
Multiversal martial artist

So I’ve died, not the best but certainly not the worse thing that could have happened to me and now theres a glowing green screen asking if I want to be a gamer…… Wait what? I can’t use magic!? I’m screwed! ——————————————————————— First world: legend of Zelda - age of calamity Aka the tutorial arc I don’t own anything expect the OC’s

Lordbord · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Dead and capitalism still reaches me


(??? POV)

Waking up to what feels like a migraine is not something anyone would like waking up in the familiar white void of limbo is even worse.

[Hey, you. You're finally awake] the system greats me and oh god the flashbacks

"Sup fucker.." I'm apparently not tired enough to cuss the system out.

[oh relax you baby that wasn't even me, all the information from both the technique's and the sash cause you to have an information over load and knock you out, you should be able to understand if you think on a martial arts right?] which honestly is fair considering what all is there to begin with.

So trying to remember I was surprised I could understand the basics of both the strong fist and full contact but even more surprisingly I have a master class understanding for all the basic martial arts and and advanced understanding for the everything goes style of the saotome and tendo branches.

[due to the inherently strong nature of both strong fist and full contact you will only gain a basic understanding as you are unable to handle the strain of both but the more you practice the art, your mastery of it will increase as well] the system says.

[But without ado please say the magic words host.] the system says and I can't blame them since I'm excited as well.



Name: ????

Occupation: ????

Race: ???

Age: ???

Sex: male

Title: The Gamer, the man cursed twice (effects: none)

Class: tbd


Level: 1




STR: 10

DEX: 10

END: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LUC: 3

Point: 0

Passives >



"What's vp?"

[those are vital point, they go down when you take a particular hit or suffer too much damage at once]

"Oh okay, but not gonna lie I like how clean it is" I say as it's not just a bunch of text in my face, looking at my luck hurts me soul body though.

[how are you this unlucky] the system asks

"I don't know man but what should we do first" I ask as I collect my self

[we need names]






[how about we don't make fun of either of are names fair?] The system- Jeff said, that's gonna take a bit to get use too.

"That's fair, so now I choose martial artist as my class?" I said and honestly what the heck else should I choose.

[well yeah, normally it wouldn't be like that but due to your heavily specialized skill set it's fine to just do this] Jeff said before loading a new screen.

[attained class martial artist


Due to meeting the requirements the class is evolving

Attained martial arts prodigy.

-grants title martial arts prodigy(when equipped user gains a 50% increase in learning speed for new martial arts

Gain .50% increases in experience for anything martial arts related

Deal 60% more damage to foes using techniques

Increase level cap from 100 to 125

Gain 5 STR END and DEX per level up

Random chance to do bonus damage on hit)

Gained skill focused mind(active): increase perception by 50% for a duration of 1 min (lvl1)(cost 20mp to activate)

Gained skill focus strike (active): increases damage on next strike by 120%(cost 25mp)

Gained skill dash(active): quickly appear a short distance ahead of you(cost 15mp)

Gained skill resist(active): resist 50% of damage done for 3 attacks for 5 mins

(cost 30mp)

Gained skill prodigy's mind(passive) allows for quick learning and understanding of techniques.]

"What the fuck? Why did I get this?" I was confused as I looked at all the new skills I got.

[it's due to your skill set, there is a rare chance of classes upgrade when you first pick them if you are compatible with them, but since everyone is a blank slate when they get here there's no chance of getting a class upgrade.] Jeff said and it makes sense, the class upgraded me due to the mastery I have in the seven other techniques, if I didn't have that I probably wouldn't have upgraded.

"So what's next"

[now it's your perks and flaws gacha, for every perk you get there's a flaw and for every flaw a perk.] Jeff said and I'm kinda terrified now since I don't have lady lucks blessing anymore so I have to rely on my own luck.

"alright I guess we're spinning"

[you have received perk focused rage: when angered you are able to keep a clear head and focus it onto either the target of aggression or something else.

You have received Flaw 'short' tempered: you are easy to anger if your height is mentioned, locked at 5'2.] okay not terrible but also not the best, cause I'm short now, damn,

alright last one is…..

[you have received perk strong will: allows for the user to last longer in dire circumstances and to keep fight at near full capacity with severe injuries.

You have received flaw sin of wrath: you embody the sin of wrath and as such when angered beyond a certain point, you will do anything in your power to destroy the source of your anger.]

"Sin of wrath is not gonna be good for me" I winced at that flaw since me also being short tempered would cause the likelihood of the flaw activating to increase.

[well no one ever said this would be easy] Jeff said and I turned to look at the last panel which is character customization.

[your gonna take a long time aren't you] Jeff said.

"Yup!" I said before looking tapping on hair and looking through all the options available.

"This might take awhile." I said

[I'm gonna go watch some anime mc you good here] Jeff said before the screen turned into a dulled blue.

"Have fun".


Looking at my new body, I can't help but be reminded of a shorter version of chad from bleach and asta from black clover minus the muscles, while my hair is black and my eyes are a emerald green, my face is roughly the same but softer around the chin and my hair is curly and cut short while my body has no defined features, due to it not having muscle yet.

{would you like to to complete design? please note your age after the tutorial will be 6 due to the time frame you will be arriving in due to your chosen world-line} a part of the system said, turns out that the system when not monitored by Jeff is something that while still works, it can't answer direct questions unless they fall under a certain question, like the automated message systems from banks to direct you to someone better suited to your needs.

Pressing y, my vision is blinded by white before I open my eyes for the first time and realize something.

I have eyes again!!

And a body!!

And senses!!

[oh so your done now, that was a good two hours or so] the screen became coloured as the consciousness of Jeff returned from what ever he was doing.

"So now what?" My voice sounded out into limbo as I stretched my body in order to get used to it, it also seems like I got some clothes so I don't have to be naked, which is basically the pants part of a gi and a black shirt with the red sash wrapped around my waist.

[now we meet the boss, they'll explain what you will be doing when not in your personal worlds] Jeff said before I blinked and we were suddenly in front of a door which had a plaque labeled 'Boss room'...

'Now we just need boss music.' I thought before I tired to knock on the door, only for it to swing open and hit me in the face, making me fall over and hold my nose.

[you okay there buddy] Jeff, dude, my friend please tell me your kidding.

"Ow…." Honestly who opens a door with that much force.

"Sorry about that thought you would dodge

it." A voice? Said to me but it was more like I understood the words but not the language itself.

"That's cause it's telepathic." The voice spoke again into my brain apparently.

Looking up I first see some black businesses shoes followed by dress pants and dress shirt with the jacket open, a tie and gloves, both black, are also there but what makes me pause is the face.

Or the lack of a face, what was there looked like a bunch of string branching out endlessly behind him where his neck should be.

"System 10^47 or should I call you Jeff now? Nevertheless you have found someone to bond with it seems." The being spoke to Jeff and then turned his strings to look at me, more specifically my sash.

"Intriguing, hello human my name is fate come along there are some things that need to be explained before you can be sent to the tutorial." The string man said before turning back into his office and calling them along, following dumbly I close the door to the office and braced myself for this meeting with fate.


(3rd pov)

"So before we can get started with what your going to be doing we will be getting down to the why, as I have told you just now I am fate the one in charge of keeping both chaos and order in check in certain universes that fall under my jurisdiction by manipulating the consequences of the choices made, not the choices themselves but the result, those interpretations of me being a manipulator are not accurate due to it conflicting with the free will of mortals and gods alike." Fate explained to Felix his role that's only able to effect the outcome rather then a control freak that's mostly depicted when fate is talked about.

"But even then effecting the consequences of any action is terrifying to some so in order to make it fair it is automated to bring out the most likely result rather than just one I conjure up, that's where the systems come into play." Fate explained as he gets up and walks to grab some water for his guests, well the only one that can actually drink.

"The systems are a species that came about after The Original Gamer wanted to have more of his kind around and like a spark starting a flame, hundreds of thousands of systems came about and caused chaos due to the nature of their host, some wanted power, others more material gain, and others and others just want to watch the worlds burn." Fate was getting more and more angry as he kept recounting the atrocities committed by 'gamers'.

"So the OG used a system feature he called a kill switch and destroyed every gamer within a certain parameter, from there rules were made in order to keep them in check so as to not have random 'ROBS' giving out more power to some less then stable mortals."

"This is where I come in, I provide static world-lines for certain gamers to use as a personal home and gamers provide services in completing jobs for me or other deities when assigned for either entertainment or resources." Fate explained what's his job is and what Felix's job would be.

Felix listened to the explanation about the various how's and why from fate and tired to absorb as much as he could but the longer that this went on the more his brain hurt from information overload and eventually....


He burnt out as smoke rose from his head, getting a chuckle from fate and Jeff.

[did you have to do that sir?] Jeff asked fate as he looked at his host who was waving a white flag.

"Of course, it nice to know if there paying attention or not but in all seriousness we should be talking about what will you do now Felix." The conceptual being said prompting a confused look from the newly reincarnate.

"The life of an agent of fate is not an easy one and will have you put in dangerous situations that you might not always be able to handle either by lack of knowledge or lack of strength."

"So here is the offer, reject it and you will have your memories of both myself Jeff and this offer erased, leaving you in dxd with only the gamer system for your life." Fate said showing a blue glove in his left hand.

"Or become an agent of fate, accept the jobs given to you and expand beyond the new reality you will be born into, I won't say it will be easy, but it will be something to you." Fate said having his right and in a red glove.

"The choice is yours Felix, what will you do?"



So we have reached the end of this chapter leaving Felix with two choices, either work with fate and become an agent or live life by his own choices in the world of dxd.

I was thinking of having the choice this chapter but I felt like it would be a good way to start the next one off, this is already filled with info dumps

Either way a tutorial is coming and it will be a interesting experience for our character.