
Multiverse God Adventur

unknown_20281 · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 25 Rosalia

Currently Zen and Silica were already on the 47th floor. They were currently in the area called Flower Garden after Silica had managed to raise her level enough to enter this place.

As the name suggests, this place is filled with various kinds of flowers. And this also, this place is very popular for some players who are going on a date and will spend their date time here with their partner.

Zen himself often spends time with Asuna here, because the scenery and atmosphere are good for making love in this place.

Silica herself was very impressed by the scene here, but after seeing that several of the players who were here were mostly in pairs, Silica immediately blushed at the thought of something.

"Alright Silica, the place to get Pneuma flowers is in the center of this place. However there are some plant monsters that are weak but very annoying, so be careful" said Zen.

"W-Alright Z-Zen-san" said a nervous Silica, imagining what she imagined earlier.

Finally the two of them started to leave that place and started walking towards their destination, with Silica still blushing. But on the way, a trap started to ensnare Silica's legs and lift her up in her reversed position for the time being.

Silica herself didn't try to fight back, but preferred to protect her open skirt.

"Don't look at Zen-san, and please help me!" he shouted.

"So what should I do? Not see you or help you. Choose one?" Zen said

Seeing Zen who didn't care, Silica immediately took out her dager and defeated the monster. After Silica managed to defeat the monster, Silica immediately scolded Zen for his previous actions.

However Zen only apologized on the grounds that Silica's order was very confusing.

"Hump.." Silica muttered while puffing her cheeks.

"Okay... Okay... next time I'll help you then don't see you" said Zen.

Zen continued to tease Silica until the two of them decided to continue their journey, while fighting off the monsters that stood in their way one by one.

Finally they arrived at a place with a floating altar. After they saw this place, Silica immediately ran to the altar. Gradually the altar emitted light and then a bud emerged and it began to grow into a flower.

The flower, is the flower they are looking for, the Pneuma flower. The flower continues to grow until it is in full bloom.

"Pick it Silica" said Zen who arrived beside him, and saw her still stunned by the incident.

Silica carefully started to pick the flower and started holding it with both hands.

"This flower can bring Pina to life," Silica muttered, already feeling excited.

"Well, it's better to save the flowers first and revive your friend when we reach the inn" Zen said and Silica nodded in return.

The two of them finally decided to return to their inn, but when they arrived at a bridge Zen stopped their steps.

"Silica, you have a teleportation crystal right? Can you take it out and hold it" said Zen

"Why Zen-san?" Silica asked but she still took out her teleportation crystal.

"Just in case something happens and can you wait here for a bit?" said Zen and Silica nodded in return.

Zen then took a few steps forward and started shouting at some of the people hiding behind the trees on the other side of the bridge.

"Come out!" Zen shouted.

Then came out a red-haired woman with a spear with a look of victory.

"R-Rosalia-san?" said Silica who was behind Zen

"It turns out that you have a very high tracking ability, master swordsman, so you can find out where I am," said Rosalia with a tone of sarcasm.

"And it looks like you've got the Pneuma flower. So can you give it to me?" he said then.

"Sorry Rosalia-san, or maybe the assassin group leader, Titan's Hands, I can't give it to you" Zen replied.

Rosalia who heard Zen's words didn't feel surprised or anything, The woman smiled broadly as if it was nothing.

"Then what are you waiting for, quickly hand over the flower, or don't you try to be a hero who protects the woman behind you, so that she is attracted to you, master swordsman?" said Rosalia.

"Looks like you're starting to misunderstand Rosalia-san, actually I was looking for you too" Zen said with a smile still plastered on his face.

"If I may know, why are you looking for me master swordsman?" asked Rosalia.

"Do you remember massacring a guild called Silver Flags, Rosalia-san?" asked Zen.

"Ah, the cool guild," answered Rosalia.

Yes, and their guild master who survived, looking for someone who can avenge its members and that's me. But calm down Rosalia-san, I won't kill you, but will imprison you along with all your group members who are behind the tree behind you." Zen said

Rosalia who heard this immediately burst into laughter. Then after he finished laughing he started snapping his fingers as a sign for his members to start showing themselves.

"Why did you accept his request? Wouldn't it be better for you to worry about your current state, master swordsman?" said Rosalia with the evil smile of her members with yellow and red cursors in return.

"Z-Zen-san, aren't there too many of them, we better run away" said a worried Silica.

Zen who heard this just turned to Silica with a sweet smile indicating not to worry. Then Zen started walking towards the group while pulling out his sword.

"Z-Zen?" said one of the players in the group.

"No, he is a player who overshadows a group called Elite which only has two members," said one of the players later.

"Rosalia-san, isn't she the player in the takeover group?" said one of the players starting to panic.

"How can a player like that be here, and I heard that one of the members has the nickname Beast because of his ugly looks, but this person is very handsome" said Rosalia confidently.

"Attack!" said Rosalia next.

All the members of the group then took out their Sword skills and started charging towards Zen. Zen himself was really waiting for this moment, right now he wanted to try to practice what Kirito did in the anime.

A barrage of slashes pierced through Zen's body, but the current Zen just stood tall with a smile still etched on his face. All of the players attacking him tried to keep slashing at Zen until they all ran out of their stamina.

"Are you done? Now it's my turn" said Zen.

Zen then slashed the hand of a player who was nearby to break it. This action was continued to all players who previously ganged up on him.

After slaughtering all the players there, Zen activated his sword skill and started to rush towards Rosalia, and pressed the hilt of the sword to her neck.

"Give up!"