
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DXD 14

(Olivia's POV)

As I wake up, my heart sinks as I realize that today is starting differently from any other day in the past seven months. My beloved hug pillow, which I've grown accustomed to waking up with, is nowhere to be found. I try to use my [Hearth's Desire] ability to locate him, but I sense that he's too far away for me to reach him. I pout, thinking that whatever he's up to could have waited until after breakfast, only to realize that it must be important if he left so early.

Getting out of bed, I notice a note left on my nightstand, stating that he had a sudden epiphany and will be busy with important research today, and I should only contact him in case of a life or death situation. I sigh and say a silent prayer to Hestia, hoping that he won't do anything reckless again.

As I move through the kitchen, going through the familiar motions of preparing breakfast, I try to distract myself from the ache in my chest. We've come a long way, shared incredible adventures, and formed a bond that not only felt unbreakable but actually was. Yet, despite all of that, I still can't shake the emptiness I feel when he's not by my side. Our connection was so intense, our souls intertwined in a way that made us both feel incomplete when apart. It was like an addiction, a craving that grew stronger the more I had of it and the emptiness without him was almost unbearable, a constant reminder of how much he meant to me.

Ever since the incident two weeks ago, he's been acting differently. He spends all of his free time training, advancing his abilities, doing research, and conducting experiments. He claims he doesn't remember what he saw, but whenever I brought it up, I sensed a tingle of fear emanating from him - an emotion I've never felt from him before. So I stopped asking, knowing that something deep within him had changed, and that made me worry.

His emotional state has been erratic, and I've struggled to find ways to support him through whatever he's going through. To make his life easier I did everything I could. In an attempt to make him a bit happier, I've also resorted to unconventional means, indulging some of his long-held fantasies. While the experiences we've shared have been wild and exhilarating, they've also been extremely intimate and private. Even thinking about some of them makes me blush from embarrassment, knowing that others would not understand our preferences. Despite the shame, however, I know that some of these experiences have helped him make a little progress.

While I've been able to fulfill many of his fantasies, there's one that I've been hesitant to even consider. Bringing a third person into our relationship felt daunting and required a tremendous amount of trust. Even with our deep connection through [Soul Cohesion], and the ability to feel all of his love for me, I'm still afraid of losing him to someone else. I trust him not to abandon me, yet the thought of him being with another woman fills me with mixed feelings.

He hasn't asked for it, and I don't think he ever would. He is afraid of losing me over something so trivial. But I can't help but fantasize about it. I've seen his memories and know about all of his desires, and the thought of him dominating another woman in front of me is both exciting and arousing, yet also unsettling. I don't know how I would truly feel about it in reality. Would I feel betrayed, even if I was the one who brought it up? Or would it be as thrilling as it is in my fantasies?

Despite my mixed feelings, I've noticed over the past two weeks that his emotions have gradually settled and I've seen more genuine smiles on his face than I have in a long time. It makes me happy to see him gradually getting better.

As I snapped out of my thoughts, I realized I was running late for the start of the training schedule. I quickly changed into my workout clothes and cast the [Clean] spell on myself, while being grateful for the convenience of Andrew's gadgets and spells that made our life easier. Finally, with brisk steps, I hurried out of the house.

As I walked towards Yasaka's estate, I greeted our neighbors and shop owners along the way with a warm smile. Our house was conveniently located within walking distance of her estate, allowing me to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the town at a leisurely pace. I had come to love this place with its convenient technology and serene ambiance, reminiscent of Orario but with its own unique charm. The familiar faces and friendly interactions with the locals made me feel at home, and I treasured the sense of community that enveloped this town. Despite the differences, there was a comforting familiarity that made it easy for me to settle in and feel a sense of belonging.

As I approach the gate, I notice two familiar faces among the guards who greet me with a bow. I can't help but smile at their nervous expressions as they try to be on their best behavior, probably afraid of tomorrow's training session.

"Hey, guys!" I greet them with a wave, causing both of them to jerk in fright.

"M-Morning Sensei," they stutter in unison, and I notice the cold sweat covering their faces and backs, and it dawns on me that I might have been too intense with them lately, and I can't help but shake my head.

As I walk by, I casually say, "See you, boys, tomorrow!" and I can't help but chuckle as I notice the spike in their pulses. It makes me wonder if they're starting to develop a liking for this kind of rigorous beating they've been receiving, almost like masochists. I chuckle to myself again, amused by the thought, but also mindful to tone down the intensity in the future to avoid intimidating them too much.

As I make my way to the first and largest training ground in the estate grounds, I'm greeted by the sight of around a hundred people engaged in their warm-up exercises. They are running laps around the grounds, stretching, and preparing themselves for what lies ahead. The determination in their eyes and the focused energy in the air is palpable. I take a moment to scan the area, observing the progress that has been made since I started training them. It fills me with pride to see how far they've come, from weak beginners to now being able to handle more advanced exercises and techniques. It's a testament to their hard work and dedication, and it motivates me to continue pushing them to reach even greater heights.

Even if I was a bit late, my trainees had learned by now to start their warm-up exercises before I arrived, knowing the consequences if they didn't. They were still relatively weak, but we had made remarkable progress. The more advanced groups could now be considered level two adventurers, while the weaker groups were still working towards that goal. The best of the best, however, had surprised even me. They were able to keep up with me at 10% of my base strength, which was an incredible feat for mere mortals.

As I watched my trainees push their limits, it made me reflect on how much I had changed in the past seven months. If someone had told me back then that today I would be able to lift over twenty-five tons with my bare hands and run at speeds of one and a half kilometers per second, I would have thought they were crazy. Yet here I am, capable of such extraordinary feats, even without using any of my skills. The world that Andrew had introduced me to was bizarre and beyond anything I could have imagined, but I'm yet to regret joining him on this journey.

As the day progressed, I moved about the training grounds, providing instructions and guidance to whoever needed it. I checked their grip, stance, and balance with a stick, while occasionally infusing it with a bit of mana to ensure it wouldn't break. It wasn't because some of the trainees, particularly the male ones, tried to hit on me, of course not. No, it was just to ensure discipline during the training sessions, of course.

I doubted Andrew was aware of this, as I didn't mention it to him before, but along with the [Teaching] skill I had acquired at the start of these trainings, I had also earned a new title. Which I've been relentlessly using while training these past few weeks. It was one that allowed my students to reach new heights, and I found fulfillment in helping them improve their skills.

[Drill Sergeant]

- Your no-nonsense approach to training instills discipline and resilience in your recruits.

- Gain a 10% increase in physical and mental endurance for yourself and your trainees.

- Gain a 10% increase in teaching efficiency, allowing you to impart knowledge and skills to your students more effectively.

- Your students gain a 0.1% increase in all stats per day of training, up to a maximum of 10% after 100 days of rigorous training.

As the day's training came to a close, I looked around at the one hundred trainees scattered on the ground, their bodies battered and their breaths ragged. I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration as I assessed their stamina, which was still not up to my standards. It had only been four hours since we started, and they had barely scratched the surface of what I had been through with Andrew. He had put me through grueling training sessions ever since I agreed to join him, and he still pushed me hard during our sparring sessions, despite our only restriction being on his time manipulation. Lately, however, I had noticed that he had been holding back, going easy on me. That's why I had been focusing on my own training, determined not to be a liability or risk getting myself, or Hestia forbid, him killed due to my lack of skill. I didn't want to disappoint him or be a burden in our battles against our future opponents.

I had sought out Yasaka's assistance and borrowed all the scripts and books she had on Ki, or as the Youkai called it Youki, then immersing myself in the study of this ancient art. She was extremely helpful, thanks to the strange relationship we've forged over the weeks, and even introduced me to a martial artist who had been incredibly helpful in explaining the intricate details of Ki at the beginning.

However, over time, thanks to the system's guidance, my comprehension of KI, especially in the aspect of body reinforcement, had surpassed even his knowledge. I had learned to reinforce my strength, speed, reaction time, durability, and to Andrew's delight, even specific body parts by a significant margin. While it still wasn't the same as the skill I had acquired from Falna, [Heroic Empowerment], I was slowly getting closer to mastering it.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I quickly cast an AOE healing spell Andrew had designed, and called out to the trainees, "Alright, good work today. Remember to rest up and hydrate properly. And if any of you feel like you need more training, you can join tomorrow's group at the same time." They nodded, some with enthusiasm, while others with reluctance, but all of them knew better than to argue with me.

As I turned to leave, I saw one of the trainees, a young kitsune girl, who had been struggling throughout the day, slowly making her way toward me. She had a determined look on her face, and I couldn't help but feel a little proud of her.

"Sensei," she said, determination visible in her eyes, then she bowed slightly. "Thank you for today. I know I still have a long way to go, but I'll do my best to improve."

I smiled at her, feeling a warmth in my chest. "That's the spirit. Keep it up, and don't give up. You'll get there eventually."

With a sense of satisfaction, I left the grounds and headed towards the estate gates. However, my sense of accomplishment was short-lived as a massive explosion rocked the town, sending Yasaka's estate into a panic. Guards were running around, and commands were flying, but I didn't wait for any instructions.

Using my [Blink] spell in rapid succession, I quickly arrived at the site of the explosion, only to find it in ruins. The once bustling market, not far from the town center, was reduced to rubble. I couldn't bear to think about how many lives were lost. As I surveyed the devastating scene of the leveled market, my heart sank. The destruction was immense, and the chaos around me was palpable. I could hear cries for help, and my instincts kicked in.

Activating my [Aura Sight], I scanned the area for survivors trapped under the rubble. I rushed to those who were still breathing, using my [Gift of Life] spell and [Damage Transference] skill to try and keep them alive. The screams and cries were overwhelming, and I did my best to provide aid where I could.

I winced as my flesh was violently torn open, a wave of searing pain coursing through my body, as the injuries from those around me were being transferred to me, but just as quickly as they appeared, my body's regenerative abilities kicked in, knitting the wounds back together, and leaving no scars at all.

The scene around me was chaotic, with injured and frightened people crying out for help. The sound of sirens and shouts of guards and town officials add to the chaos. I tried to remain focused, prioritizing those who are in critical condition and need immediate medical attention. With my [Aura Sight], I scanned the area, searching for any signs of life and directing other healers to assist where needed.

Time seems to blur as I worked tirelessly, using my healing spells and skills to mend broken bones, treat burns, and alleviate pain. The sight of the injured and the desperate pleas for help tugged at my heart, and I pushed myself harder, ignoring the exhaustion and strain on my mana reserves. I could feel the weight of the situation, knowing that every second counted in saving lives.

But the tragedy didn't end there. As if the first explosion wasn't enough, another blast shook the town, this time originating from the direction of Yasaka's estate. Urgency gripped me, and I activated my [Eagle Eye] skill to assess the situation.

What I saw was a nightmare. The once-thriving town was now under siege, invaded by rampaging magicians who were causing chaos and destruction. Innocent lives were being lost, and humanoid monsters with a single crimson eye accompanied the invaders, attacking everything in sight.

The scenes were horrifying. Buildings were crumbling, and streets were stained with blood. The peaceful town had turned into a battlefield, and the magnitude of the situation overwhelmed me.

Even Yasaka's estate wasn't spared. From a bird's eye view, I could see a massive hole in the enchanted walls that once surrounded the estate. Guards were engaged in combat, my trainees holding out against the monstrous creatures, and at that moment I knew I couldn't do this alone.

I glanced back at the healers present, and they reassured me with a nod that they had the situation under control. Without wasting another moment, I blinked directly to the estate grounds, Severance appearing in my hand. I was determined to find out what was happening and assist in any way I could. But the moment my feet touched the ground, the surrounding space was covered in a purple mist separating us from the rest of the world.

I wasted no more time, my sword slashing through magicians and monsters alike, decapitating them as I fought my way to Yasaka's location. These terrorists couldn't even be called human, and I felt nothing as I rid the world of them. I tried to contact Andrew, my heart squeezing with worry when my first two attempts went unanswered. The fear of something happening to him overwhelmed my mind, but finally, on the third call, he answered, sounding annoyed.

"Yes?" His voice oozed with irritation.

"Oh, am I interrupting something?" I asked, chuckling despite the chaos around me, as I swung my blade and dispatched another monster blocking my path.

"Yes, honey, yes you are. So let's keep it short, I'm in the middle of something important," he replied, and I couldn't help but shake my head at his response. Andrew always seemed to attract trouble wherever he immersed himself in something important or made plans. He really needed to invest in a skill or ability that raised his luck stats.

"Hmm... Alright, I'll keep it short. Do you remember mentioning to Yasaka about an impending attack a week ago?" I asked, dodging multiple spells aimed at me and swiftly bisecting a magician who came too close.

"Yes?" Andrew replied, sounding confused.

"Well, it's happening right now..." I informed him.

"God damn it, why didn't you start with that?" Andrew's abrupt snap through our shared bond startled me, and I felt the surge of anger rising within him. As I continued to fend off the remaining enemies, I suddenly felt a massive wave of mana wash over the town. His power surged outward, overwhelming the spells and abilities of the enemy magicians with its sheer magnitude. Despite the barrier separating the manor from the rest of the town, Andrew's mana radiated outwards, bathing the world around us in his colors.

"Oh shit, he's mad," I muttered to myself, realizing the intensity of his emotions. "It must have been a really important point in his research."

I winced as I felt the massive column of mana emanating from the location of our house. The magicians around me stood in shock, feeling the atmospheric concentration of mana skyrocket. What shocked them, even more, was the fact that their spells sizzled out of existence and mana stopped responding to their calls, bowing only to its true master, my one and only boyfriend.

Andrew's power struck the battlefield, leaving both foes and allies frozen in fear, unable to react or retaliate. With a sweep of his immense power, the enemies surrounding me met a gruesome fate as their heads exploded, a dark ray of death affinity mana piercing through them and dissipating harmlessly. The ground trembled briefly, but then healing energies surged through the area, mending the wounds of our allies. Despite the display of formidable strength, the barrier still remained intact, leaving me puzzled and questioning why.

I stood in awe as Andrew made a grand entrance on the battlefield, accompanied by a deafening shattering sound as space itself seemed to be ripped asunder upon his arrival. His arm extended, and he gripped space itself, shattering it and closing his hand around the neck of a black-haired man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, who struggled to catch his breath. The sheer intensity of mana surrounding Andrew was overwhelming, causing the man's skin to boil and burn away, only to be immediately healed by the healing energies emitted by Andrew, before being subjected to the same treatment once again. It was a gruesome scene, and I couldn't help but grimace, yet Andrew showed no signs of relenting, his grip unyielding and his determination unwavering.

A magic circle materialized in Andrew's other hand, and with a swift blur of his arm, he struck the man's chest. A purple orb was extracted from within, and Andrew tossed the man aside with an indifferent gesture, as though he were handling trash. But before the man even hit the ground, he disintegrated into nothingness, leaving no trace behind, not even ashes.

[Quest Update: [Collector] 2/5 Completed]

As a notification flashed on my screen, the purple mist that had enveloped the area suddenly vanished, replaced by a new, oppressive aura. Andrew had locked down the space, preventing anyone from leaving. He turned to me with a wide grin and waved.

"Yo!" he called out, his voice filled with excitement and triumph. Despite the chaos and destruction around us, his smile was infectious, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and admiration for him.