
Multiversal Survival: The Maker.

Follow Micheal on a journey that will span through the Multiverse entering worlds and learning all he can and stealing everything of worth to him to fund his little ‘hobby’ of creating creations of mass destruction. —First World: Resident Evil[Movie-Verse] —Second World: Pending[Go to my pat- to vote for the second world.] [—Tags: Morally Grey/Evil MC, Some Lemon's,Underage,Killer, Cold MC,Dark Fic.]

WillowingWriter · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


" Let me go!! Let me go!!" I heard Rain shout on my shoulders and she even hit me with the back of her gun only resulting in me groaning in annoyance as we entered the chamber room leading to the laser hallway and then the red queens chamber.

Entering I immediately put her down as the others entered they being Kaplan and Spence.

" Why did you do that! I could have saved him!" Rain shouted as soon as I out her down allowing her to hit me in the chest looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

" No, you wouldn't have, he was already too deep and would've only gotten yourself hurt or worse killed." I replied in an almost emotionless tone looking down at her and maybe seeing my reason she looked away from me to continue mourning.

" Where did they go? Where did the bodies go??"Kaplan asked looking around in slight feat towards the laser hallway where his other team had been butchered by lasers.

" We have bigger problems then that one being that our way out of here is blocked by zombies and that we are also almost out of bullets." I said with a sigh as I sat around enjoying the relative peace even if just for a couple minutes as I anticipated and waited for Matt and Alice to come back.

And waiting there I started opening my bag and took out some chemicals I was able to scavenge and looked as to whether I could create the cure with it.

' I have enough for 2 improved cures but no more.' I think to myself before closing the bag right in time as Alice and Matt come in through the other door being chased by zombies.

The first reaction from the others was to point their guns but seeing as it was Alice and Matt they didn't shoot.

" Close the Door!" Rain shouted running to close the door as the zombies tried to push it open.

Sighing to myself I walked over relatively calm and using my Strength I closed the door forcefully and in doing so closed it on the hands of zombies who's hands now hung on the door bleeding.

Everyone looked shocked at that but seeing me shrugg feigning ignorance I locked the door and went back to my sitting position.

" Fuck this." Alice said as she walked towards the door we just came from which too at this point was overrun by zombies.

" That is also overrun sadly." I said to her loud enough for her to hear with a shake of my head.

" How about that way?" She said pointing towards the red queens chamber.

" That would also lead to a dead end." I said sitting on the table playing with my chemicals manually mixing them.

" Then we wait, I'm sure umbrella will send reinforcement right?" Spence said looking at Kaplan and Rain and seeing them not sharing his enthusiasm frowned before questioning them.

" What's wrong?" Spence asked making me chuckle.

" We don't have much time." Kaplan replied looking as anxious ever since seeing his first zombie.

Everyone except me looked at him confused before Rain spoke.

" You know those blast doors we passed on the way in from the mansion?" Rain asked and didn't wait for an answer before continuing." They seal in just under an hour."

" If we aren't out of here by then we aren't getting out." She finalised and finally everyone knew the severity of our situation.

And about now I was getting a bit fed up with trying to maintain the timeline to the way it was as I could just butcher our way out of this place with medium difficulty but I wanted Alice to get captured and administered with the virus and get her powers so I couldn't fuck the timeline much.

I was gonna make sure that rain lived through, for personal reasons.

" What the fuck are you talking about?" Spence half shouted." So they'll just leave us here to die?"

Rain seeming a bit worse for wear sat back down and replied.

" Containing the accident is the only fail-safe they have so i our lives don't matter to them as long as contamination of the outside world doesn't happen." She said making the others finally realise how fucked they were.

" We have to find a way out of this room...." Alice said before looking at me with her eyes lingering at mine.

" You work here...do you know a way out?" She asked seeming hopeful.

" Two of then are overrun and the other is unknown so do you really want to take the chance?" I asked her but my question was directed towards all of them.

" Just get us out here." Rain said making me smirk.

" Then follow me." I said putting away the chemicals to settle before grabbing my bag and walking off towards the Red Queens chamber.

Seeing everyone following me I led them to the entrance the entrance to the utility tunnels underneath the hive.

" You knew of this place and didn't tell us?" Spence asked looking a bit angry.

" Cool it titface, if I'm right then this place won't be any different, I'm sure there are zombies over there too." I said before ripping off the cover for the hole to the utility tunnels and jumped in without warning.

" Hey!" I heard Alice shout out before she took the ladder down followed by the others.

" Follow me." I said recalling the schematics of the utility tunnels from 2 years just after this body had transferred to this facility.

' 20 Mind for the win.' I thought with a grin with the bag on my back and my pistol drawn.

" We're behind you." Kaplan said behind me with Rain taking the back to keep off any zombies that would sneak on us.

Having already sneakily changed my mag with only 3 other mags left I followed the path I knew would lead me to the upper levels.

" Keep quiet and stay in the middle path." I told them and kept walking leading them for a couple minutes before we heard the growls and groans of zombies up ahead.

" They are up ahead." I said with a frown.

" I can hear them behind us too!" Alice said making everyone frown before I looked up and saw the overhead pipes.

" Quick! Up on the pipes!" I said before walking over to Rain and grabbing her by the waist seeing as she was beginning to weaken.

" Woah! Take a girl out on a date first." She retorted with a playful and tired smile as lifted her enough for her to grab ahold of the pipes and climb over them.

" Alice you're next." I said before kneeling on the floor holding my hands out for her to use to boost herself up.

Seeing this she didn't say anything seeing as there zombie noises were getting louder and louder.

She jumped on my hands and I boosted her up before I had Matt go next and then Spence and as I helped Kaplan up the pipes the zombies had seen us and gotten close already.

" Huryy up!" Alice shouted.

Frowning seeing them close I pulled out my gun and started shooting them on their heads which grew more and more zombies in making Kaplan and Rain start shooting providing me cover fire before I stepped back and ran up the wall and jumped ontop of the pipes.

" That was a close one." Spence said sounding a bit disappointed that I didn't die down there.

' Well fuck you too.' I thought before we sat there for moment gathering our nerves.

" Okay! Everybody in a single file line and make sure to be 3 metre away from each to not put the pipes in too much pressure okay?" I said having already assumed the leader position and nobody said anything to that as they did exactly as I said.

Then I started directing rain on the path we should take and started crawling on the pipes to our destination.

' What I would do for a burger right now...' I thought trying to put my mind at ease as even though I could survive this I wasn't so sure about the others and I had already planned on 'Accidentally' removing Kaplan, Matt and Spence already.

' Well no time like the present....' I thought with a grin unseen as I was behind everyone of them.