Dead 2. High School DxD or Naruto ┝┿┿┿┿┥ For advance chapter or support me: https://www.patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6: Rei Miyamoto Part 3***

When she took him back into her mouth, she did as he said, not trying to force herself to take more than she could handle while still obeying his previous request to gently play with his balls.

A few minutes later, his first load started to come, and he locked her head on his cock, but even now, he didn't overdo it.

However, Rei, who could feel him coming, saw that she could go a bit deeper, taking a bit more than half of his cock into her mouth, gagging slightly as she looked at him with tears in her eyes. But unlike before, she managed to keep him in her throat, bobbing her head a bit as if it would help loosen her throat to better accommodate him in her mouth.

Hisashi began to ejaculate in her throat as he closed his eyes, feeling an extreme pleasure.

"Thank you, Rei," he thanked her as he finished ejaculating, moving his hand to touch her face.

She looked at him as she began to pull her head back, withdrawing the large and thick cock from her mouth.

Seeing her pull his cock out of her mouth was such an erotic sight that his cock twitched in her mouth, shooting a last spurt of cum. She made a swallowing sound the next instant, and as she was almost pulling him entirely out of her deliciously warm mouth, Rei stopped with her lips closed around the head, sucking as if she wanted to draw out every last drop of his cum.

Hisashi was completely surprised, as he hadn't expected her to do something like that.

It seemed she had swallowed everything when she pulled her head away from his cock. She opened her mouth for him, saying, "Ahh~," like a good girl asking for praise for swallowing everything. With a shy and innocent smile that contrasted with what she had just done, she lay down beside him.

"How was it?" Hisashi hugged her against his body. She rested her head on his chest, her hair loose and spread out, though she didn't know when that happened. She looked at him with shining eyes.

"It was amazing, although..." She paused, bringing her hand to her jaw: "It was a bit difficult... You're very big and thick, my mouth is a bit sore now."

"Sorry," he apologized.

"I didn't say that for you to apologize, you know." She smiled and kissed his chest, then looked back into his eyes: "I just wanted to say that, although it was a bit difficult and even painful, it was an amazing experience and... I didn't dislike it. I think I like doing that with you. Is that weird?"

"No, it's not weird." He tightened the hug: "I enjoyed tasting you too."

"Hehe, I see." She smiled.

After a minute, Hisashi moved.

Running his hands over her thighs, he moved his body over hers. She looked at him with adoration, watching as he moved his lips to hers, tilting his head to meet her. Their lips touched, and she kissed him eagerly.

"Hisashi," she began, interrupting the kiss, but he didn't let her. He kissed her again. "Hisashi!" she gasped, turning her head a bit, a dizzy smile on her lips.

"Yes, Rei?" he leaned back to see her face completely.

"Are you going to take me?" she asked, a blush returning to her face while a playful smile danced on his.

"Rei, I thought you'd never ask." He kissed her again, pressing his cock against her wet and dripping pussy.

"Mhhmm~~" she gasped, her body arching against his.

While he didn't penetrate her immediately, running the head of his cock along her pussy, she moaned softly in anticipation, feeling the nerves tingling in her stomach. What if he doesn't fit? As if sensing her anxiety, he reached out and brushed her hair away from her face. Leaning in, he kissed her once more, softly, before revealing himself to her.

"Oh, Hisashi..."

He smiled, lifting her legs with both hands and placing them over his shoulders. Holding her hands, he kept them extended above her head, her back on the bed.

Rubbing the tip of his cock between her pussy lips, he leaned down and gently nibbled on her nipples. Her hips bucked, and the head of his cock pushed into her tight pussy.

"Ahhhh!" A scream of pain and pleasure escaped her lips as her virginity was taken by him, with blood flowing as proof of this farewell.

Hisashi did not continue to move. He was gentle, kissing her while staying inside her, giving her time to get used to the pain.

She felt his warm breath on her face, the soft kisses bringing unexpected comfort amid the pain. Their bodies were intertwined, and his presence calmed her, gradually turning the pain into pleasure.

When he moved his lips away from hers, she opened her mouth, breathless, tilting her head back, her entire body dissolving into shivers.

Taking her pleasure as encouragement, he slowly pushed his cock even further inside. A moan escaped her lips as he felt her tight pussy grip his rock-hard cock.

"Mm, Rei," he murmured, pushing his cock a bit more. While her arms tried to break free from his grip, he held them firm; her whole body jumped underneath him.

The second he saw the slightest hint of pain cross her face, he slowly pulled back. Moaning, she shook her head, begging him to return. He laughed softly, surprised to see how her desire overcame the pain. Using a bit more force this time, he pushed his cock back into her pussy, even further than before.

Her body pushed against his, her hips thrusting toward him. "Oh, Hisashi, fuck me!" she begged. That was all he needed to hear. He drove his cock into her harder, so that it was buried to the hilt. She screamed for him, an orgasm once again wrecking her body. He wondered if he should stop, if it was too much for her, but she kept asking for more.

Reinvigorated, he pulled his cock out of her and penetrated her with renewed vigor. Each thrust came faster, and he pushed all the way in each time. His balls slapped against her ass as he watched her face, twisted with the immense pleasure he was giving her, waves of orgasms crashing over her.

He could feel her pussy walls pulsing around his cock, making him moan along with her. Never before had he experienced such a tight little pussy: "Oh, fuck, Rei!" he shouted.

He threw his head back, letting out a loud moan, almost a scream, as he felt his hot seed shoot into Rei's pussy.

"Oh, Hisashi!" she screamed: "Yes, Hisashi, oh, God, yes!" Her pussy clamped around his cock as she came again, her back arched against his while she dug her nails into his hands. Pushing in and out of her, his moans softened as he felt the rest of his cum pouring into her. He slowed down almost to a stop, her pussy still milking his cock.

Leaning down, he kissed her trembling lips. Her eyes barely opened, her eyelashes fluttering as she tried to look at him.

"Oh, Hisashi," she kept panting.

He silenced her, rolling to the side and pulling her close to his chest. Stroking her hair and smiling, he whispered in her ear: "That was amazing, Rei, I loved it." She shuddered in his arms.

"I love you," she replied, closing her tired eyes, but the smile of satisfaction never left her face.


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