
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DXD 11

I gasped sharply as I jolted awake, my heart pounding wildly in my chest. A searing pain throbbed in my head as if a drill was attempting to pierce through my skull. I strained my mind to recall the details of what I had witnessed inside the orb, but to my dismay, my perfect memory seemed to fail me. All I could grasp were vague fragments as if someone had deliberately scrubbed my mind of all crucial information.

As I persisted in my pursuit of answers, a sudden sharp pain sliced through my mind, causing me to wince in agony. The acrid scent of iron filled my nostrils, and I noticed a trail of blood trickling from my nose as if it were a warning to deter me from uncovering the truth. It was a clear sign that there were forces at work, trying to prevent me from delving deeper into the mystery hidden inside of the orb.

I scanned my surroundings with a growing sense of unease. The bed sheets beneath me were stained with blood, forming a gruesome scene that seemed to have taken place right where I lay. The crimson splatters and smears were a stark reminder of the brutality of the situation, and my heart raced with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

My heart pounded in my chest as panic gripped me. I scrambled to my feet, my mind racing with fear and confusion. As I looked down at my body, I saw that I was covered in dried blood, a gruesome sight that sent shivers down my spine. However, upon conducting a quick assessment, I realized that I was physically unharmed.

As I stood there, covered in blood, the weight of unanswered questions pressed down on me. How did I end up in this state? What had happened during my blackout? Who was the mysterious voice that spoke to me? Where did I end up after I delved into the orb? My mind swirled with uncertainty and foreboding.

Despite my inquiries, the only response I received came in the form of a single system notification, offering me no further insight into the mysteries that plagued me.

[Caution: The special effect of [Blessed by Death] title has been triggered, initiating a cooldown period of 100 days.]

The realization hit me like a heavy blow. I have died. It was a shocking revelation, and I could only speculate on the cause. But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that it had something to do with what I had witnessed, something I shouldn't have seen.

As my mind raced with questions and my breathing grew more ragged, I felt overwhelmed by the weight of the situation. What had I uncovered that was so dangerous? Why had it cost me my life? The sense of foreboding intensified, and I was on the verge of a panic attack.

My mind grew hazy again but then, as if on cue, a ray of warm sunshine broke through my muddled thoughts, and a sudden sense of calm washed over me. The warmth seeped into my being, casting a comforting light on my erratic mind, and I could feel my racing thoughts starting to settle.

I felt a familiar embrace from behind, and at that moment, I realized I was not alone. Olivia was tightly hugging me, afraid if she let go I'll vanish from the face of the earth. Cold tears rolled down her cheeks, mingling with the dried blood on my back, as if symbolically washing away the turmoil within me. Her presence was a soothing balm to my troubled mind, and I leaned into her embrace, feeling the tension and fear melt away.

We stood in silence, allowing ourselves to calm down. But as we did, I couldn't help but grimace in discomfort as a sharp surge of pain coursed through me from deep within. It was reminiscent of the sensation I had felt when the soul sphere was first created, but this time it was far more intense. I activated [Meditation] and checked the status of my spiritual realm, and my heart sank. The once pristine and harmonious landscape was now in shambles, covered in cracks and crevices. It was evident that whatever had happened to me had taken a toll on my soul, leaving it damaged and fractured.

Taking a deep breath, I realized that there was only one option to heal it, and it was the very skill that had inadvertently caused the damage in the first place - [Soul Cohesion]. Despite my distaste for using it, I channeled mana into it, activating the skill's soul regeneration ability, and allowing it to work its magic.

I closed my eyes, focusing on the sensations within me. I could feel the mana flowing through my spiritual realm, mending the cracks and restoring the broken fragments of my soul. The pain was intense as if my soul was being pulled and stretched in all directions, but I gritted my teeth and endured, knowing that this was the only way to heal it.

Time seemed to stand still as the soul regeneration ability worked its magic. Gradually, the cracks in my spiritual realm began to close, and the crevices started to fade. The sensation of healing was both comforting and agonizing at the same time as if my soul was being stitched back together. I knew it would take some time, so while continuing to channel energies into the skill I left my spiritual realm, only to find myself still in the same spot, still being tightly hugged from behind.

With a sense of relief, I placed my palm on Olivia's hand, giving it a light squeeze. However, as I did so, I realized that I was still covered in blood. I felt a deep ache in my heart, as I realized I had allowed myself to be seen like this, and even more when I realized I had put myself in this position in the first place.

With a deep breath, I channeled my magical abilities and cast a cleaning spell. The blood stains on my body and bed vanished, leaving no trace of the gruesome scene. I took a moment to make sure that I was completely cleaned up, ensuring not a spec of blood remained, then turned around in the embrace of the girl tightly pressing her forehead against me, and lifted her chin, only to notice her puffy red eyes and her ruined makeup.

"Hey..." I whispered softly, using my thumbs to wipe away the tears from her eyes.

"Hey," she replied, her voice cracking, and to my surprise, she didn't lash out at me. Her emotions were all over the place - sadness, fear, anger - but surprisingly not directed at me. "When my [Hearth's Desire] resonated like never before, I knew something was wrong, and then suddenly went completely silent, I thought I lost you," she mumbled. "I don't know what you did, but through the bond, I felt all of the pain you endured."

"I'm sorr-" I started to say, but she shook her head, cutting me off.

"No, I know it wasn't your fault this time," she said, her voice heavy with emotion. I raised an eyebrow, taken aback by her unexpected response.

"You know something, don't you?" I asked, taken aback, which made her shake her head once again.

Her voice trembled as she recounted what she had witnessed. "Only what I heard and saw," she began, "The moment the [Hearth's Desire] fell silent, I activated the [Soul Cohesion]'s ability to enter your soul realm. And there you were, kneeling and clutching your head in front of the same skill. The air crackled with tension as your body was engulfed by an ominous dark light, your screams echoing through the realm, piercing my heart. I watched in horror as the ground around you started to corrode, disintegrating into nothingness. The sheer power and darkness emanating from you were overwhelming, and I could feel my own fear rising."

She hugged me tighter, and as she recalled the event I could feel her fear through our bond. "It was a horrifying experience," she continued, "Desperate to help, I reached out, but an invisible force pushed me back, preventing me from getting any closer. I could only watch, helpless, as the darkness consumed you as if some unseen force was tearing you apart from within. It was a sight that chilled me to the core, and I could do nothing but witness the devastation unfolding before my eyes. But then, the orb pulsed with a brilliant white light, causing your spiritual realm to shake and crack. Something happened, I don't know what, but the darkness around you suddenly vanished."

She took a deep breath, her voice filled with anger as she continued her account. "Your spiritual realm shook once more, and I felt as if an unfathomable entity had turned its attention towards me. And then, out of nowhere, it spoke. Each of its words shook the very foundation of your spiritual realm, causing even more damage." Her rage was palpable as she looked up at me. "It had the audacity to say, 'Don't be mad at him, it's our fault this time, but don't let him do that again, not until he reaches tier six.' And that bastard actually chuckled before vanishing completely."

I felt silent letting her words sink in, it dawned on me that Olivia seemed to be unaware that I had truly died from whatever transpired inside of my soul realm. The weight of this knowledge bore down on me, and I was hesitant to reveal the truth. I knew that telling her would change everything, and I wasn't sure how she would react. So I decided to withhold this information from her, instead, my mind honed in on a crucial detail in her story, and I couldn't help but ask, "Are you sure it said 'our fault' and not 'my fault'?"

She gave me a quizzical look, but after noticing my serious expression, she thought about it and nodded. "Yes, why is that important?" she asked, curiosity evident in her tone.

I fell silent again, my mind racing as I tried to make sense of the information. The puzzle pieces were scattered, and the full picture remained elusive. I couldn't help but wonder. What was that darkness surrounding me, and where did it come from? But one thing was perfectly clear - there were at least two entities, who had been observing and interfering with our lives.

"I'll need to talk to Rob when we leave this world," I said firmly, looking into Olivia's eyes.

Based on her account, it was they who rescued me, though I remained clueless about what exactly I was saved from. Nevertheless, that didn't mean I would blindly trust them. I needed to have a conversation with Rob and work things out.

Olivia's grip on my hand tightened, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked into her eyes, seeing the worry and concern reflected in them. Despite the chaos that had unfolded, she had been there for me, unwavering in her support.

"WE will figure this out together," she said, her voice determined. "WE will confront Rob and get to the bottom of this. We won't rest until we understand what's going on and ensure your... our safety." She took a deep breath and flashed me a weak smile while looking deep into my eyes, "We're a team. Don't forget that. I'm not letting you shoulder all the responsibilities."

I returned the smile, comforted by her words, however inwardly I was in turmoil. This experience only confirmed one thing - I had been complacent and weak. There were entities out there that could erase me with a single thought, yet here was I playing around. It was clear to me now that I needed to step up, push myself, and utilize all of my abilities to their fullest potential. I needed to devote all of my time on mastering my abilities and advancing.

In the days that followed, my soul gradually healed, and I found myself increasingly focused on myself, rather than the events that had transpired. The experience in my soul realm, though vague in my memory, had left a deep mental scar that gnawed at me from within. Despite the system indicating my physical health as [Healthy], I felt hollow and shattered inside. However, I didn't let it show on the outside, as I didn't want Olivia to worry about me.

Instead, I channeled my energy into earnestly training my abilities, pushing myself to advance them in leaps and bounds. I threw myself into rigorous practice and honed my skills with unwavering determination. I sought out new ways to push the boundaries of what I thought was possible, using my abilities as an outlet for the turmoil within me. And in just a few days there were a lot of advances, however, the skill I gained from this ordeal stood to the side untouched.

[Astral Projection LVL: N/A]

- Allows the user to detach their souls from their physical body and project it into the astral realm, a dimension beyond the physical world.

- Enables the user to freely explore and navigate the astral realm, unrestricted by physical limitations or boundaries.

- Enables the user to interact with other entities and beings in the astral realm, including spirits, entities, and other astral travelers.

- Requires advanced meditation and concentration skills, as well as a deep understanding of metaphysical concepts and astral navigation techniques.

- The user must be cautious of potential astral threats or negative entities and take appropriate precautions to ensure safe and responsible astral projection experiences.

Olivia, who had always been supportive, noticed the changes in my mindset. She expressed her concern and offered to quit the job she enjoyed, so she could be by my side all the time. But I couldn't bear to see her sacrifice her own happiness for me. Despite my inner struggles, I didn't want her to give up something she enjoyed for my sake.

Regardless of that, she certainly knew how to lift my spirits in the most effective manner. One evening, after a long day of training that had me arriving home late at night, I found a note waiting for me on the bedroom door, detailing a play with instructions on how to act and what to do. Curious, I followed the instructions and entered the bedroom, only to be greeted by Olive dressed in a scanty maid cosplay. She greeted me with a deep bow while saying, "Welcome home milord.".

After gaining some insight from the experienced, few hundred to a thousand-year-old fox, she prepared an event for my enjoyment, which in the end she might have enjoyed more than I did. She took on the role of a farmer girl who had recently joined the staff of a feudal lord to earn money for her hungry family, and I played the part of the feudal lord, who had taken an interest in her. I was taken aback and pleasantly surprised as she never broke character throughout the entire night. The play proved to be quite entertaining and allowed me to embrace my sadistic side, much to Olivia's delight. We both gained some serious levels in our [Acting] skills from the experience, and it was a memorable evening for us both.


The day started as normal, Olivia went to work, while I started diligently honing my weapon skills through rigorous training. Time and again, I swung my blade with precision, focused on perfecting my technique and pushing my limits. Hours passed, and my brow glistened with sweat as I poured every ounce of energy into each strike, eager to level up my combat skills as quickly as possible.

But luck seemed to be against me once again. Just as I was nearing the end of my grueling training session, exhausted and drenched in blood and sweat, an unfamiliar female guard abruptly intruded upon the training grounds, catching me off guard. I couldn't help but curse her unfortunate timing as I tried to catch my breath and make sense of the unexpected interruption.

"Excuse me," she said between ragged breaths, "my mistress wishes to urgently speak with you," she added, bowing respectfully. But her eyes betrayed a hint of lust as they trailed down my toned, uncovered chest.

I scoffed and activated my [Mental Domain], quickly sifting through the girl's thoughts and memories and quickly learned that Yasaka, was on edge as a guest had arrived unexpectedly and was insistent on meeting me. She was forced to send someone to fetch me immediately, but unfortunately, the guard had no knowledge of the guest's identity, only that they had arrived unannounced. I frowned at that information and my curiosity piqued. Yasaka has rarely shown signs of unease, so the unexpected visitor must be someone significant.

The guard's eyes widened in surprise as mana enveloped me, cleansing my body in seconds. To her utter dismay, I conjured clothes with a mere thought, covering my abs from her view, before nodding to her and ordering her. "Lead the way."

The guard nodded in response and led the way, her eyes still glancing nervously at me. As we walked, I couldn't help but ponder about the identity of the mysterious guest. There weren't many people who knew about me and even fewer who could make the head of the Youkai faction nervous. A few names quickly came to mind, and a mischievous smile spread across my face.

"This will be interesting," I muttered to myself, earning an inquisitive glance from the guard. I shook my head in response. "Nothing, just thinking aloud," I said, dismissing her curiosity with a wave of my hand. Deep down, I was eager to find out if my guess was right.

The journey was brief, as our house was located near Yasaka's residence, and the guard kept urging me to hurry. We arrived at the estate in moments, and I could immediately see that the place was in turmoil. Guards were rushing around nervously, armed with various weapons.

A quick mental and observational scan of my surroundings confirmed that the guest was indeed who I had assumed it would be, and Olivia was already in a meeting with her and Yasaka.

As we entered the house, the guard and I made our way straight toward Yasaka's office. To my surprise, no one tried to bar our passage, despite my usual checks for weapons or guided routes around the residence.

As we turned the corner to Yasaka's office, it became apparent why. The door had been smashed into pieces and lay on the ground, and the sound of a heated argument echoed from within. I could hear Yasaka's commanding voice and Olivia's measured tone, but there was also another voice, unfamiliar to me, raised in protest. The tension in the air was palpable, and I couldn't help but become excited at what was about to unfold.

The guard glanced at me nervously, her eyes darting between me and the commotion coming from the office. She seemed hesitant but ultimately gestured for me to proceed.

As I approached the office, the voices grew louder, and with a deep breath, I entered the room. The scene that unfolded before me was intense - Yasaka stood behind her desk, her usual composed demeanor replaced with a furrowed brow and clenched fists. Olivia stood by her side, acting as her personal guard. Opposed to them was a figure I could only describe as a magical girl.

The room fell into a tense silence as all three of them, turned their attention towards me. Their eyes went wide with surprise. Olivia opened her mouth in alarm, but before she could warm me, a fist was aimed at my head, hurtling towards me with alarming speed.

Instinctively, I raised my arm and effortlessly caught the attack, which caused the floor to crack and the wall behind me to be blown out. I smiled at my attacker, as I snapped my fingers and cast [Reparo], which swiftly restored Yasaka's office to its former glory.

"Well hello to you too, Serafall," I said with a smirk.