
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

HP 22

News of Dumbledore's death spread quickly and extensively. The teaching staff was devastated, but McGonagall took charge with confidence, giving orders left and right. Just as before, the Auror force was summoned, and everyone was interrogated. My [Acting] and [Deception] skills gained another level, but due to the many witnesses who could vow for my whereabouts, this time I wasn't even considered a suspect. Classes were canceled for the week, much to the delight of me and the students, while the investigation was conducted. That granted me the much-needed freedom I required to complete the remaining quests, so before meeting with Emily today and for the last time, I donned my invisibility and teleported to meet Dumbledore's good old friends.

Using Dumbledore's memories, I teleported out of my office and arrived in front of the cell of a notorious criminal deep within the Austrian Alps. I deactivated my invisibility and opened the hatch. A gray-haired old man perked up and looked in my direction.

"Is it time for me to go?" He asked, immediately realizing his fate.

"Unfortunately, it is." I nodded.

"Are you truly sorry?" He chuckled lightly.

"No, not really." I admitted.

"May I at least know the name of the one who will end my miserable life?"

"With where you're going, there is no need for you to know my name." I answer with a blank face.

To my surprise, the old man didn't put up a fight. Instead, he simply nodded, accepting his fate without any resistance. I focused my mind and unleashed the full might of my [Mind Arts], channeling my power through eighty-eight mind tendrils that sliced through his defenses like a hot knife through butter. It was almost too easy.

As I delved deep into his mind, I began to plunder his memories, experiences, and knowledge. However, to my surprise, I found that I already knew most of what he had to offer. Despite my disappointment, I continued my search and eventually picked up a few new spells and rituals before finally withdrawing.

The once-capable dark lord fell backward, his body impacting the sturdy, uncomfortable prison bed with a dull thud. I watched as his eyes turned glassy and his breathing became labored, with saliva pooling in his mouth and blocking his airways. His body convulsed as he started choking, his frail form writhing in pain until, at last, he took his final breath.

I felt no remorse for what I had done. The world was better off without this deranged man, and I gained valuable knowledge in the process.

"A fitting end for a dark lord." With a sense of satisfaction, I teleported away, leaving the old man's lifeless body behind me.

I materialized in the dimly lit residence of Nicolas and Perenelle Flamel, the incognito dark lords and renowned alchemists. Despite their centuries-old reputation, the Flamel couple looked remarkably spry for their age, thanks to the elixir of life Nicolas had concocted using the fabled philosopher's stone. The potion may not have granted them true immortality, but it certainly extended their lifespan far beyond what any mere mortal could hope for.

Nicolas was hunched over an intricate alchemical device, his back exposed and vulnerable. It was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. Using my telekinetic powers, I restrained him, locking his jaw shut and spreading his limbs wide. He stared at me in confusion and surprise, but he posed no threat to my system-enhanced [Mind Arts] skills.

I unleashed all eighty-nine of my mind tendrils, each one slicing through his mental defenses with ease. I searched through six hundred years' worth of memories, scouring them for any valuable knowledge. To my satisfaction, I discovered that Flamel's expertise encompassed not only the secrets of his trade but also dark magic, rituals, and enchanting as well, ones already lost in the annals of time. With my newfound understanding, I withdrew my tendrils from his mind, letting him fall to the ground as a senseless husk.

As a result of his advanced age and poor health, he didn't wait for me to deal the final blow. The moment he hit the ground, his soul departed his body, joining the countless others he had condemned to death.

[Quest: [Hidden Dark Lord] Completed 600 WP Received]

The creation of the philosopher's stone is a gruesome tale. He, like many other dark lords, was fixated on achieving immortality and discovering a way to cheat death. However, Flamel took a different approach. He utilized the essence of millions of innocent souls to create a stone that trapped their life force within it through a ritual. The stone's Elixir of Life was essentially the essence of souls leaking from the stone, which would gradually lose its power and release the trapped souls with time. The process even for my standard was truly a dark and inhumane one.

I didn't need to waste any more of my time here. Perenelle Flamel didn't earn my ire. She didn't know of the true origins of the stone, and her only fault loving a delusional man. So with those thoughts, I teleported back to my office inside Hogwarts and awaited my last meeting with Emily.

(Emily's POV)

Despite the somber mood in the school after the loss of the most powerful wizard of our time, I remained unfazed. My mind was consumed with one thought - my upcoming meeting with my Master, which filled me with joy. As I skipped towards his classroom, I reviewed my plan of attack in my head. Tonight was the night I would make my final push, and I was determined to have him, whether he wanted me or not.

Over the weekend, I had done my research and carefully crafted an outfit that was revealing even by muggle standards. Clenching my fists and holding my robe tightly closed, I felt anxious about anyone else catching a glimpse of what belonged only to my Master. With a suspicious glance around, I hastened my steps to make sure I arrived promptly to see him.

I knocked on the door and was granted permission to enter. As soon as I walked in, my face lit up with a smile at the sight of Master seated in his armchair, his gaze fixed on me. I swiftly closed the door and, without hesitation, shed my robes to reveal a black, sheer top, intricately designed thigh-high stockings, and a black garter belt. Out of sheer respect for Master, I wore nothing else.

With a playful twirl, I showcased my assets, and my smile grew wider at the sight of his wide-eyed expression. I knew he was pleased with what he saw, and I was determined not to let him resist taking me this time.

With unwavering confidence, I strode towards him and dropped to my knees between his legs. His quizzical expression and raised eyebrow nearly made me chuckle. 'You don't have to wait any longer, Master. This is all yours.' I assured him in my mind.

Without hesitation, I reached for his pants and easily pulled them down, revealing what I desired most - Master's erect member. I wasted no time and took it into my mouth, all the while maintaining eye contact with my beloved Master. His expression shifted into that of ecstasy and I knew the time practicing was well spent.

Master's first release didn't take too long, he coated the insides of my throat with his thick honey-flavored nectar. I swallowed, then opened my mouth to display to him what a good girl I was. His kind words and gentle head pat caused my body to shudder with desire, and I yearned for more. I gazed up at his calm expression, and with his approving nod, my happiness surged as I stood up and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. My body moved on its own as if it had a mind of its own and in the heat of the passion I mounted my Master.

"Master. Ugh!" I said between moans as my hip rocked back and forth. "My body, my mind, and my soul all belong to you! Mmph! Please enjoy it to your heart's desire. Ahhh!!"

(Andrew POV)

I watch the girl wriggling and moaning joyfully within the mess she made, her breathing ragged, her mind in disarray, and I couldn't help but feel drained after exerting myself for over an hour. The continuous usage of Telekinesis, Illusions and the Mind Arts left a toll on my mind. However, I had fulfilled her desires, albeit not really, and she seemed satisfied. With the task ahead of her, she doesn't need to know that it was all a lie, the 'reward' she received will push her forward to gain my favor once more.

I equipped my [Master] title and patiently waited for her to regain her composure. After her breathing calmed down, and her eyes regained their luster, draped her robe over her and I reached for her chin, then made eye contact with her.

With a smile, I addressed Emily, "My dear, I have a task for you."

"Even if you wish for my death, I would gladly give you my life, Master," she responded with fever in her eyes.

"That's unnecessary, you are worth more alive than dead, my dear Emily." I reassured her, causing her eyes to moisten and a smile to appear on her face.

"Thank you, M-master," she stuttered.

"I'm leaving for a few years," I continued, causing her eyes to bulge as she stood up in protest. I didn't let her speak a word. "I will be coming back, but before that, you'll have a few tasks. Emily, I'm ordering you to finish this school, then use any means necessary to unite the wizarding world. Your other task will be to elevate their understanding of magic. When I come back, I want to see this world prosper." My [Master] title and [Leadership] skill made her receive my words as a divine decree. She nodded in acceptance but still asked the question that had been weighing on her mind.

"M-master, where will you be going?" she asked.

"Dear Emily, I'll let you in on a small secret," I said with a smile. "There are countless worlds out there waiting to be explored, new magic to be learned and mastered. Countless worlds to be saved or destroyed. Once your task here is achieved, maybe you will be able to join me." My smile widened as her expression shifted to one of devotion. She brought her hands together as if she were praying and swore, "Master! I swear on my life that I'll accomplish the task you gave me."

"Good. How is your Occlumency training progressing? Were you able to form a mental library?" I asked.

"Yes, Master," she replied with an enthusiastic nod.

"Great, as this is going to be our last meeting for the time being. Today, I'll grant you all of my magical knowledge. Use it well to succeed in your task, my little prodigy. Now drop your mental shields." I said with a smile as I patted her head.

Upon finishing my meeting with Emily, where I removed the curse I placed on her, shared everything I'd learned about magic, and even gave her some of my self-made spells. I packed my belongings and headed home. With no classes for the following week, there was no reason to stay at the school. My only responsibility would be my Wednesday patrol, but by then, I would have already departed this world.

As I arrived home, I was greeted by an enthusiastic Olivia who was already inside my trunk practicing her sword swings. For some reason the trunk didn't react to her as the other magical equipment did, it didn't require the user's mana to function, so after letting her in once, she could come and go as she pleased.

Having already resigned from her job and sorted out any loose ends, the only thing she refused to part with was her apartment. After purchasing a fresh set of locks and informing her friends and neighbors of her year-long global voyage, she locked herself in the apartment and entered my enchanted trunk.

I joined her in a light training session and practiced my dagger skills, which resulted in my [Small Weapon Mastery], [Dual-wielding], and even my [Acrobatics] skills increasing by a few levels. Since I had limited my stats, it was challenging to keep up with Olivia, whose natural affinity towards swords allowed her to progress at an impressive rate. Even though she was not currently gaining any skill levels, the training would help her gain them faster as soon as she received her system, so it was not a waste of time.

Amidst the chaos of the day, I finally found time on Tuesday night to tackle my remaining quests. I adorned a black hood and a mask, amusing Olivia who couldn't resist commenting on my appearance.

"You look ridiculous." She joked. "Don't you have an invisibility spell?"

"I do, but what if it fails?" I replied, shrugging. "It's better to be cautious in advance than to panic later."

"Well, you're the expert thief here." she teased with a chuckle.

"I hardly stole anything." I protested.

"You stole my heart," she said, grinning mischievously, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her cheeky remark.

"Hmm," I mused, striking a thoughtful pose. "I must be a second-rate thief, because while doing so I also lost mine to you." After receiving a playful slap on my shoulder, Olive lifted my mask and planted a kiss on my lips.

"Be careful." She said, before fixing it back into its place.

"I won't be long, but don't wait up." I gave her a tight hug and focused on Dumbledore's memories of the Department of Mysteries. The old cot had been there a few times, but could only enter a few select rooms.

Space twirled and a moment later I found myself in a quiet, barely illuminated room. The quick change of scenery and temperature disorient me for a brief moment. At first, the only sound was the pounding of my own heart as I tried to steady myself. But soon, the whispers began. Whispers that seemed to come from all around me, their words too distorted to comprehend. Some were pleading, desperate cries for help that sent shivers down my spine. Others seemed to call out to me, their voices filled with a sinister charm that I knew I could not resist for too long.

And then I saw it: the Veil. It loomed before me like a malevolent entity, barely ten steps away. The other side of the room was visible through its dark, swirling maw, and I knew that I had to act fast. With shaking hands, I retrieved three items from my inventory, and without touching them, I launched them through the Veil. I watched them freeze midair as if they hit an invisible barrier before they slowly sank into the void between the arch.

[Quest: [Master of Death] Completed 5,000 WP Received]

I let out a sigh of relief, glad that nothing unusual had happened. However, I couldn't help but feel like I had just jinxed myself with that thought. Soon enough, the ever-present whispers that surrounded me fell silent, and I braced myself for what was to come.

Suddenly, the space between the Veil began to darken, consuming all color in its surroundings. The world shook violently in an attempt to stop whatever was trying to break through. The pillars surrounding the space began to crumble, and bolts of black lightning shot out, causing the void to expand rapidly. In a matter of moments, a woman's hand ripped through the void, and a notification popped up on my screen, causing my heart to skip a beat.

[World Tier forcibly increased to Tier 7].

Without a moment's notice, a blackish-gray light erupted from the woman's hand, striking me square in the chest, existential dread assaulted my being as pain spread through my body, increasing my [Pain Tolerance] skill by a level, before disappearing just as swiftly as it came. The impact left me reeling, my mind too overwhelmed to focus on anything else, but the tangible presence on the other side of the void continued to radiate an incomprehensible force.

An emerald eye materialized on the opposite end, and the woman's unsettling giggle echoed through the room as she spoke, "I'll be keeping an eye on you, traveler." With those eerie words, the void began to reweave itself, and the world tier promptly reverted to its previous state.

[World Tier decreased to Tier 1]

[Title: [Master of Death] lost]

[Title: [Blessed by Death] received]

[Blessed by Death]

- Grants the user positive affection from death-related entities.

- Increased affinity towards abilities, skills, and spells related to death.

- Gain the ability to revive yourself upon death, allowing you to return to life with full health and mana. (Cooldown 100 Days)

- Upon revival gain a buff, doubling your stats for the next minute.

As I inspected the new title, I noticed that the Veil was beginning to disintegrate gradually. The stones that had once stood firmly in place were now falling apart piece by piece, leaving behind nothingness in their wake. Another ping resounds in my mind as the partial quest completion notification appears before my eyes.

[Quest Update: [Mystery?] 1/6 Completed]

I found myself at a loss for how to react to my newfound stalker. It was abundantly clear that she was aware of my status as an outsider, but how she come to be aware of that remained a mystery. Given the sudden increase in world tier, I could only assume that she was a Tier 7 being, or perhaps just her hand was classified as such. Frankly, I had no desire to find out anytime soon. The aura she exuded was downright terrifying, and according to Rob's account, a Tier 7 entity had the power to wipe out an entire reality with a mere snap of its fingers. And I couldn't understand why this particular entity had taken an interest in me.

I had no answers to those questions, so instead of wasting time, I donned my newly gifted title, and advanced to the next room, the Hall of Prophecy, which held both completed and unfinished prophecies. Wizards failed to realize that the future was not predetermined, and by viewing a possible future, they unwittingly made it a reality through their actions. The room was filled with an unimaginable number of shelves, each of them stocked with numerous crystal balls. A sense of unease crept over me, and I decided to take swift action. Without hesitation, I conjured [Fiendfyre], and let it loose in the room, allowing it to spread rapidly before I exited the premises and moved on to the next room. Shortly after, I was notified of the quests through a beep.

[Quest Update: [Mystery?] 2/6 Completed]

As I entered the next room, a wave of disgust washed over me. The walls were lined with multiple still-beating hearts, their rhythmic thumping filling the air. The sight made my stomach churn, and I couldn't help but feel disgusted by the grotesque display before me. I realized that the so-called Room of Love was nothing more than a sick delusion of a necromancer.

Without hesitation, I unleashed [Fiendfyre] on the room, the flames quickly engulfing everything in sight. As the fire raged, I had to run out of the room to catch my breath and steady my nerves. The whole experience had left me shaken, and I needed a moment to collect myself before continuing.

Taking a deep breath, I shook my head to clear my mind and focused on the next task at hand. I fired off a [Point-Me] charm and let it guide me toward the next room, eager to leave the horrors of the previous room behind me. The next room was said to be the Room of Time, and I couldn't wait to see what it had in store.

[Quest Update: [Mystery?] 3/6 Completed]

As I stepped into the room, I was struck by the sheer number of clocks and clock-related items. The walls were adorned with ornate grandfather clocks, and the shelves were stacked with pocket watches, hourglasses, and other timekeeping devices. However, upon closer inspection, I noticed that all the clocks were frozen in time, their hands suspended in mid-air.

Checking the room for any information, I soon found a diary and learned that this room was a product of dark experimentation. The wizard who had created it had captured fairies and extracted their fairy dust, and an accident had caused the creation of a temporal loop within the room. In the center of the room, a small hummingbird was trapped in an endless cycle, its wings flapping furiously as it tried to escape.

Without hesitation, I unleashed my most powerful spell Primus Frigus and froze time itself. Well, not really, but it did seem like it. The ice engulfed the room, freezing and suddenly shattering away all traces of the fairy dust, or "time sand," as it was also known, and the temporal loop was broken. The hummingbird was released from its endless cycle and flew off into the distance.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I summoned a [Point-Me] spell to guide me to the next room, keen to complete my quest.

[Quest Update: [Mystery?] 4/6 Completed]

As I stepped into the next room, I felt a sudden chill run down my spine. It was as if the air was thick with an invisible presence that made me uneasy. This was the room of Thoughts, and what I saw inside was beyond horrifying. Jars of various sizes lined the walls, each containing a living brain, still pulsating and sending shivers down my spine. The eyes, still attached to the brains, followed my every move as I cautiously stepped forward.

Despite my invisibility, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched by these grotesque specimens. Suddenly, a movement caught my eye, and I dodged to the left, only to realize that nothing was there. The experience left me shaken, and I knew I had to act fast before the room took its toll on my mind. Without a second thought, I unleashed my purification flame, burning away the room and reducing everything to ash. The relief was palpable, and I couldn't wait to get out of there and never look back.

[Quest Update: [Mystery?] 5/6 Completed]

As I entered the final room, the air around me started to change, causing a strange sensation in my stomach as I began to float off the ground. The Room of Space was an expansive and dark chamber, filled with a multitude of planets, stars, and galaxies, each held aloft by some form of magical levitation. Despite the beauty of the room, I knew that this place was not meant to exist.

The wizards who had created this room were experimenting with space-related magic, delving into the unknown and pushing the limits of their power. But their curiosity had created something unstable, and I knew it had to be destroyed.

With a heavy heart, I summoned the last of my strength and unleashed my final [Fiendfyre]. The cursed flames erupted from my hand and began to consume the room, burning away the planets and stars until they were nothing but ash. As the last embers of the flames died away, I let out a deep sigh of relief, knowing that the quests in this world were finally over.

[Quest: [Mystery?] Completed 1,750 WP Received]