
Chapter 9

I look at the little guy in front of me as he writes the basic concept of Onmyouji, and after seeing him done with writing them all, I decided to drop the bomb on him.


"Yes, mister Jeremy?"

"We need to talk."

When I say that, I can see him look terrified. Seeing that, I quickly say.

"It was nothing bad, Harry. You did nothing wrong, you don't need to worry."


"Yes. You are not in trouble."

I can see him release a relieved sigh, but there is still a little bit of fear inside his eyes.

"What I want to talk about with you is your origin story."

"My origin story?"

"Yes. Harry, you are a wizard."

"Wizard? Not Onmyouji?"

"Yes. When you reach the age of eleven, you will receive a letter from your soon-to-be school. Take that letter and write that you will attend the school before searching for an owl that will deliver the letter to the school."

I can see him look down before looking back at me.

"Can I not go?"

I smiled at him before saying.

"That is an option but it was the school where your parents go. I have a feeling you want to go to school where your parents also go."

"Really? Do you know them? Do you know my parents?"

"Yes and no."


"It was complicated. They are kind people, they work hard and help others in need. They are one of the few people who willingly fight against the dark lord that terrorize the people in England."

Harry looked at me for a few seconds before saying.

"Do you think they are proud of me, Mister Jeremy?"

"Of course! They are proud of you, Harry. I know they are proud of you."

"D-Do you think we can talk to them? You said that Onmyouji can talk with the dead, right?"

"That's right. However, it needs to be at a specific time before I can summon them."

"Really? You can?"

"Yes. However, I need to warn you something, Harry."


"Don't try to resurrect your parents, okay? Necromancy is not something you need to learn because of how foul it can become. I don't want it to blacken your soul. Not only that, Necromancy is not a true resurrection it bring back the soul of the dead to the living world and torture them to keep them in this world."

When I say that, I can see he looked horrified at the mention of torturing his parent.

"I promise, mister Jeremy. I will not practice Necromancy."


I did not mention the possibility of an actual resurrection from the [Shop] because I want him to accept that his parents are dead. Maybe he will buy it to resurrect his lover or best friend in the future, but he doesn't need it now.

I also don't want him to face the consequences of resurrecting the dead. The gods who govern the dead soul will not be happy with him.

"Anyway, write in the letter saying that you are willing to attend their school and need someone to show you around."

"En! I will."

"Good. Now, we will continue your study tomorrow morning, okay?"

"Yes, mister Jeremy!"

"Call me Jeremy, Harry. Or at least Teacher Jeremy. Mister Jeremy is a bit… much."

"Yes, teacher Jeremy!"


After saying our last goodbye, I close the video call and lean on my chair. Hmmm, what should I do now? I need to take some pictures to show my mother, and I also want to try some food in this country. I watch a lot of foodie channels on Youtube saying that Singapore has a lot of delicious food.

I want to try it.


|Harry Potter - Boy Who Lived|

I opened up the letter from the owl and couldn't help but smile at the reply from professor McGonagall.

"Lily! Professor McGonagall will come and take me to this Diagon Alley in two hours!"

"Congratulations, Harry. You will go to the wizarding school."


However, I have a terrible feeling that Dursley will cause many problems. They have been silent lately, and I don't like it. The last time they are this silent resulting in a long beating. It was when uncle Vernon drank from drinking a lot of wine.

"Harry? What is it, dear? You look pale."

"Nothing, Lily."

"You know you can tell me anything, right? Please tell me what is in your mind."

I look at Lily and hug her tightly.

"I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"I'm afraid of what Uncle Vernon will do to me. The last time it was this silent, I got beaten up pretty badly."

I can feel Lily frown when I say that.

"I see. You don't need to worry, Harry. I have a little chat with them."

"With Uncle Vernon?"

"And your aunt. I have a little chat with both of them."

"You are not doing anything, right?"

I look at Lily with a pointed look. I can see her look sheepishly at my frown.


"I may have put them in a curse."


"I'm sorry, Harry. However, it works, right? They did not bother you any longer and they know that they will be very unlucky."

"Can you lift the curse? While they are not good people, they are still my family."

"I can't, my master. That curse is special. It will linger in their soul for the rest of their time. However, you don't need to worry, Harry. That curse only activates when they are hurting you. They will experience a small amount of unluckiness if they are thinking of hurting you."

"They will not get hurt?"

"If only they were hurting you first. As long as they are not hurting you physically and not thinking about hurting you, they will be safe from the curse."

"I see."

I guess it was not bad. I don't mind the peace.

"Now, come on! You need to prepare. Lord Jeremy said that he will be waiting for you in Diagon Alley, right? You want to meet him again, right?"

"Yes! I almost forgot about it."

I quickly change my clothes and wait for professor McGonagall to come.

~Sometimes later~

"And this will be your last stop, mister Potter. This is the Ollivanders Wand Shop where you will get your wand."

I look at the building in front of me and nod my head.

"Let's get inside."

I get inside the building and see a lot of wands and other foci on the shelf in front of me. I slowly pick up an Ofuda from my pocket when I feel someone approaching us. However, he stopped when I put my hand inside my pocket.

A second later, I can see a man appear next to me.


I can see professor McGonagall is surprised at the appearance of the man in front of me. Even she cannot feel him, huh? Hmmm, interesting.

"And what is interesting?"

"You are very interesting, mister Potter. You can feel me approaching. This is the first time a child like you can see… no. You can feel my magic. Interesting."

"Excuse me Garrick but can you help mister Potter get his wand? And mister Potter this is Garrick Ollivander, the owner of this shop and the one who will take care of your wand."

Mister Ollivander looks at professor McGonagall and smiles.

"Ah, Minerva. 9½ inches, Fir, dragon heartstring. Stiff and inflexible, good for Transfiguration."

He then looks at me and says,

"And you must be Harry Potter, right? Yes. I can see that you are the real Harry Potter. Please follow me, mister Potter."

I follow Mister Ollivander and wait for him to return from the backroom. He brought out a tape measure and measured my hand and body.

"Which one is your wand hand?"

"Wand's hand? I don't know what that is. However, I use my body but I prefer my right hand."

Serving food to Dursley needs both hands to cook all the food fast enough without getting yelled at.

"Hmmm, interesting."

A few seconds later, he returns to the back room, and this time he returns with a box in his hand. He took out the wand from the box and passed it to me.

"Here you go. 10 Inches with Fir Wood and Unicorn's hair as the core. Rigid and unyielding. Come on, wave it."

I wave the wand, feel my magic go through the wand, and release a pulse of magic. I flinch a little when I hear an explosion happening in the backroom.


"No worries! You did not hit the important stuff."

He goes to the nearby shelf and takes another box of wands. I give it a wave, and the table turns into slime. We continue doing this for ten minutes before I feel some sort of connection with the wand he brings.

"Try this, mister Potter. 11", Holly, phoenix feather as a core, it is nice and supple. Give it a try."

I touch the wand and feel my entire body get warm. I can see Mister Ollivander smile at me and say.

"Curious and interesting. Hmmm…"

"What is it, mister Ollivander?"

"Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember... I think we must expect great things from you, Mr Potter... After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things — terrible, yes, but great."

I look at him with a frown on my face, and I want to ask him more questions. However, before I could ask him a question, professor McGonagall decided to speak.

"And that is all for today, mister Potter. How much, Garrick?"

"Seven Galleons like usual, Minerva."

I nod my head and give him the money. Then, we walk out of the store and get ready to get back home. However, before professor McGonagall can do that, I say.

"Professor, can we go to the Leaky Cauldron? I want to meet with someone."

"Oh? A friend of yours?"

"No. He is a family!"

Professor McGonagall makes a weird face for a second before nodding her head. Then, we walk to Leaky Cauldron, and when we are there, I can see a familiar person sitting on one of the chairs.

"Mister Jeremy!"

You can read more in my P@treon! in here!


Ryusenkacreators' thoughts