
Multiversal Selection 2 My Hero Academia Inazuma

this is the second book of the series i am writing. Its production was started a bit earlier the divine being has decided to add another universe to fast forward the building of his core universe. this time he has chosen My Hero Academia universe and a new person to be reborn in the universe. find out what happens to him when the god decides to gift him with a power similar to his name

Nayan_Karthik_K_V · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 Chiyo Shuzenji

 After a few awkward conversations with a doctor who was about to call the police after hearing the last sentence I said to Gran Torino, right now I am travelling in a car with a pissed off old man.


"really Kid, you almost destroyed my life back there because of your stupid joke" Gran Torino was still angry about it.


I tried to hold back my laughter but could not keep my grin off my remembering it


"well you were the one who sprung up adoption on a kid who has no memories, what else am I supposed to think" I replied


"hmph" Torino huffed and turned his head around


Inazuma thought that Torino was still angry about that incident but he was actually thinking about the intellect of the boy


'even after losing memories the kid is keeping cool and joking around, he does not seem like other brats his age if I am right, I remember his grades in elementary in the file but I thought it was normal for kids his age to get good grades


But now it seems like he has good intellect as well, it might help him now when he faces the world with no memories'


Torino also remembered what the doctor had said while leaving the hospital with the Kid


"Normally people who get injuries to the head has lost memories, but they recover them after their brain completely heals with time but in the case of Inazuma the kid's quirk had already healed his brain so in a way the time period where the brain recovers its memories while healing does not exist now

And seeing that he has not got any memories back other than his first name we can only conclude that he will not get his memories back"


Gran Torino nodded and left not seeing the change of expression of the doctor

'all the best kid'


Torino looked at the child sitting with him in the car, the more he looked at him staring out through the windows at the buildings the more he felt like the decision he made was right


' I was not able to protect them by keeping them nearby but I will make sure that at least this kid would have enough power to fight for himself in the future'


After a few hours the car reached the destination

"get off kid we reached your new home" Torino said while opening the door


Inazuma got out from the car and looked at where he had reached. Looking up he saw a familiar gate and a building that was differently shaped behind it


'UA high' Inazuma thought a bit shocked 'why did the old man bring me here'


At the gate of UA there seemed to be three people waiting for both of them, a rat humanoid with a young man with glasses and a piercing stare and an old woman with a small bag with her. All three of their eyes widened a bit looking at me.


Inazuma and Torino began to walk towards the three of them and as he reached them Torino talked or at least he tried to


"hey Nez-OWCH , stop it old hag"


"shut up you old age idiot do you have any explanation for the things you have done right now"


Just as Torino was about to speak, the old woman among the group used her staff to beat Torino while scolding him. Inazuma was a bit dumbfounded while watching this but hearing her words, she is beating up Torino for bringing him here immediately after the accident without even trying to find anything about his relatives or friends of my parents and informing them


Now seeing the headgear of the woman Inazuma recognised the person who is now old but still more taller than what was depicted in anime


[Recovery girl-quirk-healing-can make other peoples natural healing mechanism speed up more than normal]


Inazuma now recognised the other two who were calmly watching Torino getting beat up


[Nezu-quirk-high specs- grants high IQ making him one of the smartest mammals on earth]


Nezu looked at Inazuma and smiled in a kind manner, he came near him and shaked his hand using his paw


"nice to meet you young man, you are not feeling any problems at all right" Nezu asked


"no I am okay right now" I replied


Then the young man near Nezu came near me and removed his coat and put it on me


"it's a bit chilly so this might help" he said


He had a serious expression but seemed to be looking at me for obvious discomfort as well and I was able to recognise him


[Nighteye-quirk-foresight-ability to see the future of a person for the next hour or the future of the person in a few years]


He looked like a person in his twenties and does not seem to be looking as stressed as in his later years


"see that even a twenty something kid knew to give that child a coat in this cold whether but what the hell did you do pulling a child who just lost his memories from the hospital just like that" Recovery Girl was using more ammunition and beating Torino up


That's when I realised I was still wearing the clothes which had my blood on and Torino had not stopped anywhere to get me new clothes, that along with me being a child gave me a look that might have triggered Recovery girl to give him a beating.


Then Nezu started talking to me again

"we heard everything from Torino from the hospital before he brought you here, but we had expected him to at least take care of a few of your necessities but it seems like he did not and that's why recovery girl is really angry right now

And for you young man , you are in a safe space right now" Nezu said while holding my arm


Right now since I was young, I was still shorter than Nezu by a bit




Suddenly a voice came from my stomach startling both Nezu and Nighteye in front of me. I blushed a bit in embarrassment


"sorry about that" I said


"oh you poor child" suddenly Recovery girl's voice came near me but this time a lot kinder than what Torino got


She put her hand in her bag and took out a bun roll which smelled a lot like chicken and gave it to me


"normally I would have given you a few candies but I think what you want right now is pure calory rich food" she started gently caressing my head while I started eating the meat bun "after you eat this one let's freshen you up, I got some old clothes of my grandkids with me right now that would really look good on you, come on lets go inside" she said while gently pushing me towards the building


"what about him" I asked while pointing to Torino who currently looked like roadkill


"oh you are a sweet child aren't you, don't worry about him lets go inside he will drag himself in after some time" Recovery girl said while taking me in

Nezu and Nighteye looked at the sprawled out form of Torino on the road but it seems like both of them does not want to defy Recovery girl, so they both shrugged their shoulders and started walking with us. Nezu then said


"oh by the way young man, welcome to UA high"


Hope you like it and every 100 powerstones get extra chapter of Jason