
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
200 Chs

HP 17

(A/N: Same warning as last time, another NSFW, and at the same time probably the last with this girl.)

A knock resounds in my office-cum-bedroom and within a heartbeat, I walk up and unlock it. Emily stood before me, with a confident look, and without a single spec of shyness noticeable in her demeanor. She waltzed into the room without being prompted and greeted me.

"Good evening professor~" A bright smile was plastered on her face as walked by.

"Ha..." I sigh. "Let's get this over with." I say faking annoyance, while inside, happy to take a break from spellcrafting. "Same as last time, you have-" and before I finish my statement, Emily discards her school robes, revealing a striking red skirt that had clearly been transfigured. The hemline stopped midway down her thighs, revealing more skin than was typical for Hogwarts attire. On top, she wore a white camisole with thin spaghetti straps that exposed an immoderate amount of cleavage. I had to admire her attention to detail; she was breathtaking and clearly was going all out.

~*~*~* NSFW START *~*~*~

Without allowing me to finish my sentence, she began to walk towards the table, her hips swaying seductively. With a confident demeanor, she placed her palms on the tabletop, and slowly bends forward, arching her back and pushing her bottoms out. Done with the display of her assets, she looks over her shoulders with eyes burning from desire, she flashes a sultry smile, and says "Professor, I've been a naughty girl, you need to punish me." For an added effect she shakes her firm behind, pulling my full attention to it.

'Damn... She's not pulling any of her punches.' My lips twitch, but I quickly regain my composure and formulate a plan on how to get back control of the situation. A moment passes in reality, as my mind composes and dismisses a multitude of ideas. Finally, the list is reduced to a single one, a single extremely risky plan, but only for me, I'll have to trust my willpower to be strong enough to resist her.

A wolfish smile appears on my face, as a wave of my hand shuts and locks the door, while the tell-tell sign of [Muffliato], travels up the side of the walls, keeping any sound from leaving the confines of these four walls. I stride up to her back, but stop inches away from her bottom, allowing her to do the last push herself. And I don't have to wait for too long for her to do so, her firm behind to be pressed up against my nether region, making contact with my already elect pole.

Her breath hitches as her bottom makes contact with something she only heard of, something she's been dreaming and imagining violating her most sacred place, something that... she desperately wants. Her hips, as if having a mind of their own, slowly start grinding along the lengths of the thick, hard pole. Her inexperience shows, but she's a studious girl. With each second passing, her movements become more fluid and more coherent. She bites her lip, but the inquisitive look doesn't leave her face, she's drinking in all of my expressions, learning and adapting her movements just for my sake.

A low moan leaves her mouth, as I start to feel a buildup and my pants start to tighten, but this would be a losing war if I let her continue as she pleases. My right arm reaches around her hip and I pull it tightly against myself. I simultaneously abuse the curse and give her a spike in pleasure, resulting in her low moans turning into vocal ones, that was followed by her breath hitching, as my other hand grabs her hair and roughly yanks her up, placing her on her tiptoes and her right earlobe right in front of my lips.

"Emily... You are a naughty little girl. I think you deserve a different kind of punishment. This... Time..." I whisper slowly and roughly into her ear, making her shake in expectation. Each additional word made her more and more aroused and less coherent. "From now on when you're in this room, you can only call me, Master." I say as a push her arousal up even more. "Is that understood?" I pull her up even higher. She shuffles, shifting her weight from one foot to another, while her divine thighs keep rubbing against each other.

"Yesss." She says in a hot and bothered voice.

I pull her even closer to myself, my hot breath sending shocks of ecstasy through her body. "Yes... What?!" I ask raising my voice in fake anger.

"Yes, Master!" She exclaims and the moment those words leave her mouth; a spike of pleasure travels through her body and leaves her as a quivering moaning mess that was desperately trying to rub against me.

"Good Girl." I say finally letting her go, and giving her firm behind a barehanded slap. She takes in a sharp breath, while her feet wobble as they are allowed to touch the ground again. I turn around, separating and leaving her looking all confused and dejected. All she wanted was for me to pin her down, and take her right here and right then. Instead, I sit down on the armchair, about a meter away from her, and plant my chin on my palms. Banking on the fact that she's starting to show some exhibitionist tendencies, I order her.

"Pull up your skirt." My tone and command make her eyes wide, and a crimson blush paints her face. In an attempt to hide her embarrassment, she looks to the side. But as all good girls do she follows my command.

Her shaking hands reach forward and grab onto the hem of her skirt, and knead it between her hands. After a deep breath slowly, excruciatingly slowly, she starts pulling up the front of her skirt, gradually revealing her glistening wet thighs, followed by her light blue soaked-through panties. She took another deep breath and for her, time seemed to stand still.

I sat there just basking in the view, not saying a single word while keeping my expression stiff, which bothered the girl more than she wanted to admit. As time passes the blush covering her cheeks intensifies, it travels down her neck, reaching all the way to her plentiful bosom. She was bothered and ashamed, her breathing was erratic, and her thigh keep rubbing against each other. After what seemed like forever from her perspective, I give out a new command. "On my tabletop, spread your legs, and just like you did in class, start touching yourself." I smile at her shocked wide eyes expression.

Her heartbeat quickens and she looks up from the ground trying to confirm what she heard was correct. "Pro-M-master..." She quickly corrects herself but I don't let her continue.

"Table... Now..." I immediately repeat sternly, and after a gulp, she timidly nods and slowly places her behind on the top of the table. After getting into a comfortable position, she tentatively spreads her shaky legs apart, while shyly looking away. Her legs spread all the way, revealing her glistening thighs and light blue panties with a wet spot in the middle.

"Good girl." My words give her a bit of confidence as she bites down on her bottom lip and her shaky arm reaches downward. It slowly enters her panties, goes through her overgrown sacred garden, and reaches the entrance to her chamber of secrets. A moan leaves her lips as she finally reaches her destination and I spike up both her pleasure and her arousal while unlocking her ability to climax. The moment she touches her privates, like a jolt of electricity, a shock travels through her body, making her momentarily stiffen up and moan like a cheap whore.

She turns her head my way and desperately tries to keep eye contact, but as her fingers dig deep into her wet overflowing folds, imagining my member doing the same, another moan escapes her lips and her eyes roll back. Her breathing hitches and it barely takes her a moment to reach a new height of pleasure and with it, her climax.

I, as a generous God, allow her to come, for the first time in a week. Her heated moan drags on, as her legs uncontrollably spasm and close up, camping up on her hand hard, preventing her from continuing her self-pleasurement.

Her breathing was erratic, but her mind was fully aware. She sits there shocked, as this was the hardest and fastest she ever came. She's unable to understand the reason, and that's probably for the best. Annoyed at her for stopping, as I didn't order it, I cough, pulling her attention back to me. She shakes her head waking up from her dazzled state and zeroes on me, her eyes wide, like a deer caught in a headlight.

"Before you continue," I say with a wolfish smile, planning to implement the second part of this play. "We're making a little change. Accio." I announce my spell, and her eyes go wide. Her body tenses up, as the damp piece of cloth, slips off her slender legs and moments later land on my open palm. Her embarrassment skyrockets and she shuts her legs, trying to hide the place that no one else has ever seen.

I bring the light blue piece of undergarment with a visible darker spot to my face, and while giving her nervous expression a glance, I take a deep breath. Her arousal skyrockets all by itself, as I take in a deep whiff, and the aroma of the young lady before me assaults my nostrils.

"I'm keeping these." I announce and no words leave her lips, she just nods and fully accepts it, but to her shock and simultaneous excitement, I also add. "New rule, no panties allowed when you're with me." I say with a crooked smile while placing her panties inside of my pocket, retaking my previous position, and ordering a second time. "Continue." I place my chin on my palm and focus on her shaky arm which slowly, but now with a lot more confidence, travels downwards to her slowly spreading legs.

However, to her horror, this is the moment I grimace, and she immediately notices it. A thick coat of hair covers her privates, leaving too much for the imagination, and I shake my head in disappointment and then curse the 1991 standards.

"That won't do." I announce while snapping my fingers and casting the shaving charm.

Who would have thought the household charm collection would one day become so useful? A translucent razor appears above her nether region making her freeze in place. Like a good girl, she nervously looks at me and waits for my input. "Don't move, this is delicate work." I say with a sly smile, but the spell does its thing, even without my own contribution. It quickly tidies up the place and gives me a nice view of her puffy, overflowing, and untouched little entrance.

"Yes~ Much better. Now, you can continue." I command and this time she doesn't look away, her eyes glued to me and drink in all of my being. Moments later her eyes are drawn downward to my bulging pants, and while remembering the feeling from earlier, her fingers start to work their magic.

An hour passed with her only allowed to pleasure herself right in front of me. To her utmost dismay, I didn't lay a single finger on her. However, I kept giving her commands and instructions, which she obeyed like a good girl.

During the play, to make this event even more interesting, I transfigurated and introduced a toy. I levitated a butt plug right in front of her soaking privates, and she bit her lips in expectation, unknowing what the tool's true purpose was, but to her disappointment, I only rubbed it along her entrance and soaked it in her juices. The sudden intrusion she felt at her backside surprised her, but she didn't have time to voice her concerns, as I pushed the plug right into it, ignoring all of her protests. Her shocked and wide-eyed look, accompanied by a surprised yelp and a "Wrong Hole!" exclamation, made my day. After it was snuggly inside of her, her breathing was rough, but it only took her moments to adapt to the item stretching her insides and she quickly started enjoying the new experience.

Cuffs, plugs, ropes, and whips were also introduced and all played an important role tonight, but nothing too intruding, as by the end of the night she was still a virgin, and I didn't want to change that. To make it even more fun, I trained her to cum only on my command. Blocking her release with the curse, until she heard the magic words. By the end of all of it, she was a sloppy wriggling mess that could finish from a single spoken word: "Cum."

She had long lost herself in thirst, but to her dismay, I have not given into my lust. On the one hand that really annoyed her, on the other she was satisfied as still came following my commands too many times to even count. The table as well as the floor was covered in a thick layer of her juices. She was tired, both mentally and physically, but still kept following commands to the letter with a smile on her face.

Her top, laid to the side, discarded long ago, and she lay on the tabletop only in her hiked-up skirt. Her nethers were sloppy wet, while her areoles were tinted in a red hue, and so was her heavenly backside colored crimson from all the abuse it went through. She looked impossibly delicious, and my self-control was slowly cracking, the allure of her body was too much. All of those intrusive thoughts were, however, quickly dispersed, as just like a lightning out of the clear sky, the image of a smiling Olivia appeared in my mind calming my nerves. Though, I had to commend Emily's resolve, as it was the only thing keeping her shaky legs up and spread apart.

~*~*~* NSFW END *~*~*~

Finally, I had enough of blue balling myself. I had to make the girl leave and visit my sweet little Olive. Or else I won't escape the depths of my carnal desires. I stand up and walk up to the girl's side. Her eyes trail all of my movements as I place my palm on her head and pat her lovingly. "Good girl." My soothing tone makes her tear up. "I'm proud of you. You've done exceptionally well tonight." Her breath hitches and she hugs me, then out of nowhere she starts sobbing. I just stood there quietly and continue slowly patting her head.

After calming down her erratic breathing, she wipes away her tears, looks up, and with a satisfied smile on her face, she completely accepts her position and finally says. "Thank you, master." The moment those words leave her lips; the system acknowledges it and a notification resounds in my mind.

[Title: [Corruptor] gained.]

[Title: [Master] gained.]


- While equipped, emit an aura that permanently corrupts all souls in your vicinity.

- Prolonged exposure to the aura, accelerates the rate and the intensity of corruption.


- While equipped, emit an aura that compels all servants in your vicinity to obey your orders without question.

- Your presence inspires loyalty in your servants, making them more willing to risk their lives to fulfill your goals.

- Your orders become more effective and efficient, allowing your servants to complete tasks with greater speed and precision.

After giving the new titles a glance, a smile appears on my face, as they were just what I needed. Again, the system really liked giving me mental manipulation skills, and I took them all. Thinking about it for a moment I equip [Corruptor], while still patting the exhausted girl's head. The results were not immediate, and I feel no different, but subtle changes in the girl's demeanor do tell me it had an effect.

I turn to the girl chuckling and basking in the afterglow of her numerous orgasms and shake my head. "Emily, my dear, from now on you're going to come over every single day except on Friday and the weekends." She stops chuckling and perks up expectantly, but I had to crush her expectations. "Get your mind out of the gutter... I'll be teaching you the truth of magic, not this crap the society and the schools teach."

With a flick of my hand, I transform the air around me into a shower of rose petals that I levitate and twirl around us. "True magic doesn't require wands; in fact, a wand only hinders your potential," I explain. As if to demonstrate my point, I wave my hand again, and the rose petals morph into sparkling diamond butterflies which continue to fly around and fill the room with a rainbow-like glow. Dismissing the butterflies, I bend forward and whisper into her ear.

"If you do extremely well, you might even get rewarded or punished depending on my mood." My warm breath sent shivers down her spine and I couldn't keep the chuckle escaping my lips as the girl's expression morphed into that of anticipation. "Good, that's what I want to see." I say with a nod and check the clock on the wall. "It's getting late, get dressed and head back to your dorm. See you tomorrow at 8." A wave of my hand cleans up the girl and the room, removing all evidence of what has happened here. Emily looks down at her sparkling clean body and with shaky legs tries to stand up, only to fall forward right into my waiting arms.

"Be careful, sweetie. You're more tired than you realize." I say brushing my fingers through her hair.

"Y-yes master." She stutters and for a few more moments enjoys the warmth of my body. She takes in a deep breath of my scent and regains her energy, then straightens herself up and starts dressing.

After saying her goodbyes, the satisfied girl leaves the confines of my room. Her legs were unstable and shaky but she still attempted to act seductively, her ripe buttocks jiggled with each of her steps, making me want to just sink my teeth in it and take a bite. I shake my head trying to dismiss these thoughts, my lust was boiling, almost overflowing, and I felt I was slowly losing control.

I still had enough sense to unequip the [Corruptor], cast [Furtim], and run out of the school grounds. It didn't take me too long to arrive at Olivia's apartment. Controlled by lust, I unlock the door with a [Alohomora] spell and find Olivia laying on the living room sofa, wrapped up in a blanket and watching her favorite TV show. Her head looks in my direction and she visibly perks up. She was surprised by my appearance and a welcoming smile appears on her face, which immediately calmed my senseless state of mind.

"Hey!" She greets me before standing up and rushing in for a hug. "I wasn't expecting you."

Instead of saying anything I swipe her off her feet, making her release a yelp of surprise, and while carrying in a princess carry, I make my way into our bedroom.

That night, I let loose, preventing both of us, and probably the neighbors a restful night's sleep.