
Multiverse God Adventur

unknown_20281 · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 6

After Zen heard Irene's statement about world transfer, Zen tried to digest all the information Zen had gotten so far from Irene first.

Feeling that he understood everything, Zen finally asked again

"Then Irene, can you explain the difference between those worlds?"

[Okay Zen]

[World 0 is a relatively safe world, because there is almost no evil in this world. such as some anime, comics and novels that are comedy, romantic or both. And the world's destruction rate is 0 or nothing.]

[World 0.5 is a world that is more like brother's home world which has a fairly high crime rate but without involving magic or supernatural powers. With its low world destruction rate]

[World 1.0 is a world that has a high crime rate, containing fairly dangerous monsters with the involvement of magic and supernatural powers. With his moderate level of world destruction.]

[And world 2.0 is a world that has a high crime rate, containing dangerous monsters with the involvement of magic and supernatural powers. With its very high world destruction rate.]

[Did you understand Zen?]

Obviously Irene.

"I still don't get it, Irene. Can you give me an example?" Zack asked.

[Okay. World 0 as Irene described is like a fictional world of romantic or comedy genres, so an example might be the world of nisekoi. If world 0.5 might be a Classroom no elite world, for world 1.0 it might be Danmachi, and world 2.0 might be Naruto. Like that Zen, do you still not understand?]

"Hmmm.. so it's like that, depending on the level of power in the world" Zen said in his heart, digesting all the information he just got.

"However, why in a world with level 0 Irene?, doesn't that place have no threat?" Zen said

[Gathering a harem maybe?] Irene replied

"Gathering a Harem?, can you provide a valid statement Irene." Zen said while hiding his excitement from hearing the words of gathering harems.

"Who doesn't want to have a harem" Zen said in his heart.

[The Creator made this rule so that you can enjoy all the anime worlds that you want to visit, moreover the creator wants you not to continue to a world that can endanger your safety, because the creator already considers you as his descendant.]

Hearing this a warm feeling came over Zen, because Zen felt very cared for by someone other than his Uncle who was very kind to him.

"Okay then" said Zen who was still feeling melancholy.

[Oh yeah, Irene forgot to tell Zen, that there is one more menu in the system but not in the system menu list. This menu can only be activated by yourself.]

"Really, then what should I do to bring it up."

[Say <Relationship>]



Wife [0]

Girlfriend [0]

[I don't need to explain right Zen?, You will find out yourself, but there is an advantage that Irene can't explain, but if you find it, Irene will explain.]

"Then Irene, why isn't this menu in the menu system?"

[So that the menu system isn't too full, because maybe Zen will have a lot of harems.]

"Hmm.. Okay" said Zen who started confirming Irene's words about the harem.

[Then, are you ready to head to the first world to start our adventure?]

"Okay, but before that can you give me some clothes, Irene?, because I can't make it"

Said Zen, who was now completely naked without using a single thread after finishing making his new body.

[Zen can buy it at the system shop]

Zen then opened the shop menu and started buying clothes, pants, shoes and some men's accessories.

"Shit, all my point stores ran out immediately" said Zen after buying all his necessities.

Then Zen started to remember something.

"Irene, can you add my status points to 5 points to STR, 3 to AGI and 2 to VIT" said Zen remembering that he had status points he got from hidden quests.

[Done, Zen can check it]



Name: [Uchiha Zen]


Age: [16]

Level: [2](0/200)

Bloodlines: [God 1%]

HP: [200/200]


Shop Points: [0]

Point Status: [0]

STR: J [7/10]

AGI: J [5/10]

INT: G [1/100]

DEX: J [3/10]

Skills: [Clean: 0]

[Manas] Irene

Blessing: [The Voice of The Universe]

"Irene, why do I feel normal after adding my status?" ask Zen

[Because the changes are only slight, but Irene can confirm, Zen is getting stronger even if only a little.]

"Okay, I'm ready. Now how do I go to the anime world to start my adventure Irene?" ask Zen

[Okay Zen, do you want to visit world 0 or world 0.5?] Irene asked.

"Irene, do you have the list?" ask Zen

Then the imaginary screen reappears with list some of the worlds Zen can visit.

Then Zen began to think and began to sort out which world he would visit.

"Hmmm... is it nisekoi, or we never learn, or the world of quintuplets" said Zen while mentioning all the worlds he wanted excitedly.

[Can Irene recommend something] Irene interrupted who saw Zen still eager to sort out the world he was going to.

"Okay," said Zen.

[How about the world of Sword Art Online in 0.5]

"Huh.. is there Sword Art Online?" Then Zen started to open the world list 0.5

"Isn't Sword Art Online a very dangerous world, why is he in world 0.5?" Zen asked confused.

[Sword Art Online is just a game created by that world, while the original world of Sword Art Online is a world that is very similar to Zen's original world, but has more advanced technology.]

"But, wouldn't I die if I died in that game world?" Zen asked again.

[That's right, but Zen has Irene, your Manas and system who is kind and not arrogant. Irene has a way to prevent Zen from dying if she enters the game.] Irene said with a proud tone.

[And if you enter that world, you can also gain experience fighting monsters, to prepare for your adventure in world 1.0 without fear of anything happening to you.]

"Makes sense. Alright, let's have an adventure in the world of Sword Art Online" said Zen.

[Alright Zen will be teleported a week before the game's beta tester starts.]

"Alright" Zen said excitedly

[Destination: World 0.5 (Sword Art Online)]

[Confident With This Choice]


Then Zen pressed the YES sign and the light started to surround him and started to disappear from the place.