
Multiversal Travel :Minecraft Modder

Disclaimer - i don't own characters and stories that will be featured in this Fanfic only my OCs this Fanfic is purely for entertainment purposes. Also this fanfic is trash read at your own risk. Tags - R-18, Harem, Genderbender A weeb dies and found himself in front of a ROB that gave him three wishes and let's him does what he wants. [{A/n - Updates will be slow}]

Feelfreee · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

-Chapter 4

Changing the age of the MC to 20


Chapter 4

Kcir left the castle but he didn't leave alone as next to him was Bitc- Ahem I mean Myne.

'Looks like she is going to try in framing me, I'll play along until I'm framed' Kcir smiled in thought.

'Or I send her to my world, where I have absolute control of no matter who except the one who gifted me that world can do anything' Kcir thought as his world was quite special since its like a Minecraft server he can strip away people's ability to do anything there since he's the absolute ruler of the infinite expanding world.

'Which mean MPM won't be able to get to Bitc- I mean Malty' Kcir thought.

Kcir and Myne arrived at Erharts shop and were greeted by the owner.

"Ah welcome, to my shop how may I help you?" Erhart said as Kcir.

"Were here to buy equipment" Kcir said and Erhart nodded.

"What kind of Equipment you are looking for?" Erhart asked.

"I'd say just some light Armour for me and that lady over there, and throw in a sword for her too" Kcir said he was handling the Money this time unlike Naofumi who let Myne decide things.

'He's taking charge, looks like he isn't stupid after all' Myne thought as she looks at Kcir hiding her disdain from Kcir.

"So how much is that set?" Kcir asked as he pointed to a good quality looking set for girls.

"Oh that? 300 silvers" Erhart said.

"190" Kcir then starts haggling.

"270" Erhart said.

"200" Kcir said not budging.

"260" Erhart said as he stared into Kcirs eyes.

"240" Kcir said.

"Fine!" Erhart gave up.

'560 silvers left' Kcir thought he didn't need any armor since he did had his Iron armor still on but he decided to change it for now since he didn't want to get more suspicion.


Kcir and Myne went to the area where Myne first brought Naofumi.

"Are they balloons?" Kcir asked even thought he already know the answer.

"Yes, they are the weakest monsters, so please show me sir shield hero what you are capable of" Myne said. Kcir just looked at her and shrugged as he started walking towards the balloons while muttering something.

"Title change: Shield Hero" Kcir muttered as he glowed green a little.

[{A/N - Just know that changing his Title doesn't remove his boosts, it's only to activate the boost of the New title}]

[Name:Yeltsa Kcir

Age - 20

Sex - Male

Cash - 0

Job - The Minecraft Gamer Modder

Title - Shield Hero

Hp - 1420

Mp - 1230

Str - 50

Hp- 47

Agi - 46

Int - 61

Wis - 54

Luk - 34








'The boost is quite overpowered' Kcir twitched his eyebrow as he saw the boost of the Shield Hero.

[Shield hero - This title is given to people who have acquired the title hero by using a shield. Weaker opponents won't be able to damage the user.

Effects: 300% Boost in defense

150% Hp boost]

Kcir then looked at the Balloons who were charging at him and decided to grab one with one hand.

"The easiest to handle these things bare handed should be like this" Kcir then proceeded to crush it in his hand.

'He's strong!' Myne thought as she saw Kcir easily dispatch the balloons.

'How is a new hero this strong? Has he fought before?' Myne started to panic.

"Yo, you alright? Are you sick? You are looking a bit pale" Kcir said placing his palm on her forehead and placing his' on the back side of his palm making both of them inches away from each other's faces.

"Waah! *Thud* Ow.." Myne stumbled as she was surprised when Kcir was suddenly up close to her face as she didn't expect for Kcir to be this Formidable.

"Are you okay? Let's go to an inn if you're sick" Kcir said.

"N-no don't worry about me Kcir-Sama, I'm fine" Myne said with a blush on her face.

'I guess she wasn't expecting me to be this assertive, well doesn't matter I guess' Kcir thought as he wanted to mess with her before he gets framed by her.

'After that, I'm free and can do whatever I want' Kcir thought almost chuckling.


Kcir and Myne hunted balloons for a few hours before heading back to the capital and book in an inn.

"Well, sir shield hero may we toast in celebration for our first day together?" Myne said as she gave Kcir a wine glass.

"Sorry, I don't drink atleast not yet" Kcir politely decline as he decided for some juice.

'The taste of the food is quite new to me but nonetheless pretty good, but my cooking is a bit better than this' Kcir thought when he tasted the food.

After having his dinner Kcir went to his room to sleep he of course hid his original clothes in his inventory and let a certain someone take his armor.

'Tomorrow is when I'll be free' Kcir thought as he went to sleep.


The next morning Kcir woke up with a big smile on his face.

"Looks like she had already took it, ah oh well" Kcir chirped as he decided to wait for the guards to come and get him.

A few minutes later Kcir heard a knock on his door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Is the Shield hero here?" Kcir heard a voice as he puts down the book he was reading.

"Yes?" Kcir said.

"The king has summoned you for a trial" The Guard said.

*The Castle - Throne Room*

"*Sigh* Let's get this over with" Kcir said uninterested by the looks of disdain by the people there. The face of the King was furious while looking at Kcir.


'Geez he's too loud' Kcir thought.

"And what now? You gonna send me to jail?" Kcir said uninterested.

"Tch- No it would the time for the next wave is closing in" The King said.

"Yeah yeah so can I leave now?" Kcir said.

"Kcir!! Why did you do it?!?" Motoyasu said.

"Did what? R*pe Her? Believe what you want I don't care" Kcir said making Motoyasu stumble dumbfounded.

"Anyways I'll leave now" Kcir said walking away towards the exit but before Kcir could do that Ren and Itsuki got in his way.

'Do these three have some sort of Natural talent for annoying people?' Kcir sighed in thought.

"What do you want?" Kcir asked.

"We want to know the real reason" Itsuki said.

"By the looks in your eyes I doubt you'd believe me" Kcir said walking away not before giving back the money the King gave him.


'Finally that's over with, I think I'll go farm money now' Kcir thought and started walking towards the exit of the capital.

'Look at them, I pity these poor fools easily getting manipulated' Kcir thought.

"Hey you!!" Kcir heard but suddenly he was up against a wall and Erhard holding him by the collar.

"What do you want?" Kcir asked nonchalantly.

"I heard what you did to a member of your party" Erhard said in a angry tone.

"So you easily believe them? I mean don't you think it's really strange that basically all of the citizens already know what happened when it just happened like what? A few hours ago?" Kcir said.

"What are you getting at?!" Erhard said but then he stopped for a minute thinking about what Kcir said then puts his fist down.

"Well anyways I'll get going now" Kcir said as he started moving.

"Wait!" Erhard said as he grabbed Kcir's shoulder.

"Take this" Erhard said giving Kcir a cloak.

"Why?" Kcir asked.

"You won't get anywhere wearing something like that" Erhard said.

"*Sigh* How much?" Kcir asked.

"10 coppers" Erhard said and saw Kcir take the Cloak.

"I'll pay it back later" Kcir said and saw Erhard nod. Kcir left the alleyway and went to exit the capital of melromarc.

'I have lots of stuff to do' Kcir thought leaving to the field.

