
Multiverse Internet Cafe: The Game Maker

Cryd got reincarnated without knowledge of how he died. And found himself in a parallel world with advanced technology and a new family. But he found many things has changed in this world and became disappointed with this parallel world progress. And so he decided to pursue his dreams to become a Game developer and spread the culture from his past life. but is that all there is to it? ------ This will be a slow paced story but sometimes go fast. Updates 1 chappy a day, and no Patreon Yet, but will give notice If made one. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Heya everyone, Happy new year, LazyTanaka here has rested long enough and finally got my will to write stories once again. This year I decided to write a fanfiction book and an original book for this year, I want to earn some money too you know... Anyway, this is a remake of my last year book? or probably last last year? I forgot but I have improved my writing but not my grammar, hope you guys enjoy the story.

LazyTanaka · Video Games
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 14- Theme

How could he forget about one of the most important core parts of the game, the background music, the theme, the boss music, these things are the ones that give souls to games and Cryd has neglected it despite putting a lot of effort into improving his music making skills.

"Well, I guess I got too excited with making the game that I forgot about it, I forgive you myself, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to make one!"

Cryd immediately started creating the music for the game, if possible, he wanted to make an original soundtrack album for the game but he remembered that Real Steel only had a single and not to offend anyone but the sound track sounded good but it was more of a hiphop song and did not fit with a fighting game like Real Steel.

"I guess I have to make 6 songs to make an album"

Cryd then started thinking of music that were fitted for the game, there are a lot of music from his past life that easily fits with the game, like for example, Phonk genre, there's a lot of music from this genre that easily fits to the game but he felt he won't tap to phonk genre yet.

But if there isn't really any other song that fits to the game then he won't mind getting some phonks for the game.

Immediately, Cryd started looking through his memories for the songs that fitted for the game, he won't take ones from Transformers since he wanted to make it a game in the future, first thing that came into him that fits for this game is Deadwood by Really Slow Motion, the song is a good music background for the game, it is a guitar solo accompanied by some drums, this music hits hard as it really sounded badass and just hearing it makes you feel like you are going against gods.

Underground from Robots, To Glory by Two Steps From Hell, Build Our Machine by the Ink, these 4 songs are the ones that will be the main original sound track of the game and Cryd planned to create a total of 7 soundtracks for the game, but for now, he needed to make the 4 main.

Creating them is fairly easy as two of them didn't need a singer and Underground needed a rough voice and the Build Our Machine can be sung by him, he just needed to adjust his voice a little bit, for the underground at the singing part, he invited his grandfather to sing for him and his grandfather happily accepted it.

All in all, it only took about 2 days to make, mostly since his grandfather wanted to improve the Underground song, but all in all, Cryd was able to complete the game in exactly 20 days, and after that, he let the system rate his game and it only took a few seconds before he received the system rating.

[Rating: 4 Stars]

[Mission Completed, Rewards is now stored in your inventory.(can only be accessed inside the internet cafe)]

Seeing he completed the mission, Cryd sighed in relief, unfortunately he couldn't check the reward immediately as he needed to go to his internet cafe to access his inventory, but a good news immediately came into his ears a few hours later.

The internet cafe has been finished! And Cryd can immediately go check his rewards!

Cryd then changed his clothes and immediately called out Konoe who was just outside his room and instructed to go to the new building.

Konoe immediately obliged and prepared the car.

Its been a few days since he finished making the game and he spent most of his days resting and understanding his new found knowledge about VR games.

Even though he have received the knowledge, it didnt mean he immediately knew all of it, it was more like he received a lot of books and immediately memorized every letters of it but it doesn't mean he understood every word of it.

It was also the reason why coding the real steel took a lot of time to code since Cryd just looked at his knowledge and wrote it.

Anyways, these past few days, Cryd learned alot and even understood a lot of those codes can be combined with other codes ro make a sick combo of code that can improve the gameplay by a lot.

Cryd could have used this knowledge to improve the real steel but he knew just how didficult it is to change codes and if he made a single mistake, the whole game will crash immediately.

Imagine it as if you made one mistake at your redstone like a missing piece, to repair it, you need to start from the scratch, thats how coding in VR works.

Soon, the car was ready and Cryd immediately went in and Konoe drived out.

The new building is located 2 streets away from the main building, simply because some stores near Cryd didnt want to sell their lots and so Cryd was only able to find this place.

Cryd got out of the car and looked at the 4 story building in front of him, the first floor and 2nd floor will be the VR Cafe for this world and a restaurant, respectively, the restaurant is located at the second floor, it has a restaurant, a coffee shop, a bar, a relaxation court.

For the third floor, it will be the Multiverse Internet Cafe, according to the system, it will provide him a door that is connected to many universes and people from those universe will enter from that door.

To not create chaos, Cryd gave a restriction to the people coming from different universe, they can only access 3rd and 2nd floor, they can talk with the people from this world but talking about their world is not allowed.

This may seem like they are locked up for the other worlders but you dont know, they might have super powers and letting them out in the world will surely cause chaos and even get the eyes of some dangerous people

Of coursez there is also some restrictions for normal people, they cant enter 3rd floor.

It is for this worlds safety and the their safety, soon, Cryd got inside and saw all the furnitures are already completed, the first floor is already filled with the latest VR pods and there is also a computer side and a mobile side where there is a massage chair.

It was very spacious and this place could easily accomodate 300 people, its not as big as a mall but a little close.

Now for the apps, there is no apps yet, only the mobile side has the fnf installed to it.

Cryd checked every corners of the first floor and found nothing wrong with the things inside, the only thing missing is security and employees, well that is for another time, and so he proceeded to the second floor

The second of floor is what you can call a food court as there are 3 restaurant and they serve all kinds of dishes from around the world, its the same for the coffee shop and the others.

Now for the relaxation corner, its actually more like a capsule hotel, capsule hotels feature pods just big enough for one person to sleep in, rather than full-sized rooms. Showers and toilets are shared with the whole floor.

Here, people can sleep and there is no need to pay to get one, but of course, they can only stay inside the capsule for an amount of time and those who only played for certain amount of time can use it.

If he didnt put a time limit there, he was sure many people will live here, anyway, the capsule hotel has a bed, their own air conditioner, and there is also a free wifi.

Cryd wanted this place to be open for 24 hours a day which is why he added this place.

The second floor also has a bath house, a public bathroom, and a locker room, a public gym, all in all, Cryd was satisfied with planning and even with all of these facilities, it didnt feel cramped at all and was even fairly spacious.

Now for the third floor, unlike the first and second floor which is already full of things, the third floor is very empty, other than some furnitures Cryd requested, there is nothing at all.

It was also the same for fourth floor, both floors are empty, but Cryd didnt mind and was very satisfied with the whole building.

"Even though its rushed, they did a great job, well then, System, I choose this whole building to be the Multiverse Internet Cafe!"


[Building has been scanned and verified]

[Building is now the Multiverse Internet Cafe]

[Congratulations to Master for completing the mission]

[The shop theme will now be used]

After those string of words, a gallery appeared in front of Cryd and eaxh of the pictures showed different kind of themes.

There is a ancient chinese theme, fantasy theme, sci-fi theme, all in all, there are a lot of themes.

[Please select your desired theme]

Cryd didnt immediately choose but observed each of the themes and see if there is something that he liked.

In the end, he narrowed his choices into 3.

[Modern Fantasy theme]

[The Paradox Theme]

[Cozy Tavern Theme]


heya guys, LazyTanaka here, just some announcement, I will only be able to update chapters in weekdays.

For weekends, I will use that time to stack up some chapters and also focus on my original book, hopefully, I wont get lazy, that is all!

Also please vote which theme should I choose!

it wont be long before our first other world character to appear!