
Multiverse God Adventur

unknown_20281 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 32 TimeSkip nojetsu

After the sword was finished by Lisbeth, Lisbeth immediately gave it to Zen to try.

"How's Zen?" Lisbeth asked.

Then Zen started trying to use the sword, Zen activated his sword skill and tried to slash with the sword he just made for him.

"Thank you Lisbeth, this sword is very good" said Zen who had finished trying the sword.

Lisbeth who heard this immediately puffed out her chest with a smile because she felt proud of her work.

"How much is Lisbeth?" asked Zen.

"I'll give it to you Zen, just take it as a token of friendship. After all, I only seem to help make it and at the same time, it's the best sword I've made, so I'm quite satisfied if it's held by a strong person like you Zen." Lisbeth said with a smile while hiding the real reason.

"It can't be like that Lisbeth, still I have to pay for it" said Zen insistently.

"I told you, it's fine. After all Zen-san, why do you need a sword when your previous sword is also very good as your future weapon." Lisbeth asked changing the subject.

"Ah actually-" Before Zen could finish his sentence, a woman jumped up and hugged him.

"Zennnn, I was really worried about you" said the woman who was none other than Asuna.

"Asuna?" said Zen surprised.

"Where have you been Zen? I saw your blurry list of names and I tried to track you down, but to no avail" Asuna said with tears running down her cheeks.

Asuna didn't come here alone, Scilica who was behind her also started to feel relieved after seeing Zen who was fine.

"Don't worry, I'm just looking for materials for my sword, and maybe when I entered the dragon's lair to look for materials, it blocked me from being detected. I went with your best friend anyways" Zen said trying to calm Asuna down.

Hearing this, Asuna immediately looked at her best friend and removed her arms from Zen and started to hug her best friend.

"You too Lisbeth, I thought something happened to you two" said Asuna who us now hugging Lisbeth.

"Calm down Asuna, after all I'm going with Zen, there's no way anything can happen, after all you know, Zen's power?" said Lisbeth trying to calm her best friend.

Lisbeth actually felt a little jealous when she saw her best friend Asuna hugging Zen. Lisbeth actually envied that her best friend married such a nice person. But he started to throw all those thoughts away and was happy for Asuna.

"Maybe I'll keep this feeling to myself" said Lisbeth who didn't deny that she also liked Zen.

On the other hand, Zen, who had been let go of his arms by Asuna, started to approach Silica who still had tears on her cheeks. Zen immediately patted Silica's head and tried to calm her down.

"I'm sorry I made you worry Silica" said Zen

Hearing this Silica calmed down and tried to wipe away her tears.

"Don't repeat that Zen-san, I don't know what to do if Zen-san isn't by my side anymore." Silica said.

"Alright, alright," said Zen while giving Silica his sweet smile.

After everything calmed down, Asuna finally broke the silence of the place.

"So Zen how's your weapon? Let's see how you look with two swords" Asuna said.

"Okay." Zen words

Then Zen started to open his menu bar and started to change his fighting style from one-handed to two-sword fighting style, and Zen didn't forget to take out the other sword.

"Two swords?" Lisbeth asked confused

"Zen hasn't told you anything why he wants another sword?" Asuna said and Lisbeth shook her head.

"Alright, we'll just have to wait, you'll see for yourself" Asuna continued.

After finishing all the preparations Zen finally took his Elucidator sword and held it in his right hand, and Dark Repulser in his left hand.

"Alright let's try a skill" said Zen

<Starbust stream>

Then Zen started doing 16 quick slashes trying out one of the skills of this two-sword fighting style.

The women who saw this, were stunned by what they saw.

"W-What is it, I've never seen a two-sword fighting style?" Lisbeth said

Zen who heard Lisbeth's question then put his two swords on his back and explained everything to Lisbeth about how he got the ability, of course he didn't tell the truth.

"Oh yeah Zen, how about we invite Lisbeth to join our group?" Asuna said.

"W-what's y-your group?" ask Lisbeth

"I thought so too. How's Lisbeth? Want to join us?" ask Zen

"B-But actually I'm not good at fighting" said Lisbeth

"It's fine, your job is only to help us with our equipment, and alsowe will help you to increase your level to improve your forging skill which is still locked due to level limitation." Zen said.

"W-Well then, take care of me from now on guys" Lisbeth said and was greeted with smiles by the three people in front of her.

"But Asuna, your best friend doesn't want me to pay for her services" Zen said then

Lisbeth who heard this tried to give the previous reason and tried not to reveal the real reason, especially to her best friend Asuna.

Asuna who was listening to this just smiled meaningfully at Lisbeth.

"So you're the same as Silica, Lis" Asuna said in her heart.



It's been almost 2 years since this game started, now players have managed to conquer this game up to the 74th floor. The takeover group managed to defeat the 73rd floor boss a week ago, but the casualties were not small.

After Zen got the sword to complement his new fighting style, this news was all over the place. There weren't many players who tried to go to Zen and ask him how to get the ability, but as a result they went home empty-handed.

Zen's name began to stick out after showing this ability, his name was even more famous because he was the Beast they had considered ugly and managed to marry a queen, Asuna.

Meanwhile, Heatchcliff or Kayaba Akihiko who heard this news, immediately checked the system which saw that all of this was purely a system error. Heechcliff openly continues to force Zen and his team to enter his guild, but Zen refuses to do so.

Meanwhile, another horrendous news is, about the assassin's guild, Laughing Coffin, which is getting more and more unsettling. Especially their scheme about killing in the Safe Zone, but this scheme was successfully thwarted by a vice-captain of the best guild with a solo player, namely Sachi and Kirito.

And now a very horrendous news circulating again. Where a solo player managed to defeat the Boss of the 74th floor with the ability of two swords as well as the ability of Zen. This news was immediately excited, because Heathcliff immediately challenged Kirito to an open duel after Kirito defeated the 74th floor boss.