
Multiversal Survival: The Maker.

Follow Micheal on a journey that will span through the Multiverse entering worlds and learning all he can and stealing everything of worth to him to fund his little ‘hobby’ of creating creations of mass destruction. —First World: Resident Evil[Movie-Verse] —Second World: Pending[Go to my pat- to vote for the second world.] [—Tags: Morally Grey/Evil MC, Some Lemon's,Underage,Killer, Cold MC,Dark Fic.]

WillowingWriter · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


Getting to the Dining Hall B/Licker Holding Hall took me a couple minutes and after that I had to use open the door using the door code onky those working in my sector knew and entered.

But as soon as I entered I heard gun shots followed but machine gun shots and scowled even as I made my way towards that direction in moderately human speeds.

' Too late, Rain is bitten...I guess I will have to bullshit then.' I thought before I stood and took out a bag I had taken from my sector in one of the labs and inside were a bunch of chemicals of which would help in my upcoming bullshit even though it really wasyas such.

I walked in moderate speeds and finally when I reached them I saw the Umbrella Squad that had been sent to this facility to investigate.

There was rain overlooking where the zombie that I just saw hide away after having got shot had been as she nursed her hand wound.

J.D and Kaplan who were the only remaining ones from the elite team that umbrella sent and then Spence the fucker that started all of this, Matt who I really didn't feel anything about and lastly Alice.

She was a beautiful woman, even more that I was staring at her and not through a screen.

' Ah fuck it...' I thought before I decided to make myself known to the group.

Walking near them I heard as Matt spoke looking at the coagulated blood and pointing it out.

" Looks like it's coagulated." Matt said garnering everyone's attention.

" Yeah." Alice agreed kneeling and looking at the blood.

" That's not possible." Matt made his point.

" Why not?!" J.D asked with his voice slightly agitated.

And seeing my chance to make myself known I replied to his question as I came out behind one if the licker containers.

" Well my friend that's because blood doesn't do that until after you're dead." I said saying word for word what Matt would have said.

And immediately J.D and Rain had their guns pointed to me.

" Who are you?!" Rain shouted making me scoff as the others made distance from me.

" I am Micheal, Head Umbrella Scientist and Researcher of Sector B-1 under the T-Virus Regeneration Experimental studies." I replied with a shrugg.

" What's in the bag!" J.D shouted as they still hadn't put away their guns and to be fair to them I would've reacted the same.

" Chemicals....which will hopefully be able to save the one of you who is bitten." I replied pointedly looking at rain making the others look at her too.

Rain having heard me frowned looking at me before she agitadely asked.

" Save me?, Save me from what?" She asked slightly fearful.

" From that little wound you got there." I replied pointing at the wound on Rains hand.

" Why would I need saving from a bite wound?" She asked curiously with a frown still lacing her face.

" Because you have just been bitten by a zombie and as we all have seen from movies, those who get bitten always turn." I replied making her gain her fearful look once again.

" What are you talking about? Zombie's? Are you insane?" J.D asked looking at a bit miffed.

" Trust me...I'm not joking." I replied putting the bag on the floor before pointing at where the zombie rain had shot had fallen but now missing.

" This facility is created and staffed by Umbrella Scientist and staff for the sole purpose of studying and weoponising a virus we have named the T-Virus." I said making Matt frown and the others listen.

" The T-Virus is a Bio-Weopons of tremendous potential but equally tremendous danger in the fact that it's highly infections and close to impossible in containing." I said.

" It has the ability to bring back the dead as husks of themselves that only know and have one instinct being to feed on the living but all those that are killed by them will also rise to join their ranks and seek out to feed and thus spread the virus further."

"A couple hours ago the T-Virus was released and a couple moments later everyone turned into zombies except me of course." I said giving them tid bits here and there wanting them to connect the dots on their own.

" Why didn't you turn?" Alice asked looking at me with a weirdly hard to explain expression.

" My immune system has been altered from previous experimentations and thus the T-Virus can't effect me through normal means and thus when I woke up I was stunned to see the entire facility already breached and waited locked in my lab until someone and I guess one of you turned the Red Queen off and rebooted the systems and inadvertently released every zombie out of their working sectors along myself." I said looking at her.

" I appreciate the action by the way but I think we should be leaving and procure the lady over there a cure." I said already having noticed the zombies coming our way.

" There's a cure?" Rain asked hopeful as they had already stopped pointing their guns at me.

" The cure created by the facility will work for early stage infection but late stage infection won't be able to be reversed so I implore you to find a lab I can work in and you can be saved." I said grabbing my bag.

" We can find a lab when the rest of the team gets here." Rain said with a frown wordlessly telling me that I can join their group.

And looking at Kaplan who was sweating he finally spoke.

" There's no one coming." He said and a silent understanding of the underlying words he meant permeated us.

" What the fuck are you talking about?!" Rain seathed as she was about to walk over to Kaplan before getting stopped by J.D.

" Wait." He said holding on to Rains shoulder.

" Quiet." He said and they now started hearing the groans and noises that were produced by the zombies coming our way.

Immediately the ones with guns started walking towards where the sound was as we saw what seemed to be a zombie dragging an axe coming towards us and behind him were dozens more.

" Zombies! Shot them in the head!" I shouted giving them the much needed tip if they are to survive.

And as they looked at the rotting messes of the zombies that were walking towards us they hesitated for a moment and taking that moment I walked over besides J.D and pulled a pistol from his waist and pointed at the closest zombie.

" Don't come any closer!" Kaplan spoke even as he watched the zombies circle us.

*Bang!* *Bang* *Bang*

I pulled the clip three times and each hitting the heads of the closest zombies putting them down easily.

The use of telekenisis and my improved body and mind working hand in hand to guarantee headshots.

" Shoot you idiots!" I softly shouted with a scowl even when I secretly twisted the necks of some zombies that were unseen by the others.

" Behind you!" I shouted pointing my gun towards rain as behind her a zombie lunged at her only to be met with a bullet through the head thus heaping on the ground dead.

Rain looked at me in shock and fear which wasn't directed at me before raising her gun and pointing at the zombies and began unloading her clip on the zombies targeting their heads just as I said.

J.D was slow to follow but he did as he killed those behind us to not let us get completely encircled.

Kaplan also joined in using his pistol to drop ones on our left.

This opened up a path to us and we took it but between shooting at anything moving as we passed through the multiple tanks and hearing an explosion from one blowing up I heard Kaplan speak.

" We lost the other's!" He said making me look around and surely Matt and Alice weren't behind us.

" Keep moving!" J.D said as we had already gotten to our destination being a locked door of which I knew contained zombies.

Kaplan ran towards the door and started inputting the door code and failed being panicked and scared before Kaplan called him over and had him take over his place keeping the zombies at bay as he went and tried opening the door.

" What's the code!" J.D shouted and I almost wanted to answer him as I knew the codes myself but decided to stay quiet and let what was about to happen play out.

" 0-4-0-3-1-9-9-6-5" Kaplan shouted and I saw J.D input the code and thus the door opened.

" Got it, see how easy that was?" J.D said having his back against the door as it opened and a horde of zombies being behind it as they immediately grabbed onto him and started pulling him in.

" J.D Noooo!!!" Rain shouted and started running to save him but I grabbed her by the waist holding her as J.D was already way too deep into the horde and as we heard his screams I sighed before putting Rain on my shoulders and shouting at the other's even as I shot at every zombie coming towards me.

" Follow me!!" I said as I ran towards the direction of the Red Queen Computer Chamber where they had shut her down.

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