
Multiversal Travel :Minecraft Modder

Disclaimer - i don't own characters and stories that will be featured in this Fanfic only my OCs this Fanfic is purely for entertainment purposes. Also this fanfic is trash read at your own risk. Tags - R-18, Harem, Genderbender A weeb dies and found himself in front of a ROB that gave him three wishes and let's him does what he wants. [{A/n - Updates will be slow}]

Feelfreee · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

-Chapter 3


Chapter 3

[Teleporting to.... The Rising of the shield hero]


[Teleporting to.... The Rising of the shield hero]

Kcir heard the system's voice which sounded like Great sage from tensura and immediately as he heard that he was swallowed by a bright light.






Kcir started to open his eyes to see what was in front of him but then he heard.

"Fantastic! The summoning worked!" Kcir heard.

"O heroes please help our kingdom, we need your powers to fight the waves" Kcir heard as he saw in front of him people wearing some kind of church outfits.

'Wait what?' Kcir thought as he looked to his side and saw Ren, Itsuki and Motoyasu.

'I'm pretty sure I picked before the first wave hits' Kcir thought as he wondered why then he saw on his left arm a shield.

'Aw come on, *sigh* I guess I know who did this' Kcir thought.

*Somewhere in the void in a castle*

"HAHAHAHAHAHA WHO HAS THE LAST LAUGH NOW" An Old man said loudly while watching our Mc.

"*Sigh* I guess father doesn't change, Father is it really okay to do that? " A beautiful woman said as she looks at her father.

"Don't worry, he's the type of guy to adapt to things, besides I had given him a favor and it's probably the last time I'll do it" The Old man said as he waved off his daughter.

*Back to Kcir*

Kcir and the other 3 were led into the throne room to meet with the bastard king which Kcir hates him since Trash will probably try to ruin his life so he'll follow Naofumis steps if Myne will still try to fuck him over then it will give him more reason to not comply with the king.

'I guess I won't be able to get rage shield, it looked cool but I guess you can't have everything' Kcir thought, when he saw he was the shield hero he decided to try and feed his shield as much as he can.

"Welcome Heroes, I am King Aultcray Melromarc the king of this kingdom, I would like to ask for your help with the waves of catastrophe" Trash said.

"We Refuse! What's in it for us anyways? And how do we know you aren't going to send us back when we defeat the waves of catastrophe?" The blonde haired man said. After that speech the other two also agreed with Motoyasu except Feel who just stayed quiet and observed.

"Do not worry heroes, you will be payed handsomely once you have saved our kingdom from the waves" Aultcray said.

"Now heroes, state your names" Aultcray said in a ordering tone which Kcir didn't like.

'I'll just stay silent, no need to let them know my name' Kcir thought as he'll just take his loot here and leave.

"My name is Kitamura Motoyasu" Motoyasu said as he stepped forward.

"Amaki Ren" Ren followed.

"I'm Kawasumi Itsuki" Itsuki said as he stepped forward and fixed his glasses.

"Great! Then let's start discussing the matt-" Aultcray said but was cut off by Motoyasu.

"Uhh your Highness, I think we forgot one person" Motoyasu said as he pointed towards Kcir.

"Oh, my dearest apologies sir shield hero, may we learn your name?" Aultcray said with an '''Apologetic''' tone.

"*Sigh* Yeltsa Kcir" Kcir just sighed, he didn't want anything to do in this kingdom and just wanted to become strong and fight people and maybe get a harem well now he plans on getting Raphtalia since he's the shield hero now though upset that he won't be able to use his sword for quite a while but that doesn't mean he's weak, no his Hand to Hand combat is at the same level as his sword skills, he may be a fan of swords but his favorite style is hand to hand and with the shield it just added to his arsenal since once he starts feeding it materials he would be pretty much unstoppable.

'I don't need Raphtalia but.... An ally is great to have, especially when you can trust them' Kcir thought.

"As apologies to the shield hero he's going to be given 500 silvers" Aultcray said as they then discussed about the problem.


After discussing the problem Kcir and the other 3 were led to a room where they will stay for the night.

'I already miss my world, I think I'll check on it from time to time' Kcir thought as he was looking outside the window while the three idiots were arguing in the back ground about what this game is like while he then checks out his shield.

'Huh how ironic, I have the same green eyes as Naofumi but my hair is more fixed than his' Kcir thought while looking at the shield and noticed that it integrated into his system.

'Well I can still use my sword, I guess the restrictions doesn't work on me?' Kcir thought though he saw that his Shield had an Affection meter?

'If that's what I think it is then I guess I'll probably won't use other weapons for now' Kcir thought.

[Name:Yeltsa Kcir

Age - 17

Sex - Male

Cash - 0

Job - The Minecraft Gamer Modder

Title - Demon Slayer (Tsuchinoe)

Hp - 1420

Mp - 1230

Str - 50

Hp- 47

Agi - 46

Int - 61

Wis - 54

Luk - 34










Shield - 0]

'*Sigh* oh well, not like I still don't have my boosts from the demon slayer mod' Kcir thought as he went to sleep early.


The next morning Kcir woke up and saw the three idiots still asleep so he decided to ask one of the maid where he can get breakfast.

"Uhh Miss? Can I ask where I can get breakfast?" Kcir asked a blonde maid as she looks at Kcir with a blush.

"Y-yes s-sir shield hero! I'll take you to the cafeteria immediately" The maid said as she escorted Kcir.


While going to the cafeteria Kcir noticed the girl fidgeting alot but he decided to ignore her on the way to the cafeteria.

Time passed and Kcir and the other heroes were summoned to the throne room for the party selection.

And as expected no one picked Kcir as again he was the shield hero but he doesn't mind.

"I'm truly sorry Shield hero I didn't expect this" The King apologized.

"don't worry about it just give me a map and I'll be okay" Kcir said in an apathetic tone and caught the King's eyebrow twitch which made him smile internally in Victory.

"Hahaha looks like you aren't too sad about not having any party members Kcir" Motoyasu laughed.

"Sure.... Well anyways I'll be fine on my own the low level monsters should be a breeze for me" Kcir said.

'Damn him! He's not taking the bait, does he know our intentions?' Myne thought as she looks at Kcir.

'So she's getting mad? Heh looks like it was a good choice to get this system' Kcir thought as he had a skill that let's him know when there's bloodlust directed at him and glanced at the corner of his eye Myne.

'Getting impatient are we? Well soon enough I'll leave don't worry though, your wife and daughters might come with me' Kcir thought looking at the King.

