
Multiversal Library

With the world on a brink of destruction, 1,000 humans gain access to the Multiversal Library. Allowing them travel into different worlds, to earn skills, magic, items and more. Follow our lead, Andrew Thompson, as he visits various doomed worlds and gains power to save his own. ------------------------------------- 1st time writing, so some constructive criticism would be appreciated. Cover image made with an AI image generator. All world's will be alternate universes, with changes made to mechanics or story elements. 1st World - Little Red Ridding Hood (1 Chapter) 2nd World - Sunny Day (self made farming world) (1 Chapter) 3rd World - High school of the Dead (4 Chapters) 4th World - Harry Potter (23 Chapters) - Rewritten 5th World - DanMachi (42 Chapters) 6th World - Star-Trek: Voyager (3 Chapters) 7th World - Heroes (2 Chapters) 8th World - DxD (28 Chapters) 9th World - Fullmetal Alchemist (2 Chapters) 10th World - KonoSuba (9 Chapters) 11th World - My Hero Academia (21 Chapters) 12th World - ?? Release schedule: M/W/F. Disclaimer: Except for my main characters and the story of their journey, I don't own any other characters or the worlds they reside in.

ExoticSenta · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

DXD 10

As the morning sun peeked through the curtains, we lay in bed, basking in the afterglow of our nocturnal exploits. Sometimes, taking a break from our wild bedroom antics and indulging in some vanilla action was a welcome reprieve, allowing us to enjoy the sweet serenity of each other's company.

As the bright rays of the sun shone directly into my eyes, I cursed under my breath, vowing to exact revenge on whoever had designed this cursed feature of the trunk. Reluctant to disturb my sleeping beauty or leave the comfort of our bed, I transfigured the pillow beneath me and propped myself up, with Olivia nestled soundlessly on my chest. The sight of her snuggled up against me like a cute little koala bear was enough to make my heart skip a beat.

As she slumbered peacefully, I silently activated [Meditation] and plunged deep into my spiritual realm, materializing next to the central column amidst an array of pedestals and radiant orbs. The environment was much the same as my previous visit, save for the proliferation of glowing orbs scattered throughout the space. The air was thick with an indescribable green haze that I couldn't quite comprehend.

While the skill I was about to utilize did not necessitate my presence in this place, I had an intuition that witnessing it in action would grant me a deeper comprehension of the underlying principles that governed souls.

Anticipating the impending agony, I inhaled a deep breath and invoked [Kingship]'s soul piece creation ability. The world around me began to quiver and convulse, accompanied by a deafening ripping sound that rent the ground asunder. A searing pain wracked my body, unlike anything I had ever experienced before, as I tumbled to the ground, gasping for air and perspiring profusely.

Though the torment was nearly unbearable, I gritted my teeth and persevered, invoking [Focus] to cancel out all interference and enabling me to endure the soul-rending agony to some extent. The realm continued to shake around me as I summoned all my strength and focused on what was before me.

Through the haze of torment, I watched with awe and fascination as the deep crevice in the ground began to gradually knit itself back together. Meanwhile, the massive chunk of marble-like material that had been torn away from the ground floated eerily above the surface, gradually compressing and coalescing into a flawless, glistening white marble. And then, in an instant, the marble vanished from sight, leaving no trace behind in the realm that surrounded me.

Anxiety and trepidation gripped me as I feared that my efforts had been for naught and that I would have to endure the soul-shattering torment once more. In a panic, I swiftly departed from my spiritual realm, only to let out a deep sigh of relief as I gazed down at my hand and saw the smooth, polished marble nestled comfortably within my palm.

The ordeal had left its mark on my physical form, evident in the trembling of my fingers and the sheen of sweat that coated my skin. Although the searing agony persisted, it had transformed into a more muted, otherworldly sensation, a constant throbbing that occasionally surged into sharper waves of discomfort that gradually waned in intensity.

Thankfully, [Kingship] also encompassed a soul regeneration ability. With a sharp breath, I summoned forth vast amounts of mana and converted it into demonic power, funneling it toward the skill to assist in soul restoration. Though I knew it would not be sufficient on its own, it was a start. By my calculations, it would take me several days to fully recover and reach my optimal state, and I could only hope that Olivia would not detect any signs of my recent ordeal. Nevertheless, I hoped that in the future, I would not have to employ the soul piece creation ability of this skill again, as the process was far from gentle.

I quickly cast a [Clean] spell to erase any visual evidence of my recent soul manipulation and patiently waited for Olivia to wake up. Fortunately, I didn't have to wait for too long.

"Good morning," she said, waking up and stretching like a cat. But her expression suddenly turned serious. "Why do you look so pale? Are you feeling sick?"

I waved her off. "No, I'm fine. I was just experimenting with one of my new skills." I held up the marble to distract her. "I made this for you. It's supposed to create a new soul bond between us, giving you some stat boosts and allowing me to share a skill with you. It's based on the demon's peerage system, but the system changed it slightly. However, since we already have that strange skill creating a soul bond between us, I don't think this will change anything."

"Famous last words," she chuckled.

"Hopefully not," I snorted. "I don't want to tempt fate by saying anything else."

"What should I do with it?" she asked as took and inspected the marble in her hand.

"I need to infuse it with demonic energy and push it into your soul space," I explained.

She remembered the last time I did that to her and grimaced suspiciously. "Will it hurt?"

"It shouldn't," I reassured her.

"Okay, let's get it over with," she said, returning the marble and lying back down on the bed. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as I infused the marble with demonic energy. "Are you ready?" I asked.

She nodded and I pushed my palm forward, making the marble sink into her chest and melt into her being.

After a few moments, Olivia lets out a deep breath and opens her eyes, looking up at me with a smile, "I feel it, it's like a warm glow spreading through my body." She says before freezing up and looking into an empty space, probably reading a notification. "It's asking me if I want to allow your skill to create a soul bond between us."

"Good, that means it worked," I say, relieved that the process went smoothly. "Accept it if you want."

Just as she does, a notification appear before me.

[Olivia Lane has accepted the Kingship's soul bound, please select a skill you wish to share.]

Before sharing a skill with her, I carefully considered her abilities and limitations and came to the conclusion that the skill [Immortality] would not be a viable option due to her lack of demonic energy. Instead, I suggested the skill [Regenerative Healing Factor], which would not require any external source of energy, and would enable her to regenerate from almost any injury. Additionally, her high vitality stat would provide a form of immortality, making it a perfect option for her. I discussed this with her and tried to convince her that it was the best choice.

After we came to an agreement, I selected the skill to share and the system quickly processed the request. A notification then appeared, confirming the successful sharing of the skill on my end. While Olivia received a message displaying the description of her newly acquired skill.

[Regenerative Healing Factor successfully shared for soul bond partner.]

However, the story didn't end there. Something strange occurred within Olivia's system that also triggered the evolution of one of my skills, and I had no explanation for why or how it happened.

(Olivia's POV)

As soon as Andrew pushed the mysterious orb into my chest, I felt a familiar warmth spreading throughout my body. It was the same feeling I got whenever he was near me, yet intensified to an extreme degree, and it made my heart race with excitement. However, my enjoyment of this sensation was interrupted by a ping from the system, asking me if I wanted to accept a new soul bond with him. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the question - of course, I would accept it. But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel that the notification was odd, as we already had a bond, and I couldn't recall receiving a prompt when the previous one was created. Nevertheless, I wouldn't refuse this opportunity now that I knew the benefits of the skill.

I couldn't help but smile as I reminisced about how incredible the bond was. While Andrew may not have realized it, the skill provided me with valuable insight into his thought process and emotional state. Additionally, the reduction in stress and increased sense of calmness when we have together helped both of us get through tough days.

[Skill: [Queenship] gained.]

After accepting the system prompt, a new skill was integrated into my system, but I didn't have a chance to check it, as Andrew asked me which skill I would like him to share. He presented several options, including some defensive and magical skills, even offering to share his merged skills. However, he seemed particularly keen on sharing his strongest regeneration skill, one which he claimed would practically make me immortal. The fact that he was concerned about my safety made me feel even more warm and fuzzy inside, and I couldn't resist smiling and squeezing his hand as I agreed to his offer. Almost immediately, a new notification popped up on my screen, displaying the description of my new skill.

[Regenerative Healing Factor LVL:1/100]

- Allows the user to heal wounds and injuries at an accelerated rate, recovering from minor injuries within seconds and major injuries within minutes or hours.

- Increases the user's overall Vitality and Stamina by 1%/LVL, allowing them to withstand more physical strain and exertion without tiring.

- The speed and efficiency of the user's healing factor is enhanced by 0.1% for every point of Vitality the user possesses.

- The user's regenerative abilities will slow down their aging process, allowing them to live longer and maintain a more youthful appearance and physical condition.

- The user's regenerative abilities may be slowed or even temporarily halted by certain affinities of damage, such as Rot, Ruin, Curse, Necrotic, Blood, or Poison.

Immediately after the skill description appeared, another notification popped up before me, causing a brief moment of surprise.

[Skill Evolution criteria for [Soul Resonance] reached...]

[Skill: [Soul Resonance] consumed the skills: [Queenship] and [Kingship].]

[Skill: [Soul Resonance] has evolved to [Soul Cohesion].]

[Soul Cohesion LVL: N/A]

- Allows the forging of an unbreakable soul-bond between up to five individuals, allowing them to enter each other's soul spaces regardless of physical distance.

- The bonded individuals strengthen each other's mental and spiritual fortitude, boosting their stats by 5% and their mana capacity and spell damage by 10%.

- The users gain the ability to regenerate 0.5% of their damaged soul, using any form of energy they possess to augment the regeneration process.

- Provides an impenetrable defense against soul corruption, shielding the bonded souls from external manipulation or corruption.

- Enables empathic abilities between bonded individuals, allowing them to sense each other's emotions and desires.

- Physical contact between the bonded individuals invokes a sense of serenity and reduces stress levels.

- Once every ninety days, the bonded individuals may share a single skill between them.

- Requires a deep bond and mutual trust between the individuals to use effectively.

- The soul-bond is permanent and continues beyond death.

The unexpected evolution of the skill left us both speechless, as we never anticipated its advancement. Especially, as the skill was not a levelable skill and had been with us for a long time. But as the upgraded skill settled in, I felt a surge of energy coursing through my body, and next to me, Andy was also experiencing the same.

As the skills attribute augmentation settled in, my senses sharpened, and I became acutely aware of the world around me. The colors seemed brighter, the sounds clearer, and the air fresher. But more than that, I felt a new level of intimacy with Andrew, as if we had unlocked a secret part of ourselves and shared it with each other.

The connection between us grew stronger, wider, and deeper than ever before. It was as if he was tightly holding me in his arms, and I was snuggling up to his sturdy chest. We could feel the warmth of each other's love radiating through the bond, and it was almost overwhelming. It was a feeling of safety, of being protected and cherished, of knowing that we weren't alone in this world.

I closed my eyes and savored the moment, letting the sensation wash over me. I felt more alive than ever before, and I knew that this new skill would be a game-changer for us.

As I opened our eyes, I dismissed the notifications on my screen and smiled at him. "Thank you, Andy," I whispered, feeling the warmth of his presence still surrounding me.

I realized I was already running late, but I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss. As I rolled over and pinned him down, I continued to assault his lips, but then I suddenly felt something poking my midriff. I didn't even need to look to know what it was, or what my man wanted. Our improved spiritual connection allowed me to feel his desire, and he didn't need to ask, nor did I want him to hold back.

I grinned mischievously and broke the kiss, trailing kisses down his neck and collarbone, feeling his body shudder under mine. I reached down and gently rubbed his erect pole, eliciting a deep groan from him.

"Are you sure you want to go to work today?" he asked with a grunt.

"Fuck it, they can wait," I replied with a chuckle, as his fingers dug deep into my hair.

With that in mind, I quickly straddled him, feeling his hard length pressing against my core. I moaned and started to grind against him, the heat between us building.

He reached up and cupped my breasts, his thumbs brushing against my nipples, making them harden. I gasped and arched my back, my pace quickening.

"God, I love you," he groaned, his hips thrusting up to meet mine.

"I love you too," I moaned, feeling the familiar coil of pleasure building inside of me.

We moved in perfect sync, our bodies in tune with each other, until we both reached our peak, crying out each other's names in ecstasy.

(Andrew's POV)

A few minutes ago, Olivia departed for her part-time job as a trainer, and I finally let go of [Mind Discipline], revealing a grimace on my face. While I was pleased that our bond had deepened, as I had planned to do the same with the soul sphere, I couldn't help but grimace as I did not anticipate [Soul Resonance] to react in such a peculiar way. The skill was unusual since we had no systems that allowed it to arbitrarily decide to merge a skill into itself, much less consume them. Although a few systems permitted this, they all required the user to purchase a System AI beforehand, which I was confident we did not possess.

Olivia is unaware of this, and will never discover it, but after acquiring the Skill Management System, I made an attempt to remove that skill from my system entirely, only to receive a warning message.

[Warning: Removing this skill will result in the disruption of the permanent soul bond, which could endanger the integrity of all bonded souls.]

Receiving such a warning, I had no choice but to halt the removal process and express gratitude to Hestia that it wasn't just a mere 'Are you sure?' prompt. This led me to contemplate about the workings of the system. It appeared that one always had to take an action to acquire a skill, title, or class, just like when I obtained the [Soul Mage] class after performing soul magic for the first time not too long ago. However, the appearance of the [Soul Resonance] skill didn't follow this principle. I was entirely certain that I did not initiate any soul bonding, as I possessed no abilities, magic, or skills that enabled me to do so. Moreover, I am confident that Olivia had no supernatural abilities at that time.

I was aware that the peculiar and unnatural attraction I felt towards Olivia, even before getting to know her, was a factor in our acquisition of the [Soul Resonance] skill. However, after reflecting on it, I still could not come up with a reasonable explanation for the intense desire to be together that we both felt at that time. Although I did not believe in fate or love at first sight, or any other silly concepts, I also did not suspect anything malicious about the inexplicable desire we shared. A profound intuition within me hinted that it existed for a purpose, but I remained unaware of why or who had placed it there. I knew it was not normal, but I was at a loss as I had no knowledge of it.

So, I settled onto my bed, closed my eyes, and activated [Meditation]. Soon after, I found myself in my soul realm, surrounded by hundreds of glowing orbs, with the one I was searching for located nearby. I approached it and crouched down, activating any skill that could aid in understanding what was occurring within it. [Mana's Blessing], [Archive], [Focus], [Multitasking], [Adapt], [Intuitive Aptitude], [Data Savant], and [Optimize] sprang into action, and the world before me was rendered down to its basic information.

Despite my attributes doubling, my mind struggled to process the overwhelming influx of information. Inside the orb, I was confronted with a bewildering world of incomprehensible characters that seemed to assault my mind with their sheer magnitude, numbering in the billions, if not trillions. Each symbol, glyph, or script seemed to inflict a piercing sensation upon my consciousness, overwhelming my senses and leaving me struggling to make sense of the overwhelming vastness before me. However, amidst this ocean of chaos, a small, translucent orb stood out as peculiar, capturing my attention. I presumed it held the answers I sought, and I focused all my attention on it, blocking out my surroundings entirely.

As I delved deeper, I felt I was on the verge of uncovering the truth I sought. But just as I was about to grasp it, the orb emitted a warning. With a thunderous roar, the orb emitted an ethereal pulse that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of my existence. The force of it expelled me from its midst, sending me hurtling to the ground with a jarring impact. As I landed, the world around me shook violently, as if the very foundations of my soul were being shaken to its core. The sheer power of the orb's pulse was overwhelming, leaving me disoriented and awe-struck, realizing that I had stumbled upon a force far beyond my comprehension. Yet I was undeterred, I stood up, determined to press on. I plunged back into the orb, my focus heightened to its maximum.

The world around me blurred into darkness as I delved deeper, driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge. The journey was perilous, and my mind was pushed to its limits. Yet, I persisted, driven by an unrelenting desire to unravel the mysteries hidden within.

With each step, the characters within the orb became more enigmatic, more bewildering. The pulse of energy from the orb intensified as if trying to ward me off. But I refused to be deterred. I pushed forward with unwavering resolve, delving deeper into the unknown.

And then, it came crashing down on me. The world turned pitch black, and I was swallowed by a void of darkness. I had surpassed the bounds of comprehension, and excruciating agony assaulted my mind, yet I was rendered speechless, unable to scream. It felt as though my thoughts were turning to mush, and I lost myself in the overwhelming abyss.

[Skill: [Astral Projection] unlocked.]

As I floated in there, my consciousness slipping away, the last things I experienced before losing myself were a sudden flash of blinding light, a comforting hug, a gentle caress of my face, and finally a voice echoing through the darkness, uttering these words.

"You're not yet ready to learn the truth,-"

To my utter dismay, the rest was a chaotic jumble of incomprehensible murmurs, as I finally succumbed to the darkness of unconsciousness.