
Chapter 10

I look to the side, and just in time to see Harry throwing himself at me. I hug him and smile at his enthusiasm.

"You are here!"

"I already told you, right? I will be here to celebrate your birthday."


I put him down and smiled at the professor, who looked at us with a surprised expression.

"My name is Jeremy Revaldi. It is nice to meet a well-known transfiguration mistress."

"Well met, mister Revaldi. Can I ask how you know about mister Potter?"

"Of course. I can tell you a story about how I met him. However, shall we have a private place?"

She looked at me for a few seconds before nodding her head. Seeing her nod, I walk toward the innkeeper.

"Tom, can I have a private room? I also take the meal set for the three of us."

"Make it two, Tom. I have already eaten."

I nod my head when I hear McGonagall's voice.

"Make it two meal sets then."

"Coming right up. Your room is on the second floor. Here is the key. It was the one at the end of the room for extra privacy."

"Thank you, Tom."

I take the key, and we get to the room. The room itself was massive, and it was bigger inside. I really need to learn this type of magic. The Harry Potter magic system is too convenient to pass up. The three of us sit on the chair behind the round table.

"Now we are here, can you tell how you met him?"

Ah, I can see how she mistrusts me because Harry's location is supposed to be a secret.

"I met him when his cousin decided to play Harry's Hunting."


"It was a game where his cousin hunted him and beat him up with his friend."

I can see Harry look down in shame as if it was his fault. I put my hand on his head. The first time he told me about his home life, I wanted to curse his family using the most powerful curse I have. Sadly, Harry is too kind for this world.

I can see McGonagall look at Harry, and when she sees his expression and movement, she knows that I'm telling the truth.

"After getting him out of there, I try to talk to his aunt and uncle but I only get shouted at by them saying that their son will not do something like that. Did you know his condition when I first saw him?"


Without saying anything, I take out three Ofuda and lay them on the table. A second later, Harry's previous body appears above the paper.

"Horrible. If not for the constant exercise and food I give him, he will stay the same."

I almost say Harry buys the food from the Group Chat.

"I don't know that this place treats their savior this horribly."

McGonagall looked at me for a few seconds before turning her head at Harry.

"Harry, can you show me the memories of your childhood?"

Harry hesitates to show her his childhood and looks at me. I nod my head and smile at him. Seeing me nodding my head, he looks at his future professor and says,


"Thank you. Now, take out your wand and point it to your temple. Think really hard about your childhood memory and when you feel something like a cold wind around your temple, pull your wand and put it inside here."

McGonagall conjured a small vial and put it on the table. Harry placed his wand into his temple for a few seconds before a strand of blue thread suddenly came out of his head. McGonagall quickly helps Harry to store his memory inside a vial.

"Thank you, Harry. I don't know what kind of hardship you have gone through but I promise you that you will not suffer any longer."

I can see Harry shake his head and say.

"I no longer suffer from my uncle and cousin, professor. Mister Jeremy came and gave me a family that I never had."

I pat his head when he says that. This boy is really dangerous. That smile can make a girl swoon and make a mother awaken their motherly feeling.

"I see."

McGonagall looks at me and says,

"Then I must thank you, mister Revaldi. You might not know this but I think of James Potter as my own son."

"Think nothing of it and also please call me Jeremy."

"Mister Jeremy then. If you need anything else please call me."

"Ah, do you know a place with a good concentration of magic? I need to do some rituals."

"Oh? What kind of ritual? Our Charm Professor has a great knowledge about a lot of rituals."

"This ritual will help Harry."

"Pardon me?"

I take out an Ofuda and throw it into the air, and a second later, Midori appears above us. She floats toward me and hugs me.

"Master called Midori?"

"Yes, Midori. I need your help."

"Yes! Midori will help."

I give her a pat and say.

"Midori, can you check on Harry's scar? It was the scar on his forehead."

"Of course, master."

Harry looks at me in confusion but decides to stay still as Midori checks on him. However, it did not take two seconds before Midori started to scream.

"Master! Master! The child is on the brink of possession! Quickly exorcise him!"

I pat her head and say.

"Don't worry, Midori. He will not get possessed by the evil spirit in his scar. His mother's sacrifice protects him from possession."

I look at the other two and see they have different expressions. Harry has an expression between shock and longing for some reason. McGonagall, on the other hand, has a shocked expression and fear. Interesting. Does that mean she knows about Harry's scar? I wonder.

"Really? Does that mean he will not be possessed?"

"No, Midori. He will not get possessed."

"Good. Because Midori can feel Kanko from this boy. "

"Of course you can, he is the master of Kanko after all."



Midori looks at Harry for a few seconds and says,

"Can you summon Kanko?"

"Of course, miss Midori. Come, Kanko."

Harry takes out his Ofuda and summons Lily into the world. Kanko looks around for a few seconds before she sees Midori floating near her.

"Kusa! Are you Lord Jeremy's Shikigami?"

"Yup! Midori is the master's shikigami!"

"Ah, I see. So you also get a name, huh? Me too! My name is Lily."

Both spirits start to talk with each other as if they are an old friend that just met after a long time. I look at McGonagall and see her look at us with shock and confusion.

"What is this?"

"Oh? I never told you? I'm an Onmyouji, and Harry is my apprentice."

You can read more in my P@treon! in here!


Ryusenkacreators' thoughts