
Multiverse God Adventur

unknown_20281 · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 14

Meanwhile, in the world outside of the game, a woman with short hair was training diligently. The woman tries to be her best to replace her brother who left this sport.

The woman was none other than Suguha. Suguha diligently swung her kendo sword over and over again until she felt that her training was enough and that it was time for her to return to her home.

After Suguha finished training and rested herself, Suguha felt very uneasy about something she didn't know the cause of. There was even an incident that he thought was strange, because a man who was close to him at this time, did not reply to messages and told him how he was since this morning.

Suguha kept contacting Zen, but unlike usual, Zen didn't reply to her messages, let her know how she was, and even tried to tease her.

Suguha then cleaned herself up and tidied up her equipment and immediately headed back to her house. Before returning home, Suguha wanted to stop by a mini market to buy a cold drink.

But just as Suguha was about to take a cold drink from a cooler, the sound of news caught her attention. Without thinking Suguha immediately ran back to her house.

But unfortunately, after Suguha arrived at her house, several medical officers and an ambulance were already in front of her house. Suguha wanted to enter her house, but suddenly several officers were carrying a man with game equipment being taken out.

That person was none other than his older brother, Kirigaya Kazuto. Tears immediately fell from her eyes, Suguha who saw her mother accompanying her sister out immediately hugged her while crying hysterically.

It didn't take long, Suguha remembered something. Suguha took out her smartphone and tried to call the person she had been trying to call earlier but she didn't answer.

"Come on, answer Zen-san" said Suguha while trying to call and text Zen many times.

But Suguha remembered something, Zen came to Japan to try out a new game when they first met and that game is now being talked about everywhere.

"Mother, I have to check something, later I will follow mother to the hospital" said Suguha as she released her arms from her mother.

"Okay, please be careful" said his mother who was getting ready to get into the ambulance carrying her child.

Not waiting long, Suguha immediately ran to Zen's apartment still carrying her kendo equipment.

"Hopefully he doesn't enter that game, hopefully he doesn't enter that game, hopefully he doesn't enter that game..." Suguha said over and over again as she ran towards Zen's apartment.

While running, Suguha kept praying that Zen wouldn't enter the game. After continuing to run, Suguha finally arrived at a familiar apartment.

"Zen-san, it's me Suguha" said Suguha as she kept banging on the door of Zen's apartment, but there was no answer from behind the door.

"Zen-san please open" he said. But now Suguha was trying to open the door.

Fortunately Zen's apartment door was not locked, Suguha without thinking immediately opened it and tried to enter this apartment.

Zen himself deliberately did not lock his apartment door, so that people could easily evacuate his body.

"Zen-san" said Suguha who started to enter the room. Zen's room is currently still dark, because the curtains of Zen's room are still closed. Suguha then went straight to Zen's bed.

After arriving at Zen's bed, Suguha immediately fell to her knees and started crying again. At this moment Suguha saw a man who was currently close to her lying on the floor wearing the exact same equipment as her older brother.

"Why?, why did you two leave me?" said Suguha along with her tears

After a while, Suguha calmed down and tried to inform the parties about Zen's situation.

With tears still in her eyes, Suguha began to collect Zen's belongings and started storing them.

And finally some of the officers in charge came to evacuate Zen from his apartment to the same hospital as Brother Suguha's hospital.



In SAO World

As the transparent barrier surrounding the place disappeared, Zen took a different direction that was taken by Kirito.

Zen immediately exited the city without paying any heed. Running fast, Zen began to slaughter the monsters he encountered while traveling to his destination.

After Zen arrived at the place where he was going to increase his level, Zen began to slaughter the monsters in that place one by one. After Zen slaughtered the monsters, Zen finally noticed something strange.

"Irene" called Zen

[Yes Zen] Answer Irene

"Why is it so hard to collect EXP now, has the system about gaining EXP changed?" asked Zen because he noticed his EXP wasn't accumulating as fast as he haddo a beta test.

[That's right Zen, currently the system that oversees Sword Art Online has changed several provisions, such as one of them regarding EXP, which you mentioned earlier.]

"Did the locations for some of the monster and dungeon locations change too?" Ask Zen

[For the location, only the location of the boss of the first floor has been changed, and everything else is the same as during the beta tester. And for some monsters there are some changes, such as their weapons being changed, including the boss of the first floor.] Irene replied.

"Then, what about the system you are trying to change, has it worked Irene?" Zen asked then.

[Yes, Irene changed all the systems so that Zen looks like teleportation when he dies] she replied.

"But Irene, what if I die in a place like an anti-crystal?" ask Zen

[Calm down Zen, at a place like that, zen will automatically issue a blink skill and stay away from the monster. But when you finish blinking, make sure you use HP potions to avoid suspicion. And Irene made sure, that this game system would not be able to detect this anomaly from Zen's character.] Irene explained.

"Alright then, thanks for your hard work Irene." Zen said after hearing Irene's explanation.

[No need to thank Zen, Irene will always be by your side no matter what happens] Irene replied.

"Alright. But Irene, then you should be able to hack the system so other players can't die right?" Zen said.

[Irene can, but the Creator forbids it] the answer

"So, because of the Creator huh" Zen muttered, then he remembered that the Creator sent him, to relieve his boredom.

[That's right Zen. The Creator said, if you ask to hack this game system and save other players, please don't do it.] Irene said next.

"Okay" Then Zen started to stand up from that place. Holding his sword, Zen then headed to the next place to increase his level.

"Let's be strong"