
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DXD 27

"Well... You kind of fucked it up..." I mumbled as I stood there, gazing at Olivia's unconscious form, a mix of emotions swirling within me. Although I couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment and concern over the unexpected outcome of her divine domain, I also couldn't deny the immense effort and determination she had displayed throughout the process. The pain and strain she endured in severing a fragment of her soul to infuse it into her divine energies were far more severe than we both anticipated, leading her mind to wander and deviate from her original vision.

I pondered how she would react when she regained consciousness and discovered the divergence between her envisioned Cutting domain and the one she had unknowingly created. Would she be disappointed? Frustrated? Or would she embrace it as an unexpected twist in her journey? Only time would reveal her true response.

As I looked at her peaceful face, I couldn't help but admire her resilience and strength. She had accomplished something extraordinary, even if it wasn't what she had initially intended. It was a testament to her unwavering determination and the depths of her power. With a gentle smile, I whispered, "Rest well, my love. We'll face whatever comes next, together."

"Mai, please create an additional room, a cozy and comfortable bedroom," I instructed, carefully lifting Olivia's unconscious body off the ground. Like conjuration, a door materialized on the far side of the room, expanding the boundaries of my realm as the mana requirements doubled.

With gentle care, I laid Olivia down on the soft bed, making sure she was tucked in comfortably. As I stepped out of the room, I requested, "Mai, please place a sound isolation barrier around her room to ensure she can rest undisturbed, and inform me when she awakens. Also, transform this room into a functional office."

"As you wish, Master." My assistant replies, swiftly shifting and morphing my surroundings into a suitable workspace.

I sat down at the desk of my newly created office and focused my attention on expanding my knowledge in the fields of Tailoring and Leatherworking. Utilizing the capabilities of my personal replicator, I materialized books on these subjects, eager to delve deeper into the intricacies of crafting.

With the surplus of serpent skin that I had in my inventory, I envisioned crafting a set of robes for myself and maybe even some sexy leather outfits for Olivia. The supple and durable material held great potential, and I aimed to harness its qualities to create a garment that would enhance my magical abilities and provide the necessary comfort during spellcasting. Moreover, I had a plan in mind to utilize the lingering divine energies within the materials, amplifying the final products to a level comparable to that of divine artifacts.

Leafing through the books, I immersed myself in the intricate details of tailoring and leatherworking techniques. I studied patterns, designs, and the art of melding fabric and leather into a harmonious whole. Without using my [Arcane Book-Thief] title, I enjoyed a mundane, light read. With each page turned, my understanding deepened, and I gained insights that would aid me in bringing my vision to life.

As the fifth book neared its conclusion, my mind brimmed with a wealth of theoretical understanding in both crafts, though practical proficiency eluded me. It became apparent that these skills demanded hands-on application for them to manifest. Therefore, without hesitation, I proceeded to replicate a needle and fabric and embraced the role of a fashion designer. However, with the first delicate pull of the thread, an electric thrill surged through me as my system chimed, signaling the long-awaited attainment of the tailoring skill I yearned for.

[Tailoring LVL:1/100]

- Increases chances of producing a better quality fabric product by 0.25%/LVL.

- Grants instinctual knowledge about different types of fabrics and their characteristics.

- Enhances efficiency in measuring, cutting, sewing, and embellishing fabrics.

- Unlocks the ability to weave and process various types of fabric, including techniques such as spinning, dyeing, and creating unique patterns.

As predicted, the unlocking of the skill triggered a dazzling display on my screen, revealing a torrent of newly unlocked classes. Each class held the promise of unique abilities and advancements, affirming my earlier hypothesis. However, due to the absence of a free class slot, I found myself unable to delve into the details of each class and their respective benefits. Consequently, I set aside the idea for the time being, knowing that exploring these newfound possibilities would have to wait for another opportune moment.

[Class: [Tailor] unlocked.]

[Class: [Weaver] unlocked.]

[Class: [Mana Weaver] unlocked.]

[Class: [Dream Weaver] unlocked.]

After gaining the skill, I reverently set aside the needle and fabric, turning my focus toward the art of leatherworking. Skillfully replicating leather and the necessary tools, my hands trembled with anticipation as I poised the diamond-tipped chisel above the rawhide. In that instant, the resounding chime of my system echoed through my mind, an undeniable confirmation of the acquisition of this ancient craft.

[Leatherworking LVL:1/100]

- Increases chances of producing a better quality leather product by 0.25%/LVL.

- Grants instinctual knowledge about the types of leather and their properties.

- Enhances efficiency in cutting, stitching, and shaping leather.

- Unlocks the ability to process raw leather, including techniques such as tanning, dyeing, and treating leather for various purposes.

[Class: [Leatherworker] unlocked.]

Yet, just as I was about to delve further into my newfound skills, my attention was abruptly redirected by the call of Mai's voice.

"Master, mistress has awoken," she informed me.

I let out a weary sigh, setting aside the leather and equipment, and rose to my feet. "Her mood?" I inquired, my tone tinged with resignation.

"Not the best," Mai replied, her voice carrying a hint of apprehension.

"Alright, I'll go check on her. Thank you, Mai," I said, making my way towards the bedroom.

Stepping into the room, I discovered Olivia curled up on the bed, her body intermittently trembling—a clear manifestation of the damage inflicted upon her soul.

"Are you alright?" I asked softly, approaching her with concern and lacing every word, as I gently brushed her hair aside.

"I-I'm fine," she stuttered, attempting to present a composed and resilient facade in my presence. However, I knew the truth—she was broken. Drawing upon my mana and divine prowess, a golden shimmer enveloped us, forming a protective bubble that gradually soothed her restless mind and accelerated her soul's healing process.

"Thank you," she mumbled, her pained grimace transforming into a more relaxed expression.

"You're welcome," I replied, foregoing pleasantries. Seizing the opportunity, I inquired directly, "Did you see the domain?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "It wasn't exactly what I had hoped for, but I'll make the most of it. I have to." Her voice resonated with unwavering resolve.

I nodded in understanding but couldn't help but ask in confusion, "I know you're a masochist, but why aren't you utilizing its ability to reduce your pain?"

She gave me a confused look, and in a sudden moment of realization, her eyes widened as a golden shimmer enveloped her being. A relaxed sigh escaped her lips, as her head dropped and she shyly uttered, "I'm such an idiot."

This prompted a chuckle to escape my lips as I leaned in to kiss her forehead. "Nah, you're just still reeling from the experience, and your mind isn't functioning at its best."

I nestled down beside her, enfolding her in my embrace from behind. "If you ever need assistance with your domain, remember that I'm here for you," I whispered softly into her ear, my warm breath causing a delightful shiver to course through her body. With each passing moment, my hug grew tighter, offering solace and reassurance in the gentlest of ways.

"Thank you," she responded, a genuine smile gracing her lips. As the effects of [Soul Cohesion] activated, her anxiety and stress began to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of tranquility and ease.

We remained entwined for hours, reveling in the comforting warmth of our embrace, as we blissfully shut out the rest of the world. Meanwhile, my impromptu spell diligently carried on its task, steadily healing the wounds inflicted upon her soul. During our intimate reprieve, I stole a quick glance at her status, curious to observe any changes.

Olivia Lane

[Global L: 90 XP: 5,184,491]

[Classes: [Slayer: 25/100] [Tank: 25/50] [Shadow: 0/50]]

[Titles: [Sword Saint] [Dungeon Conqueror] [Training Addict]]

[Race: [Dark Elf] [Nekomata] [Kyuubi no Kitsune] | Tier: 4]

[WP: 76,230] [UC: 199,991] [HS: Soul Damage (Minor)]

[Domains: Pain]

Stamina: 7,629,125 (42,945/s)

Mana: 182,647 (4,863/s)

Ki: 8,580,214 (14,300/s)

STR: 1,309 > 1,901

VIT: 1,615 > 4,480

DEX: 1,472 > 1,703

AGI: 1,821 > 2,657

PER: 490 > 770

INT: 197 > 341

WIS: 245 > 392

CHAR: 342 > 389

LUCK: 157 > 191

P. Res: 265 > 590 (5.90%)

M. Res: 240 > 564 (63.39%)

[Olivia Skill List]

Once again, I found myself marveling at the sheer potency of [Regeneration Healing Factor]. The skill's remarkable boost to our vitality was nothing short of extraordinary. In its current state, it was effectively doubling Olivia's vitality stat. Although it didn't quite rival the legendary healing factors possessed by Wolverine or Deadpool, Claire's unique healing factor stood in a league of its own. It left me contemplating the possibilities that could arise if I were to copy and merge all three of those abilities together. The potential outcome held a tantalizing intrigue.

{Pain} Tier: 1

- Grants the user the ability to accumulate divine energies through the pain and suffering of others.

- Grants the user the ability to sense, identify, amplify, and manipulate any type of pain or suffering within a certain radius equal to their Vitality times domain Tier in meters for the cost of divine energies.

- Provides the user with the ability to nullify any type of pain at the cost of divine energies, allowing them to endure and overcome intense physical, spiritual, and emotional suffering.

- Grants the user limited insight into the cause of pain and suffering experienced by others, allowing them to empathize with and provide comfort to those who are suffering, offering solace and potentially aiding in their healing process.

Despite not being the desired divine domain she initially envisioned, Olivia's divine domain proved to be incredibly potent. It possessed a multifaceted nature that extended beyond the mere generation of divine energies from pain and suffering. The manipulation aspect of her domain held immense potential. Depending on how she chose to wield it, Olivia could become unparalleled in the art of torture, possessing the ability to extract every ounce of agony. Conversely, with a shift in focus, she could transform into the epitome of a compassionate healer, endowed with the power to mend and restore even the minds of others.

As the dust settled from our triumph over the extradimensional threat, our days settled back into their familiar, albeit mundane, rhythm of training and enjoying each other's company. The task of creating a barrier around this world still loomed before us, reminding us that the main quest of this world was far from complete. However, I couldn't help but feel pleased as a surge of inspiration coursed through me, giving birth to a wicked idea that possessed the potential to redefine the very fabric of this realm

But for now, those plans could wait. In the midst of this respite, I seized the opportunity to call upon my loyal Devil followers, entrusting them with a crucial mission. Their assignment was to locate and gather every inheritor of a unique devil bloodline from the list they provided earlier, for I yearned to harvest their powers and make them my own. This ambitious endeavor held the promise of unlocking new realms of strength and capability, propelling me further toward the realization of my ultimate goals.

The Devil's proved to be efficient and swift, as they wasted no time in rounding up individuals who possessed unique bloodlines of significant value. I was intrigued by some of the options from the list, however, it became evident that not all of them met the desired standard. Some bloodlines fell short of expectations, lacking the extraordinary qualities I sought.

Undeterred by the subpar options, I forged ahead, choosing to merge these bloodlines without delving into their individual details. The process was swift and decisive, driven by my unwavering determination to maximize the potential of these powers. It was a calculated gamble, but I trusted my intuition telling me that the fusion of these seemingly outrageous and nonsensical bloodline abilities would yield something worthwhile.

I combined the bloodline abilities of [Horse Manipulation], [Insect Manipulation], [Dragon Manipulation], [Animal Communication], and [Beast Taming]. The fusion resulted in a practical and potent skill known as [Beast Mastery]. Yet, I refused to be content with this achievement alone. With unwavering determination, I integrated the freshly forged skill into [Creature Creator], birthing the extraordinary skill called [Creature Mastery].

[Creature Mastery 7x LVL: 1/100]

- Enables the user to harness the power of magic to create and control various creatures, and grant them with magical cores that grant them abilities, traits, and life.

- The user can establish telepathic connections with creatures, including animals, mythical creatures, and other non-sentient beings, allowing for communication and understanding between them.

- The user can calm and soothe agitated creatures, gaining their trust and reducing the likelihood of aggression or hostility.

- Allows the user to tame, train, and control creatures, making them loyal companions and allies. The taming process is enhanced by 0.01% for every point of Charisma the user possesses.

- The user can temporarily enhance the physical and mental attributes of creatures, granting them increased strength, speed, intelligence, or other abilities depending on the creature's innate capabilities. The duration and potency of these enhancements are determined by the user's Wisdom and Charisma.

- The creatures created by the user possess intellect and instincts and are born with the knowledge of how to use their abilities.

- The creatures created or controlled by the user grow and evolve over time, gaining new abilities and becoming stronger.

- The user's creation ability is limited to creatures two tiers below them.

Among my newfound acquisitions were a series of elemental manipulation skills, curiously labeled as "basic." Intrigued by the potential of their merged ability, I embarked on a journey of fusion once more.

Instantaneously, guided by the swift and efficient workings of my system, the fusion of elemental manipulation skills commenced. Dark, Light, Lightning, and Earth Manipulation seamlessly intertwined with Fire, Wind, Water, Ice, and Dust Manipulation, melding into a unified force. Within the blink of an eye, the process reached its culmination, unveiling the creation of the formidable skill known as [Elemental Manipulation]. The system's seamless execution left no room for hesitation or delay, solidifying my newfound mastery over the combined elemental forces.

[Elemental Mastery 9x LVL: 1/100]

- Enables the user to achieve an advanced level of mastery over the fundamental elements of nature, including fire, wind, water, earth, darkness, and light, and all of their combinations.

- Allows the user to effortlessly conjure the elements from scratch, exerting precise control over their properties and effortlessly manipulating their flow, shape, and intensity.

- The user can seamlessly combine different elements, harnessing their complementary powers to create awe-inspiring elemental fusion techniques.

With the birth of the extraordinary [Elemental Manipulation] skill, a newfound power surged within me, enabling me to create and control even a sun. The magnitude of this capability filled me with exhilaration, evoking a manic laughter that reverberated through the depths of my being. While the assistance of [Mana's Blessing] and the potential aid of Olivia might be required for such a feat, I was now one step closer to realizing my plans for Nexus. All that remained was to uncover a means of converting various forms of energy into Mana, thus laying the groundwork for my ambitious Genesis project.

As for the remaining bloodlines procured by the diligent efforts of my devil minions, they were rendered irrelevant and disregarded. The allure of additional time manipulation skills or the ability to manipulate oceans held no appeal for me at present. Nevertheless, the list did contain a few names of considerable significance, prompting me to assign my diligent helpers with the task of obtaining a sample of vampire DNA for good measure.

(A/N: I didn't want to bother with the other bloodlines.)

Once my minions departed on their assigned mission, I turned my attention back to my status screen, eager to explore its updated contents. While I noted several abilities that remained unused for now, I understood their potential value in the future, likely serving as components for another skill or power.

However, there were two skills I was certain I no longer required. Thus, without ceremony or hesitation, [Lightning Cloak] and [Thunder] were swiftly removed from my soul realm, their skill orbs shattered by the efficient workings of the skill management system.


[Global L: 101 XP: 14,276,830]

[Classes: [Artificer: 52/100] [Physicist: 0/50] [Spellthief: 24/50]]

[Titles: [Master Blacksmith] [Arcane Sage] [Rune Master: DanMachi]]

[Race: [High Elf] [Vulcan] [Renard] | Tier: 4]

[WP: 76,230] [UC: 199,991] [HS: Healthy]

[Domains: Magic]

Stamina: 5,221,251 (247,748/s)

Mana: 9,915,799 (1,663,771/s)

Ki: 5,844,296 (9,740/s)

STR: 1,019 > 1,245

VIT: 2,545 > 3,472

DEX: 1,189 > 1,504

AGI: 1,018 > 1,079

PER: 553 > 1,033

INT: 1,345 > 1,808

WIS: 1,287 > 1,684

CHAR: 355 > 380

LUCK: 104 > 138

P. Res: 155 (42.30%) > 473 (54.73%)

M. Res: 276 (43.51%) > 632 (56.32%)

[Andrew Skill List]

[Vampire] [DxD]

+2 STR, +1 DEX, +3 VIT, +2 PER per Global Level

- Gain the skill [Enhanced Senses], granting you heightened senses of smell, hearing, and taste.

- Gain the skill [Drain], granting you the ability to draw life force and energy from others through physical contact.

- Gain the skill [Ageless], preventing you from aging after reaching physical and biological maturity.

- Suffer from a weakness to sunlight, which weakens your physical abilities and causes pain when exposed to direct sunlight.

In a display of remarkable efficiency, my diligent helpers swiftly procured the requested Vampire DNA within a matter of days. Their unwavering commitment and resourcefulness were evident, reaffirming their competence and dedication. While the race itself may not have held the allure of some others I had encountered, the acquisition of the [Enhanced Senses] skill proved to be a valuable addition to my repertoire.

[Enhanced Senses LVL: 1/100]

- Increases the effectiveness of perception by 0.1%/LVL, heightening the user's senses of smell, hearing, and taste to extraordinary levels.

[Drain LVL: 1/100]

- Enables the user to draw life force and energy from others through physical contact.

As the momentous journey to depart this world drew near, there remained a few quests that demanded my unwavering attention. While I devoted myself to the meticulous crafting of an item that would bring the Sealing quest to its rightful conclusion, I entrusted Olivia with the pivotal task of fulfilling other quests that awaited resolution.

With an unwavering determination, Olivia set out on her mission to eradicate the Old Satan faction. Empowered by my teleportation abilities, she swiftly accomplished this feat in a single evening, leaving no remnants of their influence in her wake.

Undeterred by the magnitude of her responsibilities, she then turned her attention toward the Chaos Brigade, determined to bring an end to their reign of chaos and destruction. Even when faced with the intervention of gods, I vigilantly watched over her, teleporting her back to Nexus whenever necessary. With each hideout cleared and countless horrors witnessed, she pressed forward with unyielding resolve. Finally, after conquering the fiftieth and final hideout, the Chaos Brigade was dissolved, and the quest stood triumphantly completed.

Throughout her arduous journey, Olivia exhibited unwavering strength and courage, emerging as a beacon of hope and resolution. With her contributions, the path toward fulfilling our quests grew clearer, paving the way for the next chapter in our extraordinary adventure.

[Quest: [Satan] Completed 1,250 WP (x2) Received]

[Quest: [Brigade] Completed 750 WP (x2) Received]

In this world, we had three remaining quests: The Five Dragon Kings, The Fall of the Gods, and The Sealing of the Realm. The task of sealing the realm was assigned to me, and by accomplishing it, I would indirectly bring about the fall of the gods.

However, completing the Dragon Kings quest proved to be an annoying challenge. One of the dragons had been sealed, with its soul fragmented among numerous sacred gears. Interestingly, this particular dragon possessed an ability that captivated my interest, one I desired to possess for myself. Nevertheless, I couldn't bring myself to pursue it further. Instead, I entrusted Olivia with the task of testing her abilities by engaging in combat against the other four Dragons. Meanwhile, I employed a parallel mind process, allowing me to establish a constant connection with her through a remote viewing spell. This spell ingeniously utilized space manipulation rather than conventional mana waves and allowed a stealthier way of viewing locations. This novel approach enabled me to closely monitor her progress and offer assistance whenever needed.

To my surprise, Olivia's prowess surpassed all expectations. She deftly maneuvered through the onslaught of claw attacks, evaded the deadly breath assaults with graceful agility, and unleashed a series of devastating chain attacks with her swift daggers that rendered all of the dragon's innate defenses completely useless. With astonishing swiftness, she vanquished the four remaining Dragon Kings within the span of a single day, proving to her the tremendous progress of her combat abilities. It became apparent that my assistance was unnecessary, for she had risen to the challenge with unrivaled skill and determination.

Amidst the unfolding events, I delved into the realm of intricate craftsmanship, channeling my main focus into the creation of an artifact of profound significance. With each deliberate movement of my hands, guided by my knowledge and unwavering determination, the item took shape, bearing the weight of destiny upon its very essence. A tangible sense of anticipation permeated the air, as if the atmosphere itself brimmed with the anticipation of a forthcoming cascade of transformative events, poised to shape the future of this realm irrevocably.

"The gods," I mused, unable to stifle a chuckle that escaped my lips, "they will be absolutely livid."