
Multiversal martial artist

So I’ve died, not the best but certainly not the worse thing that could have happened to me and now theres a glowing green screen asking if I want to be a gamer…… Wait what? I can’t use magic!? I’m screwed! ——————————————————————— First world: legend of Zelda - age of calamity Aka the tutorial arc I don’t own anything expect the OC’s

Lordbord · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

And so it begins


(??? POV)

death is a rather liberating experience

well after the initial crisis and facing the fact that I am dead as well as the fact I can't remember anything personal to myself.

Like my name or my friends and family's name, which I'm kinda glad for considering I pretty much had a break down when I first realized I was dead, along with other useless bit of information.

So as I was saying death is liberating in the sense that I have nothing to worry about, no expectations, no future to plan for, and while there are one or two regrets like dying a young virgin, sitting in this pure white void at least helps keep me grounded.

Hehe, get it?

Cause I'm sitting?

God I'm going insane.

[ Welcome potential gamer! ]

Oh look proof!

Hello magic panel!

[ Greeting! ]



Oh god it's real.


(3rd pov)

"So let me get this straight, the 'gamer' system is a symbiotic race that attaches itself to a host's soul in order to live and grow outside of the void till it eventually can live on its own outside of the host's soul, right?" The nameless person said while looking at the floating screen in front of his face.

[yes that's correct]

"And normally other of your species use tricks and lies in order to quickly find a 'willing host' to make them more hidden kinda like how Urahara hid the hogyoko in Rukia without her knowledge making it harder to find then if she knew, am I following so far?"

[that is actually surprisingly accurate but yes that's how they do it] the screen once again responds.

"But you just decided to say fuck that noise and go full truth and just sees who picks you up?" The souls finished his recap while he awaits the response of the system.

[yup, I'm rather straightforward so being sneaking isn't really my cup of tea (っ◕̃ ω◕̃)っ]

"And to top it all off the reason we could even go to world and interfere so to speak is due to the fact that fate is the one actually allowing it in the first place and decided to hand out a couple of multiverses to your kind in order to shakes things up and have something new happen while also collecting potential workers" and isn't that a kick in the balls considering if fate didn't agree half the fanfics out there about OC's and shit would be pretty much screwed the second they tried to interfere.

[that pretty much sums it's up yes] the screen says and although it's just a screen a faint bit of amusement can be felt from it.

"So how many have you made this offer for anyway?" The soul asks and watched in surprise as the screen actually dims a bit before it responded.

[around 30, most of them were already old and wanted to go and rest in the afterlife, while others are weird guys who kept making demands despite not being in any position to do so, but what can you do ¯\_( ͡ㆆ ▭ ͡ㆆ)_/¯, that's the system life I guess] the system said and it's was kinda amusing to here it say it straight up reject a guy due to being demanding.

[but we are getting off topic here, what I would like to know is if you want to form a bond with me \( ͡◕ ω ͡◕)/] the system asked the soul again, and this time after a bit of silence an answer was finally provided.

"Yeah sure Why not." The soul said before immediately blacking out the system floated around the soul before picking it up and leaving limbo in order to get started on their journey.


(??? POV)

Ah my head

[sorry about that, needed to get to the void in order to actually start this process and you would have gone insane if you had looked at anything while we were crossing] the system spoke up and wow this is really happening ain't it.


Oh you can hear my thoughts

[It's more like your a soul and have no way of actually stopping your thoughts from being heard]

Oh i see, so how do you want to do this then

[well the normal way would be to choose a class, race, perks/ and traits before moving onto the gacha but since that kinda boring and it's possible to screw people over because of it's randomness wanna just do it first?]

….You know, sure like you said it's might be better to do that first, so how does the gacha work?

[it works for more then just powers I'll tell ya! We first have two spins on worldliness, this lets you have two separate worlds you can play around in while also being able to bring things from either side.

Next is the wheel of fortune, which has a wide range of abilities, items, powers, and even curses, for this you get 3 spins

And finally you get timeline which helps us determine in what time you will appear, you get 1 spin for each world, sounds fun right?]

So it could either go really good or really bad huh…

[well yes, but due to complaints we have a fail safe in so that if you get screwed over once you be unlikely to be screwed over again.]

Oh that's much better than what I was thinking, so can we do the world and timelines first?

[wanna leave the powers for last? Okay, some just like going straight for the meat and leave their veggies behinds so that's fine by me, just press the buttons below this should show your first world and it's timeline.] as the system says this two buttons appear as well as a two smaller screens above it with mini wheels in between.

Pressing both at once I watch as the wheel spins and spins until they finally stops.

"I feel like I might be screwed." I says as I see the choices appear.

{ world 1: highschool dxd, 666 ending

timeline : Romania, 15 years before cannon.}

"I'm confused system, what does the 666 ending mean?" I say while looking at the screen.

[that's actually a pretty rare thing to happen, so this is the version of highschool dxd where Trihexa is the end game final boss, rivem doesn't get to declare war on the ExE verse and those guy would never bother to come looking for you all do to the gods there basically kamikazing their universe and destroying everything, Romania is self explanatory you will be placed in a parallel you before cannon by 15 year, from there it's up too you.] the system says and before i can relax I get another prompt.

[ oh right, forgot to mention but since it's just trihexa and no ExE, leveling is harder as well as random shonen power ups, everyone's getting bumped up a so that fallen angels or devils being 10x stronger is actually viable and not just something that's gets swept under a rug for convenience, I'll explain more later but for now just do the next spin] the system said and I did stopping on something that made us both pause.



{world 2: Fate Grand Order

Timeline: Chaldea headquarters, two weeks before cannon}


[well now you know why two worlds are offered to begin with]


[you need a minute?]


[I'm just gonna wait]


[so you good now ( ͡❛  ͟ʖ ͡❛)] the system says as the soul final starts movie around again.

"Yeah I'm just kinda in shock, no use worrying about it now though."

The world for those that don't know is one of the most dangerous places in the entire series of Fate.

Fgo, or Fate Grand Order, is basically all of humanity is dead and the last remaining humans in a place call Chaldea are humanity last lines of defence from demons screwing with time.

[calm down host, getting stressed won't do a thing about it since it's already locked in]

The systems said making me sigh as nothing seems to faze it.

[we still haven't gone through your powers after that we start customizing your new body due to the last one being….. uninhabitable] now I just have more questions what happened to my old body?


Oh, yeah I'm not touching this conversation yet, onto powers.

"Alright let do it!" I'm excited right now, who wouldn't when they can possibly use attacks they seen before or make there own styles of magic.

Without hesitation I slam one button as soon as it appears causing that wheel to spin much faster than before and as it's going I don't realize that the button has some black veins seeping on the side of it.

When the wheel stops what shows up shocks me more than anything else and even my system is shocked.



{ user has received "curse of the spell caster"

"Curse of the spell caster"

- due to a curse of unknown origins the recipient of the curse is no longer able to use spells outside of the users body, this curse was used on spell casters of a different world in order to make sure they can't escape confinement by making them unable to form their magic for spells

Make no mistake despite making it so that a recipient can't use spells that does not mean that they can't use different branches of magic.

Source: ##€~+>£#+>~€ #£#£>}

Speechless, that's what I am right now, I got cursed on my first spin in a gacha and I honestly have no clue how to feel…..

Oh wait, yes I do.

"HOW THE HELL DO I GET CURSED IN A FUCKING POWER WHEEL!?" I yell out in rage at what I'm reading on the screen right now, both world I'm going to are magic heavy world so to be locked out of one of the main powers anyone can use is straight bull shit in my opinion.

[calm down host]

"How the hell do you want me to be calm!? Both places we are going are so magic oriented that you can taste it!"

[two things, the first being that the curse doesn't prevent you from using magic it only prevents the user from using spells which means close range is still an option] the system says as it's tired to calm me down.

[and the second things is another fail safe meant for times like this, you got cursed so the gacha will give you another turn, we can't take the curse off anymore so this free turn you get also has higher rates making it much easier to get a good ability either from rare all the way to god.] now I feel better, at least I won't get completely screwed over but not having magic is painful, luckily there is more than just magic in dxd, like touki.

"I think I'll save my free spin for last, better to end things off on a high note or suffer from anxiety." Now I just feel drained after the screaming and a bit annoyed since I should have expected that.

"speaking of things that make me nervous, system why does the source say some form of gibberish, is it restricted or something?" I ask the question on my mind.

[yes it's restricted, as for your most likely next question it is possible to break the curse but it will take time] we'll since that's out let's spin the wheel.

As the wheel spins I can't help but have a feeling of foreboding and as the wheel stops spinning that feeling keeps intensifying until it finally stops and both me and the system go silent.

{ user has received "cursed of the blunt"

This is a curse that makes the user incapable of using sharp objects such as swords spears and lances as a weapon

To dumb it down further anything with a pointed end can't be used by the user or they will suffer repercussions.

Source: ##€~+>£#+>~€ #£#£>}



[hosts, what the fuck is your luck]

"I don't know man, this shit just seems to hate me right now"

{perk received!}

"What? But I am getting powers right now how the heck did I get a perk" I said as I pressed on the message.

[temporary blessing of Lady Luck

Due to the user being unlucky enough that it got Lady Lucks attention, she has decided to bless you for the remainder off your spins]

"On one hand I feel screwed over by the spins but at this point I'll take what I can get." I could scream shout and cuss the screen out but what's done is done and I should be thankful that I probably won't get fucked over again.

"Time to spin again." Pressing the button I watch as the wheel spins and this time unlike the foreboding feeling I feel excited as the wheel starts to slow down revealing

{user has received "anything goes martial arts pack"

Anything goes martial arts is style of martial arts that focuses on taking what works and what doesn't from other disciplines allowing for its users to have large amounts of adaptability and unpredictable in their styles becoming more versatile in airborne, ground and unarmed combat as they learn more martial arts.

This pack includes

- Saotome branch martial arts. - tendo branch martial arts - other martial arts such as Muay Thai

Taekwondo, capoeira, karate,Brazilian jiu-jujitsu, wing chun, and Krav Maga at master skill level

- enhanced adaption

- enhanced eyesight

- enhanced reflexes (increases dex gain by 2)

- Pink muscles: enhances strength and

recovery of muscles(increases gain of STR and END by 2)

source: Ranma 1/2 }

"Lady Luck is the best." I said as that is quite literally the only reason this is that good.

[on to the next one then] the system asks snapping me out of my daze as I press the button again.

{user has received 'battle pack(mythic edition)

Pack includes

- battle mind(passive): allows for calm analysis in the heat of battle and grants the recipient a higher perception while fighting(does not work outside of combat)

-iron skin (Passive/Active)

passive: allows for the skin to be as tough as iron( increases END gain by 1.5x)

active: increases endurance by 2 times for a duration of 5 mins(note: evolvable)

-gain skill "counter": allows for a 30% chance to counter an opponent's attack for the same amount of damage (note: evolvable)

- Gain two SSR tier martial arts

- strong fist (naruto)

- full contact karate:secret art of the four guardian gods(god of highschool)

Gain skill 'growth rate'(passive): allows skills and the user to grow faster (times 2 to skills and level experience)

Source: multiple}

"I'm going to have to become a martial arts prodigy to use all this stuff" I said as all these skills are really good for me to use

[or just a gamer, there entire existent's is considered a cheat] the system says and I can definitely agree with that since most older gamers could probably flick galaxy's and destroy them then remake them.

"Alright last one- ow fuck!!" I press the button only for it to burn my hand as the wheel starts to spin and catch on fire from how fasts it going only to suddenly stop on one item that literally blind me.

"Fuck my eyes!" As I hold my hands to my eyes…..

"Wait I don't have eyes." I'm a fucking soul, well that's embarrassing.

Looking at the systems screen I see a red icon on it and if I could I would probably start turning red from embarrassment.

"Are you fucking recording!?" I yell as a start swiping at the screen as it moves around.

[Yup, great showing by the way,

it's like I can feel your pain ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] this smug bastard.

"DELETE THAT FUCKER!!" I started fighting and chasing the stupid screen around but it's so fucking slippery!!

[YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 凸 ( ͡° ▭ ͡°)凸 !!!] the system says at it keeps.fucking.dodging!

[by the way what did you get?] it suddenly stop and that honestly surprised me to the point I almost tripped , turning back to the bored I see something that causes my jaw to drop.

{user has received Red Armillary Sash (divine)

the Red Armillary Sash is the sash that the guardian god Ne Zha uses to either change directions or fight with when not using his spears, the sash is red with a gold border with multiple enchantments on its in order to withstand the heat of the wind fire wheels and Ne Zha's own Divine might.


- divine durability

- divine length( allows for the sash to grow at

incredible lengths to ensnare targets or to pull the user across a distance.

-divine protection(grants the user reduced damage by 50% if blocking with the sash.

Grants knowledge of basic use and utilities, will grant more information as proficiency increases.

Sash is semi-sentient and has a 10% chance to help the user on its own should the need arise

- Skill absorption(active): absorbs materials from fallen foes in order to gain different types of resistance and be upgraded to immunities through numerous consumptions of material.

Source: Ne Zha (note: he thinks your funny) }

My jaw dropped at the information and while I was processing the sash suddenly appeared wrapping around my fore arms and leaving a long strip for me to hold in each hand looking back is see the rest of the sash not tied make a sort of hoop over my head.

"Uh hello?" I said as a part of the sash got close to me and for some reason I felt threatened before it went back down.

"Well that was unexpected, but thank you

Ne Zha." I said and I got a distinct impression of something before it disappeared.

[well I can honestly say I did not see this coming ⊂( °︡ ▭ °︠ )⊃] the system mentions equally surprised as I am.

"Now what?"

[now we go make your character and introduce you to the boss.] the system says and I felt my brain stop at that.

"WAIT WHAT!?" I got out before beginning to black out again and as I'm falling I hear the system says something that pissed me off.

[this will never get old]


A/N hey so this is my first story on this site, I am trying it out for my self now and I wanna see how far I can go.

I'm going to try my best to keep the updates consistent here and also do my best to make it interesting, while I don't know characters well I'm going to do my best to make sure they aren't cardboard cut outs and give them at least a semblance of personality.

For the gacha and prize I gave right now as you can guess it is not random as of right now, this is just to set up my character and gives me an excuse to lock him into a martial arts class, cause everyone and there children are all doing mages and even if they have cool fighting styles it gets put under the bus by all the magic and "catching them off guard" which happens a lot.

I'm also tired of swords and shit and want to see someone get punched dammit!

So yeah cursed to only use martial arts and given multiple fighting styles as well as a way to combine them all into something he can use.

Other than that if you have questions or want to comment you can and I will try and answer

On that note I am going to make it a small harem (cause dxd) and will be doing a small arc before we get into dxd or fate which is where you all will come in.

Which world do you want to see first




I'm doing the mini arc first regardless so you have by the time I'm done it.