
Multiversal Selection 2 My Hero Academia Inazuma

this is the second book of the series i am writing. Its production was started a bit earlier the divine being has decided to add another universe to fast forward the building of his core universe. this time he has chosen My Hero Academia universe and a new person to be reborn in the universe. find out what happens to him when the god decides to gift him with a power similar to his name

Nayan_Karthik_K_V · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6 Future

After making sure that the boy was fed well and wearing clean clothes Chiyo Shuzenji/Recovery girl took him to one of the beds in infirmary.


"Come on kid, all growing kids need to sleep well" Recovery girl said while making sure Inazuma was comfortable in the bed

"we can talk about everything tomorrow alright, so for now you should rest, and you can call me Granny Chiyo" Recovery girl said and then switched off the lights in the clinic


Inazuma was tired as well as his body was that of a child's so fell asleep quickly as well.


After making sure he was asleep Recovery girl went out of the room and closed the door and then she began walking towards Nezu's room in the principal's office.


As she opened the door, she found Nezu, Nighteye, a wounded gran Torino and Allmight sitting on the seats.

"How is the child now Miss Chiyo" Nezu asked


"He is fine, his appetite was really big considering his age but might have been a part of his quirk like Sorahiko(Torino's first name) said and his stomach did not show any signs of increase in size even after eating that much so there is a chance his quirk effects his digestion as well, converting food into energy" Recovery Girl concluded.


Nezu took a deep breath and contemplated everything


"you said he was fast Torino, how fast was he when you saw him" Nezu asked


"even it was only for a moment, he surpassed my prime" Torino said


This shocked everyone in the room


All might began to think about the training sessions he had with Torino which had caused him trauma and shivers just to remember it

'the kid is faster than that'

"seeing that he fainted just after using that speed, and the doctors saying that he used up all the energy in the body says that he has limitations"

Torino continued his speculations

"but the rate of energy used up can be related to his young age and the severity of his injuries. The doctors that checked him told that his injuries were healing quickly even removing the scar tissue themselves and looking at the fact that he had completely lost his memory, the injuries that causes the memory loss combined with the small but numerous wounds in his body along with blood loss would have killed a normal person"


Everybody was surprised by the description provided by Torino


"What about his healing what do you think its parameters are" Nezu asked again


"from the explanation that the doctor who checked boy told me, his healing is similar to when recovery girl uses her powers but is even more potent and can may even heal injuries that recovery girl can't heal, we still have no idea about its limits and the doctor had also told me that the healing does not effect the vitality of his cells" Torino finished


"So basically his quirk is acceleration, he is able to convert the energy in his body into an energy that can accelerate anything that he decides upon, currently his speed and his healing but the chances of it increasing in the future are high" Summarised Nezu


Hearing the summary all the people in the room fell into deep thought. They all knew what this means, such a versatile quirk will without a doubt be hunted down by All For One if he knew, as this quirk can solve a lot of the weaknesses of his other quirks that takes time to activate and the accelerated rate of healing that does not cause problems to the cells can even make him almost immortal.


Torino then turned to Nighteye


"you used your Quirk on the boy didn't you"


"yes" Nighteye replied


"What Sasaki, how could you" Allmight burst out in anger "you know what you have done to the boy right"

Allmight was okay with Nighteye using his quirk to see one hour ahead or any recent futures of a person they are about to battle but the fact that the futures Nighteye sees are set in stone and cannot be changed makes it like a double-edged sword that if used in an ally and their death is seen dooms them into a future where they can't change it. So Allmight has stressed on the fact that Nighteye should not look at the future of allies.


"I know what I was trying to do Allmight but I only tried to look at a recent future to see if we are able to protect the boy for at least a few weeks" Nighteye replied


Hearing that Allmight calmed down but then he saw a slight difference in Nighteye's expression that he was able to identify because of spending a lot of time with him


"Sasaki, what did you see" Allmight asked


Nighteye took a glass of water in the table and drank a bit showing how much stressed he was


"I saw the absolute power of my quirk breaking today"


"what do you mean" Nezu asked


"when I use my quirk on someone, I am able to see their future similar to how you watch each picture in a roll of film, but the roll of film of a person is singular depicting a future that cannot be changed in any manner basically depicting that a person is trapped in the future that I saw, but in the case of the boy.." Nighteye stopped thinking about its consequences


"go on" Nezu nudged


"in the case of the boy, I saw multiple rolls of life appearing and disappearing and not being stable unlike when I view the futures of others, essentially meaning that either the boy's quirk is able to prevent me from seeing his future and remember that to this day no one else even Eraserhead has been able to do that, even if he erases my quirk later on when he is not using it I can see his future which never changes


And this is the best case scenario actually"


"what's the other" Allmight asked a bit intrigued seeing Nighteye sweating


"that he can travel through time and change the past, present and the future" Nezu finished it with a serious expression


This shocked everyone other than Nighteye enough that they were afraid of its implications


"what do you mean Nezu, Nighteye explain" Torino almost shouted out


"scientists and mathematicians had made many theories when it comes to the subject of time and space. Many of those theories talk about there being chances of traveling through time if they achieve faster than light speed, tachyons are one of the hypothetical particles capable of travelling faster than light


The child's quirk is really powerful even when he is of 6 years of age and many quirks grow in intensity as a person grows. So the chances of the child's quirk allowing him to be faster than light and thereby allowing him to travel through time in the future is very high" Nezu concluded


Everybody began to think about the ramifications of what was said. The child in the future can practically destroy the world all by himself if need be


"We need to secure the Kid in a safe location" Torino said


"you don't mean imprison do you" Chiyo asked a bit angered


"The matter is serious enough to consider that"


"and then what, destroy the child's entire future because of it"


Torino was not able to reply to that


"he can stay here in UA" Nezu said


"are you sure" Nighteye asked

"his quirk awakened after this accident but it also showed itself when he saved a girl who was about to die, this shows that he had a heroic spirit, and Torino was bringing him here with the intention of adopting him right" Nezu asked


"I was thinking about having Chiyo adopt him actually-ow"

 Suddenly a stethoscope flew through the air and hit Torino straight in the head


"even though I do not mind taking care of the kid, you are supposed to ask a person before deciding that they should adopt a child" Recovery girl shouted out while fuming and Allmight tried to calm her down


"Then it is decided" Nezu said ignoring the blood flowing out of Torino's head "The child can stay in UA until further notice and if he wants to he can get adopted by Chiyo"


"and tomorrow we can start to analyze and help the kid have control over his quirk"


A/N-hope you like it