
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

HP 18

I wake up in the early morning to the smell of a freshly cooked meal, and can't help myself but smile. Even with our nigh-long actives, where even she worked her ass off, Olivia woke up much earlier and started preparing breakfast. I cast a quick cleaning charm, removing all the dried-up 'stuff' from myself, and put on a pair of shorts. I exit our bedroom, sneak into the kitchen, and surprise hug her from behind.

"Ekk!" She yelps in surprise and a wooden spoon lands on my palm firmly holding her right breast. "Don't do that! You scared me!" She says turning around, donning a cute pout while squinting her eyes in fake anger. Her expression makes me want to kiss her even more. So I do just that.

She groans in annoyance, but that quickly turns into a muffled moan as my hands trail over all of her body and give her delightful behind a nice little squeeze. She melts in my embrace, and I can't help but feel complete. The serene soothing feeling I feel every time I'm with her, is like an addictive drug, leaving me yearning to come back for more.

I enjoy every second, of every moment we spend together, even if we're not doing something sexual in nature, and when we're not together, her face still keeps randomly popping up in my mind.

'What am I doing with my life... My feelings are so contradictory.' I stop myself from letting out a sigh as I look at Olivia's blissful face. 'Yeah... Whenever I'm not with her, it's like I do a 180, and nothing seems to matter.'

I give a light spank on my girl behind, which makes her do a happy little wiggle in my embrace. I smile at her and plant a kiss on her head then finally let go of her.

"So what's for breakfast?" I ask, looking over her shoulder and acting like I didn't have a mental meltdown a minute ago.

"Nothing, special." She shrugs. "Bacon, eggs, and toast." Just as she says that, the toaster dings and launches two slices of perfectly toasted bread upward. "Or if you want there are some leftovers from Sunday?"

"Nah, this is perfect. Let me help." I say then placing the plates on the table and taking my seat just as the food arrives. "Thanks."

"So how come you came back yesterday night?" She asks finally joining me.

"What? Didn't you say you missed me during the week?" I ask giving her a knowing smile, to which she nods shyly. "Well after classes, felt lonely and missed you. So here I am." I say then add. "But I'll have to head back right after breakfast." I sigh.

After our breakfast, we had a heartfelt goodbye, where she first didn't want to let me go, but after some coaxing and a lot of promises for the weekend, she finally did. After a quick teleport, from an abandoned alley, I appeared just before the school grounds, and with hurried steps moved toward my classroom.

Today, like every Wednesday, was going to be a long day. All third years had classes and after that, I had patrol duty. The classes moved on at a snail's pace, but finally, after they were done, I could refocus on research and my spellcrafting.

The spell required to kill immaterial beings, like Dementors, was progressing nicely. The mana paths to cast the spell were completely identified, the only remaining thing to create it was the will required to cast it.

It took hours of trying different image combinations and my [Spellcode] skill reaching level 42 to finally successfully cast the spell. The spell which formed an expanding bubble of white ethereal flame, a combination of [Fiendfyre], [Avada Kedavra], and [Patronus] charm, was finally completed. The spell, after casting continued to consume mana, and expand at an accelerated rate. It starts at one meter, which could theoretically quickly cover hundreds of kilometers in radius, I just needed the mana capacity to support it.

[Spell: [Mortem Mundare] learned]



[Mortem Mundare lvl 1]: Creates an expanding flame centered around the caster that purifies any undead.

For a quick test of its functionality, I covered myself in a layer of [Furtim] and quickly located Peeves, Hogwarts resident poltergeist, who was trying to prank a few freshmen. A quick cast of [Mortem Mundare], sent out a wave of white inferno, that hit and covered the ghost with ethereal flames. Moments later the flames started consuming his sinful soul and after a painful scream, he ceased to exist. Leaving nothing behind, not even ash.

[Poltergeist x1 slain 150 XP Received]

Creating the spell brought with itself an unforeseen event, for some reason the spell was considered a grand fiat of magic in this world. I didn't argue with that, just shrugged and accepted the free WP.

[Quest: [Master of Magic] Completed 750 WP Received]

Satisfied with the results, I moved back to my room and started working on combining the House Elf and Wizard apparition spells. There were some minuscule differences between the two variants, as the elves used a tidbit different image and an additional mana path to cast the spell. So by using the elf's memories I quickly identified everything that differed and introduced the changes to the Apparition spell I so often used. Contrary to my earlier belief, the upgrade to the spell barely took a few minutes to implement, which in addition to updating the spell in my Grimoire, also raised my [Spellcode] skill by another level.

The spell surprisingly kept all of its levels, as it was only an upgrade to an already existing spell, and could now teleport around without being impeded by wards or any other limitations. Well, I could if the spell was actually at a higher level. The minuscule differences in that mana path added a compensation effect to the spell and made a huge difference in the teleportation process.

A quick test in my office confirmed that the spell worked perfectly. The feeling of being dragged through the minuscule hole in space actually became less apparent. It was still there, but as the compensation kicked in, the hole that was ripped in the fabric of reality expanded to compensate and counteract the interference provided by the wards, while that happened a reinforced bubble of mana formed around the user to prevent anything from interfering with it.

The school was strangely quiet. It felt like everyone has forgotten the fact that a teacher died here last week. No one cared, well except for Snape, when a new teacher was introduced as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Life in the school continued almost as it did in the books. Almost...

Quite a few rumors were going around, regarding the original cast of the books. Thanks to my curse, the Weasley twins were caught in an inappropriate position, even for the wizarding standards, and are now spending a sweet vacation in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, while their little brother was getting bullied like crazy about it.

I never liked the little prick, so as a good teacher with the duty to teach, when I notice him getting bullied, I looked the other way, and let life teach him a lesson.

Hermione was living her dream, she had zero friends, was a teacher's pet, and was happily researching magic. As a house that respects knowledge, she was never bullied or abused by her housemates, and she felt at home right with them, contrary to Fake Harry.

I still wasn't sure what Dumbledore's plans were with the fake, or where he actually picked the prick up, but I actually didn't even care. The fake Harry was an even bigger loser than the original one. His personality was rotten, and he was generally hated by all four houses. Even the Hufflepuffs, known for their friendly demeanor, avoided the guy from afar.

The first private class with Emily started, as she walked into my office wearing skimpy clothes. She wore an immodestly short black leather mini dress, and a white spaghetti-strapped camisole which exposed her midriff. I had to roll my eyes at her getup, as from now on I wasn't planning to 'play' with her.

"Take a seat." I order, then take my place behind my desk, while simultaneously equipping the [Corruptor] title. She sits down, her legs crossed, but they stay that way only for a moment. A smile quickly appears on her face, as an idea crosses her mind. She slowly and sensually spreads her legs, revealing that true to my earlier orders, she wasn't wearing any undergarments. My gaze wanders downwards and I nod in satisfaction, and after a moment of enjoying the view, I refocus on her face. A smug and satisfied smile was plastered on her face, making my lips twitch in annoyance.

"Alright..." I say unashamed of my earlier display, making her pout in annoyance. "As I said last time we will be starting your true magical education. I'll be casting a spell that will allow me to send information to your mind. Is that okay?"

"Yes, Master." She immediately agrees, her trust in me way too high. I cast [Nexum], targeting a human being for the first time since I created the spell. A mana channel connects our minds, allowing the exchange of emotions, thoughts, experiences, and memories.

I could feel the arousal and satisfaction from her earlier 'win' bleed through the mental channel straight away, and to keep my mind sane, I had to turn on the filtering aspect of the spell. After the filter sets in and my mind clears up, I send her a packet of information regarding mana manipulation, the feeling of mana traveling through the body, the aspects of mana channels, how I control mana, and everything else I know about it. For a few moments, her eyes become glassy, and I could practically see a loading bar appear over her head, as her mind processes the massive packet of information I sent over.

Moments later a groan escapes her lips, as a mild headache assaults her head. She rubs her forehead, trying to disperse it, but an inquisitive look appears on her face as she finally comprehends what I was sharing with her.

"Master?!?" She bolts up in excitement. "This is groundbreaking! This will change the fundamental view on magic itself!"

"Sit down." I command sternly, and she immediately follows it. "No, it won't, as this will only be a secret shared only between us, my little prodigy."

"Master?" She looks at me confused, but I just shake my head.

"You will understand with time, that society is corrupt. Every meaningful decision is in the hands of the few, and you, my little girl will be the one to change that." I say with a smile. "But those are plans for the future, for now, let's start your practice. I'll send you over the feeling for casting a simple [Wingardium] spell, try to replicate it." I say with a smile and proceeded to teach and guide her how to control her mana.

Two hours passed, and to her dissatisfaction, I had to cut our little training session short. She had made tremendous progress and I had confirmed that mana manipulation can be taught to others. She had successfully cast a few low-level spells without using her wand, only by focusing on controlling mana within her body, but as she wasn't well practiced with the art, her spellcasting speed had suffered greatly.

"I'll send you the information about a special room on the seventh floor. When you are free, visit it and use it for training, but make sure no one spots you." I say before I send her the information regarding the Room of Requirements.

Her eyes perk up and she asks. "There was a place like that in the school and no one uses it?!"

"Oh, this school had a lot of hidden areas. You can't even imagine all the secrets this school holds. Now pack your stuff and head back to your dorm, I need to head out for my patrol." I dismiss [Nexum] and see a pout forming on her face, she didn't say it, but she enjoyed the feeling of someone being inside of her.

A sultry smile forms on her face as she turns around to give me another show. I roll my eyes but ultimately allow her to do so. She keeps her visage glued to my expression, as she bends forward to pick up her bag. While skillfully pushing her backside out, she hikes up her skirt just a bit, giving me a small glimpse of a place she wants me to delve deeply into. A glistering ravine rests between her cheeks, while a gemlike plug was snuggly fitted inside of her other unexplored cave. That immediately draws my attention and makes me rise my eyebrow in surprise.

"I enjoyed how it felt, deep inside of me," She says with a husky tone after noticing where my gaze was focused on. She gives her backside a little shake and continues. "and I wanted you to know, that it will be always there, deep within me, Master~" She smiles and slowly straightens up, while simultaneously dragging her palms along the side of her body.

'This is starting to become dangerous.' I gulp, then close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. 'What have I created...' I shake my head and turn back to my protégé. "Thank you for that, it was quite pleasing, but you need to head back to your dorm now. While I need to be on my patrol. Be here at the same time tomorrow." A disappointed pout forms on her face upset that her seduction attempt wasn't a success, but in the end, she nods in agreement and places her bag over her shoulder, then she says her goodbyes and with an excessive sway in her hips, she leaves the office. Once again I shake my head, then chuckle as I find the humor in the 'troubles' I created for myself.

The next day was a repeat of Wednesday, where Emily tried to seduce me, this time with even skimpier clothes and mannerisms, while I ignored all of her advances and thought her true magic. She was progressing pretty well on both fronts, and if I didn't promise myself to be monogamous, I would have fucked the girl silly.

Getting back to her progress. She had some free time between her classes and visited the room of requirements, and played around with mana manipulation. In only a day, she had advanced from the most basic of first-year spells all the way to the second-year ones, it helped her that she had a lot of practice with spellcasting. But still, it was a surprisingly fast progress with really good results. Even more surprising was the fact that she had no system assistance, and only her diligence and the promise of a reward pushed her forward.

Friday finally came and after classes, I decided to finally finish up two of my main quests before heading home. [Furtim] covered my being and while focusing on Voldemort's memories of Azkaban I created a hole in reality and willed myself through it.

This time, the travel through the spatial tunnel was a turbulent one. I could feel the other side clamping down hard on the spatial rift, trying to forcefully close it, which made the spell pretty unstable and extremely dangerous. It might be because the spell level wasn't high enough to straight up ignore all the wards and barriers covering the island, or the fact that the location was 2,000+ kilometers away from my office in Hogwarts, but the spell wasn't instantaneous.

Anyway, the connection formed, and after a few seconds of disorienting zigzagging travel, I impact the grounds of Azkaban. I push myself off the cold hard earth and quickly check if I lost something during my teleportation process, but everything seemed fine and I felt no pain. Nodding in satisfaction, I give a quick glance at my surroundings and find myself inside the fortified prison, more precisely inside its courtyard.

Azkaban was an ominous fortress, made of dark stone and surrounded by high walls. A small enchanted wooden gate, barred with wooden bars served as its only entrance, and at the same time as an effective chokepoint. Two huge towers stood right next to the gate, allowing the guards vision of not only the courtyard and the island, but also the nearby sea.

Using the Dark Lords' memories, I teleported right inside the prison's courtyard, a wide stretch of land circling around the actual prison and allowing the lookouts to notice any attempts of escape. I didn't have time to waste, I walked up to the nearby door, leading straight into the ground floor of the dungeon and while conjuring an illusion I stealthily willed it into my inventory, then placed it back down after I walked through the threshold.

To my surprise, no alarms went blaring, and no one even noticed my entrance, no one except the unnatural guards floating all around. The place was empty, except for a few soul-sucking demons whose heads have now suspiciously turned towards me.

"Fuck." I curse as the closest of the bunch floats my way.

[Furtim] was an almost perfect spell, it coated your body with a dense layer of mana and made you, along with a lot of other things, fully invisible. That coat of mana was simultaneously its only weakness. Wizards didn't have an inborn mana sense; however, it was theorized that many other creatures did. Well, the researchers might have been right for once, because the Dementors were quite interested in the brightly shining blob of mana right in front of them.

"No better time to test out if [Mortem Mundare] works on them." I say to myself, then take a deep breath and clear my head. Focusing everything I have on the spell, I cast it. An ethereal bubble forms around me then for a moment it wobbles in place, making my heart skip a beat. But as if its previous action was all but a joke, the next moment it explodes into action and like a shockwave travels outward at unimaginable speeds, traveling through floors, ground, and celling unimpeded by any physical barrier, it hits every phantasmal creature and lights it aflame.

The nearest of the bunch screams in unholy terror and moments later is vaporized, leaving only its black worn-down cloak to fall to the ground. That one was the first of many, as the spell traveled further and further away, pings after pings, followed by earsplitting shrieks notified me of successful kills. A loud bell rang, notifying the rest of the guard that something was happening, but they were already late, as a notification popped into my view, I knew my way won't be barred anymore.

[Quest: [The Jailor] Completed 1,000 WP Received]