
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DXD 26

(A/N: a bit of an info dump, but please bear with it.)

Reaching the maximum level in my Programmer class was not the only outcome of the previous battle. In fact, most of my skills experienced a significant overall boost in levels, with [Regenerative Healing Factor], [Intuitive Aptitude], [Mind Discipline], [Adapt], [Multicasting], [Mage], and even [Spirit Healing] all reaching their evolutionary thresholds.

While the skills themselves didn't undergo drastic transformations, the impact of the changes they experienced was significant. Take [Regenerative Healing Factor], for instance. Though only a single aspect of the skill was altered, it made a substantial difference. Previously, the healing process would span several minutes or even hours, depending on the severity of the injury. However, after the evolution, regeneration now occurs within a matter of seconds or, at most, a few minutes. The efficiency and swiftness of the healing have been greatly enhanced.

[Regenerative Healing Factor II LVL: 100/200]

- Allows the user to heal wounds and injuries at an accelerated rate, recovering from injuries within seconds or minutes.

- Increases the user's overall Vitality and Stamina by 1%/LVL, allowing them to withstand more physical strain and exertion without tiring.

- The speed and efficiency of the user's healing factor are enhanced by 0.1% for every point of Vitality the user possesses.

- The user's regenerative abilities will slow down their aging process, allowing them to live longer and maintain a more youthful appearance and physical condition.

- The user's regenerative abilities may be slowed or even temporarily halted by certain affinities of damage, such as Rot, Ruin, Curse, Necrotic, Blood, or Poison.

When it came to [Intuitive Aptitude], I consistently utilized it in conjunction with my other mental skills, amplifying my overall cognitive capacity and learning abilities. The evolution of this skill took an intriguing twist, bestowing upon me the ability to discern concealed connections and patterns that were previously inaccessible to me.

[Intuitive Aptitude II LVL: 100/200]

- Enables the user to intuitively understand complex systems, technology, and magical phenomena by simply observing them.

- Allows the user to easily analyze and comprehend information and patterns that others might find overwhelming or confusing.

- Provides the user with an instinctive sense of how to interact with and manipulate complex systems and technology, allowing them to make the most efficient use of them.

- The user's intuitive aptitude expands to include the ability to perceive hidden connections and patterns, enabling them to make groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

With the evolution of [Mind Discipline], a new ability resembling [Focus] emerged. This bestowed upon me an elevated state of concentration, allowing me to delve deeper into tasks and maintain unwavering focus even in the face of distractions, and without the annoying increased skill experience gained. The heightened level of mental discipline greatly enhanced my ability to channel my thoughts and improve my overall cognitive performance.

[Mind Discipline II LVL: 100/200]

- Provides the user with the ability to block out mental distractions and focus on a specific task, even in high-pressure situations.

- Reduces the impact of negative emotions on the user's mental state, making them less susceptible to emotional manipulation.

- Allows the user to resist telepathic attacks and mind control attempts.

- Enhances mental clarity and focus, increasing intelligence and wisdom by 1/LVL.

- The user gains the ability to enter a state of heightened concentration, significantly improving their cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills.

[Adapt], too, underwent a similar transformation, endowing me with heightened mental adaptability. While with the growing list of similar skills, I may not have required it, the skill did provide me with additional bonuses to my problem-solving abilities and decision-making processes, further enhancing my overall cognitive prowess.

[Adapt II LVL: 100/200]

- Enables the user to quickly adapt to new situations and environments, allowing them to overcome challenges and obstacles more easily.

- The user can adapt to changes in their surroundings, such as climate, terrain, and gravity, within seconds.

- The user's physical and mental attributes will adjust to their environment, allowing them to function at their full potential.

- The user can also adapt to new skills and abilities by rapidly learning and mastering them through experience.

- The user's proficiency with new skills and abilities is enhanced by 0.01% for every point of Dexterity the user possesses.

- The user's adaptability extends to complex problem-solving and decision-making, allowing them to come up with creative solutions in high-pressure situations.

In comparison, the evolution of [Multicasting] brought about relatively minimal changes. However, it did offer the benefit of reduced strain and mental exhaustion, although these effects were barely perceptible to me anymore. Despite the subtle nature of the improvements, the reduced strain and exhaustion allowed me to engage in casting multiple spells simultaneously with greater ease and efficiency.

[Multicasting III LVL: 200/300]

- Mental and magical strain suffered from casting multiple spells at the same time reduced by 0.5%/LVL.

- Increases concentration while simultaneously casting multiple spells.

- The user's ability to handle multiple spells simultaneously becomes more efficient, reducing the strain and mental exhaustion associated with multitasking magical abilities.

In contrast, the evolution of [Mage] introduced an intriguing aspect—a reduction in mana cost, coupled with a decrease in the strain experienced while channeling mana. This combination of enhancements proved to be highly advantageous, enabling me to cast spells with greater frequency and efficiency. The reduced mana cost allowed for more sustained spellcasting, while the diminished strain on my mana channels minimized the toll it took on my overall magical abilities.

[Mage III LVL: 200/300]

- Increases the damage of your spells by 2.5%/LVL.

- The user's spells gain the property of penetration, ignoring 10% of the target's magical resistance.

- The user's spellcasting becomes more efficient, requiring less mana and exerting less strain on their magical reserves.

However, in my perspective, the most significant and astonishing transformation occurred within [Spirit Healing]. True to its name, this skill acquired the remarkable ability to regenerate any damage inflicted upon the soul, even if only to a limited extent.

[Spirit Healing III LVL: 200/300]

- Increases mana regeneration by 0.5%/Level.

- Increase total mana capacity by 0.1%/LVL.

- Increases soul regeneration by 0.01%/LVL.

The final updates on my notifications list included the skill description of the skill I acquired from the Monster God, [Kinetic Burst], a new race card, two new titles I unexpectedly earned after obliterating a planet and killing the gigantic beast, as well as a two new class unlocks.

[Kinetic Burst LVL: 1/100]

- Allows the creation of highly condensed bursts of kinetic energy unrestricted by the laws of physics.

[Stellar Serpent]

+3 AGI, +1 DEX, +1 VIT, +1 P. Res, +1 M. Res per Global Level

- Gain the ability to effortlessly survive in the vacuum of space, shielded from its harsh environment.

- Gain the ability to consume stellar winds and radiation, and convert it into sustenance.

[World Buster]

- Inflict 25% increased damage against celestial bodies, planetary structures, and entities.

- Gain a 10% boost to explosive and area-of-effect damage.

- Your attacks ignore 20% of the target's defensive measures when targeting planetary bodies.

- Gain an innate resistance to the extreme forces and energies unleashed during planetary destruction.

[Titan Slayer]

- Inflict 25% increased damage against entities ten times your size or weight.

[Class: [Kinetic Mage] unlocked.]

[Class: [Enermancer] unlocked.]

Disappointed by the lack of benefits offered by the race card derived from the serpent's DNA, I couldn't help but feel a sense of letdown. The serpent god, once a powerful being, had clearly evolved far beyond its humble beginnings, and it was disheartening to see that its essence failed to bestow any additional advantages upon us.

With the continuous growth and evolution of my skills and the path they took, I formulated a plan to merge all of my cognitive abilities into a unified whole. However, before embarking on that endeavor, I needed to fully max out my Physicist class and integrate its skills into the amalgamation. Intriguingly, the system had imposed a restriction, disallowing the merging of skills obtained from classes while that class was still in the process of leveling, so I had to wait.

"Agh!" a scream of frustration interrupted my train of thought as Olivia forcefully crashed into the reinforced wall of the recently refurbished training grounds, leaving behind an Olivia-shaped dent.

"Keep pushing, you're doing fantastic, honey," I tried to offer words of encouragement, accompanied by a smile. However, the only response I received was a vehement "Go to hell!" before she dislodged herself from the wall, faster than my eyes could follow, while creating multiple sonic booms and cracking the almost indestructible wall.

Surrounded by a radiant, rainbow-colored aura, Olivia had pushed her boosting skills to their absolute limits and beyond. Determined to overcome any obstacle, she pushed herself even further, surpassing her own boundaries. Her jaw clenched tightly, a testament to the indomitable will that fueled her actions.

In her current state, her body seemed to be consumed by a blazing inferno as immense amounts of energy surged through her. Despite the intense pain of her body being vaporized and instantly reconstructed, she endured with unwavering resolve. Her very being seemed to burn with the intensity of the energy coursing within her. Blood seeped from her pores only to evaporate instantaneously, yet her regenerative abilities continued to outpace the loss, ensuring her health continued to replenish even in the midst of this extreme exertion.

Over the past few days, I completely redesigned the training grounds, from the bottom up. Every aspect was reinforced to its limits, ensuring the utmost durability. Additionally, I incorporated cutting-edge hard light projectors, providing Mai with the ability to generate opponents with varied strengths. My intelligent little AI even possesses the capability to replicate certain spells and abilities by etching and erasing runic inscriptions throughout the area. The result is a dynamic training environment that challenged and pushed Olivia to her limits.

In just a few days, she had made remarkable strides in her training. The relentless beatings she endured, served to enhance her regeneration skills, enabling her to recover swiftly from the onslaught. Additionally, the constant assault of enemies forced her to refine her dodging and counter-attacking abilities, causing them to improve by leaps and bounds. However, it wasn't only her defensive skills that experienced significant advancement.

Our journey to this world yielded fruitful results for Olivia, not only in terms of her abilities but also in terms of her personal growth. While her range of abilities may not have been as extensive as mine, her focused approach allowed her to make significant progress in key areas. The rigorous training regimen I designed for her played a pivotal role in catalyzing her transformation.

In a remarkably short span of time, an astonishing 24 of her abilities surpassed their evolutionary thresholds, propelling her skills to new heights and unlocking previously untapped potential. This rapid development demonstrated her innate talent and unwavering dedication to her training. The profound transformation she underwent showcased her tenacity and commitment to becoming a formidable force in our shared journey.

(A/N: Skill evolutions in AUX DXD 26)

However, Olivia's current battle was a daunting one. She found herself pitted against a staggering fifty light constructs, wielding weapons and magic, along with a humanoid monster that I had crafted using the [Creature Creator] skill and mutated with the power of Voidborn blood.

The creature I had created just for her, exhibited strength that could rival the Tier 4 Demon Lord I had fought, thanks to the multitude of enchantments adorning its body. These enchantments bolstered its durability, speed, and strength, enabling it to effortlessly block Olivia's powerful swings with its bare hands or parry them with its Wolverine-like claws. Although the creature lacked magical capabilities, its physical prowess posed a formidable challenge.

Among the fifty hard light constructs, a significant portion were mages who "utilized" protective barriers, and healing spells to aid their allies, or launched direct magical assaults against Olivia. So, Olivia's struggle was far from over. The odds were stacked against her, and as per my instructions, Mai refrained from holding back any punches, ensuring that Olivia faced an arduous and demanding test of her skills and resilience.

In the face of relentless adversaries, Olivia demonstrated remarkable perseverance and resilience. No matter how many times she was knocked down, she always found the strength to rise again. With each blow she endured, she retaliated with even greater force. Refusing to surrender, her unyielding determination propelled her forward, as she strived to stand proudly by my side. This unwavering commitment ignited a renewed sense of vigor within her, pushing her to overcome every obstacle in her path. Olivia's indomitable spirit served as a testament to her unwavering dedication and unwavering resolve in our shared journey.

In a critical moment where all hope seemed lost and she faced this seemingly insurmountable opponent, something extraordinary occurred. Olivia's mind transcended into a state of deep focus, merging seamlessly with her sword. In an awe-inspiring display, an immense surge of Ki erupted from her, simultaneously cleaving through all of her enemies and even the magically fortified walls surrounding us. The sheer force of her attack cleaved through mana, the building block of magic itself, causing a chain reaction that shattered the boundaries of the reinforced space of Nexus itself.

In that pivotal moment, her being ascended to a higher state of existence, finally achieving Tier 4. This transformative event marked a profound milestone in her journey, unlocking untapped potential and propelling her abilities to new heights.

"Fuck!" I reacted swiftly, utilizing telekinesis to stabilize the room and mitigate the damage caused by the spatial tears. Meanwhile, a separate mental instance focused on repairing both the room and the rifts that had formed. "Mai, terminate the training program immediately and concentrate on repairs!" I commanded, a mix of shock and admiration coursing through me. The room was in ruins, yet, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride despite the unexpected turn of events.

Olivia's attack had somehow bypassed all of my defensive enchantments, including those designed to absorb kinetic and magical energy. It was a perplexing and impressive feat, as her strike managed to inflict considerable damage to the surroundings despite the safeguards I had put in place.

[One with the Blade LVL: N/A]

- The user's connection with the blade transcends physical limitations, allowing them to execute omnidirectional attacks.

- The user's weapon strikes can hit enemies regardless of their defenses or distance from the user, although the damage inflicted may be reduced proportionally with distance.

- The omnidirectional attacks possess the ability to strike multiple targets in a single swing, instantly distributing the damage equally among them.

- The ethereal energy waves emitted by the blade have the unique capability to traverse barriers and obstacles, rendering it challenging for enemies to hide or defend against the user's attacks.

"Holy shit," I exclaimed, utterly astonished as I read through the detailed description of the new skill that Olivia had just willed to existence. The implications of this skill were staggering, and it dawned on me that if she were able to master it and combine it with her existing [Blade Birth] ability, she could potentially become a formidable force even to me.

Despite the chaos and destruction that surrounded her, a serene smile adorned her face, a testament to the fulfillment she derived from her formidable display of power. Oblivious to the aftermath she had incited, her skills gradually deactivated, one by one, as her body succumbed to the exhaustion that had overtaken her. A sense of pride washed over me as I beheld Olivia's exhausted and unconscious form, sprawled on the floor amidst the tumultuous scene unfolding around us.

Once the spatial rifts had seamlessly reknit themselves and the training grounds had been restored to their original state, I carefully lifted Olivia from the chaotic scene and carried her to our bedroom. She was in dire need of rest and recuperation, especially considering the daunting challenge that awaited her tomorrow.

The impending task of condensing Olivia's divine domain loomed before us, promising to be an extraordinary trial. After discussing it at length, we both agreed that it would be wiser for her to postpone equipping the Deus race until a later time when the creation of a domain would demand an exorbitant amount of divine energy. The allure of possessing a free divine domain was too significant to pass up, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for not inquiring about it earlier when I had the opportunity to consult Rob.

The process will push her to the limits, testing her resolve and demanding every ounce of her strength and willpower. Aware of the trials that lay ahead, I ensured she would have a peaceful and undisturbed night's rest, casting both a cleaning and a soothing charm on her, to allow her to prepare herself mentally and physically for the grueling ordeal that awaited her.

The following day began like any other, with our customary morning routine. Olivia prepared a delightful meal, and we enjoyed a pleasant breakfast together. However, this day held a significant departure from the norm. Olivia had made the decision to cancel all of her classes, as today marked a crucial milestone in her journey.

After breakfast, we entered the Nexus, where the default room transformed into an empty space with a circular platform in the middle, fortified with a multitude of defensive enchantments carefully etched in by Mai. Olivia positioned herself at the center, surrounded by these powerful safeguards, which boosted all of her regenerative abilities, even her soul-related ones.

"Alright," I spoke with a comforting embrace, fully aware of the challenges that lay ahead of her. "As we discussed, enter your spiritual realm, channel your divine energies into it, and carefully extract a fragment of your soul. Then, combine it with your divine energies, shaping it into a condensed form, while maintaining a clear vision of what you want it to become." I emphasized the importance of each step in this endeavor, knowing that my presence within her spiritual realm could potentially corrupt her divinity.

Olivia rolled her eyes playfully but gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "I know, I know," she replied. "We've gone through this a million times already. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Despite her assurance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of concern.

"Okay, but remember," I emphasized, "if the pain becomes too overwhelming, you can always use your [Damage Transference] on me. You know I possess skills that can aid in the regeneration of soul damage, even if I can't be physically present within your spiritual realm. I'll support you from this side." With a gentle pat on her back and a tender kiss on her cheek, I reassured her of our unwavering partnership.

She shook her head resolutely, rejecting the notion. "I already told you, no," she responded firmly. "I won't transfer soul damage to you just to avoid some pain. I'll endure it on my own." She flashed me a warm smile and said, "Love you," before activating [Meditation] and sinking deep into her spiritual realm.

She might have been wearing a brave expression, attempting to reassure me that everything was fine, but beneath that facade, we both knew the truth. Olivia was brimming with nervousness and fear, acutely aware of the weight of this moment. The slightest misstep, the tiniest deviation in the visualization of her divinity, could result in disastrous consequences. Her carefully gathered divine energies could be mutated into something unrecognizable or even dispersed entirely, leading to the loss of all her progress. And that was not even considering the excruciating pain she would have to endure while extracting a fragment of her soul. It was a trial she wouldn't easily forget.

As she embarked on the process, I could sense the immense concentration of 95% of her divine energies converging into a singular point within her chest. They flowed into the intricate channel that connected her physical body and her soul, gradually infusing her being with their power. As time passed, a flicker of discomfort appeared on her previously composed face, and it became evident that her physical manifestation was merely a fraction of the agony she was enduring.

Observing a tear cascading down her cheek, followed by another, I couldn't bear to stand idly by. I sat down beside her, my presence offering a form of solace and support. With a focused intention, I constructed a protective barrier around her, infused with soul regeneration properties, in an attempt to alleviate some of her pain. However, deep down, I knew it was a feeble gesture, unable to truly mitigate the intensity of her experience, but I hoped that the symbolic act would provide her with a momentary respite and a reminder that she was not alone in her struggle.

As hours stretched on, a sense of anxiety gripped me as I observed Olivia's torment. Her body trembled uncontrollably, her teeth strained under the immense pressure, and her clothes clung to her form, drenched in sweat. The unyielding grimace etched on her face seemed to freeze in time, mirroring the indescribable agony she endured.

As doubt started to creep in, an abrupt and earsplitting scream pierced the air, reverberating through the realm. In an instant, a violent eruption of divine energies erupted from Olivia's being, engulfing the surroundings in a swirling crimson blaze. The sheer intensity and unexpectedness of the display left me both alarmed and bewildered, as the energies seemed to manifest in a manner that deviated significantly from Olivia's intended vision.

A mixture of concern and curiosity filled my voice as I cautiously remarked, "Um... This doesn't quite resemble the divinity she had envisioned, does it?"