
Multiverse Internet Cafe: The Game Maker

Cryd got reincarnated without knowledge of how he died. And found himself in a parallel world with advanced technology and a new family. But he found many things has changed in this world and became disappointed with this parallel world progress. And so he decided to pursue his dreams to become a Game developer and spread the culture from his past life. but is that all there is to it? ------ This will be a slow paced story but sometimes go fast. Updates 1 chappy a day, and no Patreon Yet, but will give notice If made one. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Heya everyone, Happy new year, LazyTanaka here has rested long enough and finally got my will to write stories once again. This year I decided to write a fanfiction book and an original book for this year, I want to earn some money too you know... Anyway, this is a remake of my last year book? or probably last last year? I forgot but I have improved my writing but not my grammar, hope you guys enjoy the story.

LazyTanaka · Video Games
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27 Chs

Chapter 15- Meeting Again.

There weren't any benefits in choosing a theme, it was purely for aesthetic purposes, the reason Cryd narrowed it to these 3 because of the vibe they were giving, take note that the theme won't affect the exterior and only the interior so no one will be suspicious of what changed inside.

He even sent Konoe away earlier to not arouse any suspicion, anyway, here what will change if he chooses any of the themes.

Modern Fantasy Theme, this theme has the mixture of magic and technology, but it isn't that advanced than you think, it's more of a technology, magic, nature mixture, the ground will change into grass/soil mixture, there will be flowers etc, the walls and ceiling will be changed into sky and trees, then every other things will be changed into sci-fi magic like items but they complement well with the nature.

Cryd it fits to his tastes perfectly, he loves nature and technology.

Next is the Paradox Theme, this theme is actually a VR theme, everything here can be simulated, Cryd can do everything with his mind in this theme, he could change the designs of the tiles to the walls and to the ceiling, it was like a virtualized house.

This theme sounds awesome but it can only virtualize things and not make them real, so this was kind of the downside of this theme but it looked cool and amazing so Cryd added it to his final 3.

Then for the last one which is the cozy tavern, just like its name which is self-explanatory, the cozy cabin is but a simple cabin themed place, Cryd only added this as his last choice due to how he liked this theme very much.

He had also wanted a tavern like this when he was a child playing rpg games, it can be said that its a place with the feel of calmness and nostalgia.

Cryd liked all of the themes but unfortunately he can only choose a single theme and he must choose wisely.

He closed his eyes and went into deep thought, finally, he sighed and finally chose one.

[Paradox Theme has been chosen]

[Now Renovating the building, please leave the building: Time To Renovate: 10 minutes]

Cryd followed the system and went outside the building, he didn't go home immediately as he wanted to see the final results of it, and so while waiting, he started wandering around and found a restaurant that is still open nearby.

"Yukihira Diner, I guess I can eat here"

Cryd stretched his arms before entering the place, it was a small shop in a popular market street near his internet cafe, entering inside, he was immediately greeted with customers eating inside and they were very lively, he could also smell the dishes which smelled very delicious.


The hostess immediately greeted him as he entered the place.

Cryd looked around and it was a very cozy diner. He found an empty seat near the counter and sat there. He looked at the menu and everything was cheap.

"Welcome! What will you ord- Oh? If it isn't Young Master Cryd!"

Cryd who was looking blankly at the menu heard the familiar voice and when he looked at the chef on the other side of the counter.

"Old man Joinchiro!"

Cryd was very surprised to Joinchiro here as this had already left their house a few years ago, it was really an unexpected encounter.

"So you were here"

Cryd sighed in relief since he haven't heard anything about this guy for a long time.

"Hehe, my bad for not saying anything"

Joinchiro laughed cheekily.

"So what will you order?"

"The usual"

Cryd said in which Joinchiro nodded and went to the kitchen which was just nearby, since Cryd was near the counter, they could still talk to each other.

"So you built a small diner?"

Cryd couldn't help but ask.

"Ah, no, this isn't mine but my wife's family, I just took over it"

"Oh your wife? Is it that hostess over there?"

She has a messy light colored short bob hair, she is very petite and looks like a tomboy and she seems to be popular among the customers here.

"Yep, her name is Tamako, I have to actually thank your family for helping me cure her from her sickness"

"Oh, that, no need to thank us, it was in your contract"

Cryd couldn't help but remember the contract Joinchiro had with his family when he worked with them, it was actually the Sanzenin Family that offered Joinchiro help after his grandfather met Joinchiro in the past, and they took him in and gave him a contract to help.

"But that, I'm still thankful, you were like angels that came at my lowest"

Joinchiro said with a smile as he served the food to Cryd which was a simple chicken curry, but there was a twist with this food which is extremely spicy, He thanked Joinchiro and started eating.

"By the way, what are you doing here young master?"

"You don't have to call me young master anymore, just call me Cryd, you don't work for us anymore, Anyway, I am looking after my new building just over the main streets, its a newly built shop, and also you might have a competition here since it also has a food court""

Cryd said.

"Ah, damn, I'm sure you are going to hire people from Totsuki, you might take some of our customers"

Joinchiro scratched the back of his head.

"Haha then why don't you just work for me once again and, as if you really have a problem with the people from Totsuki, you can easily crush all of them"

"Heh, I thank you for the praise but I'm not invincible, I still have a lot to learn and no thank you, I just do this as a hobby"

"Well your choice"

Both of them laughed just then Tamako noticed Joinchiro happily talking with a kid so she curiously came over to join.

"Oh this is a new face"

Yep, that confirms it, Tamaka did not only look like a tomboy but also acted like one.

"Ah, this is young master Cryd, the heir of Sanzenin Family"

Joinchiro introduced Cryd in a low voice since his family is quite a big deal in japan.

"Ah, so you were those people!"

Tamako looked at Cryd in surprise before bowing towards him.

"I sincerely thank you for helping my husband and also curing me, I am really really thankful"

Her tomboy attitude disappeared and sincerely said her thanks to Cryd, she knew what happened and was extremely grateful to the Sanzenin family because they gave her a second life.

"Ah, please don't, we just did what we promised"

Cryd immediately stopped her from bowing at him as he really didnt think much about it, it took a while to calm her down.

Cryd and Tamaka talked to each other mostly about how she was after her recovery and her asking things about Joinchiro.

Cryd decided to tease Joinchiro so he talked about how he flirted with maids in the house which earned him a glare which meant he is so dead later.

Just as they were talking to each other someone joined in, he is about the same age as Cryd and has spiky red hair.

"Oh Soma! Come here, let me introduce young master to you!"

Tamako pulled the kid over, quite rough but the kid didn't seem to mind and curiously looked at Cryd with curiousity.

"Young master, this is my son Soma, he is the same age as you"

"Uh… nice to meet you young master? My name is Yukihira Soma"

Soma was still confused at what was happening.

"No need to call me young master, my name is Cryd, I'm a friend of your dad"


Cryd then observed Soma and immediately knew this kid is like Joinchiro, he could feel the passion for cooking at this kid, he then turned to Joinchiro.

"Since he is the same age as me, he is entering highschool right?"

Cryd asked.


Joinchiro nodded.

"Then are you going to put him there?"

Cryd asked and did not specify what he meant, but Joinchiro understood what he meant and nodded.

"Hoh, since he is your son, you probably have taught him, now this will be interesting, Erina and Alice will have a good challenge"

Cryd said with a smile.

"How about you?"

Joinchiro suddenly asked, he is one of the people who knew the talents of Cryd and he could only describe the talent of this kid in cooking to be a reincarnation of the god of chef since even if he makes a boiled egg it tasted like it came from heaven.

"Not interested, you already know that"

Cryd said, Soma who was at the side listening to them wasn't able to follow their conversation so he just helped his mother in serving the customers.

Cryd and Joinchiro talked for a few more minutes before Cryd left to check up on his building, he was there for 20 minutes so it was already past the time given by the system.


it actually took longer than I expected, anyway, this is the last chapter for this week.

Also lets do a challenge for myself, an extra chapter for 300 stones, this will be a motivation for me self.