
Chapter 11

I look at the old man in front of me with a smile as he looks at me with his own smile. So this is the most powerful wizard in the entire country, huh? I guess there is a truth behind that rumor. I can feel his magical energy rolling out of him like a geyser.

Albus Dumbledore is indeed a powerful individual.

I look around me and see the other professor also arrives in this room. It looks like Dumbledore wants me to explain to the others as well about the ritual I will perform.

"With us all here, can you tell me about the ritual you will perform, mister Jeremy? Also can you tell me which person you want to perform this ritual to?"

"Wait. Professor McGonagall did not tell you?"

"No. She decided to let you explain it to us."

I look at McGonagall for a second before sighing.

"Very well. I want to do a cleansing ritual that works against a possession and soul anchor."

When I say that, I can see Dumbledore look at me with intense eyes.

"As for the one I want to perform this ritual, it was Harry. Harry Potter."

When I say his name, McGonagall walks toward the door and takes Harry inside. I can see Lily floating next to him, and it looks like the others can see her as well. I can see the gentle giant look at Lily in interest.

"Good morning. My name is Harry Potter and this is Lily, my Shikigami."


Harry nodded his head and looked at me.

"Mister Jeremy is my master in learning Onmyoudo. At the moment I cannot call myself an Onmyouji but I will do my best to earn that title."

I could see his determination in his eyes, and I couldn't help but pat his head.

"Anyway, the reason why I want to perform this ritual is that there is a parasite inside Harry's scar. It consumes his mana and the only reason why he is yet to be possessed is the protection from his mother by using her own lifeforce."

I can see different expressions from each professor. I can see Severus Snape try to hide his curiosity and maintain his scowl. Flitwick has an expression between disgust and curiosity. Dumbledore is the one I am most interested in. He gave an expression of acceptance and sadness.

"Lucky for him, it was a possession and Onmyouji is a master of exorcizing evil spirits. However, to do this, I need a lot of mana and this place is the right place."

"A-Are you truly able to get that piece of soul out of him without killing him?"

"Easy enough. This type of thing was common in the old days of Japan. Too many people try to achieve immortality and use other people to attach their souls and slowly possess their victims. Devouring their victim's soul and replacing it with their own. The other method is to sacrifice other people to create a Phylactery also known as Soul Bound Item."

I continue to explain to them my knowledge of this kind of thing. Surprisingly, Onmyoudo gives a lot of knowledge regarding undead and leech souls and how to take care of them. However, I did not tell them how to make one because it was a bad idea, and I didn't know the details of how the process worked.

"The ritual I will do not only cleanse Harry from the soul that tries to possess him, it also heals and improves over the abuse he went through."

"Abuse? What are you talking about, mister Jeremy? Are you saying that Harry has been abused?"

"Yes. The current him is because of my intervention. If not for me, he will be a lot more skinny."

"I-I see."

"Anyway, can I use the school grounds for the ritual?"

"Oh, yes. Of course. I will allow it."

"Thank you."

~Sometimes later~

"I see. By using the Divine Word and Symbol, you can get a lot of effects, huh? It is just like a rune but with a lot more combinations and more words you need to remember."

Standing next to me while I prepare for the ritual is the professor of the Ancient Runes, Bathsheda Babbling. She has accompanied me throughout the process of the ritual.

"However, I wonder why I'm using white chalk instead of blood. Animal blood is used because it contains a lot of life force that can fuel your ritual."

"No. We cannot do that. Blood is not compatible with the Deity I will call. Not only that, chalk is a perfect medium for ritual."

"Oh? Why?"

"I don't know the reason why but every magic circle and formula written using chalk is a work of wonder for ritual. They are more stable and more powerful in a certain part of the ritual. Because of this, chalk is a perfect medium for this ritual."

"I see."

I draw the formula's magic circle and symbol for a few minutes. Then, finally, I get up from the ground and nod my head. The preparation is finished.

"Alright, Harry. Stand in the middle of the magic circle. Lily, I need you to stand on the side."

"Yes, mister Jeremy!"

"Of course, Lord Jeremy."

I nod my head and summon Midori.

"Midori, prepare healing spells, okay? Just in case."

"Of crouse, master! Midori will heal little Omnyouji!"

"Thank you."

When the preparation is done, I take out a thousand Ofuda and let it circle the magic circle on the ground. This ritual usually takes three people to perform, but with the help of a lot of Ofuda, I can do it alone. Furthermore, with the help of the mana in the leyline, I can perform it without falling down unconscious from magic overdrive.

I take a deep breath and start to make hand seals. This is the Kuji-In or the Nine Heavenly Seals because this is the hand seal that can communicate to heaven. Feeling the connection, I start my chant.

"The Izanami God that even made her worshiper shiver in fear. The Shrine of Araki stands in the underworld for the passing soul. The Eight Pillar of the Thunder Gods Yomotsu-Shikome."

I can feel the area start to get cold. Mist comes out of nowhere and starts to roll around us. I can see Harry start to glow as the connection between the underworld and him has connected.

"Under the name of King Yama, I banish you to the underworld. Let you be judged under the gaze of Izanami! Let you be punished for a thousand years for your crime! Let your soul be erased from the River of the Three Crossing – Order!"

I slam my hand on the ground, see seven pentagrams appear, and circle around Harry. A few seconds a, black smoke came out of Harry's scar. The smoke created the face of someone, and it was screaming. It was screaming in pain.

It lasts only for a minute before the smoke vanishes and is sucked into the magic circle under Harry. I ignore the cry of surprise from the others and focus on healing harry.

"Lady of the Sun! Lady of the Moon! Lord of Thunder! I ask for your blessing!"

I chant while moving my hand to create another rhythm of hand seals. While I'm doing this, the area starts to change once more. The mist is now gone, and the sun shines brighter than normal above us.

I can see the cloud above us ready to change into a storm at any moment, and I can see Harry's body shine with silver color.

"The Three Pillars of the Universe stand against the evil of the world. Let your might banish the evil and bless the kind! Bless! Bless! Bless! Let us bathe in your blessing – Order!"

After the hand seal is done, I clap my hand, and I can feel a lot of mana get sucked from my body.

Bloody hell, it takes a lot from me. At least it was working.

You can read more in my P@treon! in here!


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