
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DXD 13

Today was supposed to be a day off from all the rigorous training I had been putting myself through. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, and frustrated as I couldn't get a skill to condense, and decided to take some time for myself, to relax and unwind. I had planned to be alone and vent out my frustrations, maybe visit a nearby planet and blow up a moon or two. However, it seemed like the universe had different plans in store for me today.

The days began like any other, with me waking up in the arms of my adorable girlfriend, who was clad in dangerously short shorts and a loose tank top, with her ample assets pressed tightly against my arm. It was pure bliss, and every time I woke up to such a sight, I found myself reluctant to leave the comfort of our bed. If I could, I would freeze time and savor the moment indefinitely, but I couldn't.

I had already tested the possibility of cheating the system a few days ago, only to find that our time remaining Library was simultaneously tied to both me and Olivia. Moving forward or backward in time, or even freezing time, if one of us experienced the passage of it, still resulted in the remaining time on my system interface decreasing. The only way to prevent the time from decreasing suddenly was if both Olivia and I traveled together. It was disheartening to realize that the all-powerful, all-seeing, and all-knowing system could not be so easily cheated.

All the time jumps I did, had sparked an intriguing idea within me, one that could potentially revolutionize my abilities and increase my survivability. I aimed to develop an enhanced version of [Foresight], which involved sending my memories back in time to alert my past self of crucial events or share future knowledge. I had spent several days meticulously experimenting with the concept, ensuring all my calculations were correct and even utilizing [Intuitive Aptitude] to confirm my approach. However, despite my efforts, I couldn't seem to make it work. It was infuriating and nerve-wracking, as everything seemed to be in place, yet the results eluded me.

After careful consideration, I concluded that the system was likely interfering, preventing direct communication between my past and present selves. Whenever I traveled to the future in an attempt to interact with my future self, I found myself in a future where I didn't exist, as my past self had moved to the present, creating a parallel timeline without me. It might look confusing, but it truly wasn't.

The most baffling part of it all was when I attempted to interact with my past self in the past. It always resulted in excruciating headaches and soul-shattering pain, as if my very existence was being torn apart. It seemed that the system had its own set of rules and limitations on time travel, and attempting to alter the future by changing the past was futile.

However, I still had the ability to travel back in time, but I could only do so if I didn't interact with my past self or alter historical events. Seemingly, the paradoxes and repercussions were too severe for the system to ignore. As much as I wished to alter certain events or prevent mistakes, it was clear that the system had its own safeguards in place. I couldn't help but grimace at this realization, as it meant that my ability to manipulate time was not without its limitations and risks.

As a competent mage and researcher, I refused to be deterred by the limitations imposed by the system. I embarked on creating an item that could potentially enable me to send messages to the past or future, hoping to bypass the restrictions I had encountered. However, my efforts were short-lived as the item exploded after delivering a single message, which simply read: "Don't play with time". The abrupt end to my experiment left me with more questions than answers, and I couldn't help but feel frustrated and perplexed. I had no idea who sent the message, but the lingering energies surrounding my machine told me it was a powerful entity, and I was starting to get frustrated with higher beings interfering with my daily life.

With a heavy heart, I had to reluctantly make the decision to give up my pursuit of sending messages through time, at least for the time being. I knew that without reaching a certain level of power and control, any attempt at meddling with the timeline could result in catastrophic consequences, such as temporal erasure and paradoxes. It was frustrating to accept my limitations, but I also knew that I had to be patient and continue to hone my skills until I reached a tier where I could safely ignore concepts.

However, sometimes the best ideas only came to mind when you didn't concentrate on the issue at hand. Now that I thought about it in the comfort of my bedroom, another, probably crazier, idea sprang to my mind - the concept of obtaining or developing a skill that would transform me into a temporal singularity, existing solely in the present moment. This would effectively eliminate the risk of disrupting the timeline, as I would no longer have a past or future self to interact with. It would also render any future sight or prophecy skills used against me completely useless, as I would be hidden from their view. However, I realized that this would also make all my earlier research and efforts in knowledge manipulation through time irrelevant, but I could live with that.

I couldn't resist giving Olivia, who was still sound asleep, a tender kiss on her forehead as I jumped out of bed. She stirred slightly, groggily scanning the room with her sleepy eyes before settling back down and drifting back to sleep. I couldn't help but smile at her peaceful expression, feeling a pang of guilt for leaving her like that, but my determination to start working on this new idea that could make me a temporal singularity was stronger, and I couldn't afford to waste any more time.

With a mental command to my watch, I quickly got dressed, my mind buzzing with ideas and calculations. I left Olivia a quick note, to explain my whereabouts and activities, along with instructions for her to notify me of any developments, then I collected my notes and stepped forward. A spatial distortion formed as space shattered and I entered the Nexus, the name I had finally decided to give to my newly created trunk. It wasn't the most creative name, but I couldn't care less as it was way better than calling it Trunk.

"Morning Mai," I greeted my AI, "Load in the minimalistic office configuration."

"Morning Master, immediately." Her gentle voice responded.

The small, featureless room transformed into a modest office with just a large ornamental wooden table and a comfortable cushioned chair. It was a simple setup, but it would do for now. I sat down at the table, my determination unwavering, as I delved into my work, pouring all my knowledge and expertise into this new endeavor.

As I delved deeper into my research, I quickly realized the magnitude of the challenge ahead. The concept of shifting myself to the imaginary time axis was theoretically possible, but it presented several obstacles. First, the imaginary axis had to be parallel to my current temporal axis, or I could risk experiencing time in reverse, with my future becoming the past and my past becoming the future. This meant I had to be extremely cautious in my approach.

However, a more pressing issue was that I currently had no means of interacting with the imaginary axis of time, let alone forcefully moving my existence into it. It was a daunting task that required immense creativity and ingenuity, and I knew I had a long and challenging journey ahead of me.

As I pondered over this issue, I realized that I could attempt to evolve my [Space-Time Manipulation] skill, which was quite close to reaching its evolution threshold. However, the problem was that I had been using the space and gravity aspects of the skill more than the time aspect. Therefore, it was highly likely that the skill would evolve to focus more on those aspects rather than time.

Furthermore, I had another issue to contend with. I needed to share this new skill with Olivia, but the [Soul Cohesion] skill, which allowed us to share skills, still was on a cooldown period of about two months. Even if we waited, I knew that Olivia currently lacked the mental capacity to handle the strain that this new skill would put on her mind. She needed to improve her intelligence and wisdom further before she could utilize the ability successfully.

I decided to put the issue of sharing the skill with Olivia on hold for now, considering her current limitations. Instead, I focused on replicating hundreds of physics books in the room to immerse myself in an intensive study of the concept of time. I spent hours delving into various theories, equations, and thought experiments related to time and its manipulation. I even attempted to experiment with small-scale time manipulation using my [Space-Time Manipulation] skill, testing out different approaches and observing the results.

As time passed, my comprehension of time deepened, and I gained new insights and perspectives on its nature. I started to uncover previously unknown connections between space, time, and gravity, and how they intertwined to form the fabric of the universe. I scribbled down notes, drew diagrams, and engaged in intense mental exercises to expand my understanding of temporal mechanics.

As a result, my [Drawing], [Writing], [Mathematics], and [Physics] skills reached their evolutionary thresholds and advanced to their second or third tiers, unlocking new abilities. The initial evolution of [Drawing] and [Writing] was moderate, enhancing my precision in technical details and note-taking respectively, though not significantly impactful in practical terms.

[Drawing II LVL:100/200]

- Increases the speed of sketching, painting, and coloring by 3%/LVL.

- Enhances the user's ability to accurately depict technical details in their artwork, such as architectural drawings, mechanical illustrations, or scientific diagrams.

[Writing II LVL:100/200]

- Increases the speed of writing by 3%/LVL.

-Improved organizational skills for structuring and categorizing notes, creating outlines, or summarizing information effectively.

The evolution of my [Mathematics] skill, however, resulted in a significant increase in my calculation speed, going from 7.5% to 10%. While it may seem like a small gain, the 2.5% increase actually translated to a whopping 500% boost in my calculation speed.

[Mathematics III LVL: 200/300]

- Increases the user's calculation ability by 10%/LVL

- The understanding of probability and statistics allows the user to calculate the odds of certain events occurring or analyze trends in data.

- Enhances the user's critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, with the ability to approach complex problems from multiple perspectives.

However, the real breakthrough came in the form of augmented problem-solving and analytical skills. The evolution of my [Mathematics] skill allowed me to approach problems from different perspectives, unlocking new ways of thinking and solving complex challenges. My mind became sharper and more adaptable, and my ability to analyze situations and come up with creative solutions improved exponentially. It was a game-changing development that greatly enhanced my overall problem-solving abilities.

While the evolution of my [Physics] skill may not have been as dramatic as I had hoped, it still proved to be beneficial in advancing my research on time. The new ability I gained from the evolution seemed to be a result of my extensive reading and studying of existing texts, rather than experimentation. Nevertheless, it proved to be valuable, as it increased my understanding of advanced physics and provided me with new insights into the underlying principles of time.

[Physics III LVL: 200/300]

- Increases the user's understanding of physical laws and principles, allowing them to better comprehend and apply concepts such as energy, motion, and thermodynamics.

- Increases the user's understanding of advanced physics theories and concepts, such as quantum mechanics, relativity, and particle physics.

- Grants the user enhanced perception and intuition when it comes to the physical world, allowing them to detect subtle changes and phenomena that others might miss.

As my [Physics] skill evolved, previously elusive principles of time and its mechanics became crystal clear to me. It was as if a veil had been lifted, and I could now see the intricacies of temporal manipulation and its connection to quantum mechanics with unprecedented clarity. This newfound understanding propelled my current research forward by leaps and bounds, as I was able to grasp complex concepts and theories that were once beyond my comprehension.

In addition, my [Intuitive Aptitude] and [Data Savant] skills also gained substantial experience and leveled up multiple times during this intense period of study and experimentation. My mind became an even larger powerhouse of data processing and intuitive insights, as these skills further developed and honed my cognitive abilities to unparalleled levels.

Riding the wave of inspiration from the newfound insight, I dove straight back into my work. But my momentum was abruptly halted by a persistent ringing coming from [Link]. I tried to ignore it at first, determined to maintain my focus on the task at hand. However, before I could fully regain my concentration, the ringing started again, and then again. With growing annoyance, I finally gave in and answered the call, hoping it wouldn't be a major distraction from my work.

"Yes?" I replied, my irritation evident in my voice, which Olivia picked up on it right away.

"Oh, am I interrupting something?" Olivia responded with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

"Yes, honey, yes you are. So let's keep it short, I'm in the middle of something important," I retorted, rolling my eyes at her attitude, knowing that I was at a groundbreaking point in my research.

"Hmm... Alright, I'll keep it short. Do you remember mentioning to Yasaka about an impending attack a week ago?" she asked.

"Yes?" I answered, confused.

"Well, it's happening right now..." Olivia informed me.

"God damn it, why didn't you start with that?" I exclaimed, frustration mounting as I realized the urgency of the situation. I close the connection to Olivia, and shout out, "MAI! Reset the room and eject me, now!"

The AI sprang into action, immediately shattering space around me and ejecting me back into the bedroom of our house. However, the sight that greets me is devastating. Our once cozy little home, just like the rest of the street, lies in ruins.

The ground shakes beneath me as an explosion rocks the town, and I immediately snap back to reality. The massive fireball shooting up toward the sky on the other side of the town is a stark reminder of the chaos and destruction that has befallen this place. The tranquil atmosphere and the friendly people that I had come to know during my stay now seem like distant memories, shattered by the sudden attack.

As I take a step and reappear on the street, the cries of pain and distress from the people around me overwhelm my senses. The devastation is palpable, and the chaotic scene resembles a warzone. Spells are being cast indiscriminately, hitting innocent bystanders who are desperately trying to flee. Monsters are roaming the town demolishing building and attacking anything on sight. The scale of destruction is far worse than I anticipated, and I can't help but suspect that it's one of the butterfly effects caused by my presence in this world.

A crazed magician spots me and hurls a spell in my direction, intending to kill me on the spot. But to his surprise, it harmlessly splashes against my body, having no effect whatsoever. The magician freezes mid-step, locking eyes with me, and just as I deactivate my [Deadly Gaze] his dead body hits the ground with a loud thud.

I can feel a sudden surge of mana coursing through my body, as activate [Mana's Blessing], pushing it into overdrive, and boosting my stats to two and a half times their normal level. The sheer amount of mana that I am currently generating is beyond my ability to control, and I can feel it uncontrollably leaking from my body. The air around me vibrates with a screech as mana vaporizes it into nothingness, while the ground beneath my feet begins to melt away from the immense energy emanating from me.

Mana: 32,754,303 (10,042,699/s)

I take a deep breath and focus on maintaining my composure and control amidst the chaos. With a quick assessment of the situation, I prioritize my actions. I allocate more mental power to my secondary mental instance, expanding my perception to try to encompass the entire town. I hear every heartbeat, invade every mind, and sense all the spatial distortions each person makes in a three-kilometer radius. But I quickly abandon the idea, realizing that even now I lack the range to cover the whole town.

As I tap into my Sorcerer abilities, I exert my dominance over the Mana within a three-kilometer-wide area, bending it completely to my will. I prevent anyone else from using magic in the area, causing spells that have already been cast to sizzle out of existence, and magical circles to shatter as the mana stops listening to their old owners and bows to me.

I then cast a single instance of [Celestial Eyes], unleashing waves of mana that wash over the entire town, penetrating deep into the ground and reaching high into the air. My [Mental Mapping] skill comes alive as it interprets the information, identifying everything around me down to the last atom.

Another mental instance springs to life, solely devoted to controlling two spells, [Gate] and [Alter Orb]. Instantly, thousands of miniature spatial distortions appear around me, and in a split second, accompanied by a deafening sound, a single ray of condensed death affinity energy shoots through each one of them simultaneously. The ground trembles as simultaneously thousands of lifeless bodies hit the floor all over the town, killed with a single spell. My view gets filled with a flood of kill notifications, confirming the defeat of the enemies in the area, while a louder ping notifies me of all three of my classes gaining a single level.

A single thought activates [Gift of Life], which is immediately augmented with [Holy Enchantment]. A radiant golden orb forms above my head, pulsing with mana that shoots out in waves, reaching far and wide, spreading throughout the town, and enveloping all those who are injured. With each pulse of healing energy, light wounds are instantly mended, and life-threatening injuries are healed within moments.

With each new pulse, the divine energies within me surge, adding to my already massive accumulation of divine power within me. Despite the mix of fear and awe in the eyes of the people around me, a small smile crept onto my face, as I felt my divine domain was not far away. I take a moment to steady myself, then take a single step, and with a deafening crack, shatter the bound space around the grounds of Yasaka's estate, ready to face the "Heroes" of this generation.